1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语三级模拟145公共英语三级模拟145Section Listening ComprehensionPart A (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What does the woman imply?A.She wont be able to go with the man.B.She doesnt think Frank is arriving until tomorrow morning.C.She has to pick up Frank at 2:00.D.She doesn
2、t know when her class will end.答案:AM: Would you like to go with me to the airport to pick up Frank?W: Id like to, but I have class till 2:00. And I know Franks decided to take the early flight.解析 这是典型的“.but”句型,是英语对话中表示拒绝的典型句型,也就是面对第一个讲话者的邀请,第二个讲话者先表示主观上其实是愿意的,然而由于客观的原因,没有办法去,句子中并没有出现“no”,但是其实结果就是拒绝了
3、。“pick up”在这里的意思是“接人”。2. What does the man mean?A.He watched the television program with his mother.B.His mother told him his professor was on television.C.Answering the phone caused him to miss the television program.D.His mother missed the television program.答案:BW: Did you catch our very own Profe
4、ssor Stiller on TV last night?M: I almost missed it ! But my mother just happened to be watching at home and gave me a call.解析 题解题的关键是听出第一个人在问他“昨晚是否在电视上看到Professor Stiller”,而第二个讲话者说“我几乎错过”,多亏他母亲电话提醒他,他才不致错过,从而知道其实第二个人是看到了。“catch”在这里是“捕捉,看到”的意思,而“almost”是“几乎,差不多”的意思,听出这两个词对于解题很有帮助。“happen to do”是“碰巧,
5、偶然做某事”的意思。3. What does the man mean?A.The pool will be open all week.B.The weather will cool down soon.C.The woman should go swimming.D.He prefers to stay inside in hot weather.答案:BW: These summer days are getting to be more than I can take. It was even too hot to go to the pool yesterday.M: Hold on
6、. According to the weather report we should have some relief by the end of the week.W: The weather report can never be relied on.解析 这是一道讨论天气的题目,“be getting to be more than I can take”的意思是“几乎使我无法忍受”,“even too hot to go to the pool”表示“太热以致连去游泳池都不行”。“hold on”是“坚持”的意思,而“have relief”是表示“放松,宽松”的意思。听懂第二句话是
7、解题的关键,也听出“根据天气预报我们周末就会好过一点”,言外之意,周末就不会那么热了。4. What problem does the woman think the man may have?A.He may not have enough time to cook.B.He may spend more money on food next semester.C.He may gain weight if he does his own cooking.D.He may not enjoy cooking.答案:AM: My roommate and I have decided to d
8、o our own cooking next semester.W: Then, I hope youll have a lighter schedule than this term.解析 问题是问第二个讲话者的态度,表面看起来她并没有评论第一个讲话人的讲话内容,好像在说另外一件事情。但是实际是暗示他可能不会有充足的时间自己做饭。“do ones own cooking”的意思是自己做饭,而“lighter schedule”是“时间比较宽松”。5. What does the man ask the woman?A.When shell finish packing.B.If he can
9、 go with her.C.How long shell be away.D.When shes going to San Diego,答案:CW: I cant believe this. Im leaving for San Diego tomorrow and I havent even started packing yet.M: I wish I were going with you. Will you have much time there?W: As long as the work finishes.解析 第一个说话者虽然说了很多信息,但第二人的提问似乎与她说的话关系不太
10、大。解题的关键是听清第一个人要去旅行,而另一个人问她要去多久。“packing”在句子中是“打包,收拾行囊”的意思。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6. Why cant they meet on Thursday?A.Because she wants to meet him on Wednesday.B.Because she has to go out of town.C.Because she is in charge of the project.D.Because she has another meeting.答案:DM: Id like to talk to you
11、 about our next building project. Can you fix a meeting for this week? What about Thursday?W: Well, Im sorry. Ive been extremely busy this week. Ill be at a meeting all day on Thursday. And Im going out of town on Friday. Is Wednesday all right?7. What does the woman mean?A.The man should not expect
12、 her to go along.B.She doesnt think she has enough money.C.She will go even though the movie is bad.D.The man should count the number of people going.答案:AM: I thought it would be fun if we all went to the movie downtown.W: Count me out.M: Why?W: Ive heard that its not worth the money.8. What does th
13、e woman mean?A.She is asking for a higher pay.B.She is introducing a new friend.C.She is too busy.D.Shes got some problems.答案:AM: You must be Kelly. Thanks for coming. Its hard to find a good baby- sitter on a Friday night.W: I like watching kids, and I need the extra money. Id like to talk to you a
14、bout my new rate increases.9. Who is the man?A.A judge.B.An interviewer.C.A professor.D.A counselor.答案:BM: Mrs. Anderson, you must have gained a deep insight into the problems of married couples.W: Yes, I think I have.M: What do you consider to be the most important problems?10. What are they talkin
15、g about?A.Weekend plan.B.Changes in the city.C.Going camping in the summer.D.Life in the summer.答案:CM: I enjoy camping out in the summer. A great change from city life, I think.W: Yes, you said it. I went with my. friends last Sunday. We really enjoyed ourselves, and we are going camping next weeken
16、d. Would you like to come along with us?M: Id love to, thank you.Part B (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What was the only use of trains before the 20th century?A.The use for short-distance transportation.B.The use for day to day transportation.C.The use for long-distance transportation.D.The use for transpo
17、rtation of precious things.答案:CBefore the 20th century, the horse provided day to day transportation in the United States. Trains were used only for long-distance transportation. Today the car is the most popular sort of transportation in all of the United States. It has completely replaced the hors
18、e as a means of everyday transportation. Americans use their car for nearly 90 percent of all personal trips. Most Americans are able to buy cars. The average price of a recently made car was $ 2050 in 1950, $ 2740 in 1960 and up to $ 4750 in 1975. During this period American car manufacturers set a
19、bout improving their products and work efficiency. As a result, the yearly income of the average family increased from 1950 to 1975 faster than the price of cars. For this reason purchasing a new car takes a smaller part of a familys total earnings today. 解析 本题的关键句是:Before the 20th century,trains we
20、re used only for long distance transportation. 答案是短文中的原话,听清楚即可选出。答案为C。2. What is the most popular sort of transportation today?A.The car.B.The horse.C.The train.D.The plane.答案:A只要听懂Today the car is the most popular sort of transportation”就能选对答案。答案为A。3. What was the average price of a recently made c
21、ar in 1960?A.$ 2050.B.$ 2740.C.$ 4750.D.$ 1975.答案:B短文中可连续听到三个年代和三个价格:$2050 in 1950,$2740 in 1960,$4750 in 1975。需仔细听才能辨清哪个价格属于哪个年代。答案为B。4. What about the yearly income of the average family from 1950 to 19757A.Decreased.B.Fluctuated.C.Did not change at all.D.Increased.答案:D只要听清increased这个关键词即可,故答案为D。
22、(如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 5. Who threw the tea into the sea?A.American colonists.B.Red Indians.C.The Britain army.D.The American army.答案:AThe American colonists often quarreled with British Government. They had to buy British goods and they had to pay taxes to Britain. In 1767, Britain put customs duty o
23、n many goods, such as tea. In 1773, some Americans dressed as Red Indians went on to some British ships in Boston and threw the tea into the sea. The British Government closed the port of Boston. Then the colonists got ready for war and George Washington became the commander of their army. During th
24、e war, on July 4th, 1776, the American Congress drew up the Declaration of Independence and declared the independence of America. Later, France and Spain joined the war against Britain. The British fleet surrendered in 1781 and the Government had to recognize the independence of the new United State
25、s of America. In 1789, George Washington became the first president of the country.精解 题干问:“谁把茶叶倒人海里?”听力材料讲的是美国殖民地居民不甘于英国的压迫,进行独立战争的事情,文中有句话说“In 1773,some Americans dressed as Red Indians went Onto some British ships in Boston and threw the tea into the sea”即一些美国人把茶叶倒人海里。所以本题答案选A。6. How did the Ameri
26、cans feel about buying British goods and paying taxes to Britain?A.Happy.B.Unhappy.C.Satisfied.D.Sorry.答案:B解析 题干问:“美国人买英国的货物,并向英国交税的感受是怎样的?”从文中可知,美国人对此感到不高兴,否则就不会发生独立战争。所以本题的答案选B。7. What did the event of throwing the tea into the sea mean?A.The tea became bad.B.The Red Indians were making fun.C.The
27、tea was too expensive.D.The Americans were against the British Government.答案:D解析 题干问:“倾茶事件意味着什么?”倾茶事件是独立战争开始的导火索,是反对英国统治的一种形式。所以本题的答案选D。8. When did the Americans win the independence?A.In 1789.B.In 1776.C.In 1773.D.In 1781.答案:B解析 题干问:“美国人什么时候赢得了独立?”文章说“During the war,on July 4th,1776,the American Co
28、ngress drew up the Declaration of Independence and declared the independence of America”可知本题的答案选B。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 9. What are the two speakers talking about?A.Taking part in the matchB.Watching football gamesC.Watching TVD.Buying the fickes答案:BM: Going to the football game today?W: No, but Ill
29、 be watching it on television with some friendsM: Werent you able to get any tickets?W: I didnt tryI really dont go to games so oftenM: But dont you enjoy going? Dont you find it exciting to be part of the crowd?W: Oh sure,nothing beats the atmosphere at a sporting event: the cheering, all that ener
30、gyBut sometimes its just too inconvenient getting into and out of the stadium before and after the gameAnd if you watch the game with friends, or at a bar or restaurantM: youve basically created your own crowdW: Thats rightAnother reason why I like to watch sports on TV is that I simply find it easi
31、er to follow the action on TVM: Yeahsometimes it is a little difficult to keep track of the ball when youre sitting in the standsW: Especially when your seats are far from the fieldM: Its like youre watching from an airplanesometimesW: Msogood sports comments on TV can add to your understanding and
32、enjoyment of the gameM: After listening to you Im starting to wonder how they are able to sell any tickets to these games 解析 对话中的男士在开始部分问女士是否去看足球赛“Going to the football game today?”,女士回答她要和朋友看电视直播“Ill be watching it on television with some friends”,随后两人围绕球场看球赛和在电视 上看球赛的利弊展开讨论,另外,对话中的关键词“Going to the
33、 football game”“watching it on television”“dont go to games”,“the atmosphere at a sporting event”“watch the game with friends”,“watch sports on TV” 等,也表明他们在讨沦观看足球赛,因此应选择B 选项。 10. Why does the woman prefer to watch the game on TV?A.She cantgetthe ticketB.She finds it hard to go to the stadiumC.She wa
34、nts to see the players more clearly and easilyD.She wants to be able to follow the game more easily and closely答案:D解析 本题只要捕捉到女士所说“Another reason why I like to watch sports on TV is that I simply find it easier to follow the action on TV”,就 可给出正确答案D 。11. What is the advantage of watching games in the
35、 stadium?A.Tickets are easy to getB.You can enjoy the atmosphereC.You always follow the action easilyD.Explanation helps you understand the game答案:B解析 对话中的男士喜欢到球场看球赛,根据他所说“nothing beats the atmosphere at a sporting event; the cheering, all that energy.”可知,在球 场看球赛可以融入到比赛的气氛中,故B 选项正确。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索
36、标题名) 12. Who do you think are the two speakers in the conversation?A.Betty and Tom.B.Alice and Smith.C.Marta and John.D.Maria and Joseph.答案:CW: Airports are sad places.M: Sometimes, I guess. But, well write to each other. Youll come down at Christmas.W: If we can find the money.M: Dont worry, Marta.
37、 Everything will be taken care of. They say that fares are going to be reduced in the next six months. And when I graduate, well .W: Thats two years from now. Two years is a long time.M: The time will pass quickly. Youll see. I might even be able to go back to New York next summer.W: Oh, John, youll
38、 forget all about me. Your mother will find you a nice girl, youll get married, and live happily ever after.M: No, I wont. I swear I wont. Believe me please.W: Whatever you say, all I know is that you are going to be taken away from me.M: Thats ridiculous Ill write every day, whether you answer me o
39、r not.W: Dont be silly. Youll have other things to do. (She begins to cry.)M: Dont cry, Marta, please.解析 本题较为容易。尽管对话内容较为复杂,但对话中双方都指出了对方的名字,说明女士是Marta,而男士是John,因此答案为C。13. What are they doing at the airport?A.They are traveling together.B.They are having a walk.C.They are saying goodbye to each other.
40、D.They are chatting.答案:C本题需要综合整个对话才能作出判断。女士首先指出机场是个令人伤感的地方,然后男士说到他会写信、女士能在圣诞节过来等等,对话的后半部分则集中说明女士担心男士会离开她,由这些内容不难推知女士是在送别男士,故选C。14. What is John?A.He is a lawyer.B.He is a doctor.C.He is a tour guide.D.He is a student.答案:D男士第二轮对话中最后一句提到when I graduate,其中的graduate表明他是学生。15. What is Marta afraid of?A.S
41、he is afraid that John will forget all about her once he leaves.B.She is afraid that John will never come back once he leaves.C.She is afraid that John will come back once he leaves.D.All the above.答案:A对话后半部分讨论的都是女士担心男士会忘记她,而男士不停地向她作出承诺,因此答案是A。Section Use of English Animals have been kept as pets by
42、 people in all parts of the world for thousands of years. The most 1 pets are dogs, cats, birds and fish. But many people 2 unusual pets, 3 snakes, crocodiles and monkeys. Many Japanese children 4 mice and teach 5 to dance 6 music. The people of India 7 pets of snakes. Pets can make interesting, pla
43、yful 8 . People enjoy teaching them to do 9 and to 10 commands. Pets owners often 11 their pet to be a member of the family. Many children spend more time with their pets than they do with adults. 12 .caring for pets, children learn responsibility. They must 13 that their pets have food, ex excise,
44、and a proper place to live in. Most children like 14 to and even telling secrets to their pets. Pets also can 15 to a persons general well-being. Research shows that 16 with animals can improve a persons morale, and that the presence of pets can lower 17 blood pressure. Many people look and feel mor
45、e relaxed 18 with their pets. Many people living 19 in nursing homes or in hospitals enjoy community programs that bring pets to visit. Today, many such institutions keep cats, birds, fish and other pets for their 20 . 1.A.ordinaryB.familiarC.usualD.common答案:C解析:ordinary“正常的”;familiar“熟悉的”;common“普通
46、的,常见的”;usual“常见的”,后面有unusual pets与之对应。2.A.takeB.keepC.adoptD.feed答案:B解析:take没有“饲养”的意思;keep在这里指“喂养”;adopt“采用,收养”;feed常为短暂性动词。3.A.such asB.likeC.exampleD.for instance答案:A解析:such as“例如”;like“像一样”;example“例子”;for instance等同于for example。4.A.trainingB.calmC.tameD.domesticated答案:C解析:tame在此是动词,意为“驯养”。文中是说驯养
47、老鼠使之随着音乐跳舞。5.A.themB.itC.thatD.what答案:A解析:mice是mouse(老鼠)的复数形式。6.A.forB.afterC.withD.go答案:C解析:dance with“随着而跳舞”。7.A.keepB.bringC.letD.make答案:A解析:keep pets of snakes“把蛇作为宠物来饲养”。8.A.companyB.campC.colonyD.companions答案:D解析:company做“朋友”讲时是不可数名词; camp“野营”;colony“殖民地”;companion做“朋友”讲时为可数名词。9.A.gamesB.trick
48、sC.playD.the game答案:A解析:do games“做游戏”。10.A.obeyB.complyC.submitD.carry答案:A解析:“服从命令”常用obey commands来表示。11.A.considerB.reflectC.thinkD.bear in mind答案:A解析:consider. to be. 为固定搭配,意为“把当成”。12.A.ThroughB.WithC.ByD.Without答案:C解析:by“通过的方式”。13.A.thinkB.sureC.seeD.assure答案:D解析:assure“确保,保证”。14.A.chattingB.talk
49、ingC.discussingD.expressing答案:B解析:chat“聊天”,常与with搭配;talk“与对话”,最符合题意。15.A.promoteB.supplyC.donateD.contribute答案:D解析:contribute to为固定搭配,意为“有助于”。16.A.isB.is beingC.beingD.are答案:C解析:介词短语being with animals做主语,应用be的-ing词形式。17.A.itsB.someonesC.theirD.ones答案:D解析:前面有improve a persons morale。18.A.duringB.byC.
50、at the timeD.while答案:D解析:本句为省略句。后面省略了they are,此处缺一从属连词,只有while最合题意。19.A.aloneB.lonelyC.alonenessD.assisted答案:A解析:alone“单独地”;lonely“孤独的,荒凉的”; aloneness没有该词项;assisted不合题意。20.A.tenantsB.residentsC.citizensD.residency答案:B解析:文中的“such institutions”对应前面的“nursing homes or hospitals”,只有residents最符合题意。Section
51、 Reading ComprehensionPart AText 1 America is a country on the move. In unheard of numbers, people of all ages are exercising their way to better health. According to the latest figures, 59 percent of American adults exercise regularly-up 12 percent from just two years ago and more than double the f
52、igure of 25 years ago. Even non-exercisers believe they would be more attractive and confident if they were more active. It is hard not to get the message. The virtues of physical fitness are shown on magazine covers, postage stamps, and television ads for everything from beauty soaps to travel book
53、s. Exercise as a part of daily life did not catch on until the late 1960s when research by military doctors began to show the health benefits of doing regular physical exercises. Growing publicity (宣传) for races held in American cities helped fuel a strong interest in the ancient sport of running. A
54、lthough running has leveled off in recent years as Americans have discovered equally rewarding-and sometimes safer-forms of exercise, such as walking and swimming, running remains the most popular form of exercise. As the popularity of exercise continues to mount, so does scientific evidence of its
55、health benefits. The key to fitness is exercising the major muscle groups vigorously (强有力地) enough to approximately double the heart rate and keep it doubled for 20 to 30 minutes at a time. Doing such physical exercises three times or more a week will produce considerable improvements in physical he
56、alth in about three months. 1. According to the passage, what was the percentage of American adults doing regular physical exercises two years ago?A.About 70%.B.Nearly 60%.C.Almost 50%.D.More than 12%.答案:C解析 “According to the latest figures,59 percent of American adults exercise regularlyup 12 percent from just two years ago”句意为:“据最近的数据,59%的美国成年人有规律
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