



1、范文最新推荐英文导游词开场白英文导游词开场白(一)Good morning every one:It s so nice to meet you here !Fisrt of all , please allow meto introduce my team to you .my n ame is jim carrey ,your local guide from china intern atio nal travel service henan.while our driver is mr.wang. on behalf of the travel service ,welcome toZ

2、hen gzhou,welcome tohenan!During your stay in Henan,we would do our best to make your trip pleasant ! And your cooperation would be appreciated ! If you have anything we can do for you ,please tell us,we would be very happy to help you .At last ,wish you a won derful stay in Henan .tha nk you !英文导游词

3、开场白(二)英文导游词开场白(三)Ladies and Gen tleme n,Welcome to Hubei. My nameis*, I amfrom hubei hailian travel service. I will be your local guide during your stay in Hubei. This is our driver, Mr Wang.His bus number is FH123* On behalf of my travel age ncy, we hope you have a nice journey here. If you have an

4、y special in terest, please tell your tour leader,and he will let us know.(What do you n eed to be put to me,I will solve all.Today, webegan to Golden SummitMountain trip, right? ) My job is to smooth your way, care for your welfare, try my best to an swer your questi on, and be your guide andinterp

5、reter. I will try to do mylevel best to “warmthe cockles of your heart ”。We highly appreciate your understanding and cooperati on.英文答辩开场白(一)Good morning,Distinguished professors and teachers, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the oral defense. (或 Welcometo attend the oral defe nse. ) :I

6、amXX. First and foremost, I would like to express mysincere gratitude to my supervisor, professorXX, for his intellectual guida nee, inv aluable in structi ons and comme nts on my thesis.It is with his valuableassista neethat I have fin ally accomplished this thesis.英文答辩开场白(二)Good morning, all appra

7、iser committee members. I am * and范文最新推荐my supervisor is * With her constant encouragement and guida nee, I have fini shed my paper. Now, it is the show time.I will prese nt my efforts to you and welcome any correcti on.英文答辩开场白(三)One night after a big dinner Scarecrow and Martian went fora walk.“Ver

8、y strange! ” said Scarecrow”。The lights are on in every house on this street. ”“Yes, ” said Martian. “That s because today i s ”“Ahhhh!” shouted Scarecrow. “Look! There is an orange head in front of that house! ”“Yes, ” said Martian. “That is a jack -o -lantern. Peoplecut faces in pumpkins fo r ”一、指

9、导思想:为进一步深入落实中共中央国务院关于进一步加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设的若干意见,加强和改进学生思想道德建设, 学校以感恩为切入点,开展系列主题教育活动。旨在培养学生成为具 有感恩意识的人,能牢记别人的帮助之恩,不忘父母师长的养育教诲 之恩,进而在全校范围内乃至在社会上形成德育功效上的渗透辐射。让学生学会反思,善于发现别人的优点,加强自律,学会对帮助过自 己的人心存感激,培养学生的健康心态,进而塑造学生的健全人格。二、活动意义:通过感恩活动,提高少先队员的思想道德素养,弘扬中华民 族美德。增强队员的责任意识和关爱他人意识。倡导队员从我做起, 从感谢身边的人做起,让他们懂得自己的成长离不

10、开家长、老师的付出,以及社会的关爱和扶持,懂得人与人之间要相互帮助,体会人家 最为浓厚的情感,学会感恩。三、活动时间:2018年11月22日-12月10日四、活动安排:(一)、开展三个感谢活动:感谢父母养育我,感谢学校教育我,感谢他人帮助我1. 感谢父母养育我一、二年级学生开展护鸡蛋活动。以个人或小组形式保护一 个生鸡蛋一天,使它毫无破损,以此感受妈妈对自己的呵护与养育之 恩。结束后让学生说一说或者写一写活动的体会,回家做一件令父母高兴的事。三、四年级动员每一位学生以感恩为主题,给父母写一封 家信,表达感恩之情。(每班于12月10日前选送两篇优秀书信上交 学校大队部。)2. 感谢学校教育我(1)五、六年级学生开展写给××老师的一封信活动。以书信方式交流自己对老师想要说的话或想要表达的感激之情范文最新推荐(每班于12月10日前选送两篇优秀书信上交学校大队部。)(2)我爱学校手抄报展评活动。(每班12月3号前上交上交2 份)(3)开展我的校园,我美化大扫除活动。3. 感谢他人帮助我同学是学生心中最纯也是最真的朋友。 朝夕相处,心有感谢, 也


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