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1、小学英语六年级上册全册课程纲要课程类型 :必修课程 教学材料 :人民教育出版社课时安排 : 42 课时授课对象:小学六年级一、课程标准相关的陈述能借助录音、 图像、手势听懂简单的话语或录音材料;能听懂课堂活动中简单的提问;能在口头表达中做到发音清楚,语调基本达意;能认读所学词语;能根据拼读的规律,读出简单的单词; 能读懂教材中简短的要求或指令;能正确地使用大写小字母和常用的标点符号;能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短的语句.学习目标:1、我能够借助拼读规则、图片听、说、读、写64 个短语和单词以及12 组句子和9 个单句(包括社区生活, 交通法规,课余活动,业余爱好,职业,心情等几个话题)

2、 。要求能在真实语境中正确运用并能读懂简短语篇。2、我能够借助拼读规则、图片听、说、认读83 个单词(带“”)。3、我能借助录音能听懂、会唱6 首歌曲。4、我能根据练习,作业及小组合作完成6 个自我评价活动。5、我能借助动画理解6 个幽默小故事。6、我能借助课本,课件了解6 项简单的中西方文化生活知识。能力目标:1、我能借助录音,图片使用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,做到大胆开口,发音正确。2、我能在图片、手势、情境等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语和录音。3、养成良好的书写习惯。4、进一步养成听英语、读英语和说英语的良好习惯。二、课时安排单元课题课时Unit 1How can

3、 I get there?6Unit 2Ways to go to school6Unit 3My weekend plan6Recycle 13Unit 4I have a pen pal6Unit 5What does he do ?6Unit 6How do you feel?6Recycle 23三、课程实施1、六年级上册的教材与五年级上、下册的结构、板块设计基本相同,不同之处主要有以下两个方面 :(1)五年级上、下册教材中的主句型在Lets talk 部分只要求达到听、说、认读,在 Read and write 部分要求达到能够书写。六年级上册的主句型在Lets talk 部分即要求

4、达到听、说、读、写四会掌握.(2)语音部分由原来的字母组合朗读过渡到句子的语调和单词间的连读与重音。2、本教材的设计体现了“以人为本”的教育思想,形式多样活泼,很符合该年龄阶段的儿童。 教材以话题为纲, 以交际功能和语言结构为主线, 逐步引导学生运用英语完成有实际意义的语言任务。 体现了交际教学思想, 注重学生语言应用能力的培养。在整体构思、内容安排、活动设计和教学方法选用上都紧密联系学生的生活实际、贯彻了语言的交际功能和语言应用的基本原则。3、复现率高。本册教材大量复现学生已经学过的词汇和句型,注重单元与单元之间内容的衔接, 使语言在重复和滚动式的递进中不断巩固。 如第一单元的话题是谈论地点

5、与方位, 告诉别人怎么去某个地方, 第二单元紧接着谈论交通方式, 第三单元结合谈论周末活动展开以各种疑问词开头的问句: What are you going to do? Where are you going ? When are you going ?第四单元与第五单元联系紧密, 第四单元谈论笔友和好朋友的爱好, 第五单元在谈论职业时结合谈论爱好、 日常生活习惯等内容。 本册书的最后一个单元心情,教导学生学会关爱他人。4、实践性强。在学生用书的前三个单元中出现了一些简易地图,为学生模拟真实的情境提供了必要的信息。 学生在察看地图后通过运用语言做 “事” 逐步掌握方位词汇和表达去某个地方行走

6、路线的语言。教材中设计了大量的形式多样的任务型活动,让学生在有意义的表达中学习语言,真正做到学用结合,学以致用。5、主要措施。以活动为课堂教学的主要形式,设计丰富多彩的教学活动,让学生在乐中学、学中用,从而保证学生英语学习的可持续性发展;在教学过程中,采用情景教学法, 让学生身临其境, 积极主动地参与到课堂教学中去,调动学生的非智力因素,提高学生实际运用语言的能力;通过听、说、读、写、唱、游、演、画、做等形式,进行大量的语言操练和练习; 培养学生拼读音标的能力,确保学生自主学习的质量;设计全面、高效的课外作业,培养学生良好的书写习惯,做到整洁、规范、正确地书写;活用教材,根据学生的实际情况,将

7、每单元各个板块进行整合,重组,降低难度。四、课程评价(一)内容评价1、课堂学习表现:参与课堂活动的状态,包括课堂回答问题、听讲情绪等;2、三会、四会单词、句子的听说读写各项要求达成度;3、每单元的听力检测;4、歌谣和歌曲吟唱;(二)主体评价教师评价:1、对全班的评价:教师估量全班的整体表现,发现群体的学习优势和存在的问题,明确群体学习活动的总体趋势。2、对小组的评价:小组活动应当成为教师评价的重点项目。教师应当观察不同小组的内部互动情况, 小组领导力的强弱, 小组的信息沟通情况, 小组执行任务的过程,小组解决问题的成效等。3、对学生个人的评价:对学生个人的评价需要以个案的形式观察探寻那些可以说

8、明他们学业进展情况的具体表现。要分层次,有重点地进行形成性评价。学生评价:1、学生自评:如及时采集个人表现的信息,记录自己的学习过程,学会进行自我监控,学会描述自己的学习行为等。2、小组互评:小组内部合作评价是课堂形成性评价的难点。学生在课堂上是不太善于进行合作评价的, 但是,教师应当有计划地培养学生良好的合作评价行为, 这需要一定的时间, 需要在每节课上引导学生自主管理小组活动, 自主实施小组评价任务,自主积累过程评价信息和实证材料,而所有这些“自主”都需要在教师的有计划的行为中进行训练。(三) 终结评价1、单元或阶段测试:非笔试与笔试结合。2、期末笔试测试评价:成绩评定为优秀、优良、良好、

9、及格四个等级。Unit1 How can I get there?单元课程纲要课程类型:必修课程课时安排: 6 课时 教学材料:人民教育出版社 授课教师:新密市曲梁镇下牛小学冯桂涛授课对象:小学六年级词汇课( Part A、 B)课程标准相关的陈述:能借助录音、 图像、手势听懂简单的话语或录音材料;能听懂课堂活动中简单的提问;能在口头表达中做到发音清楚,语调基本达意;能认读所学词语;能根据拼读的规律,读出简单的单词; 能读懂教材中简短的要求或指令;能正确地使用大写小字母和常用的标点符号;能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短的语句;学习目标:Part A:1.我能够借助拼读规则、图片,听、说、

10、读、写四会单词:postoffice,hospital,cinema,bookstore,science museum并能在情景中正确运用。 达成率 100%。(重点)2.我能设计真实的情景运用句型。Where is the? Its next to/near the 。(难点)Part B:1.我能够借助拼读规则、图片、听、说、读、写四会单词: ,crossing,turn left,go straight,turn right.并能在情景中正确运用。达成率 100%。(重点)2.我能设计真实的情景运用句型。 How can we get there? Turn left at the bo

11、okstore. (难点)评价任务1.激励性评价:口语评价good,super,youre clever.2.过程性评价:倾听、英语角、复习、合作、展示、检测学习活动:目标 1:利用拼读规则看图认读新单词。游戏( Whats in my hand?)目标 2: Make a survey and fill in the form.Show time结果纸笔测试 :1.Listen and choose.2.Write down a sentence according to the pictures.对话课( Part A、 B)课程标准相关的陈述能听懂课堂活动中简单的提问。能就日常生活话题做

12、简短的叙述。能正确朗读所学对话或短文。能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短的语句。学习目标:Part A:1.我能根据所学句型Where is the? Its next to/near the 。在实际情景中灵活运用。(重点)2.我能用所学句型在生活情景中创编新的对话。(难点)Part B:1.我能根据所学句型How can we get there? Turn left at the bookstore在.实际情景中灵活运用。(重点)2.我能用所学句型在生活情景中创编新的对话.(难点)评价任务 :1.激励性评价:口语评价You re super,perfect,wonderful.2.过

13、程性评价:倾听、英语角、复习、合作、展示、检测学习活动 :目标 1:Listen and answer the question.Read the dialogue.目标 2:Make a new dialogue according to the pictures.Pair work.结果纸笔测试 :Listen and choose the best answer.Set new situation and make a new dialogue.First saying out and then write it down .语篇教学 (Part A、B)课程标准相关的陈述:能借助图片读

14、懂简单的故事, 并养成按意群阅读的习惯。 能正确朗读所学故事或短文。能在教师的帮助和图片的提示下描述和讲述简单的小故事。学习目标:Read and write:1.我能根据录音正确朗读对话并结合图片和课后任务理解对话内容。(重点)2.我能根据情景复述这个故事。(难点)Story time1.我能在图片、录音的帮助下正确朗读和理解故事内容。(重点)2.我能根据情景复述这个故事。(难点)评价任务1.激励性评价:口语评价good,super,great,.2.过程性评价:奖励星星。(每表现一次奖励星星一个。)学习活动:Read after the tape.I can retell the test

15、.结果纸笔测试 :Read and tick or cross.Retell the test评价细则:过程表现:倾听、英语角、复习、合作、展示、检测作业评价: GoodBetterBestUnit 1 第一课时总第一课时教学设计课题: Unit 1How can I get there?Part ALet s learn课型:词汇课Learning aimsa.我能借助读音规则、录音和图片,在老师的帮助下,听、说、读、写四会单词 science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital,能读懂句子Where is the? It s n

16、ext to the .并能在 情景中运用,达到语音清晰,语调自然。(重点)b.我会借助图片,在老师的帮助下,在实际情境中模仿范例写句子,达到书写规范,格式正确。(难点)学习过程:Step 1:Warm-up1. Greeting.2. Everyday English :Knowledge is power.(知识就是力量。 )3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system(介绍组名和评价机制 )4. Show the learning aims.5. Let s review.(通过提示写出 next 的同类词,复习三年级下册和五年级

17、上册学过的单词: in,on,under,behind,in front of 。 句子: Where is the ? It s next to the ) .Step 2:Pre-task stageUsing the pictures to lead out the key words and sentences pattern of thislesson.(通过图片和熟知的句子, 师生以问答的方式引出本节课的生词和重点句子)science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospitalWhere is the? It s next to

18、 the .Step 3:While-task stage1.Read the words after the tape.2.Read after the teacher.3.Read with your partner and recite the words4.Usingthepictures to practice the sentences.Step 4: Post-task stage1.Make a map and talk.A: There is a pet hospital in my city.B: Where is it? Talk about with your part

19、ner. Show in class.2.Write the new dialogue on the exercise-book and show.Step 5: Sum upThis class I have learned.Step 6: Homeworka.If you can recite the words, please write once from memory. You can get 3stars.If you can t, please copy the words three times.You can get 2 stars. b.Talk about Where“

20、is Xinhua bookstore?” with your partner and write the dialogue on your exercise-book, you can get 5 stars.Writing design :Unit 1 How can I get there?Part ALet s learnscience museumpost office bookstore cinema hospitalA:Where is the cinema?B:I t s next to the bookstore.Reflection after class :Unit 1

21、第二课时总第二课时教学设计课题: Unit 1 How can I get there?Part ALet s talk课型: 对话课Learning aims:a.我能借助图片和录音,在老师的帮助下,听、说、读、写:Where is the? It snear/next to/behind the做到发 音.清楚,语调达意。达成率100%。(重点)b.我能在实际情景中灵活运用本节课学习的语言,并能创编一个新的对话。达成率 90%。(难点)学习过程Step1 Warm-up1. Greeting.2. Everyday English: Two heads are better than on

22、e一.个好汉三个帮。3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system.4. Show the learning aims.5. Let s show the new dialogue.学(生两人一组表演上节课的作业。)Step 2: Pre-task StageAsk and answer according the pictures:Where is the museum shop/post office?1. Listen and answer: Where is the museum shop/post office?2. Liste

23、n and repeat.3. Read after the teacher.4. Role play. (多种方式的练读。)5Practice (练习 ) the conversation (对话 ) with your partner (同伴 ).奖励提示:如果你能和同伴一起把对话熟练地读下来,你们可以为小组赢得两颗星,如果你能和同伴一起把对话表演出来,你们可以为小组赢得四颗星。6.Show time.Step 4:Post- task Stage1.反馈检测 (Test)Make (创编 ) a new conversation (对话 ) with your partner (同伴 )

24、. Talk about the places in your town/village.Tip 1: 大胆地把你和同伴的对话展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的!Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。Model( 范例 ):A: Hello!B: Hello!A: How are you?B: I m , thank you.A: Is there ain your town/village?B: Yes, there is/No,. there isn t.A: Where is it?B: It s near/next to/behind.A: Let gos to the tomorrow.B:

25、 OK! Bye!A: Bye!2. Write the new dialogue on the exercise-book and show. Step 5: Sum upThis class I have learned.Step 6: HomeworkIf you can write the conversation in your memory, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a new conversation, you can get 4 stars. If you can act the new conversation next cl

26、ass, you can get 6 stars.Writing design :Unit 1 How can I get there?Part ALet s talkA:Where is the museum shop?B:It s near/next to .Reflection after classUnit 1 第三课时总第三课时教学设计课题: Unit 1 How can I get there?Part BLet s learn课型: 词汇课Learning aimsa.我能借助拼读规则、录音和图片,在老师的帮助下,听、说、读、写四会单词 crossing, turn left,

27、go straight, turn right ,能读懂句子 Where is the Italianrestaurant? Turn right here? No ,turn left并.能在情景中运用, 达到语音清晰,语调自然。达成率100%。(重点)b.我会借助图片,在老师的帮助下,在实际情境中模仿范例写句子,达到书写规范,格式正确。达成率95%。(难点)学习过程:Step 1:Warm-up1. Greeting.2. Everyday English :A miss is as good as a mile失.之毫厘,差之千里。3. Introduce every group nam

28、e and evaluation system(介绍组名和评价机制 )4. Show the learning aims.5. Let s show the new dialogue学.生(两人一组表演上节课的作业。)Step 2:Pre-task stageUsing the pictures to lead out the key words and sentences pattern of thislesson.(通过图片和熟知的句子, 师生以问答的方式引出本节课的生词和重点句子)crossing, turn left, go straight, turn rightWhere is t

29、he Italian restaurant? Turn right here? No ,turn left.Step 3:While-task stage1.Read the words after the tape.2.Read after the teacher.3.Read with your partner and recite the words4.Usingthepictures to practice the sentences.Step 4: Post-task stage1.Be a tour guide.Chen Jie is trying to be a tour gui

30、de for Oliver in Beijing, help her finish theguide.Using the map to make a new dialogueA: Hello, Oliver. Now we are in front of Tian.Goanmenstraight and you can seethe Palace Museum.B: Wow! It s great! Where is the? Turnhere?A: Yes, this way, please. / No,turn.B: Let s go there.A: OK!Talk about with

31、 your partner.Show in class.2.Write the new dialogue on the exercise-book and show.Step 5Sum upThis class I have learned.Step 6Homeworka. If you can recite the words, please write once from memory. You can get 3 stars. If you can t, please copy the words three timesYoucan. get 2 stars.b. Talk about

32、Where“ is Zhengtong restaurant?” with your partner and write the dialogue on your exercise-book, you can get 5 stars.Writing design :Unit 1 How can I get there?Part BLet s learncrossing, turn left, go straight, turn rightA:Where is the Italian restaurant? Turn right here?B:No, turn left.Reflection a

33、fter class :Unit 1 第四课时总第四课时教学设计课题: Unit 1 How can I get there?Part BLet s talk课型: 对话课Learning aims :a.我能借助图片和录音,在老师的帮助下,听、说、读、写:Where is the? It snear/next to/behind the.How canget there? Turn做到发音 清at楚, 语.调达意。达成率100%。(重点)b.我能在实际情景中灵活运用本节课学习的语言,并能创编一个新的对话。达成率 95%。(难点)学习过程Step1 Warm-up1.Greeting.2. E

34、veryday English: Better to ask the way than go astray问.路总比迷路好。3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system.4. Show the learning aims.5. Let s show the new dialogue学生.(两人一组表演上节课的作业。)Step 2: Pre-task StageAsk and answer according the pictures:Where is the Italian restaurant?1. Listen and answer

35、: How can Wu Yifan and Mike get to the restaurant?2. Listen and repeat.3. Read after the teacher.4. Role play. (多种方式的练读。)5Practice (练习 ) the conversation (对话 ) with your partner (同伴 ).奖励提示:如果你能和同伴一起把对话熟练地读下来,你们可以为小组赢得两颗星,如果你能和同伴一起把对话表演出来,你们可以为小组赢得四颗星。6.Show time.Step 4:Post- task Stage1.反馈检测 (Test)T

36、alk about a cinema or restaurant you like. How can you get there? Make创(编 ) anew conversation (对话 )with your partner (同伴 ).Tip 1: 大胆地把你和同伴的对话展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的!Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。Model( 范例 ):A: Hello!B: Hello!A: I like.I know a great .B: Where is it?A: It s near/next to/behind .B: How can I get to the?A:

37、 Turn left/right at .B: Let s go to thetomorrow.A: OK! Bye!B: Bye!2. Write the new dialogue on the exercise-book and show. Step 5: Sum upThis class I have learned.Step 6: HomeworkIf you can write the conversation in your memory, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a new conversation, you can get 4

38、stars. If you can act the new conversation next class, you can get 6 stars.Writing design :Unit 1 How can I get there?Part BLet s talkA:Where is the Italian restaurant?B:It s near/next to .AHow can we get there?B:Turn left at the .Reflection after classUnit 1 第五课时总第五课时教学设计课题: Unit 1 How can I get th

39、ere?Part BRead and write课型: 读写课Learning aims :a.我能借助图片和录音,在老师的帮助下,听、说、读、写:How can Wu Y ifanand his friends get to the Italian? They. Theyand and then turn right again.做到发音清楚,语调达意。达成率100%。(重点)b.我能在实际情景中灵活运用本节课学习的语言,并能较完整地复述这个故事。达成率 95%。(难点)学习过程Step1 Warm-up1.Greeting.2. Everyday English: Well begun i

40、s half done.好的开端是成功的一半 .3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system.4. Show the learning aims.5. Let s show the new dialogue学生.(两人一组表演上节课的作业。)Step 2: Pre-task StageAsk and answer according the pictures:You are in a car .Which of these can help you find a place?Step 3 While-task Stage1. Liste

41、n and answer:What is Robin s new feature?2. Listen and repeat.3. Read after the teacher. Tips for pronunciation(1)Listen.(2)Look.Robin has GPS . Follow me ,please ! Is it far ?Where is the restaurant ?(3)Say.4. Role play. (多种方式的练读。)5Practice (练习 ) the conversation (对话 ) with your partner (同伴 ).奖励提示:

42、如果你能和同伴一起把对话熟练地读下来,你们可以为小组赢得两颗星,如果你能和同伴一起把对话表演出来,你们可以为小组赢得四颗星。6.Show time.Step 4:Post- task Stage1.反馈检测 (Test)(1)Answer the questions of P9.(2)Fill in the blanks of P9.(3)Retell the story.Tip 1: 大胆地展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的!Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。Step 5: Sum upThis class I have learned.Step 6: HomeworkIf you can wr

43、ite the conversation in your memory, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a new conversation, you can get 4 stars. If you can act the new conversation next class, you can get 6 stars.Writing design :Unit 1 How can I get there?Part BRead and writeA: How can Wu Yifan and his friends get to the Italian

44、?.B: Theyand. Theynd thena turn right again.Reflection after classUnit 1 第六课时总第六课时教学设计课题: Unit 1How can I get there?Part C Lets check&Story time课型: 综合实践活动课Learning aims :a.我能借助图片和录音,在老师的帮助下,听、说、读、写:Where is the LondonEye? It s next to the film museum near the Thames.Is the Thames farhere?from做到发音清楚,

45、语调达意。达成率100%。(重点)b.我能在实际情景中灵活运用本节课学习的语言,并能较完整地复述这个故事。达成率 95%。(难点)学习过程Step1 Warm-up1.Greeting.2. Everyday English: Well begun is half done.好的开端是成功的一半 .3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system.4. Show the learning aims.5. Let s show the new dialogue.学(生两人一组表演上节课的作业。)1. Listen and answer: Wh

46、ere is the London Eye?2. Listen and repeat.3. Read after the teacher.4. Role play. (多种方式的练读。)5Practice (练习 ) the conversation (对话 ) with your partner (同伴 ).奖励提示:如果你能和同伴一起把对话熟练地读下来,你们可以为小组赢得两颗星,如果你能和同伴一起把对话表演出来,你们可以为小组赢得四颗星。6.Show time.Step 4:Post- task Stage1.反馈检测 (Test)(1)Retell the story.Tip 1: 大胆

47、地展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的!Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。(2)Listen and tick the places you hear.(3)Listen again and write the words under the pictures.Step 5: Sum upThis class I have learned.Step 6: HomeworkIf you can write the conversation in your memory, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a new conversation, you can g

48、et 4 stars. If you can act the new conversation next class, you can get 6 stars.Writing design :Unit 1 How can I get there?Part CStory timeA: Where is the London Eye?B: It s nexttheto film museum near the Thames.Reflection after class :Unit2 Ways to go to school课程纲要课程类型: 必修课程 教学材料: 人民教育出版社课时安排:6 课时授

49、课教师:新密市曲梁镇下牛中心小学冯桂涛授课对象 :小学六年级词汇课(Part A 、B)课程标准相关的陈述:能借助图片、图像、手势听懂简单的话语或录音材料。能在口头表达中发音清楚。语调达意。能根据拼读的规律,认读所学的词语。能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短的语句。学习目标:Part A:1.我能够借助拼读规则、图片、听、说、读、写有关乘坐交通工具的词组:byplane、by ship 、 on foot、 by bus、 by train 、 by subway. 并能在情景中正确运用。达成率 100%。(重点)2.我能正确运用上述词组和句型:How do you get there?

50、谈论交通方式。 (难点)Part B:1.我能够借助拼读规则、 图片、听、说、读、写四个描述交通规则的单词和词组:wait, slow down,go,stop 并能在情景中正确运用。达成率100%。(重点)2.我能正确运用核心句型: We must.及上述四个单词和词组为他人提建议。(难点)评价任务1.激励性评价:口语评价good,super,youre clever.2.过程性评价:倾听、英语角、复习、合作、展示、检测学习活动:目标 1:利用拼读规则看图认读新单词。游戏( Whats in my hand?)目标 2:Make a survey and fill in the form.Show time结果纸笔测试: 1.Listen andwrite2.Write down a


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