人教版八年级英语下册Unit8 教学设计Section A2课时_第1页
人教版八年级英语下册Unit8 教学设计Section A2课时_第2页
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人教版八年级英语下册Unit8 教学设计Section A2课时_第5页
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1、unit 8 have you read treasure island yet?section apre-reading activitiesstep 1 preview1.translate the phrases (1)到达这座岛(3)杀死作为食物 (5)还有谁(2)制造一艘小船(4)另一个人的脚印(6)朝跑2.translate the sentences into english(1) 当我第一次来到这座岛的时候,我一无所有。(2) 但是我找到了大船,并做了一艘小船。(3) 尽管我失去了一切,但我还没有失去生命。(4) 我给他起名星期五,因为那一天我遇到了他。(5) 她最喜欢科幻类小

2、说。答案1.(1)arrive on this island (2)make a boat (3) kill sth. for food (4)the marks of another mans feet (5)who else (6)run towards 2.(1)when i first arrived on this island, i had nothing.(2) but ive found the ship and made a small boat.(3) although i have lost everything, i have not lost my life.(4)

3、i named him friday because that was the day i met him.(5) she likes science fictions best.s tep 2 warming-up and lead-int : yesterday we learned the target language. the structure ishave youyet? yes, ive alreadyhave you? no, i haventyet.now who can make sentences using the structure above to talk ab

4、out the following books?s1: have you readyet?s2: yes, i have.s1: whats it like?s 2: i think itst : very good. i think you all like reading books, yes?s s: yes, we do.t : what kind of books do you like?s 1: t : do you like adventure novels?s 2: yes. i enjoy reading them.t : good! have you ever read r

5、obinson crusoe?s s: yes./no.t : ok. how does the story begin?s s: wellt : what happened next? can you imagine his life on the island? what could he do to protect himself?step 3 show the following materials to students to introduce robinson crusoe鲁滨逊漂流记由英国作家丹尼尔笛福所著。它是一部家喻户晓的现实主义回忆录式冒险 小说。作者受一个苏格兰水手海上

6、遇险的经历启发写作而成。鲁滨逊漂流记是一部流传很广,影响很大的文学名著。它表现了强烈的资产阶级进取精神和启蒙意识。作者用生动逼真的细节把虚构的情景写得使人身临其境,使故事具有强烈的真实 感。小说主人公鲁滨逊也成为欧洲文学史上一个很著名的文学形象。小说分三部分 :第一部分写鲁滨逊初出茅庐 ,最初三次航海的经过及其在巴西经营种植园的情况;第二部分详细描述了主人公流落荒岛,独居 28 年的种种情景;第三部分简要交代了鲁滨逊 回国后的命运及这个海岛未来的发展趋向。while-reading activitiesstep 4 ask students to read the passage for th

7、e general idea of 3alet students read the passage fast and silently to find the general idea.whats the passage about?step 5 read the passage carefully and silently to find the specific ideas1.ask students to read the passage based on robinson crusoe. then answer the questions. (1)what did robinson h

8、ave when he first arrived on this island?(2) what did robinson bring back from the ship?(3) what did robinson wait for?(4) what did robinson do in order to live?(5) what did robinson find on the island a few weeks ago?(6) what were they doing when robinson saw some cannibals?(7) why did robinson cal

9、l the man friday?2.let students correct the sentences.(1) robinson crusoe arrived on the island with enough food and drink.(2) friday made a small boat.(3) robinson had some food and tools when he first arrived on the island.(4) robinson used the ship to build a house.(5) friday saw some marks of an

10、other mans feet on the beach.(6) robinson tried to kill the two men.post-reading activitiesstep 6 complete the following passage without looking at 3awhen i first 1. on this island, i had nothing. but i 2. the ship and made a smallboat. i 3. back many things i can 4. food and drink, tools, knives an

11、d guns.although i 5. everything, i have not lost my life. so i 6. up and i will wait foranother ship. i have already 7. down trees and built a house. i go out with my gun almost every day to kill animals and birds for food. im even 8. to grow fruit and vegetables.a few weeks ago, i 9. the marks of a

12、nother man s feet on the sand. who else is on myisland? how long have they 10. here? not long after that, i 11. some cannibalstrying to kill two men from a broken ship. one of them 12. but the other ran towards myhouse. i 13. him kill the cannibals. this man now lives with me and helps me. i 14.him

13、friday because that was the day i met him. he is smart and i have already 15. him some english.答案1.arrived 2.have found 3.have brought 4.use 5.have lost6.will not give 7.cut 8.learning 9.found 10.been 11.saw12.died 13.helped 14.named 15.taughtstep 7 consolidationask students to complete the chart wi

14、th information about themselves and their friend and write a passage about it.a: what books have you already read?b: i have already read tom sawyer and harry potter.a : what do you think of them?b : well, i think harry potter was exciting, but tom sawyer was a bit boring.a : can you tell me what the

15、yre about?b : okyou your friend comments(评价) whats it about?(内容)books i have alreadyreadmovies i have alreadyseensongs i have alreadyheardlu xun is one of the greatest chinese writers of the 20th century. he wrote many influential articles about the living conditions of chinese people.born in 1881 t

16、o a wealthy family, lu xun had a happy childhood. in 1893, however, hisgrandfather, a senior government official, was put into prison for taking money. at the same time, hisfather became seriously ill. from that time on, his family were no longer accepted by their relatives and friends. these early

17、experiences greatly influenced his writing.b y the time lu xun arrived in nanjing to study at university in 1899, he already believed thatc hinese society had to change and become modern. in 1902 he went to study in japan. there, hebegan writing articles for several chinese student magazines. he sho

18、wed a gift for writing andtranslating and he even wrote several books, although none was popular. he returned to china in 1909 because he was in need of money.after working for several years as a teacher in beijing, lu xun again returned to writing. in1918, he wrote his famous short story diary of a madman. it was the first chinese novel publishedusin


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