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1、Linux怎么搭建Web服务器Web服务器一般指网站服务器,是指驻留于因特网上某种 类型计算机的程序,可以向浏览器等Web客户端提供文档,1也可以放置网站文件,让全世界浏览;可以放置数据文件,让全世界下 载。那么Linux怎么搭建 Web服务器?下面跟着 小编一起来了解一 下吧。Linux怎么搭建 Web服务器1,基于apache的web服务器基础搭建:(1) 实验环境:一台ip为0 的rhel5.9主机作 为web服务器,一台ip为5的win7主机作为测试机(2) 查看服务主机软件是否安装rootser1 # rpm -q httpdhttpd

2、-ma nualhttpd-develpackage httpd is not in stalledpackage httpd-ma nual is not in stalled package httpd-devel is not in stalled(3) 安装软件包rootser1 # yum in stall -y httpd httpd-ma nualhttpd-devel(4) 启动服务rootser1 # service httpd start启动httpd :确定rootser1 # chkc onfig httpd on(5) 在win7上测试,无网页缺省下显示红帽测试页&

3、lt;报 错 页 面 存 放 位/var/www/error/ noin dex.html>2:-192.1-LiD.lD电 理汉属站 岂 网This page 应 used to lest the proper Dperalion of lhe Apache HTTP server after il has been mslalled tf you can read this page, it means lhat the A property.If you aire the website sduiimistrYdu may now add c&nlent Io the dire m

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5、 you would like lo let lhe adminislralors of Ihis we&site know ihat yowve 黑en (his page in$ieaa I the page you espected, you sfioukl send them e-mail In general, mail sent flo the riame bmasler* and directed to lhe we bites damaini stiould reach lhe appropriale personFor ejtampte ir you exper

6、ieficed pfDbtefns 留ne vtsrting wvA. you should send e- rnail Id -Wetinia5terexampfe.cQni,!Fw inrDnnatio-n on Red Hal Efilerpnse unu扎 please visit me 何& H別 iru webm巴 The 廿for Red Hat Entefprise Lintux is 别刊 irDIe ordhe: Reti H円 1. int wiebsi馆(6)打开配置文件rootser1 # vim /etc/httpd/c on f/httpd.c onf可获得以下重

7、要字段:目录设置:& lt;Directory目录 > . & lt;/Director y>访问位置设置:4& t;Locatio nURL> . & lt;/Locatio n>虚拟主机设置:& lt;VirtualHost监听地址 > . & lt;/VirtualHost>常用的全局设置参数:ServerName 本站点的FQDN名称DocumentRoot网页文档的根目录:缺省/var/www/html/DirectoryI ndex默认索引页/首页文件:一般设为in dex.html in dex.phpErrorLog错误日志文件的位置Cust

8、omLog 访问日志文件的位置Listen监听服务的IP地址、端口号ServerRoot 服务目录:/etc/httpd/Timeout网络连接超时,默认300秒KeepAlive是否保持连接,可选 On或OfMaxKeepAliveRequests每次连接最多处理的请求数KeepAliveTimeout保持连接的超时时限Include可包含其他子配置文件:/etc/httpd/conf.d/创建测试网页rootser1 # vim /var/www/html/i ndex.html& It;h1 >This is a test page !& It;/h1 >(8)win7下测试

9、,主页变为测试网页皂- Windows Internet Explorer於 http:/192.16a.iaio/治建汶网站邑网页快汛库P http:/192A681OAO/ JThis is a test page !2,基于apache的web服务器的访问控制:(1)web服务的地址限制I,rder配置项,定义控制顺序allow,deny 先允许后拒绝,缺省拒绝所有;冲突时,拒绝生效;allow不设置,拒绝所有deny,allow 先拒绝后允许,缺省允许所有;冲突时,允许生效;deny不设置,允许所有II, Allow/Deny from配置项,设置权限Allow from 地址 1 地

10、址 2 .Deny from 地址 1 地址 2 .配置如下:rootser1 # vim /etc/httpd/c on f/httpd.c onf331 #332 Orderallow,de ny333 Allowfrom /24334334 & lt;/Directory>rootser1 # service httpd restart……重启服务停止httpd :确定启动httpd :确定|曲 叵 建垃网姑 网页快讯库 ge for the Apach& HTTP Server on Re.在win7上测试,测试完成并还原配置文

11、件:用192.168丄0丄5访巨茂圭,只允tfl92,168.20.0/24网段访问Red Hat EnterpriseThis page ts used to test the proper operation of the Apache HTTP server after it has been installed If you propertyIf you are a member of the general public:The fact that you are seeing this page inctfcates mat the website you just visited is either experiencing problems, or


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