2020-2021学年新教材人教版英语必修第三册课时分层作业 5 Unit 2 Word版含解析_第1页
2020-2021学年新教材人教版英语必修第三册课时分层作业 5 Unit 2 Word版含解析_第2页
2020-2021学年新教材人教版英语必修第三册课时分层作业 5 Unit 2 Word版含解析_第3页
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1、好好学习,天天向上课时分层作业(五).单句语法填空1john caught his sister reading(read) his private letters。2he received an invitation to dinner,and with his work finished(finish),he gladly accepted it.3i wont have you speaking(speak) to your dad like that。4its wrong to leave the machine running(run)5when i passed by his of

2、fice,i heard my teacher singing(sing) a song.6the cooling wind swept through our bedroom windows,making(make) air conditioning unnecessary。7there is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland,staring(stare) at the night sky。8finally i refused to attend classes, shutting

3、(shut) myself in my room for hours。9judging(judge) from the name, it is easy to guess that players can only join if they are fat。10i believe she lay awake at night thinking(think) up mean things to do。完形填空carl didnt talk much, but would always greet everyone with a big smile.he was a 1 man. no one r

4、eally knew him, 2 he had lived in our neighborhood for over 50 years.carl had a slight limp (跛行) from the wound in a 3 . watching him,we worried that although he had survived world war , he might not make it through the increasing 4 when our local church advertised a volunteer job of 5 a garden, car

5、l got the job。later, the very thing we had always 6 finally happened.carl was just finishing his 7 when three young people approached him。 ignoring their bad attempt (企图), he simply asked, “would you like a drink from the hose (软管)?” the tallest said “yeah, sure with a(n) 8 smile。as carl offered the

6、 hose to him, the other two knocked him down and the tallest 9 his watch and money.carl tried to stand up but failed until someone came to help him。 a few weeks later the three 10 . carl again offered them a drink and they treated carl as before.and one day, carl was 11 by the sudden approach of som

7、eoneone of the three guys! carl prepared himself for the expected 12 . “dont worry。 im not going to hurt you, the young man spoke 13 , offering the watch and money to carl.confused, carl asked, “why would you help me now?” the man said, “i 14 something from you. every time we did something bad to yo

8、u,you kept showing your 15 after carl was dead, another advertisement showed, “a person needed to take care of a garden”, and the young man took the job。【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,主题语境是生活。carl照看当地的一个花园期间被三个人多次欺负,然而他每次都会以善待人,从而感动和教化了其中一个人。1a。popularbwisecquietdhandsomec根据第一句中didnt talk much以及空后no one really knew

9、 him可知,carl是个非常安静的人.2a。as thoughbeven thoughcsincedifb根据空前没有人真正了解他可知,此空表转折,虽然他在这住了五十多年。3a.battlebfightcgamedmatcha根据下文world war可知,carl参加过二战,在战斗中受了伤。4a.demandbdifficultychappinessdviolenced根据下文那三个人的行为可知,此空指当地越来越多的暴力事件.5a.buildingbdesigningclooking fordlooking afterd根据最后一段中take care of可知,此空指照看花园。6a。fe

10、aredbexpectedcregretteddexperienceda根据第3空后的we worried以及下文内容可知,作者担心害怕的事情还是发生了。7a.sleepingbwateringcwashingddrinkingb根据下文hose可知,carl刚给花园浇完水。8a.warmbbrightcforceddunfriendlyd根据下文那三个人的行为可知,他的笑应该是不友善的。9a。boughtbcheckedcstoledruinedc根据第13空后的offering the watch and money可知,个子最高的那个人偷走了carl的手表与钱。10a。responded


12、rroweddlearnedd根据空后内容可知,这位年轻人之所以这样做是因为他从carl身上学到了一些东西。15a。painbconcernckindnessdattentionc根据上文carl的做法可知,这三个人如此对待carl,但他仍然保持他的善良。.语法填空who is smarter? a human being or artificial intelligence (ai)? the question 1. (sweep) across the world a few weeks ago when a google。developed program called alphago

13、defeated the best player in the world。so,what comes next?some people are worried, saying that the rapid development of artificial intelligence could mean the end 2。 the human race。so are we really about to live in the world 3. (show) in the movies?“not quite,” answered john markoff of the new york t

14、imes,4。 is optimistic about the future.“we think that, for the human being, things like sight and balance are natural 5. ordinary in our life。also, we humans are better at making 6. (adjust) to the surroundings。 we have a long way to go before ai can 7. (true) begin to be similar to the human brain,

15、 even though the technology can be great.”“our fate (命运) is in our own 8. (hand),” he added。“since technology depends on the value of 9. (it) creators, we can use technology 10. (improve) the world。”【语篇解读】本文语篇类型是说明文,主题语境是科学与技术.谁更聪明?人类还是人工智能?人工智能在许多领域击败了人类,但这能说明人工智能可以取代人类大脑吗?1swept考查时态。时间状语a few week

16、s ago常与过去时连用。2of考查固定搭配。the end of.。意为“的终结”。3shown考查被动语态。过去分词短语shown in the movies作定语,修饰world(分词动作show与被修饰词之间是被动关系).4who考查定语从句。关系代词who指代先行词john markoff,引导非限制性定语从句,并在从句中作主语。5and考查连词。natural与ordinary为并列关系,故用and连接.6adjustments考查词性转换.空白处所填词在句中作make的宾语,故用adjust的名词形式;adjustment 常用复数形式。7truly考查词性转换.空白处所填词在句中修饰谓语动词,故用tr


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