1、口语话题-HometownsAfter you graduate do you want to live in your hometow n?Why or why n ot?Can I visit your hometow n on the In ternet?Do you like your hometow n? Why or why not?How many TV cha nn els do you get at home?Do you miss your home coun try?What do you miss the most?Do your childhood friends s
2、till live in your hometow n?If not, where are they now?Does anyone famous come from your hometow n?Does your hometow n have any festivals? What happe ns at that festival?toHow long does it take to get from your hometown here?Has your hometow n cha nged a lot since you were a kid? Ifso, how? Have the
3、 cha nges bee n for the better or worse?Is your hometow n famous for any thi ng?Where is your hometow n?What is the populati on of your hometow n?What is the populatio n of your coun try?What are some thi ngs in your hometow n that are part ofhistory?What does your hometow n produce? What does it gr
4、ow?What is the best seas on in your hometow n?What is the best thi ng about your hometow n?What is the populati on of your hometow n?What is the worst thi ng about your hometow n?Whats there to do in your hometow n?Whats your hometow n like?Whe n is the best time to come to your hometow n?Where are
5、you from?What is the geography of your hometown? (i.e. beach, mountains, etc.)What are the main attracti ons in your hometow n?What are the mai n econo mical resources in your hometow n?Can you describe the main geographical features of your hometow n?What is the average temperature in win ter time?
6、 (summertime?)Would you like to be in your hometow n now? Why or why not?If you could live any where, where would you like to live?How do you see your hometow n grow ing in the n ext 20 years?Is your hometow n grow ing? Is this a good or a bad thi ng?Tell me why I would enjoy visiti ng your hometow
7、n.Tell me why I should visit your hometow n.What in teresti ng city lies to the n orth, south, east, west ofyour hometow n?How many stoplights does your hometow n have?Does your hometow n have a college or uni versity?Does your hometow n have a shopp ing mall shopp ing?Does your hometow n have an ti
8、que shopp ing places?Where is the best place to get a reas on ably priced, but delicious meal in your hometow n?How long have you lived in your hometow n?Do any of your family members (still) live in your hometow n?Where did your maternal and paternal great-great-greatbegran dpare nts live or come from?Do you hope that someday your hometownwouldworld famous fo
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