



1、HSC Chemistry ? 5.0A. Roine02103-ORC-TJune 28, 20029. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS9.1 Starting HSCThe easiest way to start HSC Chemistry is by double-clicking the HSC icon in the Win dows Program Man ager using the mouse. Withi n a few sec onds the computer loads HSC into the memory and displays the Main

2、Menu of HSC on the screen, see Fig. 1.9.2 Main Menu of HSCFig. 1. The Main Menu of HSC Chemistry.The curre nt vers ion of HSC has fourtee n calculati on modules as well as eleme nt and species databases, which can be seen as option buttons in the main menu, see Fig. 1. The opti on is selected by cli

3、ck ing the butt on by mouse or using the Tab and En ter keys.All the calculation options have various printing facilities for tables and diagrams with a formatti ng possibility. However, some opti ons use the default prin ter font sett in gs, which can be selected, for example, by pressing Settings

4、in the main menu, see Fig. 1. For a descripti on of Help see Chapter 9.4.HSC Chemistry ? 5.0A. RoineJune 28, 200202103-ORC-T9.3 Printer SettingsFig. 2. Selecting fonts for tables and diagrams.Font sett ings are available for tables and diagrams separately, however only one font type and size can be

5、selected at a time. After pressing Settings in the main menu. Fig. 1, the program shows the HSC Prin ter Sett in gs Win dow, Fig. 2. Please use the followi ng steps to select fon ts:1. Press Font in the Table Font group.2. Select Font type from the list.A non-proporti on al fo nt is recomme nded for

6、 the tables, for example: Lin ePri nter, Courier New and Courier.3. Select the Font size and style (regular, bold), recomme nded size is 8 - 12.4. Press Font in the Diagram Font group.5. Select Font type from the list, non-proporti onal and proporti onal fonts can be used.6. Select the Font size and

7、 style (regular, bold), recomme nded size is 10 - 12.7. Change the Top and Left Marginal sett ings if n ecessary.A sample of the font is available in the Sett in gs Win dow at all times. By press ing the OK butt on the selected fonts and sizes will be saved in the HSC5 .INI file in your Win dows dir

8、ectory. HSC5.INI can also be edited using for example the Notepad ASCII-editor. HSC always reads the HSC.INI file first when starting, therefore the last specified font sett ings will be used. See Chapter 7.3. for a description of the HSC5.INI file.To return to the main menu, click on Cancel. The de

9、fault printer settings can be changed using the Printers icon on the Control Panel.A. RoineHSC Chemistry ? 5.0June 28, 200202103-ORC-T9.4 Using HSC HelpThe new HSC Help module con tai ns all the in formatio n, graphics and formulae of the HSC printed manual along with convenient search, print, edit

10、and save options. The Help Manual is divided into 34 chapters all being separate files. These files are in Word 2000 format and located in the HSC5Help-folder.Nearly all HSC menus have a Help selectio n that ope ns the HSCHelp module and displays the corresp onding chapter in the manu al. Fig. 3 sho

11、ws the help pages for Chapter 10. Reacti on Equati ons.EJHSCH咄U CAHSC5HELPin REACTION EQUATIONS.DOCFile Edit Options View HelpContents | Search |1O Reaction Equations00 HSC Cheniistfy 501 Copyright Nolice02 T echnical Support and Warranty03 Errors and Bugs04 Licence Agreement for E nd Uw已 of匚【05 Reg

12、istration Card06WhatsNew in HSC 507 Installation to Hard Disk00 Introduction09 Operating InstructionsA. Roine10. REACTION EQUATIONSJ! II 11! 11 III!IJll II I.JILIIJIUII HJIIIHIIIEU II9IIilQR旦买qd Eau旦11 Hut and Malerial Balance 12Hedt Loss13 Equilibrium Module14 Equilibrium Samples15 Cell Equilibria1

13、6 Formula Weights17 Eh pH - Diagram*18 Eh pH Samples 19H,S, C end G Diagrams20 Diagram Graphics21 Phae Stability Digranftj22 Mineialogy Ibertions23 Campo?ition Conversions24 Elements Module25 Water26 Units Module27 Excel Addl ns28 HSC Databases29 Hydrocarbons30 Acknowledgments31 Thermochemical Data

14、Sources 32Refeiences33 Data References34 SpeciesHSC ChemiJune 28, 20CClicking the Reaction Equadons butto r Window, see Fig. 1. With this calculat enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs energy va reactions between pure substances.See tiie reference state definitions, valid: the chemical formulae in Chapter 281

15、0.1 Ont Cheiiiicil SubstanceRtfdcliuci Equdl iur isReaction Equation or Chemical Formula:|aizo5Temperature:Temperature Unit:FromooT 1000 0Energy UniU:Fig. 3. HSCHelp module with the Reaction Equations module selected, see Fig. 1 in Chapter 10.streaiHSC Chemistry 5.0Contents SearchHSC Chemistry ? 5.0

16、A. RoineJune 28, 200202103-ORC-TThe left frame lists all the available help chapters and the right frame displays the current selection. Clicking on a chapter in the left frame will automatically load and show that chapter in the right frame. To print the current chapter, select File/Print from the

17、menu.It is also possible to search the manual using keywords. Simply select the Search tab from the left frame and type the desired keyword in the textbox. By pressing the List Topics butt on all the chapters con tai ning the keyword are displayed. The desired chapter may the n be selected and by pr

18、ess ing the Find Next butt on, the n ext entry containing the keyword is displayed. Fig. 4 shows a search con ducted using the keywordnSCHelp CAHSCHELPMI HEAT AND MATERIAL BALANCE DOCFile Edit Opticins View HelpSjorldundJune 2002it iw extremely inijuitant that ihe M颐口嵐加 gw詔於 sk曲 冷加弧 le. 左泌 OUTxshoid

19、d not beYou can also add new sheets fm other spreadsheet calculations using In Insat Eiccd Sheet selections in the menu. The oer sheets wotk wery Ejzcel worksheets, for essmple, yiou can:- renarrLe the sheet name by double clickiiig the sheet tat” type fonnul& into the cells- use similar cdl referen

20、ces as in. EKcel- use most of the E-xccl fimetions- Hnk the sheet to IM1 sheet using normal Eicd cell references, fai converrmg elemental analysic of the raw material to amoufitfi of the ci- use the heat balance cglculation results tn OUT1 sheet as the initial v spreadsheet calcuJatiaiis.In addition

21、 llie Heat Balance menu jjroYidcs a wile range of Excel iyp c fej number, font, aUgninent and border fonnattin& defined names sett protection. ause they are not necessarily needed in heat balance calc fEatures are not des crib 已 d here in detail.WThe tiew heat balance module ofEiere several w可理 to c

22、alculate heat and mate1. Tke user typ&s the input and output species, tetupmatures and afiicuti and OUT1 sheets respectively. This 15 a simple way to calcijlate he; balances and was availaWe in HSC 2_0. However, the prablem with was that the user had to manually niaLntain the niatenal balan匚亡 wtier

23、changed.2. Materials (species) are gven as groups of substances calledFig. 4. Search the manual using keywords.HSC Chemistry ? 5.0A. Roine02103-ORC-TJune 28, 2002The HSCHelp Editor enables the user to manually view and edit help chapters. Select Edit/Edit Current Document from the menu to open the e

24、ditor for the current chapter. The edit mode can be useful when, for example, printing only a few pages or a selected part of a chapter. Several of the typical word processing options are available in the Help Editor. HSC Help Editor reads and writes Word 2000 files and it supports most of the Word

25、2000 features but not all, i.e. it is not 100% Word 2000 compatible. Fig. 5 shows the edit mode for Chapter 11. Heat and Material Bala nee .Note that you may also add your own DOC-files to HSC5Help-folder and HSCHelp- routi ne reads these automatically.HSCHelp Edil Mode - C:HSC5WHELPM1 HEAT AND MATE

26、RIAL BALANC:E.DO匚Q Hie Edit Vtew inseit Format Table Window Help- |g| x ralsa 拥蜃 | 冲聞歸關硝I Normal节| Times New Roman耳戶3 hl u 崗誉蔓臺I阿二业三必,g,1區呛,岛嘟曲伽备fen险rran囲rtei张泌鼬蹩盈喪r喘酚般潮肿也也划jcan be the sarne as the phases but they can also b匕呂 mixture of phases.3. The output amounts can be linked with the input amounts with Excel tyJ references, or vice versa11.1 Basic Calcul


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