



1、爱丽丝漫游奇境记英文版A rabbit with a watchAlice had nothing to do. She was sitting by the river with her big sister, but that not interesting. Once or twice she looked at the book her sister was reading. There were no pictures in it.What good is abook without pictures? Alice thought.It was very not hot and sh

2、e felt tired. Then, quite suddenly, she saw a rabbit. It was a white rabbit and it had pink eyes. It ran close by her.This was not very strange; Alice thought .She knew that lots of rabbits lived near the river.Then Alice heard the rabbit speak .He said to himself,Oh dear, ohdear, I am going to be l

3、ate. Alice was not too surprised. She thoughtall animals could speak.Then the rabbit took a watch out of his coat pocket. He looked at the watch, put it back in his pocket, and hurried on. That did surprise Alice. She had never seen a rabbit wearing a coat before, or using a watch. She stood up quic

4、kly and ran across the field after the rabbit. Then she saw it go into a large rabbit-hole.Down the rabbit-holeAlice went into the hole after the rabbit. Alice could not see very well. Suddenly she was falling. She was falling down and down into a very deep hole.Alice fell quite slowly. She had time

5、 to look at the things around her .She looked at the side of the hole. She could see lots of cupboards and shelves. She took a jar from one of the shelves. The words ORANGE JAM were written on it. Alice liked eating jam, but she had never heard of orange jam before. She opened the jar, but it was em

6、pty. She put it back carefully.Down, down. Would the fall never come to an end?How many mileshave I fallen now? she asked herself.I must be getting somewherenear the center of the earth. Suddenly, she stopped. She fell on tosome dry leaves and sticks.Alice was not hurt. She jumped up quickly on to h

7、er feet. In front of her was another long runnel. She saw the White Rabbit. He was hurrying down it. Alice ran after him quickly. She heard him say,Ohdear, oh dear, it is very, very late.Then he went round a corner. WhenAlice got to the corner she couldnt see him anywhere.The beautiful gardenShe was

8、 standing in a long holl. There were lots of lights hanging from the calling. There doors al round the hall. Alice tried to open them. They were all locked.She saw a little glass table with three legs. There was a small gold key on it. Then she noticed a low curtain. Behind it was a little door abou

9、t fifteen inches high. She tried the little gold key in the lock. The door opened.Alice bent down and looked through. She saw a small tunnel and, at the end of it, a very beautiful garden.Oh, I would like to go intothat nice garden, she though. But she was too big to get into the tunnel. I wish I co

10、uld make myself smaller, thought Alice.She locked the little door and went back to the table. This time she found a little bottle on the table. She put the key on the tableland prickly up the bottle.This wasn t here before, Alice said. Round the bottle was a paper label with the words DRINKME on it.

11、 First Alice tasted it carefully. It was very nice, so then she drank it all.Alice grows smallerWhat a strange feeling, said Alice.Everything seem to begetting bigger. Perhaps I am getting smaller. She was gettingsmaller .She was now only ten inches high.She felt very happy .She was just the right s

12、ize to go through the little door into that lovelygarden.When she arrived at the door she found she had forgotten to bring the little gold key. When she went back to the table it was too high for her. So she sat down and cried.Well, well, it is silly to cry like that, Alice said to herself.Stop cryi

13、ng at once.Then she saw a little glass box under the table. Three was a very small cake inside it; with the words EAT ME on it.Well, I ll eat it, said Alice,perhaps it will make me growbigger. Then I can reach the key. I f it makes me grow smaller, can go under the door. I ll get into the garden one way or the other.Sh


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