



1、职称英语等级考试卫生AB模拟试题(3)第四部分:阅读理解(每题3分,共45分,建议40分钟以内 完成)下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题,每道题后面有4个选项。 请仔细阅读短文并根据短文回答其后面的问题,从4个选项中选择1 个答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。难度B/C级Cigars InsteadSmoking one or two cigars a day doubles the risk of cancers of the lip f tongue , mouth,and throat z according to a government study .Daily cigars also i

2、ncrease the risk of lung cancer and cancer of the esophagus , and in crease the risk of cancer of the larynx(voicebox)sixfold ,say researchers at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda z Maryland In addition f the report revealed that smoking three or four cigars a day increased the risk of oral

3、cancer to 8.5 times the risk for nonsmokers and the risk of esophageal cancer by four times the risk of non smokers .The health effects of smoking cigars is one of eight sections of the articlenCigars : Health Effects and TrendsThe researchers report that ,compared with a cigarette q large cigar emi

4、ts up to 90 times as much carcinogenic tobacco-specific nitrosamines. nThis article provides clear and in valuable information about the disturbi ng in crease incigar use and the significant public health consequences4 for the country f said Dr Richard Klausner director of the National Cancer Instit

5、ute , in a statement “The data are clear-the harmful substances andcarcinogens in cigar smoke z likecigarettes rare associated with the increased risks of several kinds of cancers as well as heart and lung diseases . he added . nIn other words , cigars are not safe alternatiyes to cigarettesnand may

6、 be addictivenTo those individuals who may be thinking about smoking cigars,our advice isdont To those currently smoking cigars,quitting is the only way to eliminate completely the cancer,heart and lung disease risks z nwarned Klausner According to a National Cancer Institute press release, there ha

7、vent been any studies on the health effects on nonsmokers at cigar social events z butn.a significant body of evidence clearly demo nstrates all in creased lung can cer riskfrom secondhand smoke . n练习:1 According co the report,smoking three orfour cigars a dayA) increases the risk of oral cancer for

8、 non-smokers .B) greatly increases the risk of oral cancer for smokers Qin creases the risk of more than one can cer for non-smokers ,D)greatly increases the risk of more than one cancer for smokers .2 In the passage how many cancers are mentioned in relation to smoking cigars daily?A) Six B) Seven

9、C) Eight D) Nine 3.What is the main idea of the articlenCigars : Health Effects and Trendsn?A) Whenitcomesto cancer, cigars arenotany saferthan cigarettes .B) Cigars may be addictive while cigarettes are not easily so C) Cigars contain less harmful substances than cigarettes D) Increase in cigar-smo

10、king does not affect public health much 4 What is the doctorsadvice to those cigar-smokers?A) To give it up completely .B) Togiveuppartofit C) Not to think about it any more D) To cure the diseases first 5 In the con text of this passage, secondhand smoke,meansA) smoking badquality cigars B) smoking

11、 very cheap cigars .C) being near cigar smokers when they are not smoking .D) being near cigar smokers when they are smoking .备注说明,非正文,实际使用可删除如下部分。本内容仅给予阅读编辑指点:1、本文件由微软0阡ICE办公软件编辑而成,同时支持WPS。2、文件可重新编辑整理。3、建议结合本公司和个人的实际情况进行修正编辑。4、因编辑原因,部分文件文字有些微错误的,请自行修正,并不影响本文阅读。Note: it is not the text. The following parts can be deleted for actual use. This content only gives reading and editing instructions:1. This document is edited by Microsoft office office software and supports WPS2. The files can be edited and reorganized3. It is suggested to revise and edit according to the actual situation


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