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1、中英文会计科目对照表如下 会计科目中英对照表会 计 科 目 accounting subject 顺序号 serial number 编号 code number 会计科目名称 accounting subject 会计科目适用范围 accounting subject range of application一、资产类1 1001 库存现金 cash on hand2 1002 银行存款 bank deposit5 1015 其他货币资金 other monetary capital9 1101 交易性金融资产 transaction monetary assets11 1121应收票据 n

2、otes receivable12 1122应收账款 Account receivable13 1123预付账款 account prepaid14 1131应收股利 dividend receivable15 1132应收利息 accrued interest receivable21 1231其他应收款 accounts receivable-others22 1241坏账准备 had debts reserve28 1401材料采购 procurement of materials29 1402在途物资 materials in transit30 1403 原材料 raw materi

3、als 32 1406 库存商品 commodity stocks33 1407 发出商品 goods in transit36 1412 包装物及低值易耗品 wrappage and low value and easily wornout articles42 1461 存货跌价准备 reserve against stock price declining43 1501 待摊费用 fees to be apportioned45 1521 持有至到期投资 hold investment due46 1522 持有至到期投资减值准备 hold investment due reductio

4、n reserve47 1523 可供出售金融资产 financial assets available for sale48 1524 长期股权投资 long-term stock ownership investment49 1525 长期股权投资减值准备 long-term stock ownership investment reduction reserve50 1526 投资性房地产 investment real eastate51 1531 长期应收款 long-term account receivable52 1541 未实现融资收益 unrealized financin

5、g income54 1601 固定资产 permanent assets55 1602 累计折旧 accumulated depreciation56 1603 固定资产减值准备 permanent assets reduction reserve57 1604 在建工程 construction in process58 1605 工程物资 engineer material59 1606 固定资产清理 disposal of fixed assets60 1611 融资租赁资产 租赁专用 financial leasing assets exclusively for leasing61

6、 1612 未担保余值 租赁专用 unguaranteed residual value exclusively for leasing62 1621 生产性生物资产 农业专用 productive living assets exclusively for agriculture63 1622 生产性生物资产累计折旧 农业专用 productive living assets accumulated depreciation exclusively for agriculture64 1623 公益性生物资产 农业专用 non-profit living assets exclusively

7、 for agriculture65 1631 油气资产 石油天然气开采专用 oil and gas assets exclusively for oil and gas exploitation66 1632 累计折耗 石油天然气开采专用 accumulated depletion exclusively for oil and gas exploitation67 1701 无形资产 intangible assets68 1702 累计摊销 accumulated amortization69 1703 无形资产减值准备 intangible assets reduction reser

8、ve business reputation商誉 70 171171 1801 长期待摊费用 long-term deferred expenses72 1811 递延所得税资产 deferred income tax assets73 1901 待处理财产损溢 waiting assets profit and loss二、负债类 debt group74 2001 短期借款 short-term loan81 2101 交易性金融负债 transaction financial liabilities83 2201 应付票据 notes payable84 2202 应付账款 accoun

9、t payable85 2205 预收账款 item received in advance86 2211 应付职工薪酬 employee pay payable87 2221 应交税费 tax payable88 2231 应付股利 dividend payable89 2232 应付利息 interest payable90 2241 其他应付款 other account payable97 2401 预提费用 withholding expenses98 2411 预计负债 estimated liabilities99 2501 递延收益 deferred income100 260

10、1 长期借款 money borrowed for long term101 2602 长期债券 long-term bond106 2801 长期应付款 long-term account payable107 2802 未确认融资费用 unacknowledged financial charges108 2811 专项应付款 special accounts payable109 2901 递延所得税负债 deferred income tax liabilities三、共同类112 3101 衍生工具 derivative tool113 3201 套期工具 arbitrage too

11、l114 3202 被套期项目 arbitrage project四、所有者权益类115 4001 实收资本 paid-up capital116 4002 资本公积 contributed surplusearned surplus盈余公积 117 4101119 4103 本年利润 profit for the current year120 4104 利润分配 allocation of profits121 4201 库存股 treasury stock五、成本类122 5001 生产成本 production cost123 5101 制造费用 cost of production1

12、24 5201 劳务成本 service cost125 5301 研发支出 research and development expenditures126 5401 工程施工 建造承包商专用 engineering construction exclusively for construction contractor127 5402 工程结算 建造承包商专用 engineering settlement exclusively for construction contractor128 5403 机械作业 建造承包商专用 mechanical operation exclusively

13、 for construction contractor六、损益类129 6001 主营业务收入 main business income130 6011 利息收入 金融共用 interest income financial sharing135 6051 其他业务收入 other business income136 6061 汇兑损益 金融专用 exchange gain or loss exclusively for finance137 6101 公允价值变动损益 sound value flexible loss and profit138 6111 投资收益 income on investment142 6301 营业外收入 nonrevenue receipt143 6401 主营业务成本 main business cost144 6402 其他业务支出 other business expense145 6405 营业税金及附加 business tariff and annex146 6411 利息支出 金融共用 interest expense financial sharing155 6601 销售费用 marketing cost 156 6602管理费用 managingc


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