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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全初级分类模拟题Product description 产品描述初级分类模拟题Product description 产品描述Comparing products Vocabulary 问题:1. Match the adjectives in column A to their opposites in column B like this: 答案:1. f 2. e 3. b 4. g 5. c 6. h 7. a 8. d Reading 问题:1. Read this advertisement

2、for a notebook computer. Are the statements about it true (T) or false (F)? 1. The Inspiron is less reliable than other notebooks. 2. It is not as advanced as other notebooks. 3. It is more reliable than other notebooks. 4. Service and support is includedin the price. 5. The Inspiron is more expensi

3、ve than its competitors. 6. The Inspiron is bigger than other notebooks. 答案:1. F It is more reliable. 2. F It is more advanced. 3. T 4. T 5. F It is not as expensive. 6. F It is smaller. Listening 问题:1. Look at this advertisement and fill in the blanks. Then listen and check your answers. (如需获取本MP3听

4、力录音请搜索标题名) 答案:1.lower 2. better 3. more 4. good 5. longer 6. shorter解析 Looking for computers for your business? Come to MicroTech. Our prices are lower and our service is . better than any other office supplier in Chicago. Why go to more expensive suppliers when MicroTech is as good as any in the wi

5、ndy city! We give longer warranties on our computers than our competitors do, and our delivery times are shorter. MicroTech - for all your computer needs. Saying whats best Grammar 问题:1. These adjectives are all in the advertisement in 13.1. Complete the lists. Adjective Comparative Superlative good

6、 better low lower easy advanced more advanced higher reliable small faster light答案: Adjective Comparative Superlative low lower easy cosier advanced more advanced high higher reliable small faster light Vocabulary 问题:1. Which adjectives go with which nouns? 1. high a discount 2. long 3. short b deli

7、very time 4. small 5. low c price 6. large 答案:1. small/large discount 2. long/short delivery time 3. high/low price Language in use 问题:1. Rewrite the advertisement from 13.1 using superlatives to fill in the blanks. 答案:1. the best 2. the most 3. thelowest 4. the easiest 5. the most 6. the highest 7.

8、 the fastest 8. the best Making suggestions Vocabulary 问题:1. Match the words in the box to the pictures. photocopier bookcase shelves filing cabinet calendar map fax machine mobile phone 答案:1. bookcase 2. fax machine 3. map 4. shelves 5. calendar 6. filing cabinet 7. photocopier 8. mobile phone Lang

9、uage in use What suggestions can you make for these problems? Use the words in the box to help you. chairs mobile phone map filing cabinet calendar fax machine 1. A: Theres nowhere to keep all these papers and documents. B: Lets _ 答案: Lets buy a filing cabinet.2. A: I can never find a phone when Im out visiting clients. B: We could _ 答案: We could buy a mobile phone.3. A: I dont know where all our branches are. B: _ 答案: We should / Lets / We could get a map.4. A: Its very difficult to phone Tokyo. B: _ 答案


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