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1、新GRE填空经典800题卷首语自新GRE改革以来,市面上官方承 认的真题少之又少,除了 OG和PP2中的165道题目之外,我们备考新 GRE填空唯一可靠的来源就只有老GRE的填空题目,可是老GRE填空真的适合新GRE的备考么?或者怎 样练习老GRE题目才能更有效地为新 GRE做准备?我们的答案是:老GRE填空是仅次于机经真题的备考新GRE最好的考试资料;科学有效地改编老 GRE题目可以做到对新GRE题目的仿真。为了证明这一点,笔者从不同的角度对老 GRE题目和新GRE题目进行比较。第一,0G官方真题和老 GRE题目的对比。通过对比我们会发现,在OG和PP 2中直接照搬老 GRE题目的情况一共出

2、现了 29次,其中单空题直接照搬 18次,老双空题改新双空题1次,老单空题改 Se nte neeEquivale nee (以下简称 SE 10次。这说明官方的真题中有约20%均来自于老GRE的题目或对其修改,这证明老 GRE和新GRE的命题思路仍然是一致的,只不过是在出题的形式上发生了变化。第二,在实战考试中,我们发现老GRE的填空题目仍然在新 GRE考试中层出不穷。以2014年考试为例,在今年刚刚结束的9场考试中,重单选题改六选二发生了2词,单选题直接照搬发生了4次。笔者5月份在妙峰山的住宿班,一位刚刚在美国参加完考试的同学看到笔者强化班讲义的一道老 GRE题目,也深情款款的看着笔者说,

3、这是他5天前刚刚在美国GRE考试考场上看到的原题。因此我们预计这种老题改新题仍然 将持续。第三,新GRE考试在考查词汇的核心解释和题材时仍然和老GRE一致。如以前机经中出现sympathetic 次表示支持的(favorably inclined)含义,让很多新 GRE考试非常陌生,其实如果他能把老GRE考试做透,90就会发现sympathetic这个词义的考法很早就出现在了中国大陆地区 年代的考试中。又如今年5月10日的一道三空题目以 cowbird把鸟蛋生在别人的鸟窝里为背景,原题如下:The cowbird can seem Gather comical creaturewith a s

4、low,awkward walk and ofte n up raised tail. Less is the cowbirds habit of layingtheir eggsin the nests of other birds. Thenesterswill usuallyacce pt the cowbirdegg and raise the baby cowbirdistheir own.Unfortunately, cowbird eggs hatchsoonerthan the eggsof other species and the youngcowbirds, using

5、theirsize to their adva ntagei ngett ing more food from the parenfe.Bla nk (ii)D. fecklessE. resista ntF. un witt ingBla nk (iii)G. grow quicklyH. leave the netI. share their foodBla nk (i)A. amusingB. pain fulC. galli ng其实在老GRE题目当中,此种题材也早已考察过,题目如下:If animal parents were judged by humantandards, the

6、 cuckoovould be0mettlesome in dustrious domestic lackluster fecklessone of n atures more-creatures, blitheija ying its eggs in the n estsof other birds, and leav ing the in cubat ing and n urturi ngo them.(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)所以词汇解释和一些考察意向都未曾改变,也体现出了 GRE考试的连续性和考试成绩长期的稳定性第四,新GRE的句子结构仍然能找到老 GRE的影子。我们来对比以下两道

7、题目,第一道题目是 GRE机经真题,第二道题目是老GRE的真题。Medieval cathedralsstill standas marvelsof architecture, butasfar as moder n scie nee is concern ed, medieval p hysics and chemistrye simply irrelevant, at best a dead endat worst the very _ of what scienee is supposedto be. (2014223机经题目)A. exemplarB. glorificatio nC.

8、 reflectio nD. dilutionE. antithesisgen erality fusi on con gruityDespite assortedeffusions to the contrary, thereis no necessay link betweenscientif ic skill and humanism,and, quite possibly, there may be something of a-between them.(老 GRE 真题)(A)(B)(C)0(D) dichotomy(E) recip rocitySECTION 1Verbal R

9、eas oning -Text CompI eti on and Sentence Equivale neeTime -10 minutes10 Questio nsFor each question, indicate the best answer using the directions given.For each of Questions 1 to 10, select one entry for each blank from the corres po nding column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way that best co

10、mpI etes the text1. It is to the novelists credit that all of the epi sodes in her novel are p resented realistically,without anyor p layful sup ernatural tricks.elucidation discrimination artlessness authenticity whimsy2. Until the current warming trend exceeds the range of normal climaticthe p oss

11、ibility thatfluctuations, there will be, among scientists, considerableincreasing levelsof atmos pheric CO2 can cause long-term warming erest in uncertainty about enthusiasm for worry about exp erimentation on123. Without seeming unworldly, William James app eared wholly removed from the

12、of society, the conventionality of academe.DCDethosidealismCDromanceCDp aradoxesCDcom monpl aces4. The English novelist William Thackeray considered the cult of the criminal so dangerous that he criticized Dickens Oliver Twist for making the characters in thethieves kitchen soDCDthreatening riveting

13、CDconnivingCDfearsomeCDirritating5. Cop yright and p atent laws atte mpt to encourage innovation by ensuring that inventorsare p aid for creative work, so it would be if exp anded p rotection under these lawsdiscouraged entre preneurial innovation by increasing fears of lawsuits.DCDCDdesirablecoinci

14、dentalironicCDnaturalCDsensiblein which they6. The form and p hysiology of leaves vary according to the devel op: for exa mpl e, leaves dis play a wide range of ada ptations to different degrees of light and moisture.relationshi p sp eciesCDsequenceCDp atternsCDenvironment7. Because no comp rehensiv

15、eexist regarding p ersonal reading p ractices, we donot know, for exa mple, the greatest number of books read in an individual lifetime.recordsinstinctsCDremediesprop osalscommercials8. Many artists believe that successful imitation, far from being symp tomatic of a lack of,is the first ste p in lea

16、rning to be creative.elegance resolutionCDgoodnessCDoriginalityCDsymp athy9. We first became aware that her support for the new p rogram was less than when she declined to make a sp eech in its favor.qualified hap hazardCDfleetingunwarrantedview of the materialwholehearted10. Both television commerc

17、ials and p rograms p resentworld, one which p romotes a standard of living that most of us can p robably not attain.symp tomatic delineatedintegratedcons pi cuousdistinctiveSECTION 2Verbal Reasoning -Text CompI etion and Sentence EquivalenceTime TO minutes10 QuestionsFor each question, indicate the

18、best answer using the directions given.For each of Questions 1 to 10, select one entry for each blank from the corres po nding column ofchoices. Fill all blanks in the way that best compI etes the text.1. Since most if not all learning occurs through,relating one observation to another,it would be s

19、trange indeed if the study of other cultures did not also illuminate the study ofour own.CCOassu mp tions exp erimentscomp arisonsrep etitionsCDimp ressionsbeen2. Unfortunately, his damaging attacks on the ramifications of the economic p olicy haveby his wholehearted acce ptance of that p olicys und

20、erlying assu mp tions.suppl emented underminedwastedCOdivertedCOredeemed3. Exp osure to low-intensity gamma radiation slows the rate of growth of the sp oilage microorganisms in food in much the same way that the low heat used in p asteurizationthe sp oilage action of the microorganisms in milk.p re

21、cludesinitiatesinhibitsisolatespurifies4. As long as nations cannot themselves accumulate enough p hysical po wer to dominate all others, they must dep end onalliesresourcesfreedomeducationself-determination5. Nearly two-thirds of the countrys mushroom crop is p roduced by 160 growers in agrowers an

22、ywhere.single county, the greatestcause ofagreement amongindication ofinteraction betweenconcentration of6. Since she believed him to be both candid and trustworthy, she refused to consider the po ssibility that his statement had beenirrelevantfacetiousmistakencriticalinsincere7. There are simply no

23、for buying stock in certain industries since rapi dly changing environmental restrictions will make a p rofitable return on any investment very unlikely.incentivesarrangementsexpl anationsconditionsp roceduresof the arts, because many8. Queen Elizabeth I has quite correctly been called a young artis

24、ts received her p atronage.connoisseurcriticfriendscourgejudge9. Word order in a sentence was much freer in Old French than it is in French today, thisdisa pp eared as the French language gradually lost its case distinctions.restriction license similarity rigiditytheimp erative10. Roman historians w

25、ho study the period 30 B.C. to A.D. 180 canAugustan peace only by failing to recognize that this peace in many respects resembledthat of death.decry appi aud ridicule demand dis proveSECTION 3Verbal Reasoning -Text CompI etion and Sentence EquivalenceTime TO minutes10 QuestionsFor each question, ind

26、icate the best answer using the directions given.For each of Questions 1 to 10, select one entry for each blank from the corres po nding column ofchoices. Fill all blanks in the way that best compI etes the text.1. One reason why pertinent fossils are (i)is that crucial stages of evolutionoccurred i

27、n the tropics where it is difficult to explore for fossils, and so their discovery has(ii)Blank (i)Blank (ii)D uniqueCD uncommonDC p rominentCD) resumedCD declinedCD lagged2. The new (i)of knowledge has created (ii) people: everyone believes thatBlank (i)D sp ecializationCD declineDC redundancyhis o

28、r her subject cannot and p ossibly should not be understood by others.Blank (ii)DD concern forCD association amongCD barriers between3. The disjunction between educational objectives that stress (i)and those thatemp hasize obedience to rules and coop eration with others reflects a (ii) from the valu

29、es on which these objectives are based.that arisesBlank (i)Blank (ii) efficiencyCD) conflictCC comp liance CC individualityC conformity9 redundancya (i)4. Whereas biologists must maintainattitude toward the subjects of theirC p assiveC casualC disinterestedCD symp athyC detachmentC abandonresearch,

30、social scientists must, p aradoxically, combine p ersonal involvement and scholarly (ii)Blank (i)Blank (ii)5. In todays world, manufacturers novations are easily copied and thus differencesbetween p roducts are usually (i) ; advertisers, therefore, are forced to (ii)these differences in order to sug

31、gest the uniqueness of their clients roducts.C crucialC dow nplayC intrinsicC exaggerateC slightC createBlank (ii)Blank (i)between rulers and6. The state is a network of exchanged benefits and beliefs, (i)citizens based on those laws andp rocedures that are (ii)to the maintenance ofcommunity.Blank (

32、i)Blank (ii) a counter pointan equivalence DC a recip rocityCD) conductiveCD inimicalCF subsidiary7. As businesses become awarethat their advertising must (i)the everyday80concerns of consumers, their commercials will be characterized by a greater degree of (ii)DD allayDD p essimismCD evadeCD sincer

33、ityDC addressCD realismBlank (ii)Blank (i)8. The (i)ofof mass literacy coincided with the first industrial revolution; in turn, the new exp ansion in literacy, as well as chea per p rinting, helped to nurture the (ii) popu lar literature.DD rece iptDD sourceDD selectionCD riseDC emergenceDF mistrust

34、Blank (ii)Blank (i)9. Every novel invites us to enter a world that is initially strange; our gradual and selectiveorientation to its manners (i)infants (ii)to their environment. resemblesCeD introduction rein forcesCD adjustmentCC comp ensatescd resistanceBlank (ii)Blank (i)10. Artificial light (i)t

35、he respi ratory activity of some microorganisms in the winterbut not in the summer, in part because in the summer their res pi ration is already at its p eakand thus cannot be (ii)D enhancesD quickenedDD reflectsD lessenedD inhibitsD increasedBlank (ii)Blank (i)SECTION 4Verbal Reasoning -Text CompI

36、etion and Sentence EquivalenceTime TO minutes10 QuestionsFor each question, indicate the best answer using the directions given.For each of Questions 1 to 10, select one entry for each blank from the corres po nding column ofchoices. Fill all blanks in the way that best compI etes the text.1. Until

37、quite recently research on diabetes had, as a kind of holding action, atte mp ted torefine the (i).of the disease, p rimarily because no p reventive strategy seemed at alllikely to be (ii) symp tomsCD costlyCB) treatmentC necessary definitionCD p racticableBlank (ii)Blank (i)2. Created to serve as p

38、 erfectly as po ssible their workaday (i),the wooden storageboxes made in Americas Shaker communities are now (ii)-for their beauty.CC functionCD empio yedCC environmentCC valuedCC ownersCC transformedBlank (ii)Blank (i)for an3. The sale of Alaska was not so much an American coup as a matter of (i)c

39、ash and unable to (ii) its own continentalimp erial Russia that was short ofcoastline.Blank (i)Blank (ii)negligencedefendexp ediencyaltercustomundermine4. A p erennial goal in zoology is to infer function from (i),relating the (ii)of an organism to its p hysical form and cellular organization. class

40、ification behavior location ancestry structure habitatBlank (ii)Blank (i)5. No longer (i)by the belief that the world around us was exp ressly designed forhumanity, many people try to find intellectual (ii)for that lost certainty in astrologyand in mysticism.Blank (i)Blank (ii)restrictedreas ons ham

41、peredsubstitutessustainedjustifications6. If a sp ecies of p arasite is to survive, the host organisms must live long enough for thep arasite to (i);if the host sp ecies becomes (ii),so do its p arasites.Blank (ii) atrophy extinct rep roduce wides pread defeat healthyBlank (i)7. The success of scien

42、ce is due in great part to its emp hasis on (i):the reliance onevidence rather than (ii)and the willingness to draw conclusions even when theyconflict with traditional beliefs.Blank (i)Blank (ii)creativityconservatismobjectivityp reconce ptionsfactsexp erimentation8. Observable as a tendency of our

43、culture is a (i)of (ii)psychoanalysis:we no longer feel that it can solve our emotional p roblems. withdraw weaknesses in defense enigmas in divergence belief inBlank (ii)Blank (i)9. Having fully embraced the belief that government by persuasion is preferable togovernment by (i),the leaders of the m

44、ovement have recently (ii)most oftheir p revious statements supp orting totalitarianism.Blank (i)Blank (ii) p artic ip ationp roclamationcoercioncodifieddeliberatedrep udiated10. The President reached a decision only after lengthy (i),p ainstakingly weighingthe (ii)opini ons exp ressed by cabinet me

45、mbers.Blank (i)Blank (ii)deliberationcanvassingrelegationconsistentdivergent conciliatorySECTION 5Verbal Reasoning -Text CompI etion and Sentence EquivalenceTime TO minutes10 QuestionsFor each question, indicate the best answer using the directions given.For each of Questions 1 to 10, select one ent

46、ry for each blank from the corres po nding column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way that best compI etes the text.1. The senators atte mpt to convince the p ublic that he is not interested in running for asecond term is (i)given the extremely (ii)fund-raising activities of hiscamp aign committe

47、e.Blank (i)Blank (ii)C p rematureC disingenuous CC p raiseworthyCD ap atheticC p ublicCD abortive2. The prevailing union of passionate interest in detailed facts with equal devotion toabstract (i)is a hallmark of our p resent society; in the p ast this union app eared, atbest, (ii)and as if by chanc

48、e.Blank (i)Blank (ii)C generalizationCC trivialitycompu tationCD) cyclicallyC spo radicallyC selectivelystyle we had antic ip ated.3. Her first concert app earance was disa ppo intingly p erfunctory and derivative, rather than the (i) performance in the (ii) p rosaic innovative ins pired mechanical

49、literal tenuousBlank (ii)Blank (i)4. It is (i)for a government to fail to do whatever it can to eliminate a totally (ii)disease. crucial devastating instinctive p reventable irrespo nsible innocuousBlank (ii)Blank (i)5. Many of the earliest colonial houses that are still standing have been so modifi

50、ed andenlarged that the (i)design is no longer (ii)Blank (i)Blank (ii)initialdiscernible p ertinentnecessaryintendedapp licable6. No computer system is immune to a virus, a particularly malicious program that isdesigned to (i)and electronically (ii)the disks on which data are stored.CC infectCD secu

51、reCC prepareCC damageCC restoreCC repairBlank (ii)Blank (i)of the environment (ii)7. Stress is exp erienced when an individual feels that the (i)that individuals resources for handling them.C ambiencesCD intensifyCC demandsCC p recludeCC benefitsCF exceedBlank (ii)Blank (i)8. Documenting science (i)

52、philosophy would be (ii),since it is almostaxiomatic that many p hilos op hersuse scientific concepts as the foundations for theirsp eculations.Blank (i)Blank (ii)influence onCD)sup erfluousCCCreliance ondistrust ofCCCCdifficultelementary9. During the widespread fuel shortage, the price of gasoline

53、was so (i)thatsupp liers were generally thought to be (ii)the consumer. oscillatory pl acating reactive gouging excessive shieldingBlank (ii)Blank (i)10. To have true disc ipl es, a thinker must not be too (i):any effective intellectualleader dep ends on the ability of other people to (ii)thought p rocesses that did notoriginate with them.Blank (i)Blank (ii)methodicalstimulate idiosyncraticdismissself-confidentreenactSECTION 6Verbal Reasoning -Text CompI etion and Sentence EquivalenceTime TO minu


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