



1、Module 3Food and drinkUnit 8 The food we eat陆艳教学设计方案本部分内容的处理, 以旧带新。 可以由学生已经熟悉的有关 “超市” 的柜台引入到 “菜 场”中的各种摊档。接着要求学生回顾 Mrs Li 的购物清单,决定她会在什么地方购买这些 食物。 要求学生根据这个清单进行句型的操练。本课时是在学生学习了决定 “菜单”的基础 上,进行关于“购物”句式的操练。所运用到的句型都已有所涉及。教学内容不难。但有必 要创设情景,让学生在情景中进行更深层次的操练。Pre-task preparation1 Look at the pictures and say t

2、he words that the students have learned.2 Ask students to work in pairs and talk about what they would like to have fordinner tonight.Questions for referenceWhat would you like to have for dinner tonight?What kind of dish would you like to have?What kind of soft drink would you like to drink?Invite

3、some representatives to the front to report their dinner menu by usingIwouldlike to have .While-task procedure1. Let the students learn the new words and phrases according to the picture.2. Danny has a new job. He works in a supermarket now. He is not very careful. He puts thefood in the wrong secti

4、ons. Lets help him. to find out3. Ask students where their families usually buy food and drinks to elicit:supermarketand market.4. Tell students that people can buy different food at different stalls and ask studentsthe following questions to elicit the stalls names with students.Where can we get st

5、eak in a market? ( At the meat stall. )Where can we get prawns or crabs? ( At the fish stall. )Where can we find garlic? ( At the vegetables stall.)Where can we get strawberries? (At the fruit stall.)* Remind students that we should use the prepositionatbefore the stall names.5 Tell students that pe

6、ople also buy their food and drinks from the supermarket. Wedon thave stalls in the supermarket, butsections .Introduce: section.6 Ask students to read the part In the supermarket on page 57 and ask them the following questions to check if they know the difference between a supermarket anda market.W

7、here can we find tomatoes in the supermarket? ( In the vegetable sect ion.)Where can we find dumpli ngs? ( In the froze n food sect ion.)Where can we get bac on? ( In the meat sect ion. )Where can we see praw ns? ( In the seafood sect ion.)Where can we buy man goes? ( In the fruit secti on.)7 Ask an

8、d an swer:1) A: where do you buy fish?B: In the market, at the fish stall.A: How much are they?B: They are 8 yua n.2) A: Where do you buy praw ns?B: In the supermarket, in the seafood sect ion.A: How much do they cost?B: They cost 70yua n.8 Compare the price. Look at the shopping list on P55 again,

9、then write the different prices.Post-task activities1 Stude nts work in groups of four. Distribute a copy of the supermarket/market pricelists to each group and ask them to decide where to buy those food items they e writte n in their shopp ing list. ( Suppose they have only 60 yua n. How can they b

10、uy both cheaper and healthier food?)2 In vite some groups to report.Con solidati on1 Workbook 6A, pages 50 and 512 Copy the new words3 Read and recite the textTeach ing pla nPeriod threeTopicThe food we eatPeriod3(page57)Teach ingObjectiveLanguage objectives1. Asking how questions to find out prices

11、;Skill objectives1. To read price lists;2. To compile a dinner menu and a shopp ing list;Emoti onal objectivesTo arouse stude nts aware ness of eat ing healthy food.Teach ing focusat the fish stall; in the vegetable sect ionTeach ing difficultiesHow much are they?Teach ing aidsMultimedia; text book;

12、 recorder; boardTeach ing procedurestepsTeacher s activitiesStudents activitiesPurposesWarmi ng_upPlay the computer.Si ng a song .To warm up theSing with the Ss.atmosphere.Pre-task1. Look at the pictures.Say the n ames of food.Review what they havepreparatio nLet s review the wordslear ned in last l

13、ess onwe have lear ned.2. Ask and an swerDo pair workWhile-task1. Lets lear n the new wordsLearn the new wordsLet Sslear ntheprocedureand phrases accord ing to theand phrases, the n readmeaning of these newpicture.them after the tape.words and phrases, andlear n how to use them.2. Danny has a new jo

14、b. He works in a supermarket now. He is not very careful. He puts the food in the wrong sections. Let help him to find out.Do the exercises.3. Ask and an swer.Askandan swerMasterthetwoA: where do you buy fish?questi ons accord ing tostructures:B: In the market, at the fishthe pictures.A: Where do yo

15、u How much are they?B:In the market, atB: They are 8 yua n.the fish stall.A: Where do you buyA: Where do you buypraw ns?praw ns?B: In the supermarket, i n theB: In the supermarket,seafood secti on.A: How much do they cost?B: They cost 70yua the seafood secti on.4. Compare the price. LookFill in the bla the shopping list on P55 aga in, the n write the differe nt prices.Post-task1. Discuss and write:Discuss and writeLet the students knowactivitySuppose you have only 60that its a good idea toyua n. How can you buy bothspe nd less money to


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