1、绩效考核外文文献及翻译外文文献 1.P erforma nee app raisals - purp ose and how to make it easier P erforma nee app raisals are essential for the effective management and evaluation of staff. Appraisals help develop in dividuals, improve orga ni zati onal p erforma nee, and feed into bus in ess planning. Formal p er
2、forma nee app raisals are gen erally con ducted annu ally for all staff in the orga ni zatio n. His or her line manager appraises each staff member. Directors are appraised by the CEO, who is appraised by the chairman or company owners, depending on the size and structure of the organization. Annual
3、 performanee appraisals enable management and monitoring of standards, agreeing expectations and objectives, and delegation of responsibilities and tasks. Staff p erforma nee app raisals also establish in dividual training n eeds and en able orga ni zati onal training n eeds an alysis and planning.
4、Performa nee app raisals also typ ically feed into orga ni zati onal annual pay and gradi ng reviews, which com monly also coin cide with the bus in ess planning for the n ext tradi ng year. P erforma nee app raisals gen erally review each in dividuals p erforma nee aga inst objectives and standards
5、 for the trading year, agreed at the previous appraisal meeting. Performanee appraisals are also essential for career and succession planning - for individuals, crucial jobs, and for the orga ni zati on as a whole. P erforma nee app raisals are imp orta nt for staff motivati on, attitude and behavio
6、r deve lopment, com muni cat ing and alig ning in dividual and organizational aims, and fostering positive relationships between management and staff. P erforma nee app raisals p rovide a formal, recorded, regular review of an in dividuals p erforma nee, and a plan for future devel opment. Job p erf
7、orma nee app raisals - in whatever form they take - are therefore vital for managing the p erforma nee of people and orga ni zatio ns. Man agers and app raises com monly dislike app raisals and try to avoid them. To these people the app raisal is daun ti ng and time-consuming. The process is seen as
8、 a difficult administrative chore and emotionally challe nging. The annual app raisal is maybe the only time since last year that the two people have sat down together for a meaningful one-to-one discussion. No wonder then that appraisals are stressful - which the n defeats the whole purpo se. App r
9、aisals are much easier, and esp ecially more relaxed, if the boss meets each of the team members individually and regularly for one-to-one discussi on throughout the year. Mea nin gful regular discussi on about work, career, aims, p rogress, devel opment, hopes and dreams, life, the uni verse, the T
10、V, com mon in terests, etc., whatever, makes app raisals so much easier because people the n know and trust each other - which reduces all the stress and the un certa in ty. Put off discussi ons and of course they loom very large. So dont wait for the ann ual app raisal to sit dow n and talk. The bo
11、ss or the app raises can in stigate this. If you are an empio yee with a shy boss, the n take the lead. If you are a boss who rarely sits dow n and talks with people - or whose people are not used to talk ing with their boss - the n set about relax ing the atmos phere and improving relati on shi ps.
12、 App raisals (and work) all tend to be easier whe n people com mun icate well and know each other. So sit dow n together and talk as often as you can, and the n whe n the actual formal app raisals are due every one will find the whole pro cess to be far more natural, quick, and easy - and a lot more
13、 productive too. 2.Appraisals, social responsibility and whole-person development There is increasingly a need for performanee app raisals of staff and esp ecially man agers, directors and CEOs, to in elude acco un tabilities relating to corporate responsibility, represented by various converging co
14、rporate responsibility concepts including:the “ Triple Bottom Line ” ;corporate social responsibility(CSR);Susta in ability; corpo rate in tegrity and ethics; Fair Trade, etc. The orga ni zati on must decide the extent to which these accountabilities are reflected in job responsibilities, which woul
15、d then naturally feature accord ingly in performanee appraisals. More about this aspect of responsibility is in the directors jo descriptions section. Significantly also, while this appraisal outline is necessarily a formal structure this does not mean that the development discussed with the app rai
16、ses must be formal and con stra in ed. In fact the oppo site app lies. App raisals must address“ wholeperson ”evelopment - not just job skills or the skills required for the next promotion. App raisals must not discrim in ate aga inst anyone on the grounds of age, gen der, sexual orie ntatio n, race
17、, religi on, disability, etc. The UK Employment Equality (Age) Regulati ons 2006, (con siste nt with Europe), effective from 1st October 2006, make it particularly important to avoid any comments, judgments, suggestions, questions or decisions which might be perceived by the app raises to be based o
18、n age. This means people who are young as well as old. Age, along with other characteristics stated above, is not a lawful basis for assess ing and man agi ng peop le, uni ess prop er objective justificatio n can be proven. See the Age Diversity in formati on. When desig ning or planning and con duc
19、t ing app raisals, seek to help the whole-person to grow in whatever direct ion they want, not just to ide ntify obviously releva nt work skills training. In creas in gly, the best empio yers recog nize that grow ing the whole person pro motes po sitive attitudes, adva nceme nt, motivati on, and als
20、o deve lops lots of new skills that can be sur prisin gly releva nt to worki ng p roductively and effectively in any sort of orga ni zati on. Developing the whole-person is also an important aspect of moder n corpo rate respon sibility, and sep arately (if you n eeded a purely bus in ess-drive n inc
21、en tive for ado pti ng these principl es), whole-person deve lopment is a crucial adva ntage in the employment market, i n which all empio yers comp ete to attract the best recruits, and to retain the best staff. Therefore in appraisals, be creative and imaginative in discussing, discovering and agr
22、eeing whole-person development that people will respond to, beyond the usual job skill-set, and incorpo rate this sort of devel opment into the app raisal pro cess. Abraham Maslow recog ni zed this over fifty years ago. If you are an empio yee and your empio yer has yet to embrace or even ack no wie
23、dge these concep ts, do them a favor at your own app raisal and suggest they look at these ideas, or maybe men ti on it at your exit in terview p rior to joining a better empioyer who cares about the people, not just the work. Incidentally the Multiple Intelligences test and VAK Lear ning Styles tes
24、t are extremely useful tools for app raisals, before or after, to help people un dersta nd their n atural poten tial and stre ngths and to help man agers un dersta nd this about their people too. There are a lot of people out there who are in jobs which dont allow them to use and deve lop their grea
25、test stre ngths; so the more we can help folk un dersta nd their own sp ecial potential, and find roles that really fit well, the happier we shall all be. 3 .Are performanee app raisals still ben eficial and approp riate It is sometimes fashi on able in the moder n age to dismiss traditi onal p roce
26、sses such as p erforma nee app raisals as being irreleva nt or unhelp ful. Be very wary however if con sideri ng removi ng app raisals from your own orga ni zati onal p ractices. It is likely that the critics of the app raisal pro cess are the people who cant con duct them very well. Its a com mon h
27、uma n response to want to jettis on someth ing that one finds difficult. App raisals - in whatever form, and there are various - have bee n a mai nstay of man ageme nt for decades, for good reas ons. Thi nk about everyth ing that p erforma nee app raisals can achieve and con tribute to whe n they ar
28、e prop erly man aged, for exa mple: (1) performa nee measureme nt - transparent, short, medium and long term (2)clarify ing, defi ning, redefi ning p riorities and objectives (3)motivati on through agreeing helpful aims and targets (4)motivation though achievement and feedback (5)training needs and
29、learning desires - assessmentand agreement (6)identification of personal stre ngths and direct ion - in cludi ng unu sed hidde n stre ngths (7)career and successi on planning -personal and organizational (8)team roles clarification and team building (9)organizational trainingneeds assessment and ana
30、lysis (10)appraise and manager mutual awareness,understanding and relationship (11)resolving confusions and misunderstandings (12)reinforcing and cascadi ng orga ni zati onal p hilos op hies, values, aims, strategies, p riorities, etc (13)delegati on, additional responsibilities, empioyee growth and
31、 development (14)counseling and feedback (15)ma nager deve lopment - all good man agers should be able to con duct app raisals well - its a fun dame ntal pro cess (16)the list goes on People have less and less face-to-face time together these days. Performa nee app raisals offer a way to p rotect an
32、d man age these valuable face-to-face opportunities. My advice is to hold on to and nurture these situations, and if you are under p ressure to rep lace p erforma nee app raisals with some sort of (apparen tly) more efficie nt and cost effective methods, be very sure that you can safely cover all th
33、e aspects of performanee and attitudinal development that a well-run performanee appraisals system is naturally designed to achieve. There are various ways of con duct ing p erforma nee app raisals, and ideas cha nge over time as to what are the most effective appraisals methods and systems. Some pe
34、ople advocate traditional appraisals and forms; others prefer 360-degree-type appraisals; others suggest using little more tha n a bla nk sheet of pap er. I n fact p erforma nee app raisals of all types are effective if they are con ducted prop erly, and better still if the app raisal pro cess is cl
35、early explained to, agreed by, the people in volved. Man agers n eed guida nee, training and en courageme nt in how to con duct app raisals prop erly. Esp ecially the detractors and the critics. Help an xious man agers (and directors) devel op and ada pt app raisals methods that work for them. Be fl
36、exible. There are lots of ways to con duct app raisals, and p articularly lots of ways to diffuse app rehe nsion and fear - for man agers and app raises alike. Particularly - en courage people to sit dow n together and review in formally and often - this removes much of the pressure for managers and
37、 appraises at formal appraisals times. Leav ing everyth ing to a sin gle make-or-break discussi on once a year is ask ing for trouble and trep idati on. Look out esp ecially for the warning sig ns of n egative cascaded attitudes towards app raisals. This is most ofte n found where a senior man ager
38、or director hates con duct ing app raisals, usually because they are un comfortable and inexp erie need in con duct ing them. The senior man ager/director typ ically will be heard to say that app raisals dont work and are a waste of time, which for them becomes a self-fulfilli ng prop hecy. All that
39、 said, p erforma nee app raisals that are adm ini stered without training (for those who n eed it), without explan atio n or con sultati on, and con ducted po orly will be counter-p roductive and is a waste of every on es time. Well-prep ared and well-c on ducted p erforma nee app raisals p rovide u
40、nique opportun ities to help app raise and man agers imp rove and deve lop, and thereby also the orga ni zati ons for whom they work. Just like any other p rocess, if p erforma nee app raisals arent work ing, dont blame the p rocess, ask yourself whether it is being prop erly train ed, explain ed, a
41、greed and con ducted. 4. Effective p erforma nee app raisals Aside from formal traditi on al (a nnu al, six-m on thly, quarterly, or mon thly) p erforma nee app raisals, there are many differe nt methods of p erforma nee evaluati on. The use of any of these methods depends on the purpose of the eval
42、uatio n, the in dividual, the assessor, and the en viro nment. The formal annual p erforma nee app raisal is gen erally the over-ridi ng in strume nt, which gathers together and reviews all other p erforma nee data for the p revious year. P erforma nee app raisals should be po sitive exp erie nces.
43、The app raisals pro cess p rovides the pl atform for devel opment and motivati on, so orga ni zatio ns should foster a feeli ng that p erforma nee app raisals are positive opportunities, in order to get the best out of the people and the process. In certain organizations, performanee appraisals are
44、widely regarded as something rather less welcoming(block ing sessi on s is not an unu sual descri pti on), which p rovides a basis only on which to devel op fear and rese ntme nt, so n ever, n ever, n ever use a staff p erforma nee app raisal to han dle matters of disci pli ne or adm oni shme nt, wh
45、ich should in stead be han dled via sep arately arran ged meet in gs. 5. Types of p erforma nee and ap titude assessme nts (l)Formal annual p erforma nee appraisals (2)Probationary reviews (3)1 nformal one-to-one review discussions (4)Counseling meeti ngs (5) Observati on po st (6) Skills or career-
46、related tests (7) Assig nment or task to follow the review, in cludi ng the sec on dme nt (8)Assessme nt Cen tre, in cludi ng the observati on group exercises, p rese ntati ons and other tests (9)Com muni cate with people who in vestigate the views of others (10) Acts of p sychological tests and oth
47、er assessme nt (11)Ha ndwriti ng an alysis外文文献译文1、考绩考核的用途和如何使其易于实现绩效考核根本上是对职员有效的管理和评估。评估帮助开发个体,改进组织表现,并投入业务规划。正式的绩效考核,一般每年组织一次全 体工作人员的考核。他们的直线经理估价各个职员。董事考核首席执行官,鉴定委员会主席或公司所有人,根据公司的规模和组织结构。年度绩效考核,能规定管理和监测标准,同意期望和目标,代表团的职责和任务。人员的业绩考核,建立个人培训需求,并对组织的培训需求进行分析及规划。绩效考核也典型地对组织每年薪水和分级的回顾,通常也刚好与下一年的贸易计划一致。绩效考
48、核一般审查在营运一年里,每一个人在上年定下的业绩目标和标准。绩效考核也是十分必要的关系到个人的职业生涯规划,更重要的工作,和整个组织。绩效考核的重要性是为员工的激励、态度和行为的发展,沟通和协调了个人和组织的目标,培养积极的关系管理和工作人员。绩效考核提供了正式的记录,定期检验个人的业绩,以及未来发展 的规划。工作绩效考核,无论其采取何种形式,因此,关键是管理业绩的人组织。经理和,去年以来,两个人 ,这便违背了考核的 评比则容易得多,尤其评估者普遍厌恶评估,尽量避免评估。对这些人来讲评价是一项艰巨而费时。评估过程被他 们看成是一项困难的行政工作和情绪的挑战。年度考核也许是唯一的一次 坐在一起一对一地对一个有意义的评估进行讨论。难怪评
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