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1、富斯-TH9X 9通道遥控器用户手册FS-TH9X目录2. 服务3. 特殊符号说明4. 发射机控制5. 无线电的安装5.1接收器和伺服的连接5.2铢镐电池充电5.3测试您的R/C系统的范国6. 多功能液晶显示屏和编程控制6. 1显示6.2主菜单7881010107.系统功能设置7 1模型选择7.2用户名编钳7.3类型选择7.4调制模式选择7.5摇杆換式选择111114147.6模型拷贝7. 7 LCD对比度调整8.直升机的基本功能设置8. 18.28.3綸岀信号正反切换 油门曲线设置 螺距曲线设置8 4记忆微调8 5靛角调整8 6油门保持8. 7辅助通道8.8倔斜盘设置8.9副翼、方向、升降动

2、作大小调整及感度指数调整8.10微训杆8.11反扭力曲线8.12安全棣式设定8.13悬停油门设責8.14悬停嫌距设置8.15教练设董8.16舵机显示8.17计时器8.18陀织仪混控8.19空中微调8. 20混控程式9.飞机的基本功能设賈9.1输岀信号正反切换9.2教练9.3记忆微调9.4靛角调整9.5油门保持9.6 副翼混控9.7 fill%.育向、升降动作大小9. 8微调杆9.9油门低速混控9.10安全梯式设定9.11计时器9.12能机显示9.13襟翼微调15151616171718181919202021212222232324242525269. 14副戋差动控制 359.15空气制动器

3、 359. 16升降怡襟混控 369.17 V尾混控 369.18升降粧、團具混控 379.19蛇形滚 379.20油针气i其控 389. 21混控程式 389. 22升降粧混合副翼 409. 23油门延迟 409. 24辅助通道 4110滑翔机基本功能设養 4210.1输出信号正反切換 4210.2记忆微训 4310.3駝角调整 4310.4副貿、方向、升降动作大小调整及感度扌旨数调整 一4410.5微调杆 4410.6安全横式设定 4510.7计时器 4510.8根抿微调 4610.9刹貿差动控利 4610.10升降桧、複翼混控 47io n v尾混控 4710.12混控程式 4810.1

4、3蝴螺式混控 4910. 14启动朴偿 5010.15速度补偿 5010.16输出显示模式 5110.17 教练 5110.18樣副冀泯控 5210.19升降舵、副翼混揑 52io. 20辅助通道 532828292930303131323233333434 Introduction/rigThank you for purchasing thedigital proportional reoot control system. If thisyour first conputer radio.rest assured that it is designed to make initial s

5、etup and fieldtuning of your more accurate than would be if using a non-conputer radio.Although this is a geginner or sport systeo with the requirements of those flyers in tnind, in order to make the best use of your FLYSKY FS-TH9X and to operate it safely,you must carefully read all of the instruct

6、ionsSuggestion:Ifyvhile reading the instructions, you are unclear of soie of the procedures or functions and become stucktcontinue to read on anyway. Often, the function or procedure till ge explained again later in a different way providing another perspedctive fron which to understand it.Another s

7、uggestion is to connect the battery, switch and servos to the receiver and actually operate the radio of your lordbench as you make programming changes.Then, you111 be able to see the effects of your programing inputs服务If any difficulties are encountered while setting up or operating your system,ple

8、ase consult the instruction manual first.For further assistance you may also refer to yout hobby dealer, or contact the 匚 Service Center at the web site.rw com以上是官方客套话不翻译,本人是E文小白!看不懂。有这功夫写这么一大堆还不如岀个中文版的说明书实在。摆明就是忽视国内消费者。FS-TH9X3要特别注意安全.特别注明,以下标志:危险:如果不按正确的操作方法可能会导致操作者严重受伤甚至致命的情况。警告:如果不按正确的操作方法可能会导致操

9、作者严重外伤、重伤或者致命。警示:如果不按正常操作会有轻伤的危险,但一般不会致操作者重伤。0二禁止二强制警吿:务必将电器元件远离儿童。飞行安全为了确保您和他人的安全,请注意以下事项: 虽然TH9X有非易失性EEPROM记忆体,但也要定期维护保养,为下次飞行做好准备。电池保养电池按使用的电池类型进行保养0在飞行场注意事项飞行前,要确保你打算飞的频率没有在使用,确保只有一个模型可在任一时刻在一个单一的频率飞行。 为防止损坏您的无线电设备,打开电源开关前,请按如下正确的顺序操作。1. 油门杆拉到最低位養,或以其他方式嫩防电机和引挈。2. 打开发射机电源,让你的发射器显示器显示主屏辖。3 确认已选定合

10、适的飞机型号。4. 充分延长发射天线。5. 最后打开接收机电源。这么多字不码了!6. Test all controls If aservo opcnUesi abnormally9dont attempt to fly until you determine the cause of fhe problem(For PCM systems only:Test to ensure that the FailSafe settings are correct by waiting at leastZ mi nutes after adjusting thenturning the transmi

11、tter off and confirming the proper surfacc/throtUc movcmcnts9Turn the transmitter back on.)7 Start your engine8 Complete full range check (see p.9)9. After flyingbring your throttle stick to idle position,engaRe any kill switches or otherwise disarm your motor/engine10. Turn off receiver power11. Tu

12、rn off transmitter powerIf you do not turn on your system in this ordertyou may damage your servos or control surfacesflood your engineor in tbe case of electric-powered or gasllnepowered models,tbe engine may uncsp- ectedly turn on and cause a severe injuryO While you are getting ready to flyjf you

13、 place your transmitter on theund9be sure that the windwont tip it over. If It is knocked over9the throttle stick may be accidentally movedcausing the engine to speed up.Also( your transmitter may occurBefore Uixiing,be sure to extend the transmitter antenna to its full length .A collapsed antenna w

14、oll reduce your flying range and cause a loss of control It is a good idea to avoid pointlng the transmitter antenna directly at the model 9slnce the signal is weakest in that directionO Dont fly in the ralnIWater or moisture may enter the transmitter through the antenna or stick openings and cause

15、erratic operation or loss If control If you must fly in wet weather during a contest be sure to cover your transmitter with a plastic bag or waterproof barrlenNever fly if lightning Is expectedRFS-TH9XTransmitter controlsANTENNA THRO CUTrudd方跌大d ELE 踝* PIT TRT璽JLCD DISPLAY5罗豳3 HOV THR 薯竝trn 架 GEAR W

16、 D/RF. MODAIL/THR STICK,PROGRAMMABLE TRIM譽开津OWER SWITCHDOWNr i15$出 EXITLCD 见示屏PROGRAMMABLE 可编程摇杆STICK PROGRAMMABLE 可编程摇杆微调trimUPMENU:主菜单功能按钮EXIT:退岀按钮UP:菜单向上选择DOWN:菜单向下选择+:增加参数的值-:减少参数的值NOTE:注意区分长按和短按1-长按:持续按键2秒以上2.短按:持续按键不超过1秒钟Carrying Handler个;r.【:/!Acaution 警告怎么卸掉高频头:两指按仕塑料卡,轻轻问后竝。 怎么安装高频头:对准排线插,轻

17、轻卡入位直。RF module看看就象高频头Trainer function教练功能插孔/DSC function connectorDSC功能连接器Battery cover 电池盖注意:如果需要取岀或更换发射机电池.不要去拉排插的电线.而是轻轻拉动排插的塑料外壳把它拉岀下面是说摇杆英张力训整,无关緊要不码了!ST,CK A SCREW BStick lever tension adjustment:宁 囂:You may change the length of the control sticks to make your transmitter more comfortable to

18、hold and operateTo lengthen or shorten your transnliters sticks, first unlock the silck tip by holding locking screw B and urning stick tip A counterclockvise Next,move the locking screw B up or down(to lengthen or shroten)Vhen the length feels comfortable, lock the position by turning locking screw

19、 B counterclockise.REDDERAILERONELEVATORYou may adjust the tension of yout sticks to provide the feel that you prefer for flyingTo adjust yout springs,you11 have to renove the rear case of the transnitter First,using a screwdriver, renove the six screws that hold the transBitter1 s rear cover in jos

20、ition,and pt them in a safe place.Genty ease off the transmitter1s rear coveryoull see the view shovn in the figure aboveUsing a smal1 phi 11 ips seredriver.rotate the adjusting screw for each stick for the desired spring tension .The tension increases when the adjusting screw in turned clockwiseWhe

21、n you arc satisfied with the spring tensions, reattach the transmitter* s rear cover.Check that the upper PCB is on its locating pins.Mode 1 transmitter with cover removed, reinstall the rear cover and tighten the six screwsFS-TH9X5. Radio installation 无线电设备is循以下准则正确安装伺服系统和电池:别看字了看图就明白了.什么还看不明白吗?那你就

22、是小白中的小白许仙他老婆错不了。Follow these guidelines to properly mount the servos,receiver and batteryMake certain the alignnent tab on the battery,svi tch and servo connectors is oriented correctly and * key* into the corresponding notch in the receiver or connectors before plugsing then in whei unplugging conn

23、ectors never pull on the wires .Always pul I on the plastic connector insteadIf any servo wires are not long enough to reach the receiver , servo extension wires (available separately)ay be usedAlways count the servos vith the supplied rubber gronaets Do not over tighten the screws No part of the se

24、rvo casing should contact the aounting raiIs,servo tray or any other pari of the airplane structure0therwise,vibration wi11 be transiitied to the servo causing premature wear and/or servo failurNote the snal1 nimbers(1234)nolded into each arm on the Futaba 4-arm servo aras.The nunbers indicate tow a

25、any degrees each arm is off from 90 degrees to correct for inute manufacturing deviations fron servo to servoTo center the servos,connect the* to the receiver and turn on the Iran s nitter and receiver.Center the trins on the transn- itter, then find the arn that vi 11 be perpendicular to the pushro

26、d then placed on the servoAfter the servos are installed operate each servo over its full travel and check that the pushrods and servo arns do not bind or contact each other Also nake sure the cortrols do not require excess force to operate If there is an objectionable buzzing sound coining from a s

27、ervo there is probably too such resistance in the contro 1 Find and correct the problea Even if there is no servo danage excess battery drain will resultUse the nounting plate from the receiver on/off switch as a template for the cutout and screw holes Mount the switch on the side of the fuselage op

28、posite the engine exhaust, and where it ron* t be inadvertently turned on or off during handling or storage Be certain the switch noves vithout restriction and snaps” from ON to OFF,and that the cutout allows fu.l notion of the svitch in both directionsIMPORTANT:NEVER cut the receiver antenna or nor

29、nt it in the node folded back on itself Doing so vill change its electrical length, possibly reducing the distance fron the sodel can be controlled ( range* ).The receiver antenna may be mounted inside or outside the mcdel5. 1 Receiver and servo connectionsFS - TH9X有关电池的充放电及保养互联网上多了去了自己找去吧!5. 2 Char

30、ging the Ni-Cd batteries充电的镣镉电池一好像现在用锂电池的比较多吧The transmi ttcr and receiver batteries i nc1uded wi th you FS-TH9X system are rechargeable, Ni-Cd batteries. Ni-Cd batteries require special care and chargingNOTE:The batteries are partially charged, but will require a full, overnight charge before the m

31、odel may be flown 1Connect the trans口ittcr charging cord coming fron the A/C wal1 charger to the charge jack in the right side of the transmitter case The receiver charging cord may be connected to the batteries two different ways:The charge cord may be connected directly co the battery pack, or to

32、the vacant charge connector(11 ack)coming from the on/off switch in the mode 1 Charging*through the switch*is preferred as there will be no need disconnect the battery.2. Plug the A/C wall charger into a wall outlet Note: If the wall outlet can be turned off by a switch i n the romm, be certain the

33、switch rcmai ns on after leaving the room Otherwise,the batteries will not be charged!3The LEDs(Iight-emitting diodes)shouId Iight red, indicating that current is flowing and the batteries are being charged.Discharged batteries will take about 15 hours to fully chargeIf using an aftermarket fast cha

34、rger,be certain to follow the manufacturers instructions provided with the charger so you do not overcharge the batteriesNEVER charge the batteries at a rate higher than 1000mA.The batteries should also be discharged periodically to periodically to prevent a condition calledmenory*If, for example, o

35、nly two flights arc mode each time you go flying, the batteries will not havc*rcachcd very far down into their full capacity.After doing this several times the batteries willrememberand eventually*think*they can supply only enougt power for cwo fights After two flights the batteries may not provide

36、enough power to operate the system, thus causing a crashTo erase any potential memory,cycle the batteries by discharging, then charging them with a commercial battery cycler,or leave the system on and exercise the servos by moving the transmitter sticks until the even during the winter or periods of

37、 long storageIf using a cycler with a readout,note the cajpacity after the batteries have been cycled .If there i s a noticeable drop in capacity the batteri es should be replacedNOTE:charging your batteries with the included FLYSKY A/C battery charger is always safe Hoirever. fast-charging with an

38、afterioarket charger is acceptable as long as you know how to properly operate the charger, NEVER charge at a rate higher than 1000mA If not done correctly, fast-charging can damage the batteries5. 3Range Testing Your R/C SyitemPlease note that di fferent systems demonstrate di fferent range checks

39、and the sane systec will range check di fferently i n di fferent condi t ions A】 so,the receiver antenna* s i nstallat ion affects the range testexiting the top of the model is idea 1 This is a brief explanation of range test For nore in-depth speci f ics onreceiver antenna mounting, addi tional che

40、cks i f unsatisfactroy rage i s demonstrated, range checking with gasoline powered engines.etc.pl ease see our FA. Qpage at w flyskychina comLeave the transmitter* s antenna retracted and be sure both batteries are fully charged Plsi tion the aircraft away from wires, other transni tters,etcTest one

41、engine/motor off, mininum of 100 ft. range: Have a friend view the model but not hold it, engine off(People conduct signals, too!)Walk away froa the model9 working al 1 controls constantlyStop when the servos ji tier s i gn i T i enn11y(u j i tier here nnd Lhere i s nurmal) , cun L rol mul s tups(PC

42、M)t or you 1 ose control al together. Measure the distance.If greater than 100 feet,great!Proceed to Test 2.Less than 100 feet of range check scans you need more information to determine i f your system i s safe to fly .Please sec out web site or cal 1 support for additional tests to perforn before

43、flying your systcRepeat with friend holding the node1Note any differences#FS-TH9X网络小甲虫到此一游!毛病得改改.那天把持不住在某某文物上来一手.那不是-那不是-哎! !Test two-engine/motor on: Repeat the test wi th the modelv s engi ne running and wi th someone holding the mode1 Tf a decrease of more than 10% is noted, research and resolve

44、the cause of interference prior to flying your model话说很久以前齐天大圣孙悟空 就是在如来的手指上来这一首 在五指山压了五百年五百年啊 望各位网友引以为戒引以为戒9FS-TH9X6. Multi LCD and Programming contrIs编码模式模型/模型名称 方向舵微调指示副翼微调指示 模型类型电池电压指示:检测当前电源电压的值(如果电池电压低于8. 5vf蜂鸣器每隔5秒发一次提示音)。 编码方式:发射机的发射数据的编码方式(PPM和PCM)模型选择:模型参数标号显示(最多8组可选择)模型名称:显示当前模型的名称微调指示:副翼、

45、升降、方向、油门通道的微调值的指示模型类型:显示当前模型种类(飞机、直升机、滑翔机)比赛时间;比赛倒计时(最长时问99分59秒主菜单长按MENU按钮进入主菜单设置(大约2秒)系统设置功能设置系统设置(SYSTEM SETTING):对系统的初始化设定。功能设置(FUNCTION SETTING):机种功能参数设定。使用UP DOWN选择SYSTEM SETTING和FUNCTION SETTING,然后,短按MENU确定进入相 应菜单或者按EXIT退出设置菜单NOTE:菜单毎动作一次蜂鸣器发一次声音如果是才单中参数调到最大值后,继续按按钮,蜂鸣器将不会发音7 SYSTEM SETTING 系统

46、功能设定STEPS:届苗南状念下,长按I MENU “键,调出主菜单 J C短按UP/COWN键选择系统功能设定菜单短按MENU键进入下SYSTEM SETTING:短按UP/DoiP金选择模式选 择MODEL SELECT菜单短按MENU键进入下一页设定系统总共包含8种模式,也就是说能够储存8种不同形式的设置 为不同的模型每次使用只要选择它就能够调出相应的设置。短按UP/COWN键选择具体模式MODEL NAME:用户名称编辑TYPE SELE:模型类型选择MODEUAT: 选择PPM&PCM编码方式 ST I CK SET :左右手遥杆模式选择COPY:模型设置复制短按MENU选择保存并且

47、返回上?|级菜单.按EXIT不保存且返丿回上一级菜单使用UP DOWN按钮选择,如果选择某一项其颜色会翻转。 然后短按MENU进入相应的菜单操作按EXIT退出系统设置回到主菜单7. 1 MODEL SELE 模型选择 SYSTEM SETTINGSTEPS:r在初始画面m状态下,长按)“MENU健,调岀主菜单 )MODEL SELECT:为不同的机种的操作调岀不同的模型设定使用UP/DOWN按钮选择,如果选择某一项其颜色会翻转 然后,短按MENU选择保存并且返回上一级菜单, 按EXIT不保存且返回上一级菜单FS-TH9X7. 2NAME EDIT名字编辑SYSTEM SETTING磁凹JLZM

48、I怦MED ITHftME tGLYKY!卅卄0 2345678!JABCDEQCMI JKLMHO PR$TU VHXYZCS 3 _ dbw ei-9hi uKimnoPora短按UP/DOWN键选择需要编辑的字符位置短按或键从字符表中迭取所需字符MENU键选定该字符MENU键保存结果并返回上一级菜单、.STEPS:厂在初始回面的状态下长按、 I ”MENU,键,调出主菜单 丿短按或“键从字符表中选取、 所需字符,长按MENU键选定逐丿 字符NAME EDIT:该功能让你给模型定义一个特定的名称短按EXIT即可退岀该菜单。j完成编辑后.短按MENU键保存、 结果并返回上一级菜单.如果不 想

49、保存结果,短按EXIT即可退I出该菜单,J类型选择SYSTEM SETTINGSTEPS:TYPE:设置此模型用于编程的类型使用UP/DOWN按钮选择短按MENU确定选择短按EXIT不保存且返回上一级菜单NOTE:由于ACRO和GLID只有一中选择,因此,短按MENU保 存返回到上一级。如果选择的是直升机模式,短按MENU键将进入下一级菜 单,选择伺服器五种不同的连接方法。FS-TH9X7.3. 0 HILI TYPE SELECT 直升机斜盘类型选择SYSTEM SETTINGHELI:FS-TH9X遥控器支持5基本斜盘的设置,包括单伺服” (SW1-大多数直升机使用这种类型)和4种类型的C

50、CPM (直升机螺距混控系统 Cy I ic Col lecti ve Pitch Mixing)使用UP/DOWN按钮选择短按MENU确定选择HELI1 :把副翼,升降舵伺服器从旋转斜盘中独立加以连结,标准连结的机体HELI2:包含有副翼,螺距两个伺服器HELI3-1:包含有副翼,螺距,升降舵三个伺服器璨距Pitch 副通(Aileron)Aileron iiJSi(Pitch)螺距HELI3-2:包含有副翼,螺距,升降舵三个伺服器,排列方式和HELI3-1有区别Elevator 升降HELI4:包含有副翼,螺距,两个升降舵Pitch螺距螺距Pitch副翼(A ileron)Elovator

51、2(Ch8)升降短按EXIT不保存且返回上一级菜单7.4 Modulation selection 编码选择SYSTEM SETTINGSTEPS:在初始画面的状态下长按、 “MEN二键.调出圭菜单 “按UP/DOWN键选择SYSTEM SETTING 菜单短按MENU键进入下一页设定短按UP/D0WN键选择M0DULAT、菜单短按MENU键进入下一页设定Modulation select:编码选择选择发射机的编码方式:使用UP/DOWN按钮选择,如果选择某一项其颜色会翻转。 短按MENU选择保存,井且返回上一级菜单,短按EXIT不保存且返回上一级菜单。PPM:是脉冲相位调制7.5 Stick

52、 mode selectionsPCM:是脉冲编码调制 控制杆的模式选愛SYSTEM SETTINGSTEPS:左初始画面的状态下长按 ”MENU”欺调出主菜单Stick mode selections 控制杆的模式选择按UP/DOWNif选择SYSTEM SETTING 菜单短按MENU键进入下一页设定MODEL1为不同使用习槻的使用者选择相应的操纵杆模式:左摇杆:上下方向升降舵控制 右摇杆:上下方向油门控制左右方向方向舵控制 左右方向副翼控制MODEL2短按UP/D0WN键选择STICK菜单 短按MENU键进入下一页设定左摇杆:上下方向油门控制 右摇杆:上下方向升降舵控制左右方向方向舵控制

53、 左右方向副翼控制MODEL3左摇杆:上下方向升降舵控制右摇杆:上下方向油门控制左右方向副翼控制 左右方向方向舵控制短按UP/D0WN键选择具体类型MODEL4左摇杆:上下方向油门控制 右摇杆:上下方向升降舵控制左右方向副翼控制 左右方向方向舵控制儘成编辑后.短披MNU键保存、结果并返回上一级菜单。如果不想保存结果.短按EXIT即可退屁该菜单.J使用UP/DOWN按钮选择,如果选择某一项其颜色会翻转。 短按MENU选择保存,并且返回上一级菜单,短按EXIT不保存且返回上一级菜单。277. 6COPY复制SYSTEM SETTINGSTEPS:MODEL COPY模型复制快速设定相似机种的参数以

54、及恢复出厂的设定。 快速的将一个用户的设定复制到另外一个用户。短按UP或DOWN键选择复制源或复制目标,如果选择某 一项其颜色会翻转。短按或“软键选择复制源或复制目的地的具体用户。 短按MENU键保存并返回上一级菜单短按EXIT键不能保持和返回上一级菜单注童:重复源包括:MODEL1 MODEL8. HELh ACRO 复制目的包括:MODEL1 MOOEL8. ALLALL:表示将复制源里面的设直拷贝到MODEL1 - M0DEL8SYSTEM SETTINGSTEPS:r在初始画面的状态下长按 I “MENU”键,训岀主菜单按UP/DOWN键选择SYSTEM SETTING 菜单短按MENU键进入下一页设定LCD ADJ CONTRAST LCD 对比度调节:LCD的对比度调整功能是用来调节L


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