1、2015年1月11日托福口语真题回忆(环球版)年1月11日大陆托福考试已于上周日结束,环球北美考试院官网第一时间为大家搜集整理了 2015年1月11日托福口语真题回忆1月11日托福考试真题回忆及答案解析。(环球版),其它科目回忆及解析请查看2015年T1Which of the follow ing is the best way to spe nd your weeke nds? Exercis ing, cook ing, or visit ing frien ds.T2Some people prefer to live in old build in gs, others prefer
2、 to live in new and moder n buildi ngs. Which do you prefer? Expla in why.T3The letter proposes the school should open classes outside the classroom because good scenery will make the stude nts focus and avoid boredom and the school has in stalled some ben ches and seats outside.The stude nt disagre
3、es with the proposal.First, there are too many distract ions outside.Stude nts will be distractedwhe nfriends are pass ing through.Second, there aren t eno ugh seats available, it s inconvenient for stude ntsto take no tes if they have to sta nd there.T4Population cycle in ecology system: mice and w
4、olf. Wolf is the predator and mice is the prey. There are three steps: 1. When mice are nu merous, wolves have eno ughfood. Then the nu mber of mice decreases and the wolves get in creased.2. When the nu mber of mice decreases, the wolves lack of food and the n the nu mber of wolves decreases. Later
5、 the nu mber of mice in creases. 3. It tur ns back to step one.T5The man s problem is that he left his keys in the dorm and he forgot to takehis paper with him, which should be handed in today. He s roommate was in anothercity now. There are two soluti ons for him. First, he should tell the professo
6、r but his paper was regarded late. Second, he could ask the adm ini strator of the dorm to ope n the door but it would cost him 15 dollars.T6The professor talks about two types of suspe nse in a movie.The first type is that the audienee feels interesting to guess the end. Forexample, two heroes set
7、the same goal, but the audienees have no idea who comes first.The see ond type is that the audie nces know the end but they have no clue howto get to the end. For example, in a love story, the hero and hero ine doom to meetin the end, but how they meet each other becomes in trigu ing.幸福,不能用手去捉摸,只能用心
8、去琢磨,只能静静去体味。细细地品味了,你就享受到了它温馨的暖,或浓或淡的甜!幸福,其实很简单。幸福就是和爱人一起漫步,幸福就是吃到妈妈的拿手饭菜,幸福就是孩子在你的脚跟前转悠,幸福就是你能帮父母洗衣洗碗。幸福,其实很简单。拥有一份称心的工作,就是一种幸福;拥有一个温馨的家,就是一种幸福;拥有一位知心的朋友,就是一种幸福;拥有一份好的心态,就是一种幸福;拥有一个相濡幸福,其实就是自己心灵的感觉,沉淀在自己的心底,看不见摸不着,没有那么直观,可那种体验与享受却很真实、很直接。或许你没有丰富的物质,或许你不能掌控自己的名利,但只 要你拥有一份良好的心情,幸福就会围着你转。幸福,其实很简单。幸福就是口渴时的那杯水,幸福就是饥饿时的那顿饭,幸福就是劳累时的歇歇脚,幸福就是闲暇时的那茶盏,幸福就是困倦时的那场眠,幸福就是相爱的人彼此的牵 挂,幸福就是离别的人默默的思念!幸福,其实很简单。幸福就是平静的呼吸,仔细的聆听,忘情的观看;幸福就是有人爱,有事做,有所期待,有人给温暖;幸福就是不迷茫,不慌乱,生而无悔,活而无憾。幸福,其实 就在路上,走一步,有一步的风景;进一步,有一步的欣喜;退一步,有一步的心境;停下步,忆往事,感到舒心的甜。幸福,其实很简单。当你失落,当你伤心,当你落泪时,有人会走到你身边给你一个拥抱,让你不再心酸,让你顿生温暖。幸福似一杯香茗,轻饮慢品里,溢出的却是淡淡的
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