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1、维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 8A Unit 6 (Revision) 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 Reading Timmy is a teenager. He _in Taiwan. He _ the _in 1999. He was _some shopping when it_. At first, he felt a _ _through his body. People in the shopping mall looked at each other _ _.Some people _because they we

2、re very _. 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 Then the real noise came, like_ under the ground. The _started to _.People ran in all _. I _my best to run to the street too. People were running _as pieces of glass and _were _down. Then the walls began to _down. 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 _,the noise a

3、nd _ended. He was _and _get out .A moment of _went _ his mind. Then he tried to _ _and _ for help. Finally, people _ in a _ to _away the bricks and stones and _him. 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 词汇识记词汇识记 1. nature(形容词形容词) 2.mop (过去式过去式) 3. shake (名词名词) 4. trap (过去式过去式) 5. dead (反义词反义词) 6. wind(形容词形

4、容词) 7. fog (形容词形容词) 8. loud (副词副词) 9.arrive(名词名词) 10fireman(复数复数) 12.frighten(形容词形容词) 13. hear (过去式过去式) 14. frost (形容词形容词) 15. save (形容词形容词) 16. call (名词名词) 17. break(过去式过去式) 18. fall (过去式过去式) shaking trapped alive windy foggy loudly arrival firemen frightened heard frosty safe caller broke fell 维思高

5、中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 大自然的 地震 事故 冲掉 村庄 闪电 风暴 暴雨 雷 摇动 natural earthquake accident wash village lightning storm rainstorm thunder shaking fear scream bomb shake direction wildly brick calm moment mind 害怕 尖叫 炸弹 摇动 方向 失去控制地 砖 平静下来 片刻 头脑 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 since somebody hurry daylight

6、loudly everywhere cloud wind windy fog 由于 某人 急忙 日光 大声地 到处 云 风 有风的 雾 有雾的 霜 有霜的 天气 下降 低的 可怕的 破碎 损坏 雪球 foggy frost frosty weather drop low terrible break break down snowball 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 snowman hit cover caller arrival lady fireman nearly sandstorm warning 雪人 击中 覆盖 打电话的人 到达 女士 消防队员 几

7、乎 沙尘暴 警告 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 1. 自然灾害 2. 用拖把拖干净 3. 成千上万的人 4. 一场汽车事故 5. 撞毁 6. 把村庄冲走 7. 引起一场大火 8. 从树上掉下来 9. 感到有点颤动 10. 听到像雷一样的声音 natural disasters mop up thousands of people a car accident crash into wash the villages away start a big fire fall from the tree feel a slight shaking hear a big

8、noise like thunder 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 11. 害怕 12. 开始晃动 13. 四处乱跑 14. 尽某人的努力做某事 15. 疯狂地跑 16. 掉下 17. 镇静下来 18. 被困 19. 自言自语 20. 大声喊救命 in fear start to shake run in all directions try ones best to do sth run wildly fall down calm down be trapped say to oneself scream for help 维思高中版八上 UnitNatura

9、ldisasters课件 21. 活着 22. 一包巧克力 23. 急匆匆做某事 24. 最后 25. 移开 26. 在地震中幸免于难 27. 降至零下3度 28. 计划去唐山旅行 29. 抛锚 30. 听到从我上面传来的 声音 stay alive a packet of chocolate in a great hurry to do sth. at last move away survive the earthquake drop to -3 plan a trip to Tangshan break down hear some noise above me 维思高中版八上 Unit

10、Naturaldisasters课件 31. 覆盖整个地面 32. 感到又冷又害怕 33. 报警 34. 给我发电子邮件 35. 持续很长时间 36. 着火 37. 向前跌倒 38. 第二天早晨 39. 把雪清除 40. 给当地的人分发食物 和饮用水 cover the whole road feel cold and frightened call the police e-mail me last long catch fire fall over the next morning remove the snow give out food and drinking water to th

11、e local people 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 词组巩固词组巩固1 填上合适的词组 scream for help crash into run in all directions calm down move away 1.I told myself _ since I was still alive. 2. When the tiger appeared, all the little animals _. 3.When Timmy heard the noise above him ,he _. 4.Finally, people hurrie

12、d _ the stones and saved that poor girl. 5.Last night a car _ that tree. to calm down ran in all directions screamed for help to move away crashed into 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 词组巩固词组巩固2 填上合适的词组 fall over do some shopping try to find catch fire read newspapers 1.While Daniel was making a snowb

13、all, he_. 2. Their school _because lightning hit it. 3.The teachers _when it started to rain. 4.My dad _in that shopping mall at this time yesterday. 5.I _my way out when I suddenly heard some noise above me . fell over caught fire were reading newspapers was doing some shopping was trying to find 维

14、思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 词组巩固词组巩固3,填上合适的词组 break down use the mobile phone mop up the water lose the game wait for a bus They called the police at 8:00 a.m._. His fathers car _because of the terrible weather. Hobo and Eddie _on the floor when we came . I looked out of the window and saw many pe

15、ople _at that bus stop. They _if you dont cheer for them. using the mobile phone broke down were mopping up the water waiting for a bus will lose the game 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 重点句型重点句型 1.I _ _(睡觉) when it _ _ _(开始下雨). 2.The Taiwan earthquake killed _ _ _ (成千上万人) 3.They looked at _ _(对方) _

16、_ ( 惊恐). 4.People were _ _(疯狂地跑)while bricks were _ _(掉下) 5.The snow was _ _.( 的确很大) was sleepingstartedto rain thousands ofpeople eachotherinfear runningwildly falling down reallyheavy 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 Bad weather sometimes _ _ _(导致自然灾害) Millie asked me to go to her house because I _

17、_ _(忘了带) my keys . .I _ _(告诫自己) I must _ _ ( 活下去) When the noise _ _(结束),we _ _(被困)in a dark place. 10.The temperature _ _(降至)-5 yesterday. causes natural disasters forgot tobring toldmyselfstayalive wasoverwere trapped dropped to 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 16. The school _ _ (着火) because lightn

18、ing _ (击中) it. 17. A moment of _ (恐惧) _ _ _ _. (袭入我的心头) 18. I saw many people _ _ (辛勤忙碌) _ _ (除去) the snow at 9:00 a.m. yesterday. 19. They _ _ _ (尽力) _ _ _ (跑向) that station just now. 20. They _ _ _ (分发) food to the local people when we _ (到达). 21. All of us _ _ _ _ _ (告诫自己保持镇静) when the earth _ _

19、_ (开始晃动) caughtfire hit fear wentthrough mymind workinghard toremove triedtheirbestto runto weregivingout arrived toldourselvestocalm downstarted toshake 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 1. 人们急匆匆地把石头移开。 People _the stones. People _ the stones. People moved away the stones _. People moved away the ston

20、es _ . 2. 三人在那场交通事故中丧生。 Three people _. Three people _. That _ three people. were in a great hurry to move away hurried to move away in a hurry hurriedly died in that traffic accident lost their lives in that traffic accident traffic accident killed 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 3. 昨天雪下得很大。 The sno

21、w _ yesterday. It _ yesterday. It _ yesterday. 4. 昨天天气如何? _ yesterday? _ yesterday? 5. 1999年台湾发生了一场地震。 _ in Taiwan in 1999. _ in Taiwan in 1999. was heavy snowed heavily What was the weather like How was the weather An earthquake happened There was an earthquake snowed hard 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisast

22、ers课件 6. 他们不知道该往哪儿走。 They didnt know _. They didnt know _. 7. 整个马路现在被雪覆盖。 Now the whole road _ snow. Now the snow _ the whole road. 8. 他们站在树下谈论得很开心。 They _ under the tree and _ happily. They _ under the tree, _ happily. 9. 最终他在那场洪水中幸免于难。 _, he _ that flood. _ _, he _ _ in that flood. where to go whe

23、re they should go is covered with covers stoodtalked stoodtalking Finallysurvived Atlastwassafe 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 表达与应用 1. 用shake/ shaking填空 1. _ the bottle before you take the medicine. 2. He felt a slight _ through his body because of fear. 3. He _ his head and said No. Shake shaking

24、shook shake (v.)摇动,晃动 过去式:shook shaking (n.) 摇动,震动 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 2. alive / live / living / life 1. All of them _ a happy _. 2. These plants cant stay _ in this weather. 3. Shes one of the greatest _ writers in the world. livelife alive living alive (adj.) 在世的,活着的,只能作表语 living (adj.

25、) 在世的,活着的,可作定语修饰名词, 如living things live (v.) 活着,居住 life (n.) 复数 lives 一生 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 Nouns AdjectivesNouns Adjectives 表表 天气的名词天气的名词 + y (双写双写 + y) Noun+y Adjective 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 (1) It is _ outside. I should bring my umbrella! (2) Lo

26、ok! How _ it is! It will blow my hat off. (3) Its quite _ . I can not see things clearly . (4) Dont forget your sunglasses. It is very _ today. (5) There are many_ in the sky, its very_ .Its going to _ . . Complete the sentences with the right words Complete the sentences with the right words accord

27、ing to the picturesaccording to the pictures rainy windy foggy sunny clouds cloudyrain 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1. Well get there on time if it _ (not rain) tomorrow. 2. Theres plenty (大量的) of _ (rain) in the south. 3. Its better to stay at home on _ (rain) days. 4. Its _ (rain) h

28、eavily. Youd better take a raincoat. 同义句改写 1. Whats the weather like today? _ the weather today? 2. The temperature will be 2-9. The _ temperature will be 2, and the _ temperature will be 9. doesnt rain rain rainy raining Hows lowhigh 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 过去进行时的用法和结构过去进行时的用法和结构 过去进行时主要表示:过

29、去进行时主要表示: 在过去某一时刻正在进行的动作在过去某一时刻正在进行的动作 (a)They were eating breakfast at 7:00 am yesterday . (b)I was writing a letter at this time yesterday . 在过去某一阶段一直在进行的动作在过去某一阶段一直在进行的动作 (a)From 1983 to 1998 , he was teaching at Yale . (b)They were building a dam last winter . 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 过去进行

30、时的句式过去进行时的句式 (1)基本结构:)基本结构:was/were + verb-ing (2)否定式:)否定式:was/were not + verb-ing was not = wasnt were not = werent (3)疑问句:将)疑问句:将 was/were 调到主语前调到主语前 (4)I/he/she/it was + verb-ing you/we/they were + verb-ing 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 时间状语 at this time yesterday, at that time, at nine yesterda

31、y morning, the whole afternoon, from 6:00 to 8:00 yesterday morning 巩固练习 1. What _ your brother _ (do) at nine oclock last night? 2. They _ (listen) to music at that time. 3. When I saw him, he _ (search) the Internet. 4. They _ (discuss) a problem in the meeting room at this time yesterday. 5. _ Am

32、y _ (visit) the Science Museum from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. yesterday? was doing were listening was searching were discussing Wasvisiting 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 连词连词 while 与过去进行时与过去进行时 当两个延续性动词同时进行时,我们可以在两个当两个延续性动词同时进行时,我们可以在两个 句子中都用过去进行时,并用句子中都用过去进行时,并用 while 连接。连接。 1. People were running w

33、ildly while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down. 2. Suzy was making a snowman while Kitty was standing beside her. 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 当延续性动作进行的同时也有别的动作发生当延续性动作进行的同时也有别的动作发生, 用用when或或while 连接两动作连接两动作,延续性动作用延续性动作用 过去进行时而短暂性动作用过去时过去进行时而短暂性动作用过去时. 1. The earthquake started while I w

34、as doing some shopping. 2. I was trying to find my way out when I suddenly heard some noise above me. 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 when和while作并列连词时, when 意为 “就在 这时;突然”, 相当于and then. While 则表示 “而;却”, 相当于but, yet. 1. I was walking when someone called me from behind. 2. She was doing her homework while her mother was cooking. 3. I like apples while my sister likes oranges. 维思高中版八上 UnitNaturaldisasters课件 巩固练习 1. My wallet dropped on the ground _ I wa


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