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1、毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系部: 机械工程系 专 业: 机械工程及自动化 姓 名: 学 号: (用外文写)外文出处: university hospital zurich, zurich, switzerland 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 签名: 年 月 日注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。附件1:外文资料翻译译文新一代注塑技术摘要:本文介绍新一代瓶坯注塑技术的特点以及通过一个循环所实现的瓶性能。这一循环使瓶胚冷却不再需要机械手和引出板,而是瓶胚直接在模芯上冷却,在进一步通过2.5 注射循环冷却之后被顶出。这使制件的冷却得以改进,从而大大提高了每个阴模的产量

2、。从工作单元去掉机械手减少了空间需求,并大大简化了系统。关键词: 注塑模具设计 循环速度1、概述转位瓶胚注塑技术是在husky 注塑系统双压板机器设计发展起来的。该系统有一个四面动压板绕横轴旋转。每一面配一个典型的半冷塑模。原模系统是一个48 阴模,从而提供192 个模芯。定压板上装有一个标准的热流道和半阴模。 本系统配备一个标准两级注塑装置,该装置有一个120 毫米挤塑机和120 毫米注射压料塞,注射压料塞上有一个机筒头和分配阀连接两级。用目前的瓶胚设计,目标重量是47.3 克瓶胚,从而注射量为2270 克。两42 个不同的聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯螺杆用于本系统,每个都取得了可以接受的效果。 当

3、机器循环时,塑料首先注射到a 面。由于瓶胚要留在模芯上,瓶胚在开模不需要象在传统系统上那么硬。因此,循环的绝大部分冷却可以在随后的机器循环期间从闭模转到在模芯上冷却。然后循环需要一个非常短的冷却期间以允许模具释压,注射和保压也是如此。当开模时,这一面转位到压板的顶部表面,然后塑料在b 面注射。当d 面到达前端时,此时a 面在压板的底部位置,顶杆在这里被启动,瓶胚被从机器卸到制件引出传送器上。注射行程对循环时间没有影响,因而可以较慢地完成。重力帮助确保制件脱离模具落下。制件落在其帘格端头的传送器上,造成表面擦伤的可能性较小。 在顶部、背部和底部位置,气冲成型系统对瓶胚提供表面冷却。由于瓶胚保持在

4、模具的模芯上,它们还容易在内表面得到传导冷却。总体上讲,瓶胚的整体温度比它在传统模塑系统和冷却引出板中呆类似的时间要冷。2、瓶性能我们分析转位系统的一个重要方面是拿这种系统生产的瓶胚制造出来的瓶的性能与传统工作单元上生产的类似瓶胚制造出来的瓶相比较。表1 给出从进行的试验中得出的比较数据。 转位瓶胚的性能在强度测试中一直较好,这是因为改进的浇口质量允许材料在瓶内较好地分布,没有迹象表明使用这种系统在瓶的任何地方结晶度升高。生产的转位样品可能平均较轻,因为它们的重量分布要紧密得多。3、系统的特点这种托坯最明显的好处是需要的模内冷却时间减少了,从而减少了整个循环的时间长度。目前,这种系统用最大壁厚

5、为4 毫米的47.3 克瓶胚工作。这种瓶胚加工循环时间测定为22.5 秒,对于一个阴模系统来说是最佳的了。转位48 阴模系统实现14.2 秒的循环,能取得较好的商业质量结果。图2 给出循环细分的比较情况。旋转塔台不再需要机械手。这样,就减少了由传统系统上机械手故障造成的干扰告警和服务停机时间。制件顶出现在不是机械循环时间的一个因素。随着消除机械手需要的开模间隙减少了,随着模具行程的减少还提高了空循环速度。系统的另一个好处是需要的地板面积减少,以及由于没有机械手和引出板冷却系统,系统的可靠性得以提高的潜力。预计不发生机械手故障的整个系统可靠性可允许系统可用性提高30%。转位系统的地板面积只有传统

6、48 阴模系统所需面积的55%。与之相伴的还有每英尺地板面积的产量进一步提高。使用转位系统使瓶胚的浇口质量得到改进。在阀浇口区冷冻之后,瓶胚在较短时间内与阀杆的热点接触,因为瓶胚在阴模内的冷却时间被大大减少。去掉这一热源就消除一个结晶源。除了较好的视觉效果,还导致浇口区更结实,从而使得整个瓶侧壁区更好,及有更多的机会减轻基础区瓶胚的重量。瓶胚留在模芯较长时间。与标准瓶胚注塑系统相比,整个瓶胚冷却得到改进。在一个传统的机械手冷却板内,制件遇到被冷却的管表面就会收缩,这样热传递就不完美。在转位系统中,制作在模芯上收缩,从而保持热传递,在被顶出时,转位瓶胚的全面整体温度比瓶胚从传统系统的引出位置取出




10、何形状要求可能相当苛刻。因此一些模芯设计工具的发展方向基于自动生成模具型芯交互作用是相当有用的。组装设计,在传统的cad/cam设计系统中,模具的实体形状被当作几何图形储存模型在一个三维空间以边和面的形式生成。象这样的一个以严密的几何计算表现的视觉外形可以完成工程分析和模拟。但是这种工作方式不适合设计高层数据和产品的几何实体外形的关系。模具设计者更喜欢装配环境的设计而不是一种简单的固体模型环境。这个方案被 ye et al 提出。、循环速度的限制因素在整个循环期间对转位循环的影响因素可以分为五个组成部分: (1)机器空循环时间(这是完成开模、旋转塔台90 度,闭模和为注射做准备的循环的时间);

11、 (2)阴模充料时间; (3)为避免正冷却的制件形成凹陷的保压要求; (4)模内冷却以使模具从保压期间要求的合模力吨数中释压; (5)在顶出时瓶胚的大量热造成的表面热以及热再生,以避免后续处理期间制件被刮伤或有粘性。 系统的机器空循环时间被优化。模具不必开那么多,以允许转位旋转,象传统系统为允许机械手进入模具区所要求的那样,从而减少了开模和闭模时间。转位速度也比机械手进去,转移制件和机械手再出去快。目前4.3秒的机器空循环已经充分优化,改进的余地很小。 如果注射装置尺寸过小,生成熔体可能是一个限制因素。已经在循环速度低达11.6 秒,用2280 克注射量的0.82iv 树脂测试过目前120 毫

12、米的螺杆可接受的塑炼能力。这时没有剩余的滞留时间,这样循环将受螺杆性能限制。 充料和保压时间大约为9 秒。现正在做试验以量化最佳的充料速度和保压外形。 冷却0.5 秒可以实现模具释压,但目前的工艺需要冷却1.3 秒,循环目前受到在制件上形成凹陷限制。这受到包装数量、保压压力和开模的速度的影响。由于转位循环的冷却时间非常短,瓶胚遇到阴模壁收缩的时间非常少。正在研究改进这方面的循环性能的机会。 目前出模时的瓶胚温度将允许循环时间远远少于13 秒,如果仅这一方面是循环的限制因素的话。、瓶胚设计的考虑因素(根据最初比较原型系统中使用的瓶胚以及为促进使用转位方法减少转位循环而对各种瓶胚设计做的试验。因此

13、,实施一种转位系统而非较传统的成型方法的决定是由于其他许多考虑因素)转位系统要求四套制件模芯,这样模芯的复杂性以及由此导致的整个模具成本是选择的一个因素。其他因素包括生产能力要求、可用的地板面积、资本成本。附件2:外文原文(复印件)the fresh generation injection mould techniqueabstract: the translation and edition is make a summary : the original is introduced fresh generation vase earthen brick mould plastics te

14、chnique distinguishing feature along with by means of the vase performance that the cycle was achieved 。that this cycles causes an a jar of embryo become cool not needing manipulator and the lead-out plank again , but is an a jar of embryo directly is living that the standard becomes cool on the rus

15、h pith , and is living further by means of 2.5 to inject after the cycle cooling being come out by the peak 。this causes the finished piece cooling may improve , thereby lift every one the overcast standard yield enormously 。decreased the demand in room through the work cell gets rid of the manipula

16、tor , and simplify the system enormously 。keyword : injection mould design cycle velocity1、summarythe indexing vase embryo mould plastics technique is designed the development at twin teeterboard machinerys of huskys mould plastics system 。ought to systematically there be an all sides to stir the te

17、eterboard to coil the cross axle to circle 。each one section is matched somebody with somebody a type semi to cool to mold the standard 。the master stamper systematically is 48 an overcast standard , thereby supplys 192 standard rushs pith 。fiing teeterboard jacket possess criterion heat flux a road

18、 and semi an overcast standard 。standardized two steps of moulds plastics units are equipd to this system , and that unit possessone 120 millimeters to pack the engine molding and 120 millimeters to inject the pressure stuff to squeeze in , and injecting along the great wall the pressure stuff posse

19、ss engine a thick tube-shaped head and a distribution valve to join two grades 。designing in the way of the vase embryo at the moment , target weight is the 47.3 grams vase embryos , thereby injecting amount is 2270 grams 。two 42 differences is gatherd being used a system to the benzol two methanoic

20、 acid glycol ester studs , and every one wholly acquireed the effect that may be receiveed 。 when the machinery cycles , the plastic material first of all injects up a 。since the fact that the vase embryo will remain the standard rush pith on , the vase embryo is living to turn on the standard not n

21、ecessaries , and that traditional system goes up such as being living is stiff in that way 。hence , the machinery cycle that the overwhelming majority cooling may be living soon afterwards perioc through shuts the standard revolves up to become cool on the rush pith at the standard 。afterwards the c

22、ycle needs an extraordinary brief cooling perioc in order to permit the pattern to elucidate the pressure , injects and defends and to be getting near also is such in this way 。afterwards the plastic material are living bs surface is injected on this peak ministry face that the teeterboard was reach

23、d in the indexing on one section when turning on the standard 。as d before arrival when the extremity , now a is living teeterboard base place , and the push rod is switched on here , and the vase embryo is unloaded the finished piece through the machinery and leads to on the conveying utensil 。inje

24、cting the stroke adjust the cycle time not effect , as a result may complete more slowly 。gravitational force help is guarranteed that the finished piece breaks away from that the pattern drops secondly 。the finished piece drops such the curtain squares formed by crossed lines tip conveying utensil

25、on , and the probability that creates the surperficial gall is littleer 。 a ministry is living 、gas dashing systematic twin vase embryo of forming supplys the face and becomes cool the place of back and base 。since the fact that the vase embryo maintains the pattern standard rush pith on , the face

26、obtains the conduction cooling included they are still convenient 。says in the total , the entire temperature of vase embryo than it is living traditional compression molding system and cooling leads to in the plank to stay analogous time will cool 。2、the bottle functionsignificant respect that we a

27、nalyse the indexing system analogous a of jar of vase that the embryo was manufacture out that to be the performance takeing this kind of vase that the vase embryo that the system was gived birth to was manufacture out against traditional work gived birth to on the cell one another contrasts 。the co

28、mparand that obtaines in the eperiment that the table 1 is give out through is underway is depenied on 。 the indexing vase embryo performance is living and is better always in the intensity quiz , and this is better distributing for the runner quality which improved permits the stuff to be living in

29、ner place the vase , and does not there is the indication to make known that use this kind of system is living whatever space crystallinity of vase and ascendes 。the indexing specimen gived birth to is probably equally light , for their weight distributions is to be much inseparable3、this kind of sy

30、stem distinguishing featureinner place the standard that to support with the hand the obviousest advantage of earthen brick is needs the cooling time decreased , thereby decreased entire time length that cycles 。at the moment , this kind of system employ the largesttest breastwork thickly act as 4 m

31、illimeters the 47.3 grams vase embryos do 。this kind of vase embryo process cycle time ascertains by measuring to 22.5 seconds , was optimum as to the overcast standard system 。overcast standard system implementation 14.2 seconds of indexing 48 cycle be able to be acquireed the better trade quality

32、killing 。the picture 2 is give out the cycle subdivided comparing situation 。circling the control tower does not need the manipulator again 。like this , therefore decreased from the tradition system to go up the jam that the manipulator block created is giveed an alarm and the service ceases engine

33、time 。the finished piece peak has ariseed to be living not to be the inflexible cycle time the element 。decreased in the standard the turning on gap that needs in the wake of removing the manipulator , in the wake of decreasing of pattern stroke still lift empties cycle velocity 。systematic another

34、advantage is the floor area that needs decreases , along with thanks to does not there is manipulator and lead-out plank cooling system , latent capacity that the dependability of system may be liftd 。calculate in advance entire systematic dependability that therefore the manipulator obstructs does

35、not happen permit the systematic usability to lift 30% 。merely traditional 48 55% of overcast areas that the standard system requires of indexing system floor area 。against the person who one another accompanies the yield that still possess per foot of floor area lifts further 。employ the indexing s

36、ystematically to cause an a jar of embryo runner quality obtain the modification 。being living , the valve runner district is freezed afterwards , the vase embryo is living brieflyer time inner place the heatpoint contact against the valve staff , for the cooling that the vase embryo is living inner

37、 place the overcast standard time by enormously decreases 。geing rid of this heat source removes a crystal source 。except for better vision effect , still causes that the runner district is more sturdy , thereby causes entire a of jar of side wall district better , and possess the weight that even m

38、ore opportunitys ease the vase embryo in base district 。the vase embryo to remain at the standard rush pith elderer time 。systematically being contrastd against a criterion a jar of embryo mould plastics , entire a of jar of embryo becomes cool obtainning the modification 。being living , tradition m

39、anipulator becomes cool inner place the plank , and the finished piece is encounter and be able to be shrinked by the tube face becoming cool , and such heat transfer is imconsummate 。in being living the indexing system manufactures at the standard shrinking on the rush pith , thereby maintain heat

40、transfer , and is living when being come out , and will let drop when comprehensive entirety temperature of indexing vase embryo contrasts the a jar of embryo lead-out place through traditional system brings out by the peak 。still possesing , and designs as to the vase embryo at the moment , not to

41、the throat standard ring district supply cooling water , being living , the peak when comeing out yet systematically will be cooled far more than the criterion 。become cool that district threshold energy system cycling as to the forming system of type 。the distinct stuffs of indexing system in the w

42、ay of some kinds reaches the difference of two kinds of distinct stuffs testing with two kinds to gather designing to the benzol two methanoic acid glycol ester studs , and may catch sight of that the acetaldehyde ( aa ) amount lets drop always 。against injecting amount is contrastd this cycle time

43、adjust injects the unit proposes the very much tall demand , injects the unit constinuously scousrs not to there is a few is held up time the stud 。since the overcast standard of peak value inner place the pattern tallys with against the two differences studs , and against the difference process ins

44、tallation unanimously , the acetaldehyde is measured ever to possess to let drop that the main reason rests with that the pattern gathers materials the tube more 。second advantage may catch sight of in the way of the pattern at the moment is possesing the very much good weight distributions , thereb

45、y permits to be living at the moment finished piece standard allows bad inside entire finished piece weight to drop the thest least degree 。4 、the injection mould design process requirementanalysisan injection mould design is composed of two steps: theinitial design and the detailed design. the init

46、ial design iscomposed of decisions made at the early stage of themould design, such as the type of mould configuration,the number of cavities, the type of runner, the type of gate and the type of mould base. the detailed design iscomposed of the insert (core/cavity) design, the ejectionsystem design

47、, the cooling and venting component design,the assembly analysis and the final drafting.to develop a good caimds, an analysis of whatthey have and what they want needs to be performed.what they have: the customers requirements for the product. thisincludes the detailed geometry anddimension requirem

48、entsof the product. an existing mould design library. this library coversthe standard or previously designedcomponents andassemblies of the mould design, for example, themould base (thefixed half and the moving half) andthe pocket (the fixed half and the moving half). an expert knowledge in injectio

49、n mould design. expertknowledge of both initial and detailed designs forthe injection mould is obtained mainly from experiencedmould designers. such knowledge includesmaterial selection, shrinkage suggestion, cavity layoutsuggestion and others.what they want: an intelligent and interactive mould des

50、ign environment.mould design is often composed of a series ofdesign procedures. these procedures usually requirecertain mould parts to be created and existing mouldparts to be assembled. such a mould design environmentneed not be fully automatic, especially forcomplicated products with many undercut

51、s. anintelligent and interactive environment will be a goodchoice to integrate some useful automation algorithms,heuristic knowledge and on-lineinteraction by the experienced mould designer. standard/previous designed components/assemblies(product-independent parts) management. apart from the core a

52、nd cavity, an injection mould hasmany other parts that are similar in structure and geometrical shape that can be used in other injectionmould designs. these parts are independent of the plastic mould products. they are mostly standardcomponents that can be reused in different mould designs and moul

53、d sets. useful tools (including solid design and analysiscalculation) in the core and the cavity (productdependentparts) design. geometrical shapes and thesizes of the core and cavity system are determineddirectly by the mould product. all components insuch a system are product dependent. also, thes

54、eparts are the critical components in the mould design their geometrical requirements may be complicated.thus, some tools developed to design the core and thecavity based on partial automation and partialinteraction can be quite useful. design for assembly. in conventional cad/camsystems, moulds are

55、 represented and stored as a complete geometric and topological solid model. thismodel is composed of faces, edges and vertices in athree dimensional (3d) euclidean space. such a representationis suitable for visual display and performinggeometrically computation-intensive taskssuch as engineering a

56、nalysis and simulation. however,this form is not appropriate for tasks thatrequire decision-making based on high-level informationabout product geometric entities and theirrelationships. mould designers prefer a design forassembly environment instead of a simple solid modelenvironment. this idea is

57、also presented in ye et al.s work 24. a design for manufacture. a complete injectionmould design development cycle can be composed ofthe mould design and mould manufacturing process.to integrate cad/cam into the mould design, themanufacturing features on the mould should be abstracteand analysed for

58、 the specific nc machine. both the process plan and the nc code should beautomatically generated to enable the final designed mould to be manufactured. a design for engineering drawings. for manycompanies, the injection mould design has to be represented in the form of engineering drawingswith detailed dimensions. cad/cam tools that are able to automatically generate these engineeringdrawings from the final injection mould design will be useful.based on the above analysis, our research focu


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