1、 供应商管理程序中英文版 Quality Procedure 质量程序 Title标题: Supplier Quality Management Procedure 供货商质量管理程序 : Doc No. 文件编号BZQP-7-07 : Revision 版本4 Page 页码: Page 2 of 16 Revision History 版本記录 Rev. 版本 Change Description 修改内容 Originated By 编写Date 日期 1 2 3 4 New release Cancel items 6.2.6,6.2.7,6.2.8, ,6.4,6.5.
2、3.4,6.5.1,6.6.2 and form BZQP-7-07F07.1 Modify items 3.5,6.2.3,6.2.4,,,6.6.1,6.6.2 and update form 7F09.1BZQP-7-07F04.1, BZQP-7-07F08.1, BZQP-7-0 Upaded 6.2.1,6.2.2, ,6.5.1, ,and 9.1 Cancel Form BZQP-7-07F08.2 and updated BZQP-7-07F09.3 KS Yang KS Yang KS Yang Frank Peng
3、Sep.1,2006 July.1,2007 Oct.9,2007 Nov.19,2009 Approval & Distribution审批&分发 APP Signature/Date APP Dept. Dept. Signature/ Date 部門 部門簽署/ 日期審批 審批 日期簽署/ PRD 生产部 HR 力资源部人 QA 品保部 FIN 财务部 WH 资材部Sourcing 仓储部 管理者代表 MR Engineering 工程部 厂长 PMC 生产及物料管控 Plant Manager Other Distribution Location : Checked by (Doc.
4、 Con.) : _ Effective Date : _ _ BZQP-4-01F01.3 表格編號Form No. Quality Procedure 质量程序 Title标题: Supplier Quality Management Procedure 供货商质量管理程序 : Doc No. 文件编号BZQP-7-07 : Revision 版本4 Page 页码: Page 3 of 16 中山机密及专利文件 )Confidential & Proprietary Information of XXX (ZhongShan). XXX( 1. PURPOSE 目的: To establ
5、ish a guideline to control and monitor supplier quality performance, manage supplier to improve quality system and product quality to meet XXX (ZhongShan) expectations. 建立监控供货商质量绩效的方针,管理供货商改进质量系统及产品质量以达到XXX(中山)的期望目标. 2. SCOPE 范围: 2.1 This procedure applies to all suppliers that provides production m
6、aterial products to XXX (ZhongShan). 此程序适合于XXX(中山)提供生产性物料的所有供货商. 2.2 This procedure is applicable for QA to manage supplier quality and related issue only. 此文件仅适用于QA管理供货商质量及相关问题. 3. DEFINITIONS 定义: 3.1 Key Supplier :The supplier provides the material that is either valuable and / or critical impact
7、to products characteristics 关键供货商: 提供对产品价值或性能有关键影响物料的供货商. 3.2 .SRS: Supplier Rating System SRS: 供货商评估系统. 3.3 FAI: First Article Inspection. FAI: 首件检验. 3.4 LAR: Lot Accept Rate from incoming inspection. LAR: 来料检查批接收率. 4. REFERENCE DOCUMENT 参考文件: 4.1 BZQP-7-06 Supplier Rating System Procedure 供货商评估系统程
8、序. 4.2 BZQP-8-07 Corrective and preventive actions procedure 纠正及预防措施程序. _ BZQP-4-01F01.3 表格編號Form No. Quality Procedure 质量程序 Title标题: Supplier Quality Management Procedure 供货商质量管理程序 文件编号: Doc No. BZQP-7-07 : Revision 版本4 Page 页码: Page 4 of 16 5. RESPONSIBILITY 职责: 采购 5.1 Purchasing staff5.1.1 Arrang
9、e consolidation of the overall material supplier performance and distribute to related parties. 整理供货商质量绩效并发布给相关部门5.1.2 Review the supplier performance and enhance supplier improvement management. 评估供货商绩效加强供货商改善管理. 5.1.3 Coordinate and plan suppliers support both for ongoing & future if necessary. 协调
10、和规划供货商现在及将来的支持 5.2 QA质量工程师. 5.2.1 Follow supplier corrective action in line complaint. 跟进产线投诉问题和供货商的改善行动. 5.2.2 Define key supplier for evaluation or assessment with purchasing staff. 与采购定义关键供货商以便评估. 5.2.3 Review the assessment result for further improvement or supplier quality related matters. 审核供货
11、商质量相关的事项的评估结果,达到持续改善. ME制造工程5.3 If necessary, ME will support QA to perform supplier process audit and technology evaluation. 必要时,ME将协助QA执行供货商制程审核及技朮评估. 6.PROCEDURE 程序: 6.1 Supplier Rating System 供货商级别评估体系. Purchasing and QA shall select the key supplier and perform SRS. Refer to Supplier Rating Sys
12、tem Procedure(BZQP-7-6). 采购和QA 选择关键供货商进行评估, 参照供货商评估系统程序(BZQP-7-6) 6.2 Material qualification 物料资格认证. 6.2.1 Under selection of a potential supplier, Sourcing or purchasing sends the specification or drawing component requirements to supplier and Engineer instruct supplier to submit sample and related
13、 document (Attachment 1.) _ BZQP-4-01F01.3 表格編號Form No. Quality Procedure 质量程序 Title标题: Supplier Quality Management Procedure 供货商质量管理程序 : Doc No. 文件编号BZQP-7-07 : Revision 版本4 Page 页码: Page 5 of 16 选定部分供货商后,资材部或采购将部件规格要求或图纸转交给供货商工程部工程师指导供货商按照提交样品和相关档(附檔1) 6.2.2 Engineer will cooperate to complete FAI
14、, detail operation process refer to “Incoming First Article Inspection Instruction (BZQAWI-003)”. 工程师将完成物料的FAI检查,具体作业方法请参考“来料首件检查指示(BZWIQA-003)” 6.2.3 After the internal inspection completed, QA submit the passed part and FAI documents to customer for make final approve if need. After customer appro
15、ve the sample, QA distribute the approved ). sample and relative files to IQC and buyer as the proof of approved by XXX (ZhongShan 内部检查完成后, 如客户要求, QA将零件批准的数据 (零件样板) 和FAI报告送与客户批准. 客户检查并批准后, QA将客户最终承认的样板及相关文件分发至IQC和采购, 作为样板被XXX(中山)承认的依据. 6.2.4 If material is rejected by customer, the original copy of
16、material approval should return back to QA. Return process from 6.2.1 to 6. 2.4 如零件承认被客户否决, 则承认零件退回给QA. 重复步骤6.2.1至6.2.4. For the critical to quality indirect material and not customer specified ,new developed supplier material needs to pass Engineers approval, and send to customer for approv
17、al as required. 对于客户未指定的间接物料,在其对产品质量有重要影响的状况下,新物料需要经过工程师批准,如果客户要求将送给客户进行批准. 6.2.5 Material disqualification procedure. 物料资格取消程序 In the below cases, IQC or buyer has the authority to request and disqualify suppliers part supply, and IQC rise a material disqualification request.( BZQP-7-07F01.
18、1) 当发现如下情况时, IQC或采购有权对供货商提出取消其生产件供应资格的申请, 并且该申请将以物料供应资格取消申请书形式提出( BZQP-7-07F01.1) .1 Serious quality issue from supplier (example: safety issue, use banned material, or seriously impact production in XXX etc). 部品发现重大质量问题(如安全问题,使用禁用物料,或对XXX造成重大生产影 _ BZQP-4-01F01.3 表格編號Form No. Quality Procedur
19、e 质量程序 Title标题: Supplier Quality Management Procedure 供货商质量管理程序 Doc No. 文件编号: BZQP-7-07 版本: Revision 4 页码: Page Page 6 of 16 响等). .2 More than 3 times claims for material quality from IQC or production line within one month and there is no effective action to improve the quality after IQC war
20、n or QA perform factory audit. 在一个月内IQC拒收三批以上的物料或生产线对该物料有三次以上的质量投诉并且在 IQC通知供货商或对供货商进行审核后供货商在质量方面没有有效改善. .3 Continual twice get red card in supplier rating system (for single sourcing supplier, material is disqualified except customer approval) 在供货商级别评定中连续两次评定为不合格(对于单一货源供货商,除非客户批准,否则 将取消其资格).
21、.4 Customer requirement客户要求. .5 Others其它. 6.3 Supplier Qualification & disqualification供货商资格认证及取消 6.3.1 For new supplier (or second source) who is opened by XXX (ZhongShan), QA needs to qualify new supplier. For the current suppliers, purchasing can list them directly in the AVL list.
22、对于XXX(中山)开发的新供货商(或者第二供货商), QA需要进行新供货商的资格认证.对于现有的供货商,可直接进入AVL表. 6.3.2 There are 5 classifications of “supplier qualification” process will be applied: 将有5个不同级别的文件被引用到供货商认证中去: NDA (Non-disclosure agreement): 保密协定 This is a non-disclosed agreement for supplier with XXX (ZhongShan) before busine
23、ss. Supplier must obey XXX (ZhongShan) business requirements, can not disclose any XXX (ZhongShan) business information, drawing, technical information, pricing information to any other 3rd party under this agreement withoutXXX(ZhongShan) permissions. _ BZQP-4-01F01.3 表格編號Form No. Quality Procedure
24、质量程序 Title标题: Supplier Quality Management Procedure 供货商质量管理程序 : Doc No. 文件编号BZQP-7-07 : Revision 版本4 Page 页码: Page 7 of 16 此档是供货商与XXX(中山)生意合作之前的保密协定.供货商必须遵守XXX(中山)商业要求, 不能揭露任何XXX(中山)生意方面信息、图纸、技术信息、价格信息等给任何未经XXX(中山)授权的第三方机构. Supplier reliable investigate report: 供货商信誉度调查 This report is to inve
25、stigate supplier reliable information in market and ensure supplier can show enough capability to support XXX (ZhongShan) 此文件用以调查供货商的市场信息以保证供货商有足够能力和XXX(中山)配合. Supplier Qualification Summary Report 供货商认证总结报告 This report is conducted by purchasing for one supplier evaluation summary report &
26、qualification status. 此份报告由采购主导用以供货商评估总结及认证状况. Supplier audit report, QA is responsible for perform audit ,if it is necessary and applicable, QA releases the copy of report to purchasing. 供货商审核报告,QA有必要且可实施状态下将对供货商进行审核,QA将复印件分发至采购. Supplier Disqualification Request 供货商资格取消申请. This rep
27、ort will be requested by purchasing & QA to disqualify a supplier; and the applicant will fill in the application. It will be effective by their manager and Plant Manager approval. 此份报告由采购及QA用以供货商资格取消申请.由各自部门经理和厂长签名后生效. 6.3.3 Primary opportunities for one qualified supplier: 供货商认证的首选机会: A well devel
28、oped quality management system. 优秀的质量发展管理系统. Reasonable price and forwardly to support XXX (ZhongShan) on cost down approach. 可以接受的价格水平并主动配合XXX(中山)降低成本. Capability of ensuring stable and punctual material supply chain system. 能够保证稳定而准时的供应链系统. Good service can support X
29、XX (ZhongShan) at emergency; provide XXX (ZhongShan) on _ BZQP-4-01F01.3 表格編號Form No. Quality Procedure 质量程序 Title标题: Supplier Quality Management Procedure 供货商质量管理程序 文件编号: Doc No. BZQP-7-07 Revision 版本: 4 Page 页码: Page 8 of 16 reliable & acceptable information; quickly respond on claims & remarks; s
30、upport XXX (ZhongShan) on flexibility; forwardly to provide XXX (ZhongShan) on Information (News, Technical support). 优良的服务; 能够在紧急状况下支持XXX(中山); 提供给XXX(中山)合理的和可以接受的信息; 迅速回馈XXX(中山)的抱怨及相关要求; 弹性地服务XXX(中山); 主动配合XXX(中山)有用的信息(新闻、技术支持). 6.3.4 Buyer gathering information of supplier: company profiles, brochu
31、res; products information (samples, specs), etc. If it matches current business requirments, then will send “Supplier Reliable Investigate Report” to supplier for self-evaluation, request supplier to submit self-evaluation data to purchasing for evaluation, based on current commodity supplier base s
32、tatus, technology, quality, cost, responsiveness, service, delivery, stability &capability, environmental & safety, If recommended supplier matches XXXs requirements, purchasing will lead the “Development team” to audit supplier. 采购收集供货商信息: 公司资料及手册; 产品信息(样品、规格)等. 如果供货商符合当前XXX(中山)商业需求, 负责采购将“供货商信誉度调查
33、报告”发给供货商进行自我评估; 要求供货商提供自我评估数据并回馈给采购,采购依据XXX现有商品供货商基础、技术、质量、成本、反应速度、服务、交期、稳定性和能力、环境及安全等予以综合评估. 如果推荐的供货商符合XXX(中山)要求,采购将安排发展团队予以评鉴. 6.3.5 Purchasing will lead “development team” to summarize “Supplier Qualification Summary Report”, to evaluate recommended supplier will be qualified supplier. XXX (Zhong
34、Shan) qualified supplier must be required: 采购将主导“发展团队”总结“供货商认证总结报告”,以评估推荐供货商成为合格供货商.XXX(中山)合格供货商必须同时满足如下要求: Pass XXX (ZhongShan) QA audit if it is applicable. The approval classification will refer to “BZWIQA-015 supplier audit &qualification”. 在审核可以进行和需要的条件下,供货商须通过XXX(中山)QA稽核.有关承认条件请参考“BZWI
35、QA-015供货商审查和认证指示”. Reasonable price and proactively to support XXX (ZhongShan) on cost reduction approach. 合理的价格水平和主动配合XXX(中山)进行成本降低. Supplier has a capability & stability system to support XXX (ZhongShan); _ BZQP-4-01F01.3 表格編號Form No. Quality Procedure 质量程序 Title标题: Supplier Qualit
36、y Management Procedure 供货商质量管理程序 Doc No. 文件编号: BZQP-7-07 : Revision 版本4 Page 页码: Page 9 of 16 供货商具有稳定的能力服务XXX(中山). Supplier can provide XXX (ZhongShan) technology solutions proactively. 供货商能够主动提供XXX(中山)材料技术解决方案. “Acceptable” and or above classification status approached to “Cost comp
37、etitive, Stability & Capability, Technology” criterions. “价格竞争性、稳定性及能力、技术”达到“可接受”或以上标准. “Supplier reliable investigates report” will be matched XXX (ZhongShan) requirements on supplier reliable survey. “供货商信誉度调查”必须符合XXX(中山)关于供货商可信度调查要求. 6.3.6 The supplier evaluation summarized report will be
38、 forwarded to supplier by purchasing. If opened new supplier which pass or conditional pass XXX (ZhongShan) audit, purchasing will create a vendor code in system and pass to Finance, after the signature of purchasing Manager. 采购将供货商评估总结报告转给供货商.如果新开发的供货商通过或条件通过XXX(中山)的审核,采购将填写供货商代码并经采购经理签名后,附上供货商评估总结
39、报告交会计部. 6.3.7 For customer specified suppliers, or suppliers are specified in customer BOM, QA dont need qualify supplier except customer request. QA will perform supplier audit when supplier quality performance is not satisfying. If supplier fail audit, customer shall approve “supplier quality risk
40、 assessment form” if customer still use this source. 对于客户指定的供货商,或在客户BOM中指明的供货商,除非客户有要求,否则QA不必对此类供货商进行认证.当供货商质量表现不好时,QA将执行审核。如果供货商不能通过审核,且客户需要继续使用该供货商,客户需要批准“供货商质量风险评估表”. 6.3.8 Supplier disqualification : the supplier from AVL will be remove when it meets one of below standards: 合格供货商资格取消:符合下述条件之一者,
41、其将被取消合格供货商资格. Poor on time delivery, continue three months OTD less than 60% or within six months the OTD in average less then 80%. 无法准时交货者:连续三个月准时交货率低于60%, 或半年内准时交货率低于80% 者. Poor quality, continue three month be raked with class D, or continue three months be raked with top 6 worst
42、quality supplier. _ BZQP-4-01F01.3 表格編號Form No. Quality Procedure 质量程序 Title标题: Supplier Quality Management Procedure 供货商质量管理程序 文件编号: Doc No. BZQP-7-07 Revision 版本: 4 Page 页码: Page 10 of 16 质量能力低下者:连续三个月被评为D级供货商, 或连续三个月被评为6差供货商者. Poor cooperation attitude, continue three times QSA failed, an
43、d can not provide effective improvement plan or corrective action. 无配合意向者:连续三次质量系统稽查不合格, 且无有效改善计划或对策者.。 Poor cooperation in cost down or other strategic solution from XXX, Purchasing can consider to raise dis-qualification application. 无意配合XXX(中山)成本改进或其它战略行动者, 采购可申请取消其资格. 6.3.9 QA and purcha
44、sing can suggest to disqualify suppliers. All applicants will fill up “Supplier Disqualification Request” to manager approval on Supplier Disqualification QA及采购均可建议取消供货商资格,所有申请者必须填写“供货商资格取消申请表”经过经 理批准. 6.5 Supplier corrective actions follow up 供货商纠正行动跟进. 6.5.1 Line complaint 生产线投诉. The high defectiv
45、e non-conformance incoming which affect normal production is detected in line, IPQC will issue ,and IQC issue 8D report to supplier after confirmed non-conformance incoming till the case close. 在生产中发现的高比率来料不良,IPQC开出制程异常处理单.并在IQC确认不符合物料后发出8D报告,跟进并核实供货商改善行动直至结案. 6.5.2 8D release 8D的发出. In below cases,
46、 IQC may release 8D to request supplier to perform corrective action. 在以下情况下, IQC将发出8D要求供货商进行改善. Supplier has critical quality or safety issue, has serious effect to XXX (ZhongShan). 供货商出现重大质量或安全问题,对XXX(中山)造成重大影响. Incoming of supplier has three times or above quality issues per month
47、, and supplier has no effective action. 供货商的来料有每月3次或3次以上普通质量问题,并且无有效的改善. Material of supplier has quality issue cause customer complaint. 供货商的物料出现质量问题,造成客户投诉. _ BZQP-4-01F01.3 表格編號Form No. Quality Procedure 质量程序 Title标题: Supplier Quality Management Procedure 供货商质量管理程序 : Doc No. 文件编号BZQP-7-07
48、 : Revision 版本4 Page 页码: Page 11 of 16 Detail operation of 8D; refer to the procedure BZQP-8-07 “corrective and preventive actions procedure”. 关于8D的作业方式,参照“纠正及预防措施程序”. 6.6 Supplier quality monitor and improve 供货商质量监控和改善. 6.6.1 IQC monthly monitor supplier quality performance and evaluate top
49、 worst performance supplier in LAR, line / customer complaint. Detail operation as below: IQC每月监控供货商的质量表现,并且从来料检验批合格率,产线投诉和客户投诉中选择最差供货商. 详细作业方法如下: IQC chooses worst 5 LAR performance supplier and their LAR monthly performance to calculate the score of supplier based on below formula: 60-(1-a
50、ctual LAR) x 100. IQC从供货商LAR表现中选择最差5位供货商和其当月的LAR,依照以下公式计算供货商的得分: 60-(1-actual LAR ) x 100. IQC calculate scoring of worst 5 LAR suppliers performace in line / customer claim as below: IQC从供货商LAR表现最差5位供货商,按照以下方式计算供货商产线投诉和客户投诉得 分: Line/customer complaint 1; scoring 30; 产线投诉和客户投诉1,得分30; Line/customer complaint=1; scoring 20; 产线投诉和客户投诉1次,得分20; Line/customer complaint=2; scoring 10; 产线投诉和客户投诉2次,得分10; Line/customer complaint3; scoring 0; (or supplier has repeated quality complaint) 产线和客户投诉大于等于3次(或供货商出现重复质量投诉),得分0;
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- 高中物理三年教学安排规划
- 2023上海虹口区初三二模英语试题及答案
- 常见探地雷达数据格式
- 内蒙古包头市2022年中考物理试卷【含答案】
- 脑洞大开背后的创新思维期末考试答案
- 油、套管、钻杆螺纹实用尺寸
- GB/T 7113.2-2014绝缘软管第2部分:试验方法
- GB/T 32439-2015给水用钢丝网增强聚乙烯复合管道
- GB/T 12971.2-2008电力牵引用接触线第2部分:钢、铝复合接触线
- 模板安装自检记录表