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1、九年级unit 1 考点解析Topic 31、 词组Section Aget used to 对.习惯 used to be/do 过去曾经是/过去常常as a matter of fact 事实上 on the phone 在电话里go to plays 去看表演 go to concerts/operas 去听音乐会/歌剧) come for a visit 来参观Section Bhomeless people 无家可归者 a normal life 正常的生活in need 在困难时,在贫困中 decide on 决定,选定provide sb with sth 提供某人某物 feel

2、 good about 对.感觉良好not only.but also 不仅.而且 in order to 为了thanks to 由于,幸亏 because of 由于medical treatment 治疗,医疗Section Cbe famous for 因.而著名 return to 回到,恢复到at the same time 同时 obey strict rules 遵守严格的规定take drugs 吸毒,吃药 talk about 谈论receive a good education 接受良好教育 have/live a happy life 过快乐的生活Section Dai

3、m to do sth 目的在于 at home and abroad 国内外pay for 为.而付钱 Project Hope希望工程without the help of 没有.的帮助 make a speech 发表演讲二、 语言点详解Section A1.how do you like sth / doing.?=what do you think of. 你认为(做).怎么样?动名词作like的宾语。你认为长城怎么样? 2. get(be) used to 意为“习惯于”。to 在这里是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词,可用于各种时态。而used to be/do意为过去曾经是be u

4、sed to do / be used for doing sth/sth 被用来做.use 的固定用法be/get used to doing 习惯做某事 used to be/do过去曾经是/做I used to be a teacher, but now I am an engineer. 曾经我是教师,但现在是工程师。I used to do some silly things. 我过去常常做傻事。I have the life here. 我已经习惯了这儿的生活。My father in the city, so he knows it very well.我的父亲曾经在这个城市居住

5、过,所以他对这非常熟悉。I in Fuzhou. 我习惯了住在福州。The money is used for .(build) 这笔钱是用来修路。I get up late one year ago, but now I getting up early.A. get used to; used to B. used to; get used to C. used to; used to D. get used to; get used to3. It is a wonderful place to live.Vi(不及物动词时)+适当的介词(当修饰place时,不用加介词) 动词不定式做后

6、置定语Vt(及物动词)We cant find a proper pen to write with.We are looking for a place to rest.4. Then you can see New York yourself.see sth oneself 某人亲眼所见.Tom the accident on the street yesterday. 昨天汤姆亲眼目睹3. You can go to plays, concerts and operas every day if you like. 如果你喜欢,你可以每天去看表演,去听音乐会或去听歌剧。1) if you

7、 like 是if 引导的条件状语从句。在if引导的条件状语从句中,通常用一般现在时表示将来时。He can come over to my house if he (like)如果他喜欢,他可以来我家。2) 当主句是祈使句的时候,if引导的从句用一般现在时表将来时。Dont be sad if you fail the exam.Please let me know if he (come) back.如果他回来了,请让我知道下。Section B1. That sounds great.! 听起来好极了!sound为系动词,great为形容词,系动词+形容词为系表结构。状态:be, loo

8、k, sound, taste, smell, feel, seem, keep, stay等系动词 转变或结果:get.,turn, go, fall, become, grow,2. Well .once they find people in need, they decide on suitable ways to help them.是的,一旦他发现有人需要帮助,就选定适当的方式来帮助他们。once是连词,意为“一旦.就.”。引导时间状语从句。当主句为将来时和祈使句时,从句用一般现在时表将来,即主将从现或主祈从现,如:1)Once she (arrive) here, please

9、ring me up. 一旦她来到这儿,请打电话给我。Once he (show) any fear, he will attack you. 只要你显出害怕的样子,他就会向你进攻。2) in need 意为在“困难时,在贫困之中”,其做定语放在所修饰词的后面。如:We should provide help for people . .3) decide on sth.决定,选定某事。decide(not) to do sth. 决定做(不做)某事。After the meeting, they the best way to solve the problem.As there was n

10、o time left, they to start at once.3. provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb.给某人提供某物。The school is providing food for the students.(同义句转换)The school is .Our government always the homeless children clothes and food.A. gives; with B. offers; with C. provides; with D. provides; to对比:provide,offer,sup

11、ply4. so that 意为以便,引导目的状语从句,相当于in order to或in order that.They started early so that they could get there on time.(用in order to和in order that.改写句子) . .复习:sothat, / such.as.5. feel good 感到愉快或有信心,feel good about oneself自信或自我感觉良好, feel well表示感觉好(指身体好),well 此处是形容词,意为“健康的”。I to work with you. 和你一起工作我感到很愉快

12、。Im today. 我今天身体感觉很好。He always himself. 他总是很有信心。6. I think it +adj+(for sb.)+to do sth 我认为做.是.怎么样的。1)it在句中为形式宾语,动词不定式to do sth才是真正的宾语。如:I think it necessary (for us) to learn english in modern society.2) it is +adj+ (for sb.) + to do sth的结构中it为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的to do sth.如:It is important to learn Engli

13、sh.It is important for us to study hard. 7. He has been away from the army for nine years because of a leg wound.leave为瞬间性动词(短暂性动词),不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用。如果有时间段的时间状语,要将短暂性动词改为延续性动词。leave通常变为be away。He the army because of the leg wound nine years ago.短暂性动词转化为延续性动词die-be dead borrow-keep come-be back buy-h

14、ave join-be in/be a member of finish-be over begin/start-be onget to/reach/arrive in(at)-be in/at fall ill-be ill close-be closed marry-be married1)He (die) for nine years.2)The movie (start) when I arrived at theatre.3)He (join) the army for four years.4)He has for two years. Two years a long time.

15、A. left home; are B. been away from home; is C. leave home; is8. for 和since的区别:since+过去的具体时间:since two years ago/since 8 oclock Mike has been away from school since 6 oclock.for +时间段:for two yearsMike has been away from school for two hours.1) My brother has worked in this school he came here.I have

16、 lived here five years. I have lived here five years ago.2) He left school two years ago.A. for B. since C. before D. /3) He has been away from school two years. A. for B. since C. beforeSection C1. succeed - success - successful - successfully (注意分析词性)成功做某事:succeed in doing sth. = be successful in

17、doing sth. = have success in doing sth. = do sth. successfullyThey climbing Mount Huang. 他们成功地登上了黄山。He the project on time yesterday. 昨天他准时的完成了计划。1) Finishing the task on time is a great .A. succeed B. successful C. successfully D. success2) The activity is held . That is to say(那就是说), it is .A. suc

18、ceed B. successful C. successfully D. success3) Tom in finishing the task on time.A.succeeded B. successful C. successfully D. success4) Tom is_in finishing the task on time.A.succeeded B. successful C. successfully D. success2. give sb a good chance to do sth. 给某人一个好的机会做某事。Our government a good edu

19、cation.我们政府给予我们一个好机会接受良好的教育。3. 构词法1.合成词:由两个或者更多独立的单词组合成一个单词。如:motherland, basketball, filmmaker, birthday; hometown, greenhouse, etc.2.派生词:一词通过加前缀或后缀构成一个新词。如:1)常见的前缀:dis-; un-; im-表示“不”, 如:dislike(不喜欢)disappear(消失)unhappy(不快乐)unfair(不公平)impolite (不礼貌) possible(不可能) agree (不同意) obey(不遵守) like(不像) lik

20、e(不喜欢) friendly(不友好)2) 常见的后缀:名词后缀:-er, -or; -ness; -tion; - ment如:A: worker(工人)player(选手)teacher(教师)driver(司机)B: visitor (参观者)inventor(发明者)translator (翻译者)actor(演员)creator(创造者) sailor(水手)editor(编者) educator(教育家)director (导演)C: question(问题)invention (发明)education (教育)organization(组织)D: movement(运动 )a

21、greement(同意)development(发展)形容词后缀:-ful; -ous; -less- able;-y如:useful (有用的)careful(认真的)help (有帮助的) success (成功的)homeless (无家可归的)care (粗心的)use (无用的)changeable (易变的)count (可数的)cloudy (多云的)windy (有风的)sleep (困倦的)rain (下雨的)Section D1. In the past sixteen years, Project Hope has raised about 3 billion yuan.

22、在近十六年来,希望工程已筹集了大约30亿元。in the past + 若干时间,表“近若干时间来”,用于现在完成时。如:They about 500 English words in the past two months.近两个月来,他们已经学习了大约500个英语单词。You (grow up) a lot in the past three years. 近三年来,你们长大了许多。2. at home and abroad 国内外 Lang Lang is a famous pianist . 朗朗是国内外有名的钢琴演奏家。3. aim to do sth 目的在于./力争做、力求做.W

23、e must the lost purpose.我们必须力争找到那个丢失的钱包。四、 巩固练习I. 单项选择。( )1.She has _ this car for nearly ten years.A.buyB.boughtC.haveD.had( )2.You cant trust what he said, you should go and _ for yourself.A.lookB.seeC.findD.study( )3. Is it interesting to play computer games?Yes, _ you are interested in playing c

24、omputer games, youll have trouble giving it up.A.onceB.twiceC.asD.as soon as( )4.The supermarket provides customers _ plastic bags for free.A.onB.withC.ofD.in( )5.I think its good _ us _ eat healthy food.A.for; toB.for; forC.to; forD.to; to( )6.We should do our best to help homeless people live a _

25、life.A.happilyB.badC.normalD.terrible( )7. The traffic in the city _ be terrible, but now it has improved a lot. I think you will _ it soon.A. use to; use toB. get used to; used to C. used to; get used toD. get used to; use to( )8.His father has worked in this factory _ he came here in 1980.A.sinceB

26、.forC.whenD.how long( )9.Project Hope is _ to help the poor children go to school.A.aimB.aimingC.purposeD.wanting( )10.She _ great progress in the past 2 years. A.madeB.had madeC.has madeD.makeII.词汇。(A) 根据汉语提示完成句子 1.The government _ homeless people (向.提供)nice homes.2. People are willing to help the people .(在困难时,贫困之中) 3.Project Hope has


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