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1、enjoy a song How _rice do you need? How_water do you need? How _ bottles of milk do you want? How _apples do you have? How _bread do they need? How _ pens does she have? 用用much 或或 many 填空。填空。 free 空闲的,免费的空闲的,免费的 picnic 野餐野餐 call 打电话打电话 tomorrow 明天明天 West Hill when 什么时候,何时什么时候,何时 /fri/ up 向上,发生向上,发生/

2、p/ /pknk/ /kl/ /wen/ /tmr/ 西山西山 Would you like to go for a picnic with Jane and Kangkang? Hello, Jane! This is Kangkang. Hello! When: Who: Where : What : this Sunday. Jane, Maria and Kangkang. West Hill go for a picnic. Complete 1b This (when), Kangkang and his friends, and (who), will go to the (wh

3、ere) for a (what) Sunday Jane Maria West Hill picnic Jane: Hello! Kangkang: Hello, Jane! This is Kangkang. Jane: Hi,Kangkang. Kangkang: Are you free this Sunday? Jane: Yes. Whats up? Kangkang: Would you like to go to the West Hill for a picnic? Jane: Oh, Id love to. Kangkang: Please tell Maria about

4、 it. Jane: Sure. Ill call her. Kangkang: See you then. Jane: See you. Looking for key sentences 找找关键句子,并划线。找找关键句子,并划线。 1. (电话用语)我是康康。(电话用语)我是康康。 2.你这个星期天有空吗?你这个星期天有空吗? 3.什么事? 4.你想去西山野餐吗?你想去西山野餐吗? This is Kangkang. Are you free this Sunday? . Would you like to go to the West Hill for a picnic? 5.请把这件

5、事告诉玛丽亚吧。请把这件事告诉玛丽亚吧。 Please tell Maria about it. Whats up? 6.我会给她打电话的。我会给她打电话的。 I ll call her. 1. This is Kangkang. (电话用语电话用语) 我是康康我是康康 电话用语中电话用语中 “我是某某我是某某”不能说不能说 I am,而要用,而要用This is -Hello. -Hello,Maria. _ Michael. A. I am B.That is C. This is 2. Are you free this Sunday? (1) be free: 有空,空闲有空,空闲 I

6、 _ (be) free this Sunday. She_(be) free. They _(be) free this Sunday. 这周日这周日 (2) 今天早上:今天早上: 今天晚上:今天晚上: this morning this evening 3. Whats up? (口语表达)口语表达) “什么事?什么事?”“”“怎么啦?怎么啦?” -Jane: You are not happy. _? -Kangkang: My English is not good.Could you help me? - Jane: Sure. A. How are you? B. Is that

7、all? C.Whats up? 4. Would you like to go to the West Hill for a picnic.? 你想要你想要吗?吗? 表目的表目的 ( ) -Would you like _ _ _a picnic? - Yes, Id like to. A. go to for B.to go to C. to go for 去西山去西山野餐野餐 5 . Please tell Maria about it. tell sth. to sb. = tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事告诉某人某事 tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事告

8、诉某人关于某事 请告诉我你的家庭情况。请告诉我你的家庭情况。 Please tell me about your family. Please tell me _your school. A.to B on C. about 6.Ill call her. 我会打电话给她。我会打电话给她。 call sb. 打电话给某人打电话给某人 (1) 我想要给他打电话我想要给他打电话 。I want to _ _. (3) Please tell your mother about your new classmate. Sure. Ill _her. A. call to B.call C. call

9、 for 动词后面人称用宾格。动词后面人称用宾格。 (2) 他打电话给我。他打电话给我。He calls me. Jane: Hello! Kangkang: Hello, Jane! _ _ Kangkang. Jane: Hi, Kangkang! Kangkang: Are you this Sunday? Jane: Yes. ? Kangkang: Would you like to_ _ the west Hill _ _ _. Jane: Oh, Id love to. Kangkang: Please _ Maria it. Jane: Sure. Ill _ her. Kan

10、gkang: See you then. Jane: _ _. This is free Whats up go to for a picnic tell about call See you Maria: Hello! Jane: Hi, Maria! _ Are you free this Sunday? Marie: Sure. _ Jane:Would you like to go to West Hill for a picnic? Maria:_ Jane: See you then. Maria: _. This is Jane. Whats up? Yes. / Oh, Id

11、love to. See you 2.Listen to the telephone conversation between Lucy and Linda and mark T(true) of F(false) Lucy and Linda are free tomorrow. ( ) 2.Lucy doesnt want to go shopping with Linda.( ) 3. Linda wants to buy a toy car for her cousin.( ) 4. Linda and Lucy are good friends. ( ) T F F T 1.电话用语里面介绍自己:电话用语里面介绍自己: 2.有空有空 3. 什么事?什么事?


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