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1、New Year 尤旦老师:“正确。”English poetry襲谒*义小词典soC The rose is so red!D. That tree is so tall!美好的心灵是花同 友爱的思想是根茎 亲切的话语是花朵 诱良的行为兄果实杰克.墨艸哥在哪? 在地理书十页上。Translated by Zhao HuaizhaiDay日子Teacher: Jack, where is Mexico?$Jack: On page eleven in the geography bo( 老师: 杰克:it falls on the first day of the year It marks

2、the bo ginning of a year People wi1 1 plan what to do in the new year Because they believe th at the whole year1 s work depe含Swallows fly away,燕子去 了 They return, however; 仃再來的时候; Peach blossoms witlier and fall.桃花谢了 They still bloom.冇再开的时候。My clever,聪明的,Tell me, please.请你告诉我Why our days never come b

3、ack? 汉们的口子为什么 去不灵返呢?King hearts arc the gardens;King thoughts are the roots: King words are the flowers;King deeds are rhe tmits.China English America Japan Ireland Italy Barcelona Asia Britain中国 英国 美国 日本 爱尔兰 意大利 巴塞罗纳 亚洲 英国不列颠我们在小学英iS第三 別中学过以卜两个句子:1、She Is so tall!2、She is so happy, isnt she?小朋友,你知道

4、这里30我示什么意思,起什么作 用吗?请让我来解答.SO在这里用作副词修怖形容词tallhappy.貝有 感叹和加强语气的作用,译为“真”。请将F列汉语句子连线。1、这朵玫瑰花真红呀!A. These stamps are so nice!2、那棵真高哇!B. Im so glad to see you!3、那吐邮票真好看观!4、(我)见到你瓦高兴啊!国家是e默汤姆 爷爷 汤姆是 2, parent s 是胖是 fat, thincome,去是 go以箭头旁的字阳为首字母,按箭 头所指的方向(顺时针和逆时针)拼 读,看能否将最后一个字母填上,组 成4个由4个字母组成的单词?Tom: Grand

5、pa, were you a child many years ago?Grandpa: Of course.Tom: Yhats interesting This child had no hair but had long moustache. How ugly he was!爷爷,很多年前你是个小孩吗? 那当然。|真有趣!这个小孩没有一根头发 却长着人胡子,该有多难看呀!I;学习英济;j J $ .关丁英语有多雨要现在0$的人学里似乎所冇学生的第 : 专业都成了英语,从生物 豎 / 系到屮文系,学生投入时间/最多的科目,都是英语。 $风筝kite, white白,两人分手 goodbye

6、。三 I* thirty,肮脏 dirty count short 爹娘。我是I你是you,见面问候How are you?来足 是瘦一 .-Daddy 是爸,Ikimmy 是妈, go home是回家。big是大,little足小, a sma 11 bird 是小鸟。run是跑,walk是走, shake hands是握于 work丄作,play玩,child是个小孩 儿。n Iu急棗$I 1 What always travels on foot?r 2. Before getting off the boat, what must you do?* * . *VW ?w 15!KJTh

7、ere9rc two insects in seats garden. One% is Picking honey. One is dancing 乞One likes working hard all day. One、 always likes showing off herself.a | Theyre a honeybee and butterfly.l 箒 want to be a honeybee What about you?心 d公园里有两只昆虫;一只在*J釆蜜;一只在跳舞;一只在劳动;i学生天天捧吹英诰是因为在孑I当下中国,学好英语己经亠:I成为个人发展必需的、可上I能也是最

8、有效的于段了:考大学耍$ I英语,考研考博耍英语,出国、进& I外企为然要英语,进国家机关还要$ 考英语,当教授、博导要英语,屮; 报编借、记者职称也要考英语# 1现在中国什么考试不考英语?哪$ 1 一家“体而”的公司、单位招人不#U1; 4 -Vn4 .4-v- 卄 上11 vrrf ! 瓠 I . Yr I. f n IA1L第三版逐甲:请问,电影票多少钱一 * 张?乙:一元,孩子。甲:我身上只有5七钱,能; 让我进去吗?我只用一:語尔先牛:带领小 汤姆到餐厅用餐,服 员端*两块猪排,汤姆立即拣 了一块大的,放在口己的盘子电。华 盖尔先生见了很不高兴,说:“你怎么 这样不礼貌?那如來止您先

9、拣,你6A man and a woman were under an umbrella, a baby was in the woman s arms, but none of them got wet. Why?一位刃士和一位怀抱婴儿的 女士共同打一把伞,但却没 有一个人淋湿。那是为什么?学问挑哪一块? ”汤姆问。u泄卜的。”的那块我止好给您留卜了。:It is a small book. Everyday, we read one page. After finishing this book. Well welcome a new year. 小小一本书,一天看一面。 看完这本书,大家

10、过新年。Il has two runs in the street, feet, and the street When it stops, It has three feet.两只脚,满街跑。要是停卜 来,变成三只脚。小朋友,你们喜欢踢足球 吗?抑;我所知,你们当中有不少 小球迷,峙别是南孩子们対足球 更是如痴如醉。但是你们知道球 场上的人韻且配程用的英语怎 么表达吧?我來为人家介绍一GK =goalkeeper 守门员FW 二forward 前锋MF =inidfielder 前卫DF =defender 丿fi 卫linesman 边裁referee 主裁MO 装 There is a

11、iniiiibus service running from our/ village to town. The following is the bus seating I regulations:4 Maximum capacity (晟大载客 Ifi) :siuing 8 idults(成人)or 12 children; Standing 2 adults or if 4 children.! As the last bus drew up at a stop in town on Saturday evening, then? sere 6 adults wailing to get

12、 flD But there were./already 7 childrenin die bus. Howthe adultsthe stop :二近,.my father bought a cat :*for me on my birthday,*It was a black cat.:上1 dont like black, so上I didift like it al all at? #、many of、waiting at a would be allowed (遵;守)?、 Can you help the driver to solve the problem?By Busfirs

13、t. 1 never knew how Many times it had gotten angry? The other $ people Youre useless! But my brother was very ciirefuL he kept $ looking after the cat everyday.丁One night I found it difficult to go sleep That because I & heard the bad cat made a lol of noise under lhe table. I was very $ angry, so I

14、 got up (突然)I found it a good cat. The next day. I told & it to paicnts(父母双亲)and my brother they were happy too.After dial, we all liked it very much, months ago, the cat ill and died, we were very sad.、 Last Friday afternoon, .I was excited When the J last class was oven we went oui of the classroo

15、m J like birds flying out of a birdcage. My best friend . Zhang Xin-he and I walked 乞 to the bus slop to take No. J 6 together, and we would J get off at the same bus J stop. Then I would bi home J and she would change the J No. 83 bus to her morhers 、company. the way and 乞 we were both very happy.O

16、n a No.6 one! How poor4. Zhany Xin-he was I Thus. the way and we were 9 both very happy. On a * No.6 bus.we noticed that the exterior of NO. 83 bus was as same as that of NO. 6 bus. When we arrived at the bus stop, 1 saw a bus just coming towards us. Im sure it must be a bus in a hurry without notic

17、ing the number of the bus. “Oh. my dear. had a breathing spell. Suddenly. I found that bus was uncxpcclcdly;But sixHeUo! M* name is Jennifer. Fm Korean. I am 扌 years old.Before I & came to FCD,I lived in ; Hong Kong. Hong Kong is clean.and the air is fresh.I have/ many friends there.My school is $ very big.Afte


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