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1、Unit 8 Academic Integrity In this unit you will: gain a better understanding of the rules, policies, and ethics concerning academic integrity; 2. familiarize yourself with the words and expressions related to the theme of the unit; 3. learn to use these words and expressions; 4. practice the speakin

2、g technique of plosives and identify implied meaning in spoken discourse; 5. practice listening with other non-theme-related audio and video materials; 6. learn to use proper expressions and sentence structures when going through customs. Learning objectives Section I Lecture ( I ) Section II Lectur

3、e ( II ) Section III Dialogue What does “Academic Integrity” mean? 2. Do you know any reported cases of academic dishonesty? Lead-in questions: Unit 8 Part I Section I Lead-in questions Word Bank candid /kndd/ adj. 率直的,坦诚的率直的,坦诚的 sustain /ssten/ vt. 支持,维持支持,维持 thrive /rav/ vi. 兴旺,繁荣兴旺,繁荣 misrepresen

4、tation /msreprizenten/ n. 误称误称 plagiarism /pledrzm/ n. 剽窃剽窃 quest /kwest/ n. 探索,寻求探索,寻求 foster /fst(r)/ vt. 养育,鼓励养育,鼓励 participatory /ptspetri/ adj. 参与的参与的 accountability /kantblti/ n. 有责任,有义务有责任,有义务 undermine /ndman/ vt. 暗中损害,逐渐削弱暗中损害,逐渐削弱 offense /fens/ n. 犯罪,过错犯罪,过错 Unit 8 Part I Section I Word B

5、ank Center for Academic Integrity (CAI) Established in 1992, CAI has over 600 members at approximately 220 colleges and universities across the United States. It provides a forum to identify, affirm, and promote the values of academic integrity among students, faculty, teachers and administrators. C

6、AI defines academic integrity as a commitment, even in the face of adversity, to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. From these values flow principles of behavior that enable academic communities to translate ideals to action. Note Unit 8 Part I Section I

7、Notes Task 1 Listen to the audio clip and put a check before the statements that are mentioned in the clip. 1. Students, faculty and staff all contribute to the discussion and exchange of ideas. 2. Acts of academic dishonesty like cheating and plagiarism are seen everywhere in academic institutions.

8、 3. Learning is regarded as a two-way interaction, and students should be encouraged to voice their opinions. 4. Fairness is an essential value to achieve academic integrity. 5. Professors are viewed by students as role models in research and other academic exercises. 6. Violation of academic integr

9、ity regulations could result in being dismissed from a college. _ Task Unit 8 Part I Section I Task 1 _ _ _ _ _ Task 2 Listen to the audio clip for the second time and then complete the following sentences. Task Unit 8 Part I Section I Task 2 1. The core value on which colleges and universities are

10、built is . 2. What stimulates intellectual growth is among the members of the academic community. 3. In academic activities requires intellectual and personal honesty. 4. must be fostered in order to stimulate the free exchange of ideas. 5. All members of an academic community are for it to thrive.

11、6. Dishonest acts will greatly of the larger academic community. academic integrity conversation the quest for truth and knowledge A climate of mutual trust responsible damage the reputation _ _ _ _ _ _ What, in your opinion, are the core values of academic integrity? 2. What do you think is the big

12、gest problem facing the Chinese academic community? Do you have any suggestions to help address the problem (s)? Task 3 Listen to the audio clip again and then have a group discussion based on the following questions. After the discussion, each group will give a brief report to the class. Task Unit

13、8 Part I Section I Task 3 【Script】 Script Unit 8 Part I Section I Script The Role of Integrity within the Academic Community Academic integrity is a fundamental value upon which colleges and universities are built. Students, faculty and staff are expected to contribute candid opinions, reviews, and

14、assessments of research and other academic exercises that are vital to sustaining the discussion and exchange of ideas. It is this conversation that stimulates intellectual growth among the community and its members. For learning and scholarship to thrive, academic communities cannot tolerate acts o

15、f academic dishonesty, such as cheating, misrepresentation, or plagiarism. According to the Center for Academic Integrity there are five fundamental values that characterize an academic community of Word Bank pledge /pled/ vt. 保证,誓言保证,誓言 adhere /dh/ vi. 遵守遵守 thesis /iss/ n. 毕业论文,论文毕业论文,论文 jurisdicti

16、on /drsdkn/ n. 管辖权,控制权管辖权,控制权 rationale /rnl/ n. 基本原理,基础理论基本原理,基础理论 ethic /ek/ n. 道德规范,伦理道德规范,伦理 duplicate /djuplket/ vt. 复制,重复复制,重复 elaborate /lbrt/ v. 详细地说明详细地说明 Unit 8 Part I Section II Word Bank Notes Unit 8 Part I Section II Notes 1. Princeton University One of the leading universities in the w

17、orld, Princeton is impressive on all levels and deservedly appears at or near the top of all of the ranking reports you might read. Like other Ivy League schools, competition to get in is stiff: in a recent class, ninety-eight percent of the enrolling students had been in the top fifth of their high

18、 school class and two- thirds of them had scores higher than 700 on both Math and Verbal SATs. Like other Ivy League schools, the faculty members represent the best in their fields, from professors whose novels win the National Book Award to those whose achievements in molecular biology win a Nobel

19、prize. Task 1 Listen to the audio clip and then match the words on the left with their definitions on the right. Task Unit 8 Part I Section II Task 1 1. safeguard 2. underlie 3. senior 4. govern 5. acknowledge 6. implication 7. debt 8. document 9. reference 10. administration a. to control how somet

20、hing happens b. a piece of paper that gives information about something c. to be a hidden cause of something d. something that is suggested but not expressed directly e. to protect something from possible harm f. something that one owes to someone else g. the activities that are involved in managing

21、 the work of a company or organization h. older or of higher rank i. an act of looking at something for information j. to accept something and be prepared to admit it 1. Which of the following is governed by the Honor Code at Princeton University? A. Taking quizzes. B. Writing term papers. C. Attend

22、ing classes. D. Part-time work. 2. Princeton Universitys academic regulations are designed to . A. guide students through the difficult work of writing a senior thesis B. ensure the fairness of every examination, test, and quiz C. safeguard the academic integrity of students work D. inform students

23、on how to do research outside of class Task 2 Listen to the audio clip for the second time and choose the best answers to the following questions. Task Unit 8 Part I Section II Task 2 Unit 8 Part I Section II Task 2 3. Which of the following is NOT given in the booklet according to the speaker? A. H

24、ow to use electronic media properly. B. Why to adhere to the ethics of intellectual honesty. C. When to say one is borrowing others ideas. D. What to do to keep the integrity of ones original work. 4. How is the booklet the speaker mentions different from the “Academic Regulations”? A. It gives more

25、 illustrations of the issues discussed. B. It covers more aspects of students daily behavior. C. It separates the regulations from the examples. D. It is more affordable to both students and faculty. 5. What is the speakers purpose in giving the talk about the booklet? A. To promote the sales of the

26、 book. B. To highlight the importance of honesty. C. To warn students against improper behavior. D. To provide information on academic guidance and guard against dishonesty. Unit 8 Part I Section II Task 2 Task 3 Listen to the audio clip again and then work with your partner to summarize it using th

27、e following words. Task bookletregulationsdiscussiondishonesty informationgovernreferenceintegrity academicexample Unit 8 Part I Section II Task 3 【Script】 Script Unit 8 Part I Section II Script Academic Integrity: Princeton University Introduction All Princeton students pledge to adhere to the Hono

28、r Code in the conduct of all written examinations, tests, and quizzes that take place in class. However, much of your work at Princetonfrom papers to problem sets to the senior thesiswill be produced outside of class, whether in the library, your dorm room, or elsewhere. Such work is governed by the

29、 Universitys academic regulations, which are designed to ensure the integrity of your academic work. These regulations fall under the jurisdiction not of the Honor Committee, but of the Word Bank residence /rezdns/ n. 住处,住宅住处,住宅 infomercial /nfml/ n. 商业信息片,直销广告商业信息片,直销广告 excerpt /ekspt/ n. 摘录摘录 psyc

30、h /sak/ abbr.(=psychology) 心理学心理学 premonition /premnn/ n. 预感,征兆预感,征兆 unintentionally /nntennli/ adv. 非故意地非故意地 merge /md/ v. 合并,融合合并,融合 plagiarize /pledraz/ v. 抄袭,剽窃抄袭,剽窃 transcript /trnskrpt/ n. 成绩单成绩单 Unit 8 Part I Section III Word Bank weird /wd/ adj. 怪异的,离奇的怪异的,离奇的 clich /kliei/ n. 老生常谈;陈词滥调老生常谈;

31、陈词滥调 sneak (up on) /snik/ vi. 偷偷地走,偷偷地做偷偷地走,偷偷地做 bibliography /bblirfi/ n. (有关某一专题的有关某一专题的)书目,书目, 参考书目参考书目 substitute /sbsttjut/ v. 代替;取代代替;取代 episode /epsd/ n. 插曲,片段,轶事插曲,片段,轶事 registry /redstri/ n. 注册,登记注册,登记 Unit 8 Part I Section III Word Bank Notes Unit 8 Part I Section III Notes My stomach is e

32、ating itself! Im really hungry! 2. give someone the benefit of the doubt: accept what someone tells you even though you think they may be wrong or lying, but you cannot be sure. e.g. People tell me I shouldnt trust him, but Im willing to give Simon the benefit of the doubt and wait and see what he a

33、ctually offers. 3. Ryerson University: Located in Toronto, Canada, Ryerson University offers more than 40 career- focused undergraduate and graduate programs. 1. What was Allison doing at the beginning of the episode? A. She was reading a book on Developmental Psychology. B. She was browsing some we

34、bsites looking for reference. C. She was writing a course paper. D. She was seeking help online. 2. What did Jared invite Allison to do with him and his friends? A. To go to a late-night party. B. To get something to eat. C. To play a game of filling in the gaps. D. To find the answers to her proble

35、ms. Task 1 Listen to the audio clip and choose the best answers to the following questions. Task Unit 8 Part I Section III Task 1 3. What did Allison dream of when she fell asleep in front of her laptop? A. The professor said he would fail her essay. B. The professor asked her to rewrite her essay.

36、C. The professor handed her a disciplinary notice. D. The professor would report her dishonest act to a committee. 4. What did Jared offer to do when he learned about Allisons trouble with her essay? A. He offered to give Allison his paper on the same topic. B. He gave Allison a few reference websit

37、es for essay writing. C. He helped Allison work out an outline of her paper. D. He suggested Allison give herself a break first. Unit 8 Part I Section III Task 1 5. What did Nikki and Sanford think of Jareds offer to help Allison out? A. Jared was kind and was always ready to help. B. Jared was inde

38、ed a friend in need. C. Jared was stupid in making such an offer. D. Jared would violate the school regulations. Unit 8 Part I Section III Task 1 Task 2 Listen to the audio clip again and then complete the following dialogue. Task Unit 8 Part I Section III Task 2 Professor (P): Allison. I want to gi

39、ve you 1) , but Im concerned about the results I got back when I ran your essay through 2) . A: Wait a minute A: Is this one of those premonition style dreams? Oh man, I dont have time for this. Ive got to wake up P: Allison, it would seem you forgot to 3) almost half of this essay. A: Oh right I mu

40、st have forgotten. P: Im sorry but it seems to be a little more than that. Im going to have to 4) the benefit of the doubt a web search cite fail this essay _ _ _ _ Unit 8 Part I Section III Task 2 【Script】 A: What? What do you mean? I dont even remember what I wrote! I was really busy when I wrote

41、that, I might have just unintentionally 5) with a book I had. I m much less busy now, I can 6) Ill have it done for tomorrow, or tonight Ill go home and do it right now Ill 7) if I have to P: Allison, Im sorry, but unfortunately because you plagiarized, its not possible for you to do a rewrite. You

42、might not fail the class but 8) will be added to your transcriptwhich is the 9) for plagiarism I can, however, offer you some rolls. Theyre 10) ! merged a few of my ideas rewrite it stay up all night a disciplinary notice minimum penalty hot and spicy _ _ _ _ _ _ Script Unit 8 Part I Section III Scr

43、ipt The Illustrated Guide to Academic Integrity “Episode 1: Introduction” In a medium-sized room, illuminated by a few small desk lamps, Allison sits at her desk tirelessly tapping away at her laptop. Her computer screen glows from the white word-processor application on which she is working. As All

44、ison types on her laptop, she periodically stops to glance at the stack of books that clutter her desk. A close-up of Allisons screen reveals what shes writing. Allison: (thinking out loud) Developmental psychology is concerned with the growth and development of individuals. This field of study can

45、include the study of individuals throughout their lives as student Section I Pronunciation SkillPlosives Section II Listening SkillIdentify Implied Meaning Pronunciation SkillPlosives Plosives ( (爆破音爆破音) ) are phonetic ( (语音的语音的) ) sounds that are characterized by the complete stop of airflow ( (气流气

46、流) ) at one or more places along the vocal tract ( (声带声带).). The places of constriction ( (收缩收缩) ) and the manner of the release are the primary determinants of the phonetic properties of the plosives. e.g. par, bar, tar, car Unit 8 Part II Section I Unit 8 Part II Section I Task: Read the following

47、 words and expressions. Pay attention to the plosives that are next to each other in a word or an expression. Then listen to check whether your pronunciation is correct or not. Task activebookcaseblackboardput down next dooradvicea bright future step forward red flagfirst visittake thisabstract theo

48、ry get throughjust thenthe right thingbright sky first stepshort storieskeep silenta great success bookshelvesmake surea public showa smart shirt a good shotwhite chalkloud cheersa good job a hard journeya sweet dream In listening, as in reading, one needs to “read between the lines,” as the speaker

49、 sometimes does not express himself in a direct and straightforward way. Therefore, one needs to find the difference between what is said and what is really meant. Particular attention should be paid to the speakers choice of words, his tone, and all the other relevant information. Consider the foll

50、owing short conversation between a mother and her son: Son: Mom, I got a B in my math exam. Mom: So you did pass. Listening SkillIdentify Implied Meaning Unit 8 Part II Section II Unit 8 Part II Section II A stressed “did” (which is normally not stressed here) in Moms response implies that Mom thoug

51、ht that her son would fail the math exam. While listening, one needs to ask himself questions such as “What does the speaker mean by saying so?” or, “What does the speaker really mean?” in order to identify the implied meaning. Task 1 Listen to the conversations and then do the following exercise. T

52、ask Unit 8 Part II Section II Task 1 Conversation 1 A. You completely let me down this time. B. Do not break the bad news at this time. C. You should improve your performance next semester. D. Do not talk to me about it now. Wait until next term. Conversation 2 A. She does not have enough time to st

53、udy. B. Her study suffers since she does not get enough sleep. C. She is getting too much sleep. D. She has problem getting into sleep. Unit 8 Part II Section II Task 1 【Script】 Conversation 3 A. You had better get a copy for me too. B. You should have planned in advance. C. You might as well go to

54、the bookstore yourself. D. Sorry, I am not going to the bookstore. Script Unit 8 Part II Section II Task 1 Conversation 1 Woman: Dad, I hate to tell you this, but I only got a C in physics. Man: You had better bring that up next term! Narrator: What does the father mean? Conversation 2 Man: You go t

55、o school, work, and take care of your family? Well, you had better find time to do the work in this course, too! Woman: I guess I could stop sleeping. Narrator: What is she implying? F 1. According to researchers at Stanford University, people should start exercising as early in life as possible. 2.

56、 The Stanford University study shows that the benefit of running is most evident among older and long-term runners. 3. A strong belief in the benefits of exercise to good health is what it takes for less active people to exercise regularly. Task 2 Listen to the report, and then decide whether the fo

57、llowing statements are true or false. Task _ Unit 8 Part II Section II Task 2 【Script】 F _ T _ Script Unit 8 Part II Section II Task 2 A group of more than 300 runners over the age of 50 were tracked by Stanford University researchers starting in 1984. Now they are in their 70s and 80s. They were co

58、mpared to a control group of nonrunners. Dr. Eliza Chakravarty says older runners are better able to fight off illness like cancer and less likely to die from a heart attack. “What this shows is that the runners had a very low death rate compared to the controls, where it increased over time,” she s

59、aid. “And by the end of the study the runners had half the mortality rate that the controls did.” Dr. Walter Bortz says regular exercise is the key to A group of more than 300 runners over the age of 50 were tracked by Stanford University researchers starting in 1984. Now they are in their 70s and 8

60、0s. They were compared to a control group of non-runners. Dr. Eliza Chakravarty says older runners are better able to fight off illness like cancer and less likely to die from a heart attack. “What this shows is that the runners had a very low death rate compared to the controls, where it increased


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