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1、保安人员英文自我评价当自己沉淀下来,窥探自己的内心,写下自己的自我评价,这样 才可以不断进步。但是自我评价要怎么写呢?下面是 为大家带来保安 人员英文自我评价,相信对你会有帮助的。保安人员英文自我评价篇一In my opi nio n no matter what isbeing done in order to have a serious attitude. The only way to make us love their work, in order for us to make achieveme nts in their ordinary post. Recalli ng the

2、 work for n early two years, a lot can be said results ben efited a lot, a lot of experie nee, but there are also many problems.He served in a large departmentstore security work,responsibility,pressure supremely. In order to ensure qualityand quantity, fulfill the mission, the past year we have pai

3、d atte nti on to the three tasks. First, grasp ran ks. A perfect team is an importantguarantee for good work, from the securityteam established, wein sistedon team build ing"do ing&qu ot;: with one hand and staff, on the one hand to improve the quality. Second, grasp ing system con structi on.K

4、ey orderly, fruitful work is to rely on scienee applicable regime as a guara ntee, " notto the rules, noista ndards .&qu ot; Third, grasp the ideological con structi on. As our colleagues from differentplaces, different positions, theoverall quality of every ones pers on ality, in terests are n

5、ot the same. Work on the problems and errors, we ask: Do not hide, timely report ing, mistakes must be corrected, wrong will cha nge, after the former puni sh, lear n a less on, stre ngthe n the spirit, improve their work. Various forms of ideological and moral educati on, receive tan gible results.

6、Although security work less from the eye, but it is a real departme nt store in dispe nsable guara ntee, because our job is not only to protect the lives and property of our departme nt store customers to patr oni ze, but also protect the safety of our stores where goods, althoughrepeated complicate

7、d work, but that the exercise of my orga ni zati onaland com muni cati onskills, let my skills greatly improved interms of dealing withemergenciesand emergencies,we feel there is a lack ofresilie nee, which in the future, it will work with with relatively excelle nt staff com muni cate more, learn m

8、ore, and in the work he is con sta ntly lear ning and accumulati on."Seriously do big and small, happy to do repetitive things," I have always endeavor to comply with this criterio n at work strict dema nds on themselves, n ever let theun certa insecurity risks existin theirowneyes, oncedi

9、scovered thi ngsimmediatelyresolved,strictcomplia neewith the compa ny& #39;s articles of associati on work, which is an adva ntage I Gerry, of course, I also have shortco min gs, but not very talkative, outgo ing pers on ality is not too, I will work hard to overcome in future work.In subseque nt w

10、ork I want to have greater progress, more exercise their own work experienee, and strive to do every major mall promotion, to ensure life and property safety of customers, to en sure the safety of the store, i n their own I try not to make mistakes in working with colleagues to work together to con

11、tribute to a better future of the compa ny.In my opinion no matter what is being done in order tohave a serious attitude. The only way to make us love their work, in order for us to make achieveme nts in their ordi nary post. Recalli ng the work for n early two years, a lot can be said results ben e

12、fited a lot, a lot of experie nee, but there are also many problems.保安人员英文自我评价篇二 New Year New Years bell has soun ded in 2008, has become the past, 2009, prelude has bee n ope ned, I en tered one hun dred prosperous departme nt review the work of n early two years, a lot can be said resultsbenefited

13、 a lot, a lot of experienee, but there are also many problems. In order to do a better job in the future of the work, in accordaneewith the requirements of leadership, is nowwork ing for the year 2008 are summarized as follows:First, on the annual work summarySuch as a largedepartmentstore in one hu

14、ndredprosperousdepartme ntstore security work, resp on sibility,pressure supremely. In order to ensure quality and quantity, fulfill the missio n, the past year we have paid atte nti on to the three tasks. First, grasp ran ks. A perfect team is an importa nt guara ntee for good work, from the securi

15、ty team established, we insisted on team building "doing":with onehand and staff, on the one hand to improve the quality. Six mon ths, we have become a security team pull out, play ing loud, strong executio n and combat effective ness, to complete its task team. Second, grasping system con

16、struction.Keyorderly, fruitful work is to rely on scie nee applicable regime as a guara ntee, " not to the rules, no sta ndards .&qu ot; Our duty, shift,learning,trainingand other aspects of theintroductionof a set of strict and practical system, theimplementation of paramilitarymanagementteam,

17、 with asystem to regulate people s behavior, using the systemto en sure the completi on of tasks. Third, grasp the ideological con structi on. As our colleagues from differe nt places, differe nt positions, the overall quality of everyonespersonality,in terests are n ot the same. More importa ntly,

18、they are just in their early 20s, young blood, both n eed our security work, and also in our daily work and life that need attention. Young people are very malleable, but also a great variability. Work on the problems and errors, we ask: Do not hide, timely report ing, mistakes must be corrected, wr

19、ong will change, after the former puni sh, learn a less on, stre ngthe n the spirit, improve their work. Various forms of ideological and moral educati on, receive tangibleresults. Whether at work or in everyday life,our team appeared "morethan three three no"gratify ing situati on. That i

20、s: the more motivated, less n egative cop ing; dry matter suffer first of many, no barga ining; do more good deeds, no discipli ne back method.Second, the Progress and ProblemsAble to en ter one hun dred prosperous departme nt store job, I thi nk has always bee n an honor for me, because I think I l

21、earned a lot here in other places n ot lear n social experie nee, although security work less from the eye, but its real It is an in dispe nsable security departme nt, because our job is notonly to protect the lives and property of our departme nt store customers to patronize,but also protect the sa

22、fety of ourstores where goods, although complicated work again, but this exercise of my orga ni zati on and com muni cati on skills, let my skills greatly improved, this is my personal feeling of his greatest progress; but themselves have many shortcomings, such as the orga ni zati on of work is n o

23、t very detailed, l& #39;ve always wan ted to desig n a day& #39;s work in detail pla n, work together as if there will be a chapter section, not no idea, another in dealing with emergencies and emergencies,feelthere is a lack of resilie nee, and later work in this area must be relatively good staff

24、a lot of com muni cati on,a lot to lear nwhile on the job and he is constantlylearning andaccumulati on.Third, the ability and characterWhile he was doing the security work, how much you willnot pers on allyhan dle nu merous thi ngs, but we have onehun dred as busy as advocated by say ing: "ser

25、iously do big and small, happy to do repetitive things," I have always honor complianee with this criterion at work strict dema nds on themselves, n ever let the un certa in security risks exist in their own eyes, once discovered immediately resolvethe matter, strictly abide by the companysarti

26、cles ofassociati on work, which is an adva ntage for me Gerry, I thi nk it is my pote ntial because I think meticulous, con scie ntious, love King Kong is the most n eed to have a security guard qualities, I believe I have it. Of course, I also have shortco min gs, but not very talkative, outgo ing

27、pers on ality is not too, I will work hard to overcome in future work.Fourth, the 2009 work pla n and desig nNew year, new weather, new year and I hope they have more progress, more intend to exercise their own work experienee, and strive to do every major mall promotion, to en sure life and propert

28、y safety of customers, the stores guara ntee safety in their work in tryi ng n ot to make mistakes, and colleagues to work together for a better future for the one hun dred prosperous departme nt store buildi ng blocks.保安人员英文自我评价篇三My name is xx-x, xx-x is agraduate of the police academy, I to xx Hot

29、el Security Departme nt in auguratio n in xx-x years ago has passed more tha n a years time. Although the work is not a long time, but I give full play to the spirit of learning while working, successful completio n of the temporary assig nments xx hotels and guesthouses annual fire safety work assi

30、g ned by superiors.First, the basic work:Just found within the departme nt employees attitude is not positive, poor coord in atio n, work is not strong sense of resp on sibility, lack of post ofte n occur, leakage Kong, doze, work is not deployed, regardless of the tube, do not ask to ask to take ov

31、er whe n the Security Departme nt that do not work and staff mobility is not flexible and so on. After n early a month of observation and reflection,I have decided to startwiththemin dset of employees to start.Regulateemployees work attitude, and actively com muni cate with each other, help employee

32、sestablish the work ofself-c on fide nee and sense of team staff training, bus in ess skills.Con ti nue to in spire employees con ti nue to work in trai ning staff to complement each other. As a departmenthead, andinsisted on their own to lead by example, and insisted on doing work leadi ng run ahea

33、d. Work actively, tryi ng to learn the proper security guards reward. Do not make progress, slacki ng pers onnel shall be removed from the departme nt, no mercy. Also strict in terview can didates this road, strict security departme nt pers onnel do not reach the sta ndardofcan didates and determ in

34、ednot to give new employees theappropriate operating pressure, to adapt them to work as soon as possible, and to achieve hierarchicalmanagementlayers of refin eme nt .In the above methods of work to get great results at thesame time it laid a good foun datio n. For future workIt is stable with good

35、work ing attitude, the staff from theMi nistry of Security on Jan uary 1 200x to 200x on December10 in addition to the daily work of the department to assist departme nts to complete the meal pan try, tran sport ing goods, con structi onsites, disaster relief and other temporaryassignments totaling4

36、57, dealing with guest complaints 3on wards, the public security departme nts to assist polici ng 6, deali ng with the hotel staff si nee 1 civil, police and fire departme ntsreceived 13in specti onsrelati ons un it,participated in the Urba n fire trai ning 1, to participate in each city and distric

37、t security meet ing fire 11 times. In additi on the successful completion of the Hundred Days 200x security activities of the Group AdministrationCentre and 200x onNovember 12 November 22 to 11-day monitor installation supervision, praise the hotel management company General Man agers Office,hotel s

38、ectors and in dividualrelati ons un its.Second, the registrati on docume nts:Big Security Departme nt related to the scope of the data to the en tire hotel fire safety, as small as this sector. From 200x on January 6 to 200x on March 31, comb ined with the hotel real work has to create and modify th

39、e security secti on of the registration duty, the security department of the parking registratio n, registrati on of the access with luggage, and fire fightingequipmentinspectionrecord form hotel fire safetypla ns, emerge ncy fire fighti ngpla n hotels, guesthousesemerge ncy pla ns. All in strume nt

40、s registered in the same time, we will continue to carry out rectificati on accord ing to actual needs.Registeredin each of the department heads after usethrough in specti on, orga nize and save all.At prese nt because the hotel man ageme nt compa ny is thesocial service sector, each departme ntstaff tur no vermorefreque ntly in 200x Y earIn mid-November, I developed a fire training materials, and teachi ng how to make a slide template. We decided before the World University Games 200x arrival, combined with the hotel managementcompanybuildingthe actualsituatio n of the


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