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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级语法分类模拟题3公共英语一级语法分类模拟题3第一部分 语法问题:1. I have never seen such a tall tree _.A.agoB.beforeC.sometimes答案:B问题:2. The little baby looks _.A.angrilyB.sadlyC.lovely答案:C问题:3. The report shows the fact _ than the others.A.trulyB.more truelyC.more truly答案:C问题:4

2、. Look at the _ rain. Its raining so _.A.heavily; heavyB.heavily; heavilyC.heavy; heavily答案:C问题:5. Which country has _ population, the USA, Australia or China?A.largeB.largerC.the largest答案:C问题:6. Tom is _ the other two boys. He is _ of the three.A.taller than; the tallestB.the tallest; taller thanC

3、.taller; the tallest答案:A问题:7. The box is _ heavy that I cant carry it.A.suchB.tooC.so答案:C问题:8. Alice is going camping with _ girls.A.two little otherB.two other littleC.other two little答案:B问题:9. How _ he speaks to me!A.politeB.politelyC.more politely答案:B问题:10. Remember, boys and girls, _ you work, _

4、 result you will get.We know, Miss Gao.A.The harder; the betterB.The hard; the betterC.The harder; the good答案:A问题:11. My mother has three brothers. All are _ than she. Jack, _, is a doctor.A.elder; the eldestB.older; the oldestC.elder; the old one答案:B问题:12. He sings _ than I.A.more oftenB.oftenC.not

5、 so often as答案:A问题:13. I have a brother and a sister. They are _ living in Australia.A.allB.bothC.either答案:B问题:14. Which book is _ difficult, this one or that one?A.muchB.leastC.less答案:C问题:15. Li Tan draws _.A.more and more carefulB.more and more carefullyC.carefully and carefully答案:B问题:16. His gran

6、dpa lives _ in the village but he doesnt feelA.alone; aloneB.lonely; lonelyC.alone; lonely答案:C问题:17. _ of them can be trusted, because they are not honest at all.A.BothB.NeitherC.Either答案:B问题:18. The boy is jumping and laughing _.A.angryB.angrilyC.happily答案:C问题:19. He was too tired to go any _.A.far

7、B.furtherC.farthest答案:B问题:20. Father is _ to go to work.A.good enoughB.enough goodC.well enough答案:C问题:21. We were very surprised _ the news.A.intoB.forC.at答案:C问题:22. You have lost the key of Tonys bike, youd better apologize _ him.A.forB.inC.to答案:C问题:23. Its so cold outside. Youd better stay _ home.

8、A.inB.onC.at答案:C问题:24. Why are you _ such a hurry?I must meet my aunt _ the station.A.at.atB.in.atC.with.at答案:B问题:25. His room is _ the twelfth floor. Lets go up _ lift.A.on.inB.by.onC.on.by答案:A问题:26. To my surprise I saw many people dancing _ the tree.A.inB.pastC.round答案:C问题:27. _ their stay in Bei

9、jing, they visited many beautiful places.A.AtB.DuringC.In答案:B问题:28. The girl would like to have a talk _ her mother about her future.A.forB.withC.at答案:B问题:29. We have not seen him _ Sunday.A.toB.sinceC.past答案:B问题:30. Great changes have taken place in Shanghai _ 1992.A.sinceB.afterC.during答案:A问题:31.

10、Our school is _ this highrise (高楼). You cant see it from here.A.ofB.withC.behind答案:C问题:32. Come and sit _ me. The film will begin at once.A.besideB.betweenC.on答案:A问题:33. Dont talk _ your father. He is doing some important work.A.aboutB.forC.to答案:C问题:34. According _ the doctor, sugar is bad for me.A.onB.atC.to答案:C问题:35. What do you think of the group singing _ Class Three?A.inB.byC.at答案:B问题:36. The bank opens every day _ Sunday.A.duringB.onC.except答案:C问题:37. Its good for us to go out _ a walk after supper.A.forB.ofC.with答案:A问题:38. I was sick, so I have to ask _ leave.A.ofB.inC.for答案:C问题:3


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