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1、升高二英语名词性从句之主语从句姓名: 年级: 教师: 刘琳 学习过程一、主语从句的概念与类型 主语从句在复合句中作主句的主语,引导主语从句的词有从属连词that, whether以及连接代词who, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever和连接副词when, where, why, how等.一、从属连词:that, whether等.that 引导主语从句只起引导作用,本身无实际意义,在主语从句中不充当任何成分,但不能省略。That he will win is certain.他肯定会赢。Whether hell come here isnt c

2、lear. 他是否会来这里还不清楚。注意: 由that 引导的主语从句有时为了使句子结构平衡, 避免 “头重脚轻”, 常用 it 作形式主语, 而把从句放在后面。 例如: 1. That he will refuse this piece of advice is impossible.2.That they should like each other is natural. 这样就构成了下面一些常用句型: 1) It is + n. +从句 It is a pity/shame that. 遗憾的是 It is a surprise that令人惊奇的是It is a fact that

3、是事实 It is common knowledge that 是常识_(很遗憾)we lost the match._(这是事实)he cheated in the exam.2) It is + adj. +从句 Its certain that 肯定 It is possible that. 很可能 It is unlikely that. 不可能 It is obvious that 很明显 It is necessary important natural. that+(should) do _(很可能)she will come back tomorrow.*_(很明显)this

4、measure is effective.3) It +不及物动词+从句 It happened that. 碰巧 It occurred to me that我突然想起_(刚好)I came into the office at that time.*_(我突然想起)I forget to sent the letter.4) It + be +过去分词+从句 It is said that. 据说 It is known to all that. 众所周知 It is reported that. 据报道 It is believed that.人们相信 It is suggested t

5、hat + (should)do. 建议It must be admitted that必须承认 It cannot be denied that 不可否认 It must be pointed out that需指出的是 _(据报道)20 people were killed in the accident. *_(建议)we should eat more vegetable and do more exercise.二、.连接代词who ,what ,which, whatever, whichever, whoever (Who, whom, which, what可以和ever构成合

6、成词,和what一样引导从句,ever起到强调作用。它们在句子中担任主干成分,并用陈述句形式)What many scientists believe is that the earth is round Who will take part in the meeting has not been decided.Whoever breaks the law will be punished.Whatever was said here must be kept secret. 三、.连接副词when,where, how, why等。Why they suddenly disappeared

7、 still remains a mystery.When they will leave is not decided.How we will paint the house has not been decided.注意:1)主语从句在句首时,必须由连接词引导,不能省略这些连接词误:They should like each other is natural.正:That they should like each other is natural2) whether引导主语从句,if不可误:If Mary really heard him is really doubtful.正: Wh

8、ether Mary really heard him is really doubtful. Complete the sentences using what, whether, where, when, who, why, how or that.1. (_ is needed for success) is your hard work.2.(_ they will arrive )has been told to the teacher.2. (_ we will go tomorrow )hasnt been decided yet.3. (_ can join in the sp

9、ort meet) is decided by the teacher.4. (_ it will rain or not) is not clear.Conclusion:主语从句作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。四、主语从句的规律:找出下列句子中的错误,并总结规律例规律一、主语从句一律用陈述语序, 即主语在前,谓语在后。1.When will he come is not known.正:When he will come is not known.规律二、连词that 在从句中无实际意义, 但不能省略。例2. He will not come to the meeting this ev

10、ening is true.正:That he will not come to the meeting this evening is true.规律三、whether 可以引导主语从句,放在句首,但if不能例3. If the meeting will be put off has not been decided yet.正: Whether the meeting will be put off has not been decided yet.规律四、主语从句中的连词不能重叠使用。例4. That whether he will help others is a fact.正:Tha

11、t he will help others is a fact.规律五、含主语从句的主句谓语动词多用 单数第三人称形式。例5. When he will come are a puzzle.正:When he will come is a puzzle.规律六、what 引导的主语从句,可根据表语决定主句动词的单复数形式。1. What he needs is that book.2. What he needs are some books.规律七、主语从句为了避免头重脚轻现象,用 it 做形式主语,而把从句放在后面。That the earth turns around the sun i

12、s known to all.It is known to all that the earth turns around the sun.找出错误,并给出理由:1. Where shall we spend the holiday isnt decided. 2.You have made a mistake is a fact. 3. If the policeman will come is not certain.4. That is certain that we can win. 5. It is ordered we should leave at once.6. Where h

13、e comes from are a mystery.7. What whether he likes the job is not clear.8. Who he is and where he is from is important. 9.What he saw is the stars in the sky.1._ he made an important speech at the meeting was true. A. That B. Why C. What D. How 2. _well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather .

14、A If B Whether C That D Where 3. It worried her a bit _ her hair was turning gray.A.whether B. that C. what D. when4.What I say and think _ none of your business. A. is B. are C. has D have请用恰当的主语从句连词填空: What ,it ,that , whether, whoever1. _ you dont like him is none of my business. 2. _ he said at

15、the meeting astonished everybody present3. _ the 2000 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is not known yet.4. _ well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.5. _ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights. 用whetherif填空1.The question is _ the film is interesting.2._ we shall attend the me

16、eting hasnt been decided yet. Correct or not?If we will have a meeting hasnt been decided yet.Whether we will have a meeting hasnt been decided yet.Pay attention:放在名词性从句句首,表示“是否”,只能用whether, 不能用ifThat she wants to know is when the party will be held . What she wants to know is when the party will be

17、 held .Pay attention:此主语从句缺少成分-宾语,故用作成分的what来引导,而不用thatHe will give up his job surprises all of us.That he will give up his job surprises all of us.Pay attention:由that引导的主语从句放在句首,that 不能省略。1._ he made an important speech at the meeting was true. A. That B. Why C. What D. How 2. _well go camping tomo

18、rrow depends on the weather .A If B Whether C That D Where 3._ is known to us all that America is a developed country .A Which B As C What D It 4.Its known to us all _ a form of energyA. water is B. that water is C. is water D. that water to 5. It worried her a bit _ her hair was turning gray.A. whe

19、ther B. that C. what D. when6.What I say and think _ none of your business.A. is B. are C. has D have五、语气 在It is necessary / natural / important / strange.+ that-clause这类句型里,that所引导的主语从句中谓语动词用should +原形,表虚似语气.例如: It is necessary that the problem should be settled at once.这个问题必须马上解决. Its strange that

20、 he should have gone away without telling us.他竟然没向我们说一声就走了,真是奇怪. 巩固练习 15. It is necessary that a college student _ at least a foreign language. A. masters B. should master C. mastered D. will master 六、以it作形式主语的主语从句与强调句型的区别 It be + adj./n. + that-clause与强调句型均有It be.that.之类的语言标志,但不同的是:前者中的that从句是主语从句.

21、若删掉其中的It be和that,则剩余部分不论结构还是语意都不能成为一个句子;但若将后者中的It be和that去掉,则剩余部分的结构和语意仍能构成一个完整的句子.强调句型译为汉语时可加上正是或就是之类的字眼,而主语从句则不可以.请比较下面两个句子: It is surprising that Mary should have won first place.令人惊奇的是玛莉竟然获得了第一名. It is Mary that has won first place.正是玛莉得了第一名. 第一句话中的It是形式主语,that引导的是主语从句.句中的It is和that无法删除,若删除句子就不成

22、立. 第二句是强调句型,其中的It is和that可去掉,因为没有It is和that句子仍很通顺. 巩固练习 1. Does _ matter if he cant finish the job on time? A. this B. that C. he D. it 2. It worried her a bit _ her hair was turning grey. A. which B. that C. if D. for _ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. A. There

23、 B. This C. That D. It 4. _ what they told me really true? A. Has B. Is C. Does D. Have 5. It matters little _ a man dies, but _ matters much is _ he lives. A. how; what; how B. how; it; how C. why; it; why D. that; what; that 6. _ she couldnt understand was _ fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons. A. What; why B. That; what C. What; because D. Why; that 7. It is pretty well understood _ controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the atmosphere today. A. th


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