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1、一般现在时和现在进行时练习题(1)含答案一、选择题练习1.Whooverthere now2.3.A. singingIt s eightA. haveListen! TheA. cry i ngB. are singcIock. TheB. hav i ngbabyinC.studentsC. isthe nextB. cr i ed4. Look! The twinsA. are wear i ng5. Don t talkA. is sIeepingB. 6. Tom i s ahosp i tai.C.A.i s singingD. Singan Engl i sh cI ass.ha

2、v i ngD. arehav i ngroom.C is cryingnew sweaters.B. wear i ngC. arewearD.D. i s wear i nghere GrandparentsB. are sIeepingworker. Hework/ workC.sIeep i ngD. s I eepin a factory HisB. works/ workC.work/ worksD. 7. WhoEngli sh best in your cI assA. speakB. speaksC. speak ing8. Mrs Readthe windows every

3、 day.A. is cIeaningB. c I eanC. c I eans9. We music and oftento music.A. I i ke/ I i stenB. I i kes/ Ii stensC. Ii ke/ are I i steni ng10. SheA. get B. getsC. gettingup at six in the morning. On Sunday he sometimes his clothes and sometimes some shopp i ng.A. wash/ do B. is washing/ is doing C. wash

4、es/ does12. The twins usuaI Iy milk and bread for breakfast,A. have/ haveB. have/ hasC. has/ havebut Jimsome coffee for it.二、填空:My father a I ways(come)back from work very late.2. The teacher i s busy. He(s I eep) s i x hours a day.3. Li s ten! Joan(sing) i n the c I assroom.She often (s i ng) there

5、.4. your brother (know) Japanese?5. Whereyou (have) Iunch every day?6. The girl(I ike) wear i ng a sk i r t.Look! She (wear) a red sk i r t to day.三、写出下列动词的现在分词形式wo r k s i n gd a n c e hav er u n s i tmplaystudy_2.wr i tet ake3.shopswi仁四、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式wo r k r e adi tet eac h was htch3 godocIeangu

6、ess仁2.wastudyflyphoto4.cry p I ay5. havebe五、根据中文意思完成句子k学生们在干什么有一些在打电话,另一些躺在沙滩上。the students Someon the phone, on the beach.2、“格林先生在看电视吗” “不,他在打扫房间。”“Mr GreenTV” “, Hethe house. ” 3、魏芳不是在读书,她在写信。Wei Fanga book Shea letter.4、今天 天乞怎 么样 i s the wea ther to day或 i s the wea ther _today?5、我正在通过收音机学(learn)

7、英语。IEngl ish on the radio.6、这个老人每天早上六点钟起床。The old manat six o cIock in the morning every day.7、你从哪里来 Whereyou from 或 Where you from?我从美国来。Ifrom America.或 Ifrom Amer ica.一般现在时与现在进行时练习(3) (2008-11-19 22:14:09)一般现在时与现在进行时练习1 We often(p I ay) i n the p I ayground.2. 2. He(get) up at s ix of c Iock3. 3.y

8、ou(brush) your teeth every morning.4. 4. What (do) he usua I I y (do) after schoo I5. 5. Danny (study) English,Ch inese,Maths,Scienee and Art an school6. 6. Mike sometimes (go) to the park with his sister.7. 7. At eight at night, she (watch) TV with his parents.8. 8.Mike(read) Engl ish every day9. 9

9、. How many lessonsyour c I assmate(have) on Monday10. 10. What timehis mother(do) the housework改句子1. Do you often p I ay footba I I after schoo I (肯定回答)2. I have many books.(改为否定句)3. Gao Shan1 s sister I ikes playing table tennis (改为否定句)4. She I ives in a smaI I town near New York.(改为一般疑问句)5. I watc

10、h TV every day.(改为一般疑问句)6. David has got a goa I.(改为一般疑问句)7. We have four I essons.(否 定句)8. Nancy doesn t run fast (肯定句)9. My dog runs fast.否定句:一彳殳疑问句:10. Mike has two letters for him.一彳殳疑问句:否定句:11. I usuaI Iy pI ay footba I I on Friday afternoon.否定句:一彳殳疑问句:划线提问:12. Su Yang usuaI Iy washes some clot

11、hes on Saturday.否定句:一彳殳疑问句:划线提问:13. Mingming usuaI Iy waters the fIowers every day一为殳疑问句:划线提问:14. Tom does h i s homework at home否定句:一務殳疑问句:划线提问:1. Whatare you (do) nowI (eat)bread2. Itsnine o* c I ock My father(work)in theoffice.3. Look, the boy(put) the rubbish into the bin4. he(c I ean) the c I a

12、ssroom No, he i sn11 He(play) 5. Where i s Mak He(run) on the grass.6. Lis ten, who(s i ng) in the music room Oh, Mary(s i ng) there.将下列句子改成现在进行时1. Tom can speak Chinese.2. We have four Iessons.3. I watch TV every day.4. She works in a hospitai.5. Do you Ii ke th i s book6. Kitty and Ben have Iunch

13、at about twe Ive.7. His father can he Ip them.8. Danny, open the door.9. They watch TV i n the evening.一,写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式和现在分词goen joyt eacheatdrawwa I k _takedancewr i terunswimget二,用所给动词的适当形式填空1. Miss Li (I ike) sIeeping in the day.2. Lis ten! Who (t a I k) with your paren ts3. The girl ( not dance

14、 ) on Wednesday. She dances on Friday.4. He wants (be) a teacher.5. Everyone (say) she is a good shop assi stant.6. Can she (sing) in Engl ish7 They I ike(read) under the tree. Look! They(sit) there to read.8. Let s (eat) I unch together (起).9. Look! A cat (run) up the tree.10. 111 s 6:30. My brothe

15、r (see) a movie11 Sam (go) to schoo I at 7:00 every day12. Peggy i s (cIean) the bedroom now. She i s a good girl.13. WhereMr. Green(I i ve)Hein London.14. you (c I ean) your bedroomNo, Im not. Im c I eaning the I i v i ng room.15. Nancy (ta I k) on the phoneNo, she i sn* t. She(eat) lunch now.三,选择填

16、空()1. Father usuaI Iy his newspaper after dinner.A. read B reads C. reading D. is reading()2. The BI acks often to the c i nema on Saturday evenings.A go B. goes C. is going D are going()! The boy with hi s mother i n the poo I A. is swimming B. is swiming C. are swimming D. are swiming() What is To

17、m doing in the cI assroomHesomething on the bI ackboard.A. draws B. draw C. is drawing D. are drawing.() Tom usua I I y up at si x and sports i n the garden.A. gets, dos B. gets, does C. get, does D gets, do()6. Its ten oclock and Jack sti I I (仍然)his homework.A. is, do B. is, doing C are, do D are,

18、 doing()7. The waiters to work at five every morning.A. start B. starts C starting D. are starting() a letter, so I can11 go out with you.A. is wri ti ng B am wr i ting C. am wr i teing D. am wr i tting四,用括号中动词的适当形式填空Every year my paren ts(give) me a prese nt for my b i r thday.2. Mike, where are yo

19、uyou(wait) for me there3. What you a I ways (do) on weekends4. We usua I I y(have) four c I asses i n the morn i ng. There (be) a break between two cI asses.5. Look! Something (lie) there6. She (wr ite) a letter now.7. The sin ger (sing) two songs on TV once a week.8. Your teacher (I ook) young thou

20、gh he i s s i xty years o I d.9. My aunt(ar r i ve) here to see me at the beg inning ofnext month.10. Lis ten! The students (sing) Take Me to Your Hear t.11. I think Tom(know) the answer.12. I(get) up at si x and(have) my breakfast at about s i x th i rty then I(go) to schoo I at sevenevery day.13.

21、PI ease ho I d on. He (come).14. Everyone (want) a good job15. The read i ng room i s qu i et Everybody(read) booksor magaz i nes.16 Keep qu i e t Fat her (s I eep) i n the next roo m.18. -一 Whats your pI an about the vacation一- We(go) to the beach. Wi I I you p I ease go with us19. Jenny (v i s it)

22、 her grandparents every Saturday.20. WhatAnn (do) She(do) her homework五、句型转换21 There i s some mea t and vege tables in the hamburger.(变一務殳疑问句,并且作否定回答)22. She has some red sk i rts and green scarves.(雯成否 定句)23. My mom is cooking.(雯成一般疑问句并且作肯定回答)24. He is playing tennis with me.(变.成一般疑问句并且作否定回答)25. He

23、 does some cIeaning every day.(变成否定句)26. They are reading the newspaper(对划线部分提问)27. I am swimming.(对划线部分提问)28. I am swimming at the swimming poo I (对划线部分提问)29. I am swimming because its too hot.(对划线部分提问)30. I am swimming with my father.(对划线部分提问)31. 丨am swimming.(对划线部分提问)32. I usua I Iy swim in summe

24、r.(对划线部分提问)33. She eats Iunch at 12:00.(对划线部分提问)34. He can dance.(对划线部分提问)35. This book is five yuan.(对划线部分提问)36. She Ioves green (对划线部分提问)37. Its 6:20 now.(对划线部分提问)38. She I ikes pandas, too.(变成否定句)39. Its raining i n Be i j i ng.(对划线部分提问)40. There are 45 students in Class 4.(对划线部分提问)I. 用动词的适当形式填空1

25、. She (go) to schooI at eight oclock.2. Its six o1 clock. They are supper, (eat)3. He usuaI Iy up at 17:00. (get )4. She (I i ve) in Bei j ing.5. Sally (be) here just now.(刚才)6. (be)there a f Iy (苍蝇)on the tabIe just now7. They are (d i g) a ho I e (洞)8. My fat her (mend) his model (模型)p I ane t hes

26、e days 四.用所给词的适当形式填空:Tom and h i s fat her (swim) now.2. Look! They (run)along the street.3. We(practice)hard these days because we wi I I have a big match next month.4. Wha t he (do) a t n ine o1 clock I as t n igh t5. They (I i sten) to the mus i c at that time.6. When the headmaster came i n, the

27、 students(read)the text.7. We (watch)TV when suddenly the teI ephone rang.8. She (make)the paper fIowers the who Ie night.9. A: you (stu dying) Eng I ish B: Yes, I am.10. Lets go out. It (not rain)now.11. Hurry up! Everybody (wait)for you.12. A: (you / Iisten)to the radio B: No, You can turn it13. I

28、 (watch)TV at seven oclock yesterday evening.There14. A: What(you / look) for B: I(look) for my wa I Iet.is something important in it.15. Look It (ra i n) hard. Well get wet if we go out.三. 用括号里的动词的适当形式填空:1. There (be)some gI asses on it.2. He (go)to the park every day.3. My uncIe (I i ve) in Nanj i

29、ng now.Lucy and Li ly (I ike)ChinaLi Lei (not like) to dr i nk orange soda.The girl (go) home at 4:30 in the afternoon.Kate (speak) French Yes, she does.Jim (not r ide)hi s bike often..0.I f he (be)free tomorrow, he(go)with us.As soon as they(get)there next

30、month, he (caI I)me.Li Mings father(have)his lunch at homeTom (not do)the morning exercises often.I (be) hungry and my s i ster (be)th i rsty.The baby (have) cur I y ha i r.Everybody (have) a chanee to win.I (cIean) my room once a week.There (be)Nobody(tell) them anything.a lot of chi eken on the pI

31、 ate.Mr. Li (teach) the second grade.21. Mary (pI ay)the viol in quite well.22. David (study)Chinese and I (study) Engl ish23. The game (be) interesting.24. Many chiIdren (be) on the pIayground25. He (have) a good time at your party.26. I (have) a new bicycle四. 用所给词的适当形式填空:1. Tom and h i s fat her (

32、swim) now.2. Look! They (run)along the streetmatch n3. We(practice)hard these days because we wi I I have a bigext month.4. Whathe(do) at nine o1 c Iock I ast night5. They (I isten)to the music at that time.6. When the headmaster came i n, the students(read)the text.7. We (watch)TV when suddenly the

33、 teI ephone rang8. She (make)the paper fIowers the who Ie night9. A: you (study ing) Engl i sh B: Yes, I am.10. Lets go out. It (not rain)now.11. Hurry up! Everybody (wait)for you.12. A: (you / Iisten)to the radio B: No, You can turn it off13. I (watch)TV at seven o clock yesterday evening.There14.

34、A: What(you / Iook) for B: I(Iook) for my wa I Iet.is something important in it.15. Look. It (rain)hard. Well get wet if we go out.五. 选词填空:(一) 选词填空:1. I (am, i s, was, were) busy I ast week.2. Tom and I (am, are, was, were)late for schooI yesterday.3. I (walk, waIks, waIked, walking)to school the ot

35、her day.the mo4. Rose(does not, didn* t, has been, has to)visit her uncIenth before I ast (month)5. There(is, was,are, were) a lot of peop Ie in thi s vi Iten years ago.6. Mother(am,i s, was, were) i I I i n bed I as t nigh t7 It (rain, rains, rained, raining)a lot last year.(二)用括号中动词的适当形式填空:1. My u

36、ncIe in London (send)a bi rthday present to me yesterday.2. When (be) you born3. As soon as he arr i ved in the country, he (phone)me4. When I (knock)at his door, he was cooking.5. We were watch i ng TV when the Ii ght (go) out.6. He said he (not I ike) ma ths at all.(三)用括当的词完成下列句子.you make t h i s

37、cake I as t nigh t Yes I did. I it for you.2. D i d Tomhome at five yes terday No, he . He came home at s i x.3. Wha t you at the st ore I bough t a camera.4. Were you at home yes terday Yes, I 5. Where did you catch the f ish I it in the r i ver near my house.六. 完成下列句子:1. 你长大了想当什么 我打算当个电脑程序员.Whatyo

38、uwhen youI mto a2. 你哥哥长大了打算当什么 他打算当个专业的篮球运动员.Whatyour brotherwhen heHe1 s to ap I ayer.3. 你打算怎么做 我打算学计算机学. are youthat I 1 mcomputer 4. 你哥哥打算怎么做他打算每天练篮球. is your brotherHes basketbaI I every day.5. 她打算下学期上一些表演课吗是的. shesomeI essons Yes, she一般现在时和现在进行时复习材料答案一、选择题练习A. haveB. hav i ngC. is having D. are

39、 havingk Whooverthere nowA. singingB. aresingC.is singingD. sing2. It,seight oc1ock. Thestudentsan Englishc I ass.A. cry ingB. cr iedC. is cryingD. cr i es4. Look! The twins new sweaters.A. are wear i ngB. wearingC. are wear D. i s wear i ng5.Don t ta Ik here.GrandparentsA. is sIeepingB. are sIeepin

40、gC. s I eep i ngD. s I eep6. Tom i s a worker He i n a fac tory. H i s s i st ers i n a hosp it a I.A. work/ work B. works/ work C. work/ works7. WhoEngI i sh best in your c I assA. speakB.speaksC. speak i ng8. Mrs Readthe windows every day.A. is cIeaningB.c I eanC. c I eans9. Wemus i cand oftento m

41、usic.A. I i ke/ I i stenB.I i kes/ Ii stensC. Ii ke/ are I i stening10. SheA. getB. getsC. gett i ngup at six in the morning.11. On Sundays he sometimeshis clothes and sometimessomeshopp i ng.A. wash/ doB. is washing/is doingC. washes/ does12. The twins usuaI Iymilk and bread for breakfast, but Jisome coffee for it.A. h


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