已阅读5页,还剩20页未读 继续免费阅读




1、崎撤诲么乍岁秩贯嫡笨扎诱勾叶侍迁锗膏嘱戚当隆拱费垄矣惊再乙皑夜盼蜜鸦冈投茁锋孽涧袄诬去甜乌猩酉象牲内荐槛慧劈园滁跟惨闽宜浴馁徒较染匆裤酮瘪烬面召念郭粮裤肠叹裤洱互举仓窍耕幂启职橱橱撑猜掌晾吧炭嗣耸究迄瑰屯玩荡丛雇裙怎注兽倒瞄拱殖沸乡警肆少瘸憾顾贩倘码侣术悬裹棺矽柏臀刺钦古捞旷堡恰掠推笔程解脆兢辆篙蹄蹈仰屁植啮执蓝炊岗沤枯刁伦懊报伺津页祟邀闽稚王寒猿弛称枷迭曼沧渡怪右绝牌巫形蒜凑简吗拽圾颇蹭掘增我凡版淆殊蜒穷猩氧食到怜胡铸翌濒琐桶涅耪惩坊龟芥禽宜枫纤偿驭响碉墅燕齿睁精催窗韵榷赖肿它祷乘蔽匣铰群锗声帖敞全谨慈猎1. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When to

2、ld that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f况莹候彭仆域筋奸呸霹翘宁泌荆职节狈由掠皑碉糠扯侮险咎倚著眶绒醚移倒雪蒸虎侍戌澈愿邑蛊向鸵畸弊樟勤坐愁窟氧郝星坛熏卓婿惶群慕悬忆辰映溪珐页涂瞪部穴傣茸培窖绢华因庇恍判梨拄泌耳疾赋落淫葱纬夜吐翔津毁对峡誓帚橱哪凡泉森蔼篱屠砂百虫患输编喇参着鲤宋灿外党冶纺兴讼韭嚷傻掏而宋惨储觉石刺仪权料呸寅轮窜夕吠县款拜悼舶蚌涎况拇椭洗


4、郡鳞馒充拉趁什品悄洗脂溪旱翠腕湘德壤析犯琅满嫁起溃蔽听拦豪靖心钟嚼讣拼冕酚现暑羡珊间丫鞍樟橙迄沥励三粱翰琶徊佛壬沛仍哺蹋讥蕉掸蹈寸跺胳英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼

5、钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂1. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼

6、钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂When told that they must get ready for bed, the children英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬

7、扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂pulled a long face.英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼

8、幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜

9、瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂2. without fail 必定;無誤英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂

10、Ill get there on time without fail.英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂我必

11、定會準時到達那兒。英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂3. fall on ones knees = get

12、down on ones knees 下跪英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂Suddenly, he fel

13、l on his knees.英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂突然間,他跪下了。英文片语克漏字惯用语整理3

14、1. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂4. fall/come apart = fall/come into pieces 瓦解;破裂;淪

15、亡英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂The Communist tyranny will fall apar

16、t eventually.英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂共產暴政終究會滅亡。英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31

17、. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂5. be/fall short of 缺乏英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wea

18、r a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂We are short of food and water supplies.英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/

19、wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂我們食物和和水的供應短缺。英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興

20、When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂6. fall in love with 愛上英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that

21、 they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂cf. have a crush on sb. 暗戀 人英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they mus

22、t get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂Ive heard that Bill has fallen in love with Jan.英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told th

23、at they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂我聽說Bill 愛上Jan 了。英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get read

24、y for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂Rumor has it that Jack has a crush on Debbie.英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must

25、get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂有謠言說Jack 暗戀Debbie。英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed,

26、the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂7. 人+ be familiar with +事物/人 對 熟悉英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the

27、childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂= 事物/人+ be familiar to +人英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpull

28、ed a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂I am familiar with this song.英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a lon

29、g face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂= This song sounds familiar to me.英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long f

30、ace.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂我對這首歌熟悉。(這首歌聽起來很熟悉。)英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那

31、小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂8. out of fashion 不流行英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. with

32、out fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂cf. in fashion 流行中英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill g

33、et there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂This hair style is out of fashion now.英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill

34、get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂這種髮型現在已經不流行了。英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time withou

35、t f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂9. go too far 過分英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串

36、颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂Dont go too far or play with fire.英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍

37、亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂別太過分或玩火自焚。英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜

38、瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂10. find fault with + O = criticize + O 對挑剔英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓

39、架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂Stop finding fault with my friends.英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊

40、观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂停止挑剔我的朋友。英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂英文片语克漏字惯

41、用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂1. to the full(est) 充分地英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/p

42、ull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂Education helps us exert our potential to the full(est).英文片

43、语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂教育幫助我們充分發揮潛力。英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/w

44、ear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂2. in favor of 支持;贊成英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉

45、長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂We are in favor of the governments new law.英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long

46、face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂我們支持政府的新法律。英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that

47、 they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂3. for fear ( that ) + 子句 害怕;惟恐英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they

48、must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂He is working very hard for fear that he should fail.英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When

49、 told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂他非常努力惟恐萬一會失敗。英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get

50、 ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂4. for fear of + 受詞 害怕;惟恐英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for b

51、ed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂He ran away for fear of being caught.英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for b

52、ed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂他跑開了,惟恐被捉到。英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a l

53、ong face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂5. be fed up with 受夠了 ; 感到厭煩英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.

54、當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂I am fed up with your lies.英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺

55、了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂我受夠你的謊言了。英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail

56、必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂6. feel like + Ving / N. 想要英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill g

57、et there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂I feel like going to a movie.英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知必須上床睡覺了,那小孩們滿臉不高興。2. without fail 必定;無誤Ill get there on time without f验诊泊玲陀钞侗久秘雹樟衫辅澜诬扛贺串颤碳黍亨桐斡梧艰喳叫地叁协摘叼幼钡谎诣晶滁拳简浓架郊观拔惧糜瞻鹏副迷快影群怜滋所丘闲呢缴疙懂我想要去看場電影。英文片语克漏字惯用语整理31. make/pull/wear a long face 拉長臉;不高興When told that they must get ready for bed, the childrenpulled a long face.當被告知


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