



1、欢迎阅读There be 句型专练 一 根据所给汉语完成句子1. 桌子上有一本书和两支钢笔。 Therea book and two pens on the desk.2.钱包里有些钱。Theresome money in the picture.3.在吉姆的书包里有一些卡片。some cards in Jims bac4.里面还有其他的东西吗?anything else in it?C、/1 5.我们学校有许多班。Theremanyin our school.- _、 J6.树上没有鸟。Therebirds in the tree.7.树上有很多苹果。applesthe tree.r-*J二

2、.选择填空:1. Are there any maps on the wall?Jl IA. There are some.? B. Yes, there are.? C. Yes, there is one.? D. No,Ithere are.2. How manyare there in the picture?A. woma n B. wome n C. boy D. milk3. There aren ttrees near the house. There is only one.4. A. any?B. some C. many D. much5. Theretwo bowls

3、of rice on the table.欢迎阅读A. is B. have C. has D. are6. Are therehouses near the river?Y es, there are?.7. A. some, some? B. any, some? C. any, any? D. some, any三.句型转换:1.There is awoma nn earthe house.(变复数)2. There are some busesn earthe hill.(变单数)3. There are some apples in thetree (变一般问句)4. There a

4、re some oran ges in the glass.(变否定句)5. Is there a baby in the room?(变复数)6. There are many beautiful flowers in the garden.( i二二?in the garden?7. There is a book in my study.(变一般问句)?in your study?8. There is a soccer ball and a basketball on the floor.(就划线部分提问)就划线部分提问)on the floor?9. My new dress is

5、in the drawer (就划线部分提问)your new dress?10. There are some big trees behi nd my house (就划线部分提问)欢迎阅读big trees?11. There are many thi ngs over there.(就划线部分提问)over there?12.There is a little girlin the room.f(就划线部分提问in the room?=in the room?13. There arent any pictures on the wall.(同意句转换)Therepictures on

6、 the wall.14. There isnt a bike behind the tree.(同意句转换)There bike behind the tree.15. There is no milk in the glass ( 同意句转)There milk in the glass.16. There is no book on the floor.(同意句转换)Therebook on the floor.17. There are no pens in the pencil-case.(同意句转换)iJl b I I 么 ITherepens in the pen cil-cas

7、e. . i 二一718. A week has seven days.(同意句转换)I I1I seven daysa week.?19. There are some books on my shelves.( 同意句转换)some books the shelves.20. Our class has 71 boys and girls.(同意句转换)71 boys and girlsour class.21. There is a computer on the desk . f (就划线部分提问the computer?欢迎阅读22. There are four children

8、on the playground.(就划线部分提问)childrenon the playground?23. There is a girl under the tree.(就划线部分提问)there under the tree?24. There is only one cat behind the door.(就划线部分提问)there beh ind the door?25. There is some water in the bottle.(就划线部分提问)there in the bottle?26. There is a lot of tea in my cup.(就划线部分提问)there incup?四.there be 与have区别专练。1. This deskfour legs.2. some books on the desk.3. Every onea


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