



1、并列句、主从复合句专项复习练习(参考答案)一、在空格中填入适当的连词。1. She tried hard, but she was unsuccessful.2. Put on more clothes, or you may catch cold.3. You mayeither do it yourself orleave it to me.4. In the old days he could neither read nor write.5. He couldbothread French andspeak it well.6. There is little hope of succ

2、ess though there is no harm in trying.7. He knew nothing against the man; but he didn trust him.8. I can buy a new suit now, so this old one will have to do for a bit Ion ger.9. Since / As / Because I did n know En glish, I had to ask some one to be my in terpreter.10. She must be from Hunan, for on

3、ly Hunan ese talk in that way.11. You walk ahead sinceyou know the way better.12. She doesnthave to do itif she doesntwant to.13. While / Whenhe was going over the notes, he made an important discovery.14. He got more and more excited as he talked on.15. Give me a ring whe n you n eed my help.16. We

4、 can give you an an swer un til we get in structi ons from our gover nment.17. After you take the medicine you lfeel better.18. They fought bravelybecause they knew theirs was a just cause.19. He went on fighti ng(al)though he was injured in the leg.20. Things didn tgo smoothlyas we had expected.二、按

5、要求翻译下列句子。1. 努力学习,你会成功的。(用两种方法翻译)Study hard, and bou ll succeed.fyou study hard, you ll succeed.2. 赶快,否则我们会迟到的。(用两种方法翻译)Hurry up, oe ll be late.fwe don thurry up, we lbe late.3. 我正要出去,这时他来了。(用三种方法翻译)I was just about to bo outhen / when suddenly / and suddenly hb came.4. 他一到达火车站,火车就开了。(用至少六种方法翻译)As so

6、on as / The moment / Immediately after / Shortly after he arrived at the railway station, the train left.Hardly / Scarcely had he arrived at the railway station whn the train left. No soone* had he arrived at the railway station thhn th|e train left.5. 他是一个好学生,每个人都喜欢他。(用两种以上方法翻译)He is a good stude n

7、t bnd everybody likes him.He is buch| a good stude nt that Everybody likes him.He is so good a stude nt that everybody likes him.6. 他一个错误也没犯。(用两种方法翻译)He did not make a si ngle mistake.Not | a si ngle mistake did he make.7. 众所周知,他是一个著名的科学家。(用两种方法翻译) 用 is well-k nown that he is a famous scie ntist.Tha

8、t he is a famous scie ntist is well-k nown.8. 听到这个消息,他们很高兴。(用三种方法翻译)Hearing the n ews, they were very happy.When hearing the news, they were very happy.Whe n they heard the n ews, they were very happy.9.直到他开始工作,他才意识到自己是错的。(用三种方法翻译)He did not realize he waswrong until hebega n to work.Not until he bega n to work did he realize he was wrong.It wasnot un til he bega n to work tht he realized hewas wrong.10.无论怎样努力,她都无法把门打开。(用三种以上方法翻译)She tried hard, bLUhe couldn open the door.No matter how


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