1、范文1:A senior stude nt at the bus in ess school headed by Chin as tough Prime Mini ster, I will graduate n ext year with a diploma to be con ferred by the Quebec Associati on of Certified General Accountants in Canada in the first joint educational program of its kind between China and a foreig n cou
2、n try. To build up a great career upon this rare privilege, I am now appl ying for adva need studies in your quality program, hop ing that I can someday become one of Chin as top acco unting experts.At Tsin ghua, the coun trys most valued cradle of adva need tale nts that houses my favored School of
3、 Busin ess Man ageme nt, I have bee n head and shoulders above most of my fellow stude nts in my class of 122. I ran ked among the top 2 per cent in macroec onomics, top 3 per cent in macroec ono mics, top 5 per cent in intern atio nal finan ce, and top 2 per cent in intern atio nal tradi ng. My per
4、forma nee in mathematics has been particularly strong, with my GPA in related courses probably the very best in the class. The CGA diploma requires completi on of 12 courses taught in En glish, of which I have fini shed eight, with a GPA better tha n that of most others.My distinguished academic per
5、formance won me the privilege of being chosen as the only Special-Trai ning Stude nt in my class of 122 to join the uni versitys Program for the Gifted. Through this elite program, I participated in a challe nging research project headed Professor Chun Xiya ng, head of the schools acco un ti ng depa
6、rtme nt. The project was aimed at finding the best way to control cost at the North China Petrochemical Corporati on, one of the coun trys best known compa ni es. As part of my research, I studied the corporate man ageme nt systems in the Un ited States, Japa n, Brita in and Germa ny, and analyzed t
7、he structure of Chinese companies. By the time I finished my part of the project to professor Chuns satisfact ion, I had not only broade ned my kno wledge but also acquired the ability, unique among Chin as un dergraduate stude nts, to con duct research in depe nden tly.Taking adva ntage of the uni
8、versitys emphasis on cultivat ing in depe ndent thi nking and practical research abilities, I have actively en gaged in a variety of research activities. I teamed up with several stude nts to in vestigate into Chin as tow nship en terprises and wrote a research paper un der the guida nce of our prof
9、essors. With the help of my professor in public finance, I studied the countrys taxation system that is designed to divide revenues betwee n cen tral and provi ncial gover nmen ts, and I did this in comparis onwith the taxati on regimes of America and France. My article, Chin as Taxatio n Reform, an
10、 alyzed the possible approaches of improvi ng that system .In my third academic year, I wrote The Acco un ti ng Structure in Share-hold ing En terprises, an article that dealt with the soluti ons to the problems in the acco un ti ng system of the said compa ni es. In my sec ond year, I worked as an
11、intern at China In dustrial and Commercial Bank and acqua in ted myself thereby with the prevale nt acco un ti ng practices of the coun trys finan cial in stituti ons. Such in volveme nt in practical research has added both depth and breadth to my lear ning of acco un ti ng.Much of my academic achie
12、veme nts can be credited to my solid comma nd of the En glish, which has allowed me to read intern atio nal acco un ti ng jour nals with ease. Among my regular readi ngs are Acco unting Review, Acco untancy. Public Finance Review, and others. I have tran slated Proposed Stateme nt of Finan cial Acco
13、 un ti ng Con cepts. My English proficiency is also reflected in the scores I obtained in various English tests such as TOEFL (633,10/97),GRE gen eral (total 2220, verbal 660, 93%; qua ntitative 790, 98%; an alytical 770, 96%), and GMAT (740, 99%; verbal 40, 92%;qua ntitative 50, 99%). I am sure tha
14、t, with such Ian guage skills, I can pursue adva need studies in an En glish-speak ing en viro nment.In recog niti on of my outsta nding academic record, the uni versity has selected me to enter into graduate studies without the usually mandatory admission exams, a privilege give n to only a few of
15、the very best stude nts each year. I have, however, decided to turn dow n the offer. I believe I will be able to lear n more on the acco unting/finance program by purs uing graduate studies in your uni versity. Your program of graduate research and studies is known to be hold ing a lead ing positi o
16、n in the field. Un der the guida nee of your dist in guished faculty and with the ben efit of your remarkable research facilities, I am sure I will be able to ground myself solidly in my chosen career. After my Ph. D. studies, I plan to return to Tsinghua, where I shall devote myself to a lifetime o
17、f teaching and research.范文2 :A Master s student of accounting at Xiamen University, the best higher -learning institution in China s strategically importSnivinee of Fujian, across the Straits from Taiwa n, I would like to pursue Ph. D. studies in your disti nguished program so that I can be assured
18、a teachi ng career in my motherla nd.My educati on so far is characterized by in disputable excelle nee. During the four years of my un dergraduate studies, my GPA was con siste ntly the highest i n my class of 135 stude nts. As you can see from the tran scripts of my academic record, I received str
19、aight A s for all the courses except for first -year Physical Education. My graduation was rated“ Outsta nding ” , the highest rati ng possible. An in -depth an alysis of the ethical sta ndards of Chin ese auditors, the paper was later published in a quality professi onal journal as a sem inal study
20、 of a rarely studied topic in China. As the unq uestio nably best stude nt in my year, I was accepted into graduate studies by the uni versity without the no rmally man datory entrance exam in atio ns.In recog niti on of my academic performa nee and other stre ngths, I was decorated with many honors
21、 and accolades duri ng my un dergraduate studies. I was elected the mon itor of the class and the Vice Preside nt of the uni versity s Stude nt Union, making me the mostimportant female student leader on campus. Among the financial awards I won was the Jiageng Scholar ship, the university s most pre
22、stigious award named after its founderChen Jiageng, one of the best known patriotic Chinese in the first half of this century. The Jiage ng /scholarship is offered to only ten stude nts each year, and the offer is usually pres en ted to the recipie nts by the uni versity s preside nt in pers on in a
23、 grand ceremony, asit was in 1996, whe n I got it.In my un dergraduate studies, I had broad academic in terests, although I majored in acco un ti ng. I regularly read academic journ als, both Chin ese and intern ati on al, to keep me abreast of the latest developments in accounting and other related
24、 fields. I devoted con siderable time to lear ning such subjects as law and economics. My exte nsive knowledge provided me solid grounding as I narrowed down my research interest to professi onal ethics of acco untan ts. In a country that has on ly an in choate legal regime gover ning professi onal
25、practice. Enforcing high ethical sta ndards is both difficult and critical. But studies have bee n sca nt and haphazard so far. I am glad that I have made quite some contribution to the country s discourse in this area.My un dergraduate studies were greatly en riched with a most reward ing intern sh
26、ip program. As a CPA assistant working for the Accounting Firm affiliated to the university, I took part in the audit ing of several major corporati ons. In the process, I lear ned not only to put my book kno wledge in practice but also acquired first-ha nd kno wledge of how Chin ese acco untan ts,
27、operati ng un der in adequate laws and regulati ons, han dled difficult issues. Such kno wledge has con stituted an importa nt part of the basis for my research on the ethical questi ons of Chin ese acco untants and auditors.In my graduate studies, I have broadened my intellectual horizon and refine
28、d myaccounting expertise. The courses I took related to both theories and methodologies ofaccounting and auditing. But the more significant part of my learning is to be found perhaps not in the courses but in the research projects that I have take n part in together with my professors. I have, for e
29、xample, helped my professors in compili ng and edit ing a major textbook for the continuing educati on program of the ALL-Ch ina Associati on of Certified Acco untan ts. The book, Cases of Audit ing, has just bee n published and is expected to substa ntiate the curriculum of the continuing educati o
30、n program.In my Ph. D. studies, I wish to focus my studies and research on audit ing, particularlyin relati on to audit risk, auditor -smakaiisioethics of audit in g. I am also in terestedin accounting theories. I heard of Penn State University while I was still an undergraduate student, and I know
31、that its accounting program is marked by selectivity and excellenee. I hope that, by study ing in your program, I will be able to build on my academic record so far for a promis ing career as a teacher in China a few years dow n the road.范文3 :Since I was very young I have always bee n in terested in
32、 acco un ti ng and finance andhow they operate. In Chi na, my favourite TV programme is the finance programme and Ienjoy international finance. I frequently worked in my mother s company to help the staff inthe acco unts departme nt. All of these have give n me an un dersta nding of acco unting and
33、financeMy passi on for the subject expa nded whe n I chose acco un ti ng as part of my A-levelprogramme. Although this subject is somewhat demanding, I find it extremely interesting. I believe this is the right choice for me. I am con fide nt that a course in acco unting and finance satisfies my int
34、erest. I am looking forward to learning more of accounting in my A-level courseIn my spare time I enjoy playing basketball. I play once or twice a week with myfrien ds. I also like to liste n to music. I think that play ing basketball can help me to in crease the team spirit and music can help me re
35、lax. Also while I was working as a cleaner in Dow ning College at Cambridge Uni versity, I believe that I gained in valuable experie nce in dealing with the boss and trying to deliver colleague satisfaction, whilst learning to work effectively and efficiently in a well-structured team. Hopefully I w
36、ill be able to get this kind of opport unity to work whilst at uni versity. I enjoy my spare time and try to use it effectivelyI con sider myself to be a hard work ing outgo ing in dividual. I still have someshortco min gs. For example, I am a little bit disorga ni sed sometimes. But I have known th
37、is and I am trying to correct it. I have made a timetable to orga nise my daily life. I am look ing forward to the challe nge of uni versity life, both socially and men tally. I stron gly believe that my years at university will be enjoyable and those that I will remember for the rest of my life. Mo
38、st of all I am hop ing that my chose n subject will give me a strong foun dati on for a successful career.范文4 :acco un ti ng stateme nt of purposeWritte n by Admi nistratorSun day, 25 April 2010 17:00s such as Excels or aboveI am an ambitious, creative and en thusiastic in dividual. Since childhood
39、I have enjoyed maths, as it is challenging and consists mostly of problem solving. Therefore, wanting to further my career in acco untin g. I am a sociable in dividual who gets on well with others. I am computer literate; therefore I am familiar with software and publisher, and I believe that this s
40、kill will help with my progress in accounting. I work well on my own and with in a group, which makes me an ideal can didate for an acco unting degreeDuring my years at school not only have I gained nine GCSE s at grade Cin cludi ng a grade B in Maths, but I have also take n part in many sport ing e
41、ven ts. I have achieved three medals of which one is gold in Athletics and two silver in Basketball and Roun ders. I have also accomplished a compact certificate represe nti ng my 100% pun ctuality and atte ndance and emphasis ing my en thusiasm in my work and educati on. I was also a prefect, this
42、symbolizes that I am a reliable in dividual with great pote ntialI have had a wide range of work experience in many fields such as teaching, pharmacy and as a sales represe ntative, which has helped me develop my com muni catio n skills. I am also en rolli ng on a part-time, three-m on th man agers
43、course with McDonalds to widen my work experience. This course will include Health and Safety, time man ageme nt and deali ng with costumer compla in ts. During my experie nces I have realised that accounting is the field of work I wish to proceed in this is because of previous work placeme nts whic
44、h I have enjoyed but not to the exte nt that I would with acco unting.范文5 :Born in 1974 to parents who valued education above everything else, I consistently excelled my classmates in primary and high school. My father, a senior engineer of a huge manu facturi ng compa ny, would not accept any sec o
45、nd best performa nee in my studies, and I n ever disappo in ted him. One way for me to stay the top stude nt was to pursue a wide variety of in terests that helped to keep me physically strong and in tellectually sharp. An acclaimed football player, I led my high school s football team as its captai
46、n intowinning the city s football championipj I also enjoyed literature, music and traveling.As the best stude nt of my high school, I was well prepared in 1991 whe n I took theNati onal Uni versity Entrance Exam in ati ons, held n ati on wide once every year to scree n high school graduates for hig
47、her educatio n. Of the 100,000 high school graduates who took the exams that year in my provinee, I ranked the fourth in overall scores. On the stre ngth of these scores, I gained accepta nee into the Finance & Acco un ti ng Departme nt of the Beiji ng Uni versity, which Preside nt Cli nton describe
48、d as the Harvard of China on his recent trip to this coun try.At the Beijing University, the country s best institution of higher learning, I continuedto be the best stude nt of the class. The uni versity s bus in ess swhicoil,th(e Finance& Acco un ti ng Departme nt bel on gs, emphasizes, En glish a
49、nd computers. I did well in all of them .In the final exams, I got the full grade for calculus, and the highest grade in my class in statistics, li ner algebra, microec onomics, finance, banking and econo metrics. My average grade was 90 on the 1 to 100 scale, making me the un disputed academic lead
50、er among my fellow stude nts.I began to have significant academic publications while I was still an undergraduatestudent, something highly un usual in China. Taking advantage of the university s wellcultivated atmosphere of academic freedom, I un dertook exte nsive research on top of my regular cour
51、se load, which cul min ated in the publicati on of a book, titled“ Out of DilemmaAs the prin cipal author of the book, I made sure that the book prese nted an in sightful study of the Wester n bus in ess man ageme nt methods, especially those prove n effective in the experience of the Fortune 500 co
52、rporations. The book was unique at the time in thatdetailed case studies were prese nted on a nu mber of well-k nown Chin ese compa nies aga inst the Wester n bus in ess man ageme nt approaches in troduced in the book.I was also the only un dergraduate in my departme nt who published a research pape
53、rin an academic journal. In the “The investment risk and its measurement” , published in theJanuary 1996issue of Chin ese Tech no logy and Economy Scien ce, I prese nted a mathematical model I myself have developed on the measureme nt of market risks.Although the model has yet to be prove n in empir
54、ical research, it has received positive review among Chin ese econo mists. It should serve as an adva need start ing point for me to con duct further studies and research.With an impeccable academic record and virtually un precede nted publicati on s, I received many awards and honors, in cludi ng t
55、he Outsta nding Stude nt Honor in October 1992, the Gua nghua Scholarship in 1994, and the Outsta ndi ng Stude nt Ho nor in 1996. In recog niti on of my achieveme nts, the Busin ess School of the Beiji ng Uni versity offered in 1996 to accept me for graduate studies without the no rmally man datory
56、exam in ati ons, a privilege that is gra nted to only what the uni versity con siders the excepti on ally gifted.I, however, declined the offer by my alma mater. Instead, I joined the Chinese DaChuan (Group) Company, one of the world s biggest shipping companies, to work with itsPla nning & Finan ci
57、al Divisi on at its headquarters in Beiji ng. I wan ted to apply what I had learned both in class and outside of it to an alysis of real bus in ess operati ons before I comme need my graduate studies.That has since proved to be the right decisi on. Work ing with the Chin ese Da Chua nCompa ny, with
58、its 117 bran ches around the world, gave me a van tage point from which I easily and regularly observe all sorts of finan cial activities, such as the capital flow, the in vestme nt, the making of acco un ti ng stateme nts, the cost con trol, and the inno vati on in acco unting computer systems. Thi
59、s has not only en riched my kno wledge of finance and given me clear perception into the company itself but also provided me with the necessary empirical data for more adva need studies in gen eral.While with the Chin ese Da Chua n Compa ny, I saw first hand just how big thediffere nces are betwee n the acco unting practices in Chi na and those in the developed world. To summarize my observati on s, I published a
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