1、WorldPower深圳市沃尔德电子有限公司SHENZHEN WORLD ELECTRONIC CO.,LTDSPECIFICATION电池规格书Customer NameAYB客户名称Model NameAYB-01产品名称Descripti on 规格描述48.1V/10 4AHDocument RevisionA/0文件版本Effective Date2012-11-18生效日期Made ByChecked ByApproved By制订审核批准张业 /2012-11-18杨勇 /2012-11-18纪云飞 /2012-11-18CustomerCompany Name 公司名称:Con
2、firmationSignature 签名:客户确认Company Stamp 公司印章:Add: Block B, Xusheng Liyuan Science Park, Zhoushi Road, Shiyan Town, Bao / an District,Shenzhen,China地址:深圳市宝安区石岩街道洲石路旭生实业梨园科技园B栋TEL:+86-755-29196252FAX:+86-755-86145020公司网址: & 深圳市沃尔德电子有限公司SHENZHEN WORLD ELECTRONIC CO LTDWP-AYB-01电池规格书文件编号:WP-WI-SPC-113文件
3、版本:A/0文件页次:第2页共18页No.序号Versio n(版本)Date(日 期)Descriptio n(描述)1A/02012-11-18First issue深圳市沃尔德电子有限公司SHENZHEN WORLD ELECTRONIC CO ., LTDWP-AYB-01电池规格书文件编号:WP-WI-SPC-113文件版本:A/0文件页次:第3页共18页CONTENT (目录)1、Application Scope/ 适用范围42、 Battery Specification Amendment/ 电池规格书修订 43、 Battery Testing Conditions/ 电池
4、测试条件44、BatteryPack Brief Introduction /电池组概述4-55、BatteryPack Electrical Specification/ 电池组电性能 5-76、BatteryPack Reliability Testing /电池组可靠性试验 7-97、BatteryPack Security Testing /电池组安全性试验 98、 Component Drawing/组件图纸 10-119、 Main Specificatio ns & Testi ng Methods of Protection Board / 保护板主要参数及测试方法:1210、
5、Schematic diagram/原理框图 1311、Warranty /保质期1412、 Battery Cell Operation Notices / 电池操作注意事项 1413、 Battery Shell Design Notices / 电池外壳设计注意事项 1414、 Notice for Assembling Battery Pack/ 电池装配注意事项 1515、Other Notices / 其它注意事项1616、 Using Battery Notes /使用 电池注意事项 1717、 Battery Storage Conditions / 电池的存放 1818、 O
6、ther Chemical React ion / 其它的化学反应 1819、Notes / 注释18Any copies are invalid without our companys approval本资料未经本公司批准自行影印,视为无效5文件编号:WP-WI-SPC-113深圳市沃尔德电子有限公司SHENZHEN WORLD ELECTRONIC CO LTDWP-AYB-01电池规格书文件版本:A/0文件页次:第7页共18页1、Application Scope适用范围This product specificati on covers the requireme nts for t
7、he rechargeable lithium-io n battery pack with protectio n circuit for detect ing function of over-charge, over discharge and over-curre nt manu factured and supplied by She nzhen WORLD Electro nic Co., Ltd.本规格书描述了由 深圳市沃尔德电子有限公司设计的可充电锂离子电池的规格技术参数,该参数包括过充电,过放电和过电流等功能参数。2、Battery Specification Amendme
8、nt/ 电池规格书修订If the raw materials, product ion process ing, product ion system or battery usage environments & otherconditions need to be changed, the amendment side needs provide the written advice to the other side, only the both sides come to agreeme nt, the ame ndme nt will be effective.如果原材料、生产过程
9、、生产系统或电池使用环境及要求发生改变,提出更改方须将改变的信息以书面形式 通知对方取得供需双方同意后再行修订。3、Battery Testing Conditions/ 电池测试条件Shen zhe n World Electro nic Co., Ltd made this specificati on for the lithium-i on rechargeable battery produced by us, in order to avoid ing errors caused by differe nt testi ng methods and con diti ons.对深圳
10、市沃尔德电子有限公司生产的可充电锂离子二次电池产品的规格、测试方法进行规范,避免因测试条件、方法的不同引起误差。3.1 Standard Test Conditions /标准测试条件Test should be con ducted with new batteries with in one week after shipme nt from our factory and the cells shallnot be cycled more tha n five times before the test. Uni ess otherwise specified, test ing and
11、 measureme nt shall be done un der temperature of 20 5 C nd relative humidity of 4575%.测试必须使用出厂时间不超过一个星期的新电池,且未进行过五次以上的充放电循环。除非特别说明,否则测试 需要在温度20 5 C,相对湿度4575%的条件下进行。3.2 Measuring Instrument and Apparatus/ 测量器具及设备3.2.1 Dime nsion Measuri ng In strume nt/ 尺寸测量器具The dime nsion measureme nt shall be imp
12、leme nted by in strume nts with equal or more precisi on scale of 0.01mm. 尺寸测量器具的精度等级应不小于0.01 mm 。3.2.2 Voltmeter (伏特计)Standard class specified in the national standard or more sensitive class having inner impedance more than 10k 按照国家标准指定规格等级或采用灵敏度更高的,测量电压时内阻不应小于10kQ /V。3.2.3 Ammeter (安培计)Standard c
13、lass specified in the national standard or more sensitive class.Total external resistance including ammeter and wire is less than 0.01Q .按照国家标准指定规格等级或采用灵敏度更高的,包括电流表及电线在内的总外阻应小于0.01 Q。3.2.4 Impedance Meter (电阻计)Impeda nce shall be measured by a sinu soidal alter nati ng curre nt method(1kHz LCR meter
14、).内阻测试仪测量原理应为交流阻抗法(1kHz LCR )。4、Battery Pack Brief Introduction /电池组概述:4.1 Cell Type 类别Lithium-ion rechargeable battery/ 可充电锂离子电池4.2 Reference Standard/ 参考标准GB/T 18287-20004.3 Product Model/ 产品型号WP-AYB-01 48. 1W10.4Ah4.4 Cell Specification and Model/ 电芯规格型号SAMSUNG 18650/3.7v/2600mAh5、Battery Pack El
15、ectrical Specification/ 电池组电性能5.1 Testing Conditions (Unless Specially Requirements)测试条件(除非特别规定)Atmosphere Pressure :86106kPa大气压力:86106kPaThe testing items under the Shipment V oltage( 46.80-50.7V )测试项目在出货电压下进行(46.80-50.7V)NO. /序号Items/项目Standards/ 标准Testing Methods/ 测试方法1Nominal V oltage/标称电压48.1VF
16、ollow GB/T18287-2000按GB/T18287-2000相关标准2Shipme nt Voltage/ 岀货电压46.80-50.7VMultimeter/ 万用表3Nominal Capacity/ 额定容量10.4AhFollow GB/T18287-2000 按GB/T18287-2000相关标准Mini mum Capacity 最小容量羽0.2AhRest for 0.51 hour after fully charge, Using electrical loader to connect with the battery output port, and disch
17、arge with constant current 2080mA till it can t discharge. Do the cycletimes, if there is one time that the discharge capacity is equal or more than 5hours, you can stop.将电池按标准充电方式充电后静止0.51小时,以2080mA电流恒流放电至电池不能放电 止。可循环3次,当有一次放电时间达到5小时,即可终止。4出货容量Delivery CapacitySOC 60%Follow GB/T18287-2000按GB/T18287
18、-2000相关标准5Battery internal Impeda nee 电池内阻In ter nal resista nt 50m0After 300 times circles 550mQ 内阻50m0 300次循环后550mQUnder 20 C Environment Temperature , the Usage Freque ncy of Fully Charge( 1KHz) , UseAC Internal Impedanee test machine to test (HIOKI3555)20 5C环境温度下,完全充电后使用频率为(1kHz)的交流内阻测试仪测量 (HIOK
19、I 3555)。6Stan dard Charg ing Curre nt 标准充电电流2A恒流恒压Constant Current and Constant V oltage (CC/CV) 电流=2ACurre nt = 2A电压=54.6VVoltage = 54.6V截止电流 =200mAEnd Curre nt = 200mA7Allowed Max Chargi ng Curre nt允许最大充电电流4AAmperemeter 电流表Allowed Max Charging V oltage 允许最大充电电压54.6 5VVoltameter电压表5.2 Battery Pack
20、Electrical specification/ 电池组电性能”ee4深圳市沃尔德电子有限公司SHENZHEN WORLD ELECTRONIC CO LTDWP-AYB-01电池规格书文件编号:WP-WI-SPC-113文件版本:A/0文件页次:第6页共18页8Sta ndard Charge 充电模式CC-CVcon sta nt voltage adapter 稳压电源9Allowed Max Discharg ingCurre nt允许最大持续 放电电流20ADischarging with 20A for more than 0.05h and the temperature of
21、 battery pack less than 30 C . 可以长时间(大于0.05小时)用20A电流进行放 电,放电电流平稳且电池PACK的表面温升 30cC。Stan dard Discharge 标准放电放电电流:10 ACurrent : 10A 截止电压 :39VEnd Voltage : 39VConstant Current (CC)恒流10Over Curre nt Protecti on过流保护电流80 0AUsing electrical loader to connect with output side, discharge with 为0.1A Discharge
22、for less tha n 1 sec.以为0.1A电流放电,电池PACK允许放电时间 小于1秒。Over Curre nt Protectio n DelayTime过流保护延迟时间 55.1A, note the battery output port voltage wave figure with oscilloscope, read out the time from voltage wave figure start to end with voltage“ 0”.用电子负载连接于电池输岀端上,在电池PACK以大于过流保护电流值的电流放电,用示波器记录电池输出端的电压波形,读出电
23、压 从波形开始到电压突变为零所经历的时间。11Over Discharge Protecti on 过放保护恢复充电恢复The battery PACK output less than 39 V , please promptly to the battery PACK charge.电池PACK输岀小于39V时,请及时对电池 PACK充电。12Charg ing Temperature Protectio n充电温度保护45 CSet accord ing to n ati onal sta ndard or products requireme nts根据国标或产品要求设定充电恢复温度C
24、harg ing Temperature Protectio nRelease40 CSet according to national standard or products requireme nts根据国标或产品要求设定放电温度保护Discharg ing TemperatureProtectio n65 CSet according to national standard or products requireme nts根据国标或产品要求设定放电恢复Discharg ing TeProtecti on温度jmperatureRelease55 CSet according to
25、national standard or products requireme nts根据国标或产品要求设定13Dime nsio n外形尺寸Length :长度197.56 mmVernier caliper 游标卡尺Width :宽度119.06 2mm8文件编号:WP-WI-SPC-113深圳市沃尔德电子有限公司SHENZHEN WORLD ELECTRONIC CO LTDWP-AYB-01电池规格书文件版本:A/0文件页次:第9页共18页Thick :厚度167.03 mm14Discharge Temperature Characteristics 放电温度特性The ratio
26、betwee n discharge capacity and charge capacity should be not less than the following value.放电容量与充电容量的比 值应大于或等于下表数值At 20 C discharge the battery with the current of 2A to the cut-off voltage and record charge capacity. Store the battery at the following temperature for 2h and discharge the battery w
27、ith 2A to the cut-off voltage.在(205 oC)条件下,以2A恒流放电至电池 不能放电后,完全充电,记录充电容量,将充 满电的电池在下表所列的温度条件下恒温2小时,以2A恒流放电至电池不能放电止。Discharge Curre nt 放电电流Discharge Temperature 放电温度-20 oC0 oC25 oC55 oC2A60%80%100%95%15Weight重量(g)Electro nic scale电子秤16Operati ng Temperature工作温度Charge: :0 to45 C /4585%RH 充电:0 45 C /4585
28、%RHDischarge: -20to60 C /4585%RH放电:-2060 C /4585%RHTemperature & Humidity In strume nts 温湿度计17Storage Temperature储存温度1 mon th: -20 to 55 C一个月:-20 C 55 C3 mon th: -20 to 45 C三个月:-20 C 45 COver one year: -5 to 30 C一年以上:-530 C、4585%RH6、Battery Pack Reliability Testing / 电池组可靠性试验6. 1 Testing Condition (
29、Unless Special Requirements) 测试条件(除非特别规定)Atmosphere Pressure:86106kPa大气压力: 86106kPaAll testing under full capacity ( 54.60-55.9V )测试项目在充满电状态下进行(54.6-55.9V,6.2 Rel.ability Test/电池组可靠性试验No.序号Item项目Testing Conditions and Method 测试方法及条件Standard标准1Free Fall Testi ng自由跌落试验Fall the battery freely from a he
30、ight of 1m (minimum height) onto an 18mm thick ness board placed on the ceme nt floor. The test is to be carried out on six direct ions ( x, y, z axes).将充满电的电池 PACK从1.0m的高度上跌落到放置在水 泥地面上的18mm厚的硬木板上,每面跌落1次,6个面 都要跌落。The appeara nee of battery should no t leakage, reak or explosi on 电池外观不开裂,电性能正常。内部电芯不破
31、裂、不起火; 固定可靠。4深圳市沃尔德电子有限公司SHENZHEN WORLD ELECTRONIC CO LTDWP-AYB-01电池规格书文件编号:WP-WI-SPC-113文件版本:A/0文件页次:第8页共18页2Vibrati on Test ing振动试验Fix a charged battery on a vibrati ng table, vibrate it for 90 minutes in three mutually perpendicular directions at the 0.8mm resonance. The freque ncy is to be varie
32、d at the rate of 1Hz/m in betwee n 10 and 55 hertz.将充满电的电池固定在振动平台上,在三个相互垂直的 方向按振幅0.8mm的谐振形式进行振动,频率在 10-55HZ以伯z/min的速率变化,往复振动30分钟。The appeara nee of battery should no t leakage, break or explosi on 电池外观不开裂,电性能正常。内部电芯不破裂、不起火; 固定可靠。3HighTemperature 高温性能A charged battery is placed in an oven for 2 hours
33、 at 55 塑cC, the n discharged at a 0.5C curre nt to the term in atio n voltage.在552 oC条件下,将标准充电后的电芯放入高温箱中 2h后,再以1C电流放电至终止电压。Discharge 85 percent of the orig inal capacity.可放出初始容85%.4Low Temperature低温性能A charged battery is placed in a thermal chamber for 2 hours at -10cC2cC; then discharged at 0.1C to
34、 the termination voltage.在-10 2 oC条件下,将标准充电后的电芯放入低温箱中 2h后,再以0.2C电流放电至终止电压。Discharge more than 70 percent of the origi nal capacity.可放出初始容量的70%(-10 oC)以上.5Con sta nt Humidity & Temperature Test ing 恒定湿热试验Place a full charged battery under the environments of 40 oC and 90% - 95%RH for 48 hours. And ke
35、ep it in the room temperature for 2 hours. Then discharge it at the curre nt of 1C to the cut-off voltage.将充满电的电池在 40 oC、相对湿度90%95%的环境中放置 48小时后,在室温20 oC放置2小时。以1C电流放电到 电池不能放电.The battery should be no remarkable breakage, distortion. Discharge time should not less tha n 36m ins电池外观应无变形、爆裂, 放电时间应不低于36分
36、钟。6High & Low Temperature Storage 高低温贮存lace a full charged battery in a ove n with 552 oC for士2 hours, then keep it under 20 5 oC for 4rs, then place it in a ove n with -202 cC for 2 hours, the n keep for 4 hours un der20 5 oC, cycle as high temperature-normal temperature-low temperature-no rmal tem
37、perature-high temperature for 10 times 电池充满电后,将电池放入552 oC的高温箱中恒温2小时,再在 环境温度205 oC下放置4小时,然后放入-20 2 oC的低温箱中 恒温2小时,再在环境温度205 oC下放置4小时,继续按高温 常温一低温一常温一高温循环10次。The battery should be no remarkable breakage, distortio n. And charge/discharge no rmally 电池外观无变形或爆裂现象,电池 充放电正常。7Humidity and heat test 湿度和热度测试A c
38、harged battery is placed in a box for 48 hours where the temperature is 40 2oC and the relative humidity is 90% 95% ;将标准充电后的电芯放入温度为40+2 oC,相对湿度为90%95%的箱子中,保持 48h。No explosi on,no fire 无爆炸、无起火深圳市沃尔德电子有限公司SHENZHEN WORLD ELECTRONIC CO LTDWP-AYB-01电池规格书文件编号:WP-WI-SPC-113文件版本:A/0文件页次:第9页共18页8Cycle Life 循
39、环寿命Discharge it with the current of 0.5C to the cut-off voltage, and store it for 15m in .Charge a battery with the curre nt of 0.5C , the n keep the voltage and curre nt con sta nt and con ti nue to charge it until completed . After storing the battery for 15min. The test is to be con ducted as per
40、 the above cycles. The cycle should be 300 times. At the 301 times discharge capacity should not be less than 8320mAh with 0.5C以0.5C电流恒流放电至电池不能放电止,再以标准电流将其 充电到规定限制电压,静止15分钟,以0.5C电流恒流放电至 电池不能放电止,放电结束后,静止15分钟,再进行下次充放电循环,直至300次循环。第301次电池以0.5C电流恒流 放电容量海320mAh。Discharge Capacity 為320mAh 放电容量海320mAh9Heat
41、shock热冲击The cell is placed in a thermal chamber. Temperature is raised to 120 oC at the rate of (5 2dC)/nn and held for 10 minutes, then cooled to room temperature at the rate of 5 2cC/m in. 士 电池置于热箱中,温度以(5i2度)/min的速率升至120士2度并 保温10mi n,再以5 2度/min的速度降至室温。No explosi on,no fire 无爆炸、无起火10Charge Rete nti
42、 on电荷保持能力At 20 C completely charge and store it for 28days, and then discharge it with 0.5C to the cut-off voltage.完全充电后在环境温度为20 5 C的条件下,储存28天,然后 进行0.5C恒流放电至电池不能放电止。rema in capacity為840mAh剩余容量海840mAh7、Battery Pack Security Testing / 电池组安全性试验No.序号Item项目Testi ng Conditions and Methods 测试方法及条件Standard标
43、准1Over-charge过充电After sta ndard charg ing, the cell is con ducted for 8 hours while the con sta nt voltage is held at 65V and sta ndard charg ing curre nt flows No explosi on, no fire through it.将标准充电后的电芯,用恒定电压65V和标准充电电流给电芯进行加压8hoNo explosi on, no fire无爆炸、无起火2Over-Discharge Protectio n Test 过放保护试验Di
44、scharge the battery at the rate of 0.2C with the load of 30*13 Qfor 24h .Charging for 10sec with specified adapter , and check the voltage(為0V)将充满电的电池,以0.2C放电至电池不能放电后,外接 30*13 Q 负载放电24h。再对电池充电10秒钟,电压应该 克0VNo explosi on, no fire 无爆炸、无起火3Short-circuit短路Use a resistor with 0.1Q to make the battery shor
45、t circuit forThe appearance and characteristics are normal将充满电的电池,用小于0.1 Q电阻器短路电池PACK输岀端正负 极1h,电池外观和性能正常不变。the battery should be no1 remarkable breakage, distortion.And charge normally。 Voltage 30V电池不爆炸、不起火。外观正常,电压 30V4Impact Test冲击试验Place a full charged battery on a flat and put a stainless steel s
46、tick (Diameter 7.9mm) in the middle of the battery upright. Beat the steel stick with 10Kg将充满电的电池放置在一个平面上,用一个直径为7.9mm不锈钢棒竖放在电池正中间,用一个10Kg的力作用在不锈钢棒上。No explosi on, no fire 无爆炸、无起火11文件编号:WP-WI-SPC-113深圳市沃尔德电子有限公司SHENZHEN WORLD ELECTRONIC CO LTDWP-AYB-01电池规格书文件版本:A/0文件页次:第10页共18页8、Component Drawing组件图纸
47、8.1 Assembly diagram ( not to scale) 装配尺寸图(不按比例)c-HfcqL爭gpm8.2 The labels contents and size (标贴内容及尺寸 Without12深圳市沃尔德电子有限公司SHENZHEN WORLD ELECTRONIC CO LTDWP-AYB-01电池规格书文件编号:WP-WI-SPC-113文件版本:A/0文件页次:第11页共18页8.3 Packaging Method (包装方式) Undetermined 待定13文件编号:WP-WI-SPC-113深圳市沃尔德电子有限公司SHENZHEN WORLD ELE
48、CTRONIC CO LTD文件版本:A/0WP-AYB-01电池规格书文件页次:第12页共18页9、 Main Specifications & Testing Methods of Protection Board 电池保护板主要参数、标准及测试方法:9.1 Testing Conditions 测试条件:Temperature: 20 TC温度:20 CRelative Humidity : 4575%相对湿度:4575%Atmosphere pressure:86106kPa 大气压力: 86106kPaNO.(符号)Name(名称)MIN.(最小值)TYP(典型值)MAX.(最大值)
49、Unit(单位)1Over Charge Voltage 过充保护单节电压4.254.2754.30V2Over Charge Voltage 过充释放单节电压4.054.104.15V3Over Discharge Voltage 过放保护单节电压2.402.502.60V4Over Discharge Release Voltage 过放释放单节电压2.903.003.10V5Curre nt Threshold过流值708090A6Supply Current自耗电流200PA7Internal Resista nee in Normal Operati on 导通内阻3050mQ9.2
50、 Main Specifications & Testing Methods of Protection Board 保护板主要参数及测试方法符号Symbol说明Explanation符号Symbol说明ExplanationB+/P+/B13接电池输出/充电输入的正端Battery output/eharging positive poleC-充电负极Charge cathodeP-接电池输出的负端Battery output negative poleB1-B13电芯1负极到电芯13正极1joint cell negative pole and 10joint cellpositive p
51、oleB-接第1节电芯负极1joint cell negative pole9.3 The connection mode of PCM and cells / PCM 与电芯的接线方式9.4 Interface definition ofPCM / PCM 接口定义:唯a。AL Ji充电止段肚棲史电负轩.品搂枚电罚餐i 個吕9 &CL i LC 汨却 ttAM ? K-15文件编号:WP-WI-SPC-113深圳市沃尔德电子有限公司SHENZHEN WORLD ELECTRONIC CO LTDWP-AYB-01电池规格书文件版本:A/0文件页次:第16页共18页10、Schematic d
52、iagram原理框图:10.1 Schematic diagram/ 原理框图:MOSr MOS 管10.2 Layout/PCB 图:图灰瑣凰走険图13文件编号:WP-WI-SPC-113深圳市沃尔德电子有限公司SHENZHEN WORLD ELECTRONIC CO LTDWP-AYB-01电池规格书文件版本:A/0文件页次:第18页共18页11、Warranty / 保修期The delivery period from battery date for 12 mon ths If the battery is proved in manu facturi ng process defe
53、ct formatio n rather tha n the user by use of abuse and error caused. Our compa ny is resp on sible for replaceme nt battery.电池的保质期从出货之日算起为12个月。如果证明电池的缺陷是在制造过程中形成的而不是由于用户滥用及错误使用造成,本公司负责退换电池。12、Battery Cell Operation Notices / 电池操作注意事项12.1 Prohibition short circuit/ 禁止电池短路Never make short circuit cel
54、l. It gen erates very high curre nt which causes heati ng of the cellsand may cause electrolyte leakage, gass ing or explosi on that are very dan gerous. The LI tabs may be easily short-circuited by putti ng them on con ductive surface. Such outer short circuit may lead to heat gen eratio n and damage of the cell. An appropriate circu
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