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1、TELA P( SET FOUR)4TEST第9页共11页b.c.d.To hold at the cross of run waysTo get into holdi ng p atter nTo make a left turnPart IListe ningSecti on IDirections:In this part you will hear ten ATC clearancesinstructions or statements, each ATCclearancesinstructions or statements will be spoken only once. A q

2、uestion will be asked after each ATC cleara ncesi nstruct ions or stateme nts, there are four an swers marked a,b,c,a nd d, choose the most approp riate an swer from the four choices accord ing to what you have heard .1. Northwest 345, hold at north cross flight level 60 inbound track 256 degrees tu

3、rns left outbo und time 1 mi nute.Questi on: What should the p ilot do whe n the con troller gives such an in structi on?a.To cross a trackP age 11To tur n rightCircle to landTo make a pro cedure turnTo make a traffic p atternb.c.d.a.b.c.d.Retur ning to the air portTurning to right.Having maintenanc

4、e Intending to drift dow n.An swer:4.aKLM 991, Blueyeard approach, we ve just received an anonymous call saying thereyour aircraft. Come back immediately to Blueyard air port.Questi on: What happen ed?An anonym ous call was received.It was a bomb alert.s a boma.b.An swer:2. Green air 345, po siti on

5、 10 miles no rtheast of kilo mike. This is a right hand circuit for run way 28.Questio n: What should the p ilot do whe n he has this in struct ion?a.An swer: d3. CCA 981, we re having difficulties in maintaining straight cour se, our plane tends to drift to the right. Coming back.s intention?Questi

6、o n: What is the crewc.d.The aircraft retur ned due traffic.Luggage not on board.An swer: b5.Beiji ng, CCA 981 could you confirm that you have got our flight plan. Origin ally we were to take off at0815. Then it was put off un til 0930.Questi on: What do you lear n from the message?a.b.The crew was

7、worried about the delay.The crew wan ted to make sure they had sent the flight plan.c.d.The crew was ready to take off at 0930.The crew had taken off at 0815.An swer: a6. JAL 782, you are cleared to con ti nue visually kee ping clear of build up areas. Questio n: What should the pilot do?To stay out

8、 of the build ing areas.To stay out of the visual flight areasTo stay out of the bad weatherTo stay out of the clear areas.a.b.c.d.Correct an swer: c7.Chen gdu ground, Air Three Star 554, loadi ng op erati ons are tak ing Ion ger tha n plann ed. Would youdelay our flight plan un til 1415?Questio n:

9、What might be the reas on for the request to delay the dep arture?The p ayload is not correct.Load sheet calculati on is wrong.Passe ngers have not got on board on time.Some surgical op erati on is going on.a.b.c.d.An swer:8.cJAL 728, n ext turn left. Cauti on the snow drifts on the left hand side o

10、f the taxiway. Questio n: What do you lear n from this message?The p ilot is in structed to turn to the left taxiway.The p ilot is alerted to pay atte nti on to the snow drifts on the taxi way.The p ilot is in structed to take cauti on of the turnin gs.The p ilot is alerted about the snow banks alon

11、g the taxiway.a.b.c.d.An swer: d9. Iran 800, nose wheel still app ears to be jammed. We Question: What might be the pilot s intention?A touch and go.A belly landing.Nose wheel exte nsion.P riority landing.a.b.II have to make an emergency landing.c.d.An swer: b10. BAW 031, win dshear warning. An arri

12、vi ng B747 rep orted strong wind shear in app roach run way 36 right at 1015 height of wind shear layer 600m.Questi on: How did the con troller know there was a wind shear?Wind shear warning was in itiated.The crew got the warning on in strume nts.A p revious flight told the con troller.A win dshear

13、 was obserbed.a.b.c.d.An swer:Section IIDirections: In this part you will hear five RTF exchanges between pilots and air traffic controllers, each exchange will be sp oke n only on ce. A questi on will be asked after each excha nge, there are four an swers marked a,b,c,a nd d, choose the most approp

14、 riate an swer from the four choices accord ing to what you have heard .1. C: JAL 728, can you make a slot time of 52 min utes? P: Negative, we now have a cateri ng delay. Put me back 15 C: Roger. 728, let me know whe n you are ready.Questi on: Why does the p ilot want a delay?a.b.past the hour. JAL

15、 728.Plan delay.Due to food loadi ngNot ready to start upNot the correct slot time.c.d.An swer: b2. C: KOR 151, severe turbule nee rep orted in the vici nity of the level 1800m.P: KOR 151, request alter nate route because last time we flew in turbule nee 2 engines feathered.Questi on: Why did the p

16、ilot request ano ther route?a.b.c.d.He worried that he would lose engin es.He believed that he would lose engin es.He heard that there was a rep orted win dshear ahead.He heard that there was a rep orted turbule nee on the alter nate route.aShanghai approach, Eastern 456, request priority landing. W

17、e got a passenger on board who feels difficulty in breath ing.C: Easter n 456, dow n to 3000 feet, straight in app roach run way 18 right, first to land.Questi on: What might be the p roblem?a.b.An swer:3. P:c.d.An swer: bThere is a p atie nt with severe diarrhea.There is a p atie nt with severe ast

18、hma.There is a p atie nt with severe flu.There is a p atie nt with severe stomachache.4. P: Ground, JAL 728. The tow bar has bent duri ng push back. We are wait ing for them to get ano ther one.C: JAL 728, report whe n ready to pu sh. But if your take a little bit long time, we have to allocate you

19、a new slot time.Questi on: What will happen if the aircraft can not be pu shed back quickly.They will be delayed for dep arture.They will get ano ther tug.They will have to wait for a new tow bar.They will have to go back to sta nd.aa.b.c.d.An swer:5. C: Southwest 4901, the visibility is worse tha n

20、 exp ected, weP: Roger, 4901.Questi on: What is going on?The visibility is beco ming better, and the lights will be turned dimmer.The visibility is beco ming worse, and the lights will be turned brighter.The p ilots requests to turn the lights a little brighter.The p ilots are requested to turn the

21、lights a little brighter.II have to turn up the lights.a.b.c.d.An swer: bSection IIIDirections: In this sect ion you will hear two p assages. each p assage will be sp oke n only once. After each p assage five questi ons will be asked, for each questi on there are four an swers marked a,b,c,a nd d, c

22、hoose the most approp riate an swer from the four choices accord ing to what you have heard .Passage IWhen an aircraft crosses a sector boundary, the responsibility for separating that aircraft passes on to the con troller in the new sector. The origi nal con troller is known as the tran sferri ng c

23、on troller, while n ext con troller is called the receiving controller. This transfer of separation responsibility is known as the transfer of control. Normally, the p ilot is directed to con tact the receivi ng on a differe nt radio freque ncy p rior to cross ing the sector boun dary. This is known

24、 as the tran sfer of com muni cati on. The pro cess of tran sferri ng con trol and com muni cati on of an aircraft from one con troller to the n ext is known as a han doff.Han doffs are n ecessary whe n aircraft cross sector boun daries and whe n an aircraft crosses the boun dary betwee n two sep ar

25、ate ATC facilities, such as betwee n two cen ters or betwee n a tower and a cen ter. It is sp ecified that the tran sfer of com muni cati on must occur before the aircraft crosses the sector boun dary. This en sures that the receiv ing con troller will be in radio con tact with the p ilot before the

26、 aircraft en ters his or her sector. This p ermits the receivi ng con troller to issue any new con trol in struct ions to the p ilot before the aircraft crosses the sector boun dary.The follow ing questi ons are based on the p assage you have just heard.1.What is the tran sfer of sep arati on respon

27、 sibility known as?a.b.Tran sfer of origi nal con troller and receivi ng con troller.Tran sfer of com muni cati on.c.d.An swer: c2. How does a tran sfer of com muni cati on happens?a. The p ilot is in structed to con tact next con troller on the freque ncy give n on the flight plan.b. The p ilot is

28、in structed to con tact the n ext con troller on the freque ncy give n by the p revious con troller.c. The p ilot is in structed to con tact the receivi ng con troller after he has crossed the boun dary.d. The p ilot is in structed to con tact the origi nal con troller p rior to the han doff.An swer

29、: bTran sfer of con trolTran sfer of aircrafts.3. Accord ing to the p assage, why are han doffs n ecessary?a. To en sure that the receivi ng con troller will be in con tact with the p ilot whe n the p ilot is cross ing the boun dary.b. To en sure the receivi ng con troller will be in con tact with t

30、he p ilot before the p ilot crosses the boun dary.c. To en sure the receiv ing con troller will be in con tact with the p ilot after the p ilot crosses the boun dary.d. To en sure that the receivi ng con troller will be in con tact with the origi nal con troller whe n the p ilot is cross ing the bou

31、n dary.An swer: b4. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is NOT correct?a. Han doffs are n ecessary whe n an aircraft crosses betwee n a tower and a cen ter.b. Tran sfer of com mun icati on en sures the origi nal con troller to give in struct ions to the aircraft.c. The pro cess of tran sferri ng con

32、 trol and com muni catio n is called han doffs.d. Before an aircraft p asses the sector boun dary, the handoff must have occurred. An swer: b5.a.b.c.d.An swer: dWhat do you think the title of p assage should be?Tran sferri ng betwee n the con trollersTran sfer of con trolTran sfer of com muni cati o

33、nHandoff pro ceduresa.b.c.d.An swer: c2.a.b.c.d.What did the people at that time thi nk of aviati on?It was only the activities of a small p orti on of people to seek fun.It was only some kind of exp erime nts.People believed that it would be a long time to deve lop into a useful transp ortati on.Pe

34、ople believed that it was an exp erime nt con ducted by fools.An swer: a3.a.b.c.d.An swer: aWho was allowed to fly at that time?AnyoneThose who were in volved in the desig ning and buildi ng.Those who p assed the tests.Those who go a lice nse.Passage IIWhen the Wright brothers emeeri in flight succe

35、eded on December 17, 1903, the world took little notice. News papers of that time did not believe that acco mp lishme nts of the two brothers on that cold morni ng. At the start of the cen tury, most people regarded aviatio n as a p astime for brave exp erime nters. It was hard to believe that the t

36、iny, underpo wered aircraft of that era would ever devel op into a useful form of transpo rtati on. In this early p eriod of exp erime ntati on, anyone with a mecha ni cal ap titude could desig n, build, and fly an aircraft without passing any type of test or possessing any type of license. Without

37、regulation or certification, people began to build and quite regularly crash these early flying mach in es. The gen eral p ublic was frighte ned by the mach ines and believed that only fools would fly in them. Pote ntial in vestors in this new in dustry were fearful of risk ing their cap ital to fin

38、ance an unproven and apparen tly dan gerous in dustry.The follow ing questi ons are based on the p assage you have just heard.1.According to the passage what is the response of the public towards the Wrightbrother s success of flight?It caused a great sen sati on.The p ublic p aid a little atte nti

39、on to it.The people of that time almost p aid no atte nti on to it.The n ews papers believed that was a great eve nt.4. What was the general attitude of the public towards the flying machines at thattime?a.b.c.d.An swer: b5.They did not believe they could fly.They were fearful of such dan gerous thi

40、 ngs.They thought those mach ines were pro mis ing.They thought those mach ines were foolish.What was the attitude of the in vestors?a.b.c.d.An swer: bThey were con fide nt of the repay of the in vestme nt.They were doubtful of the repay of the in vestme nt.They thought flying was dan gerous.They th

41、ought it was foolish to fly.Section IVDirections: In this section there are some ATCin struct ions or p ilot reportsrequests. These abovewords are sp oke n only once. In each sp oke n part some words are miss ing. Liste n carefully and fill the bla nks with what you have just heard.1.Kiwi Air,exp ed

42、ite your desce nt all the way dow n to, p lease.Africa Air fiftee n, fly a headi ng . This is radar vectors for your.CCA 101 Weve already talked to uh your p roblems on the ACARS so they are aware of your_ for about 30 minu tes, we dont know if you guys got the word on that4. Air France is on a hold

43、 out here, they got of fuel. The con trollers are say ingEFC so in about ano ther four or five minu tes they will get new in struct ions.5. GBC cleared to the outer marker run waymakeon the outer marker the n reportthe outer marker inbound for run way two seve n.2.3.for1.2.Kiwi Air seve ntee n, exp

44、edite your desce nt all the way dow n to eleve n thousa nd, pl ease.Africa Air fiftee n, fly a headi ng zero seve n zero. this is radar vectors for your desce nt.CCA 101 Weve already talked to dis patch uh your p roblems on the ACARS so they are aware of your3.delay for about 30 minu tes, we dont kn

45、ow if you guys got the word on that4. Air France is on a hold out here, they got thirty three hun dred pounds of fuel. The con trollers are say ing fiver zero, for uh, EFC so in about ano ther four or five minu tes they will get new in structi ons.5. GBC cleared to the outer marker run way two seve

46、n make a three sixty on the outer marker the n report the outer marker inbound for run way two seve n.Section VDirections: In this sect ion there is an excha nge betwee n pilots and con trollers, the excha nge will be sp oke n only on ce. Liste n carefully and the n compi ete the table below.VI List

47、e ning comp rehe nsionRuda Flight 689:Dan App roach, Ruda Flight 689 passi ng FL150.Dan App:Ruda Flight 689 radar co ntact 45 miles on M-13, headi ng 265. Desce nt to 3500ft for Run way 09, reduceTELA P( SET FOUR)4TEST第9页共11页sp eed to 200.F 689:Desce nd 3500for Runway 09. Reduce speed to 200 kts Rud

48、a Flight 689.F 689:App roach, Ruda Flight 689, request reason to reduce sp eed above 10000 to200kts.Dan App:F 689:Dan App:Flight 414:Dan App:Flight 414:OK Sir, your traffic dep arture sir, now start engine, release traffic dep arture at or before 27.Ruda Flight 689 like to mai ntai n 210 kts. 210kts

49、, and below 10000.OK, its appro ved.Flight 414 pass ing 17000 to 11000ft. P osition now 13 miles on M-13.Flight 414, turn left headi ng 085, reduce sp eed to minimum, you Con tact 122.1 Happy landing.Good after noon. Thank youF 689: Ruda Flight 689; 3000Dan App:689, mai ntai n 3000ft for a while. Ma

50、in tai n headi ng Dan VOR. Traffic now still taxiRun way 27.Flight 689 :Maintain 3000.09 from right side.Dan App:Ruda Flight 689, you turn left headi ng 250 vectori ng for in terce pt ILS Run wayTraffic now rolli ng.Ruda Flight 689 do you read?Ruda Flight 689, say aga in?Tur n left headi ng a 240, 2

51、50. Now vectoring for in terce pt ILS Runway 09.Roger, headi ng 250. Ruda Flight 689 .689 headi ng 250. Confirm we cleared from a . mountainous area?Affirm sir! Con ti nue turn left on headi ng 210.Dan App:F 689:Dan App:F 689:F 689:Dan App:F 689: On head ing 210, Ruda Flight .Flight 212:Good afterno

52、o n, app roach. Flight 212 dep arted right turn headi ng 110 1000 ft climbi ng, 5 mileson M-13Dan App:212 continue turn right on head ing 120 in itial 2000ft in crease sp eed 210 knots.Dan App: Ruda Flight 689, turn right headi ng 086, report established on localizer.F 689: Tur n right to headi ng 0

53、80, Ruda Flight 689, check established.Dan App : Ruda Flight 689, confirm youre making turning now?F 689 : We are turning right now.Dan App :689 OK, you continue turning to heading 090 now.aircraftDep arture/a pp roachClimb / desce ntATCissued level1stRep ortedHeadi ngDista neeon M-13App rovedsp eed

54、aircraftDep arture/a pp roachClimb / desce ntATCissued level1stRep ortedHeadi ngDista nee on M-13App roved sp eedP age 17Flight 689App roachDesce nt 3000 ft26545210Flight 414app roachClimb 17000 ft08513minFlight 212Dep artureClimb 2000 ft1105210Part II Oral in teract ionSecti on One: Normal Pro cedu

55、reDirections: In this part. you are a pilot. Your aircraft callsign is ABCDE. Your flight is from Bluenard to Greenard . alternate is Blackyard. CompIete your communication with ATC according to the controllers in struct ions and the prompt. Your voice will be recorded whe n you see a microphone on the scree n.1. P re-flight(You are on sta nd E45 Con tact Blueyard Ground)Bluevard Ground ABCDEP:C: ABCDE Blueyard Ground I read you 2 check your tran smitter give me a short countP:(Call Ground aga


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