1、冀教版六年级上册Lesson 20 Christmas Tree一、教学分析1、教材分析:本课是一节语篇与写作综合课,本单元的主题是李明在加拿大,和朋友一起 度过圣诞节。主要讲述了李明来到加拿大学习英语,并和Jenny家住在一起,接触了加拿大的饮食文化、学校教育以及民族风情。本课介绍了一般过去时、一 般现在时与一般将来时三种时态以及如何装饰圣诞树。2、学生分析:六年级的孩子们有了一定的语言知识积累和一定的语感,他们喜欢和同学和 老师交流一些与他们生活密切相关的话题,这个学段的孩子渴望得到教师学习方 法的指导,并逐步养成良好的语言技能和学习习惯。二、教学目标1、知识与技能目标:(1) 学生能听懂
2、、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:tomorrow, the n, put up.(2) 学生能认读、理解并运用下列句子:Lets put up a Christmas tree.2、情感态度目标:(1) 让学生认识到中西方文化的不同,尊重不同民族的风俗文化,激发学生 学习英语的兴趣。(2)培养学生的合作精神,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,增强语言运用能力。三、教学重难点1、重点:(1) 学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:tomorrow, the n, put up.(2) 能够熟练地运用三种时态向他人提问并描述某人昨天做了哪些事情;今 天做什么事情;明天打算做什么事情。2、难点:让学生理解并能运用
3、所学熟练地描述不同的时态以及动手装饰圣诞树,并说出过程则是教学难点。四、教学准备表格、Flash光盘、多媒体课件、投影五、教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Stepl Warming up (5 minuteSGreeting and Revision1、GreetingHello! How are you? Whatthe date today? Whatthe date yesterday?2、Free talkWhat do you often do?What does he/she ofte n do?What did you do yesterday?What did he/
4、she do yesterday?1、学生回答 问题。2、学生在对 话中复习已学过 的一般现在时态 和一般过去时。以 Free talk形式进入英语学 习。此环节旨在激 发学生的学习兴 趣,让学生在取短 的时间内进入到英 语课堂教学状态中 来。Step2 Presentation and Practice (25 minutes)1、导入文本新知 Liste n and an swerT: Class, do you want to know somethi ng about our frie nds ?Now let liste n and try to an swer.教师播放音频。a.
5、What does Danny/Mrs. Smith/ Mr. Wood ofte n do?b. What did Danny/Mrs. Smith/ Mr. Wood do yesterday? 教授过去式buy-boughtbrin g-brought1、学生听音 找出答案。2、学生回答 老师问题。3、复习一般 过去时态,掌握不 规则变化的动词 过去式。直接进入文 本,对人物进行提 冋,由于一般过去 时动词过去式学生 以前接触过,以旧 引新,降低了学习 的难度。2、学习一般将来时(1) 教授单词tomorrowthToday is December 24. Tomorrow is Dec
6、ember 25h.教师带读新单词(2) 结构:be going to doT:l am going to playpin g-p on g/buy gifts. tomorrow.What are you going to do?S: I am going to.T: What is he/she going to do tomorrow?S: He/ She is going to总结一般将来时态结构be going to do.语法渗透。(3) ExercisePPT出示三种时态动词的变1、学习单词 与般将来时。2、根据老师 的提问回答问题。3、对三种时 态的动词变化加 以练习巩固。4、
7、对一般将 来时进行句型练 习。通过老师问答 使学生理解掌握一 般将来时,先仿照 例子来说,在自己 描述,练习有梯度, 遵循语言的学习规 律。经过填空练习 与句型操练,学生 巩固了新知,为口 语操练时语言的输 出打好基础。化,对二种时态的动词变化加以巩固。e.g.:walked-walk- be going to walk Lets find the differe nces. Practice出示各种人物的图片,给出时 间 yesterday ,today , tomorrow, 让学生用三种时态描述图上内 容,如:He /She /They yesterday. He /Shes/Theyt
8、oday. He is/She is/They are going totomorrow.3、听录音学文本 Liste n to the questi ons :a : What is Danny going to do?b: What is Mrs. Smith going to do?c: What is Mr. Wood goi ng to do?(2) Discuss in pairs.(3) Ask the stude nts an swe the questi ons .1. 学生听录 音,捕捉老师所提 问题信息。2. 学生根据 录音内容进行讨 论并回答问题。带着问题听读 课文,增
9、强学生注 意力,使学生更好 掌握本课一般将来 时态的重点。4、Let put up a Christmas tree.(1)新授短语put upT: Yesterday Jenn ysfather bought a Christmas tree .These are Christmas things. What is she going to do ?S: She is going to put the Christmas thi ngs on the tree.T: Yes. She is going to put up the Christmas tree.学生跟 读句子。新授单词then
10、T: How to put up the tree? Now let swatch the flash. 观看flash后PPT出示圣 诞树图片,分步展示如何装饰 圣诞树,引导学生分步骤描述。First, I am going to.1、学生学习 新单词、短语。2、会分步骤 表达如何装饰圣 诞树。3、小组合作 分角色朗读表演 课文。通过观看flash 视频,使学生了解 装饰圣诞树的过 程。然后引导学生 们用英文讲述程。 通过读,使学生进 一步加深理解。Then 1 am going to.带读单词与句子。It done.It(3)分角色朗读课文。Step3 Production (8 minu
11、tes5、Draw and Write(1) Draw yourself老师提供课文第二部分Let sdo it中的图片与例句,让 学生仿照来写并画出自画头像 与所做事情。Yesterday I.Tomorrow I.(2) Ask and draw your friend.T: letmake a chart by ourselves, what did your frie nd do yesterday, and what is he/she going to do, try to fill in your chart with your frie nd. You can leave yo
12、ur seat and ask, the n write them dow n.Yesterday he/she Tomorrow he/she.(3) Show and read your chart.学生进行小 组活动。1、完成表 格,用句子表达自 己昨天和明天所 做的事情。2、米访自己 的同学。3、完成表 格。通过用一般 过去时与一般将来 时句型描述自己生 活,使每一位学生 都敢于张口说。努 力实现英语口语的 生活化,交际化。 以小组合作互相提 问的形式,培养学 生的合作意识和用 英语交流的习惯Step4 Class Closing (2 minutes)Homework:米访家人与朋友
13、,用英语 询问昨天做过什么、明天将要 做什么,制作出表格记录下来。学生将课上所学 知识延伸到课外。 运用本课的词汇、 短语、句型进行综 合性的语言操练。作业的布置是 为了本节课的复习 与延伸,通过与好 朋友家人用学过的 句型询问交流,对 于新知识是一个很 好的巩固过程。六、板书设计:Lesson 20: Christmas TreeWhat did you do yesterday? I brought I bought.(do)What are you going to do tomorrow? Lam going toI mWhen you are old and grey and ful
14、l of sleep,And no ddi ng by the fire, take dow n this book,And slowly read, and dream of the soft lookYour eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your mome nts of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,And loved the sorrows
15、 of your cha nging face;And bending dow n beside the glow ing bars,Murmur, a little sadly, how love fledAnd paced upon the mountains overheadAnd hid his face amid a crowd of stars.The furthest dista nee in the worldIs not betwee n life and deathBut whe n I sta nd in front of youYet you dont know tha
16、tI love you.The furthest dista nee in the worldIs not whe n I sta nd in front of youYet you cant see my loveBut whe n un doubtedly knowing the love from bothYet cannot be together.The furthest dista nee in the worldIs not being apart while being in loveBut whe n I pla inly cannot resist the year nin
17、gYet prete nding you have n ever bee n in my heart.The furthest dista nee in the worldIs not struggli ng aga inst the tidesBut using on es in differe nt heartTo dig an un crossable riverFor the one who loves you.Whe n you are old and grey and full of sleep,And no ddi ng by the fire, take dow n this
18、book,And slowly read, and dream of the soft lookYour eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your mome nts of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you.And loved the sorrows of your cha nging face;And bending dow n beside the glow ing bars,Murmur, a little sadly, how love fledAnd paced upon the mountains overheadAnd hid his face amid a crowd of stars.The furthest dist
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