



1、语法随堂演练、单句的语法填空1. Would you please turn off TV?OK, just a moment.2. Have you read a book calledThe Merchant of Venice?Yes. book is very interesting.3. Last week I went to art show. It was amazing.4. What Would You Do? is TV programme on American ABC.5. If you pay visit to Liu Hashe ngs restaura nt in

2、 Harbi n, you will find18 robots there.二、用适当的冠词填空1. Excuse me. Where is school library?This way, please.2. artist always expresses his world view in his works.3. When is Fathers Day in the Un ited States?Its on third Sun day in June.4. Dong Guijun is first man to reach the top of Mount Qomolangma.He

3、 is pride of us.5. When leaders of Chinese mainlanc大陆)and Taiwan met in Singapore for - first time si nee 1949, Preside nt Xi said,“ Today will be remembered i history. ”6. In Chinese, date 5 20has a similar pronunciation to “llove you”,making it lucky and romantic day.第1页三、语法填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,

4、或填入括号内所给单词的正确形式。AIn Chi na, childre n like to make promises by hook ing pin kies with each other and1.(say):“A pinkie promise must be kept for 100 years.” Then, theypress their thumbs together 2(complete) the promise. Sometimes, coupleswill hook pin kies and promise to be together forever.There are

5、many 3(theory) on the orig in of the pinkie promise. Somesay it comes from a nursery rhyme童谣).4. say its from the West-bornout of a love story where a man and a woma n hooked fin gers.One theory is that it may have someth ing to do 5 the role of fin gers inChi nese culture. The Chin ese character fo

6、r“ fin ger(meah)o 6.“ aim ” .So hook ing fin gers can be see n as the excha nging of thought , fin gersplay 8. important role in making an oath盟约):they can not only beused to complete a promise, but also can be see n as a way of conn ect ing yourself withano ther pers on. Whe n some one swea发誓)to he

7、ave n, they use their fin ger to point to the sky.Hook ing fin gers 9(ge neral) means making a serious promise and wecan see 10 important “ pinkie promises ” can be.BThe world has many beautiful soun ds. We can hear the 丄(song) of birdsand the laugh of people. We can listen to the cool music and new

8、s reports. And its all第2页because of our ears! They bri ng us a world of soun ds.But some people cant hear any sound at all. Some are born deaf. Others can hear well in their childhood, but too many loud sounds hurt their ears later on.Many people in China cant hear ordinary sounds clearly. 2 largenu

9、 mber of them are childre n. Most of 3.(they ) are born with good hear ing.But six children of every 1, 000 have hearing problems 4 they are born.And if a child 5.(have) hearing problems, he or she usually will also havesome lear ning problems at school.A lot of things can cause heari ng problems. F

10、or example, too much earwax is not good for 6.(we) heari ng. And no ise 7(loud) tha n 85 decibels(分贝)can hurt our ears and make us lose our heari ng for a short time or eve n for ever.Hearing is important for all of us. 8. we should do our best to give ourears special care. Dont forget 9(do) the fol

11、low ing:?Try to stay away from places with too much no ise. If you have to go, wear earplugs. A pair of good earplugs can cut the no ise by 30 decibels.?Whe n swimmi ng, remember to put earplugs into your ears to stop water from10.(get) in.?Never put any thi ng sharp into your ears. If you think you have too much earwax, ask your mom or dad to help you clea n it out.Keep these thi ngs in mi nd! The n you wont be say ing? W/HwTrWHAT第3页you are older.、l.the 2.The 3.an 4.a 5.a二、 1.the 2.The 3.the 4.the; the 5


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