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1、最新中考英语试卷英语完形填空题分类汇编一、完形填空1阅读下面短文,掌握大意, 然后从 a、b、c、 d 四个选项中选出最佳选项。do you know anything about the invention of the bar code(条形码) ?a small food store owner found it was1to keep records of the product information. in1948, he asked the drexel institute of technology to solve this2. bernard silver, agradua

2、te student, was3. he and his friend norman joseph woodland4to workon it.5, they invented their first working system.the system did work6, but it was very expensive and7the system didnt workwell. if the invention was to become8in stores, the problems had to be solved. finally,woodland solved9.the pat

3、ent (专利权)for the bar code system was10for by silver and woodland in1949, but the patent was not given until 1952.11this patent was given, the system wasstill not popular12store owners.in 1970, a business named logicon inc.13the universal grocery productsidentification code(通用杂货产品识别码). marsh supermar

4、ket in troy was the first store to14 this bar code reading system. it has become very popular ever since, and now its15 in all types of stores all over the world.1.a. easyb. difficultc. interesting d. boring2.a. planb. problemc. projectd. doubt3.a. boredb. tiredc. interestedd. surprised4.a. startedb

5、. continuedc. refusedd. failed5.a. firstb. soonc. recentlyd. exactly6.a. at firstb. for example c. on timed. in person7.a. oftenb. seldomc. sometimes d. never8.a. livelyb. cheapc. directd. popular9.a. itb. himc. herd. them10.a. askedb. offeredc. maded. divided11.a. unlessb. althoughc. ifd. since12.a

6、. betweenb. amongc. duringd. in13.a. foundb. mentionedc. inventedd. remained14.a. give upb. put upc. set upd. clean up15.a. repairedb. triedc. learnedd. used【答案】 ( 1)b;( 2) b;( 3) c;( 4) a;( 5) b;( 6) a;( 7) c;( 8) d;( 9)d;( 10) a;( 11) b;( 12) b;( 13)c;( 14) c;( 15) d;【解析】 【分析】本文介绍了条形码的发展历史。( 1)句意:

7、一个小食品店老板发现保存产品信息的记录是非常困难的。a 容易的, b 困难的, c 有趣的, d 无聊的,根据he asked the drexel institute of technology to solve他要求德雷克塞尔理工学院解决,可知要解决的都是难题,故是困难的,故选b。( 2)句意:1948 年,他要求德雷克塞 理工学院解决 个 。a 划, b , c 项目, d 疑, solve the problem ,解决 ,故 b。( 3)句意:研究生伯 德 西 弗 此很感 趣。 a 感到无聊的, b 感到累的, c 感 趣的, d 感到惊 的,根据,故 c。( 4)句意:他和他的朋友

8、 曼 瑟夫 伍德 开始去做 件事。a 开始, b , c 拒 , d 失 ,根据 to work on it 可知开始去做 件事是因 感 趣,故 a。( 5)句意:很快他 明了第一套工作系 。a 首先, b 很快, c 最近, d 恰当地,上文是开始去做 件事,故此 效率高,故是 段, 快,故 b。( 6)句意: 系 起初确 有效,但是非常昂 ,而且有 工作不太好。a 起初, b 例如, c 按 , d 自,根据 finally 可知此 表示 序,故是起初,故 a。( 7)句意: 系 起初确 有效,但是非常昂 ,而且有 工作不太好。a 常, b 很少, c 有 , d 从未,根据didntwo

9、rk可知已 是否定句故不用否定副 seldom和never ,前文 the system did work 可它有效,故此 表示只是偶 失灵, 故 c。( 8)句意:如果 明要在商店里流行起来, 就必 解决。a 活 的, b 便宜的, c 直接的, d 流行的,根据the system was still not popular可知,此 是流行起来,故 d。( 9)句意: 最后,伍德 解决了它 。problems 是名 复数,第三人称,故用them指代做 , 故 d。( 10)句意:条形 系 的 利 在1949 年由 silver 和 woodland 公司提出的,但是直到1952 年才 得

10、利。 ask for,固定搭配, 求, 故 a。( 11)句意: 然 一 利被授予,但是 系 仍然不受店主的 迎。a 除非, b 尽管,c 如果, d 自从,根据 thispatentwas given 利被授予 和 thesystemwasstill notpopular , 仍然不受店主的 迎可知是 步关系,故是although, 故 b。( 12)句意: 然 一 利被授予,但是 系 仍然不受店主的 迎。a 在之 , 两者, b 在 之 ,三者以上,c 在 期 , d 在里面, be popular+ 范 ,在 中受到 迎,根据owners 可知表示三者以上,故是among,故 b。( 1

11、3)句意:1970 年,一家名 logicon inc. 的企 明了通用 品 。a发 , b 提到, c 明, d 保留,条形 是一种 明,故 c。( 14)句意:洛伊的 什超市是第一家建立 种条形 系 的商店。a 放弃, b 过夜, c 建立, d 清理,根据 system ,可知系 是建立的, 故 c。( 15)句意:全世界所有 型的商店都使用。a 修理, b , c 学会, d 使用,条形 是被使用的,故 d。【点 】考 在篇章中的运用能力,答 首先要跳 空格通 文章掌握其大意,然后 文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考 句型、 法、搭配、 境等因素。最后通 一遍 。2完形填空whats you

12、r idea about success? some people say that beginners have all the luck, while othersbelieve that success1only with practice. in fact, i feel both of these statements (陈述)are not true all the time. each is true in some ways2not in others.for example, i went to a drawing competition many years ago and

13、3surprisingly. as aprize, i got a film ticket to see titanic. i was really4because it was the first time i hadtaken part in any competition. thinking that i might be lucky again, i5joining in other artcompetitions, but the result was that i6won again. i accepted the fact that the otherpeople had a7a

14、rtistic ability than i did. art was not something i was especially interestedin and i had never practiced the different art skills. so, the8i produced were not of avery high standard.these experiences taught me a lot. though i might have been lucky9, i also need to putin hard work. as we know,10make

15、s perfect. so i believe success builds on less luck andchance.1.a. movesb. comesc. returnsd. leaves2.a. orb. soc. andd. but3.a. wonb. beganc. failedd. ended4.a. sorryb. activec. luckyd. nervous5.a. triedb. forgotc. stoppedd. remembered6.a. oftenb. everc. seldomd. never7.a. greaterb. smallerc. lowerd

16、. more common8.a. endsb. filmsc. prizesd. drawings9.a. at lastb. at mostc. at firstd. at least10. a. chance b. practice c. difference d. experience【答案】( 1)b;( 2) d;( 3) a;( 4) c;( 5) a;( 6) d;( 7) a;( 8) d;( 9)c;( 10)b;【解析】 【分析】本文谈论了对成功的理解,成功靠的是练习。( 1)句意:一些人说初学者全靠运气,然而别人却相信成功伴随实践而来。move移动;come 来到; r

17、eturn 归还;归来; leave 离开。根据, 故选 b。( 2)句意: 在某些方面每一种说法都对,但在其它方面则不正确。or或者; so所以;and和; but 但是。 前半句是肯定,后半句是否定,二者之间明显构成了转折关系,故用but, 故选 d。( 3)句意: 例如,多年前我去参加一次绘画比赛,令人惊讶地获了奖。won 获胜 ; 赢得;began 开始; failed 失败; ended 结束;结尾。根据 as a prize 可知获了奖, 故选 a。( 4)句意: 我确实很幸运,因为那是我第一次参加竞赛。sorry抱歉的; active;积极的; lucky 幸运的; nervou

18、s 紧张的。 根据 thinking that i might be lucky again想着我可能会再次幸运, 可知是幸运 ,故选 c。( 5)句意: 考虑到我可能会再次走运,我试着又参加了一次美术比赛。tried尝试;forgot 忘记; forgot 停止; remembered记住;想起。根据thinking that i might be luckyagain 想着我可能会再次幸运 可知此处是再尝试一次, 故选 a。( 6)句意: 但是结果却是我再也没有获过奖。often 经常; ever曾经; seldom 很少;几乎没有; never 绝不;从来不,根据i acceptedth

19、efact thatthe otherpeople hada 52 artisticabilitythani did 可知作者接受了别人比自己更有艺术能力的事实。这说明我此次没有获奖,故此处应是表全部否定的故是never,故选d。( 7)句意:我接受了别人比自己更有艺术能力的事实。greater更大的;smaller更小;lower更低的; morecommon更普通的。根据than可知此处是表比较的句子,根据前句“但是结果却是我再也没有获过奖”可知在艺术能力方面别人比我强,故选a。( 8)句意:因此,我创作的画并不是高水平的作品。ends 结果; films电影; prizes奖金;奖品;奖

20、章;drawings画。根据for example,i wentto a drawingcompetitionmany years ago可知作者是以自己参加绘画比赛的事情为例的,故选d。( 9)句意:尽管我在刚开始时可能已经很幸运了,但是我还需要全身心地投入到艰苦的创作中去。at last最后;at most至多;at first最初;开始;首先;at least至少。 根据短文内容可知,作者在刚开始时很幸运地获了奖,但随后却没有获过奖,故此处应用“开始 ”一词 ,故选c。( 10)句意:同, experience众所周知,实践出真知。chance机会, practice练习,实践diffe

21、rence不经验;经历,practicemakesperfect ,实践出真知,是固定习语,故选b。【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。3完形填空last year i had a chance1london. when i got there, i found the railway station was bigand dark. i didnt know the way to the hotel.2i asked a policeman nearby. i s

22、poke slowlyand3. to my surprise, he couldnt4me at all. i repeated my question severaltimes and he understood finally. he answered, but i didnt know5. he was saying. myteacher never spoke english6that! im a foreigner, i told him. then he spoke7. ilistened very carefully8i still couldnt understand him

23、. the policeman and i looked at9and smiled and thenhe said, youll soon learn english!at last i knew thattheenglishspoken by me was quite different10the english spoken by english people.1.a. to visitb. visitingc. visitedd. visit2.a. andb. in order to c. thatd. so3.a. clearb. clearlyc. cleanlyd. clean

24、4.a. understands b. knowc. understand d. catch5.a. whatb. thatc. whichd. where6.a. asb. likesc. ofd. like7.a. slowb. quickc. slowlyd. quickly8.a. sob. butc. andd. that9.a. each other b. othersc. anotherd. the others10. a. tob. fromc. ford. as【答案】( 1) a;( 2) d;( 3)b;( 4) c;( 5) a;( 6)d;( 7) c;( 8) b;

25、( 9)a;( 10) b;【解析】 【分析】大意:本文 述作者去英国 敦参 ,但是在地 除迷路了,向附近的警察 路, 果自己 的英 方听不懂,即使双方都 的很慢,但是 是听不懂,最后作者意 到自己 的英 和英国人 的英 很不相同。( 1)句意:去年我得到了一个去 敦参 的机会。a.参 , 不定式;b.参 , 在分 ; c.参 , 去式;d.参 , 原形。a chance to do sth 一个做某事的机会,固定搭配,故 a。( 2)句意:因此我 附近的一个警察。 a.和; b. 了; c.那个; d.因此。前后句是因果关系,用 so,因此,符合 意,故 d。( 3)句意:我 得很慢且很清楚

26、。 a.清楚的; b.清楚地; c.干 地; d.干 的。 and 接相同的成分,根据 slowly ,可知用副 ,故排除 ad,由于迷路,因此 警察, 是 慢且 清楚,故 b。( 4)句意:令 姆感到吃惊的是,他根本听不懂我 什么。a.明白,理解,三 式;b.知道; c.理解, 原形;d.赶上。根据understood ,此 是不明白作者 的 ,couldnt 后接 原形,故 c。( 5)句意:他回答,但是我不知道他在 什么。a.什么; 是我不知道他 的 ,用what ,作 saying 的 ,故 b.那个;a。c.哪个;d.哪里。此 ( 6)句意:我的老 从没有像那 英 。a.按照,如同;

27、b.喜 ;c. 的; d.像。作方式状 ,用like, like that ,像那 ,固定搭配,故 d。( 7)句意:然后他慢慢地 .a.慢慢的; b.快速的; c.慢慢地; d.迅速地。由于我告 他自己是外国人,所有他 会慢慢 ,故 c。( 8)句意:我听得很 真但是我仍然不明白他。a.因此;b.但是;c.和; d.那个。前后句是 折关系,用but ,但是,故 b。( 9)句意:那位警察和我看着彼此笑了,然后他 ,“你不久会学会英 !”。 a.彼此,相互; b.其他人;c.另一个; d. 其余的人 / 物。此 是警察和作者相互看着 方,用eachother ,符合 意,故 a。( 10)句意

28、:最后我知道我 的英 和英国人 的英 很不同。a.朝,到;b.从;c.为了, 于; d.作 。 be different from ,与 不同,固定搭配,故 b。【点 】考 完型填空,考 在篇章中的运用能力,答 首先跳 空格通 全文掌握其大意。然后一一作答。注意考 句型、 法、搭配、 境等因素,最后通 一遍 答案。4 下面短文,从短文后各 所 的a、 b、 c、 d 四个 中, 出最佳 。tambun gediu, now badly hurt and staying in hospital, says it was his wife that saved his lifefrom the m

29、outh of a tiger.i was1a rabbit in the forest not far from my home and was ready to catch it when isaw the2. thats when i realized that i was being followed, said mr. gediu. the tigerjumped at mr gediu at once. he stood there with great3so that he did not know whatto do for a moment, and then he trie

30、d4a tree to keep away from the animal,5he was pulled down by the tiger.his wife, 55-year-old han besau, who was in the kitchen, heard the noise, realizing it wascoming from the6where her husband was looking for rabbits and she7thenearest weapon (武器) -a wooden ladle (长柄勺) -rushed out of the8and intot

31、he nearby forest. seeing her husband9hard to stop the tiger tearing(撕裂) him intopieces, she ran10to the animal, shouting at the top of her voice and hitting its head withthe ladle until it ran off.tambun had to wait more than 3hours before he could be taken to hospital in the nearesttown, gerik, bec

32、ause his village was very far.it was the first time that a tiger had attacked someone in the village.1.a. cookingb. followingc. feedingd. drawing2.a. rabbitb. treec. weapond. tiger3.a. fearb. func. attentiond. surprise4.a. cuttingb. findingc. catchingd. climbing5.a. orb. soc. butd. and6.a. forestb.

33、marketc. townd. village7.a. picked upb. dressed up c. made upd. set up8.a. hospitalb. bedroom c. kitchend. bathroom9.a. thinkingb. fightingc. waitingd. running10. a. seriouslyb. luckilyc. carefullyd. quickly【答案】 ( 1) b;( 2) d;( 3) a;( 4) d;( 5) c;( 6) a;( 7) a;( 8) c;( 9)b;( 10) d;【解析】 【分析】本文讲述一个妻子从

34、老虎嘴里救下丈夫的故事。 句意:我正在我家附近不远处的森林里跟踪一只兔子,正准备抓住它的时态我看见那只老虎。 cook 做饭; follow 跟随; feed 喂养; draw 画;根据语境可知选 b。 rabbit 兔子; tree 树; weapon 武器; tiger 老虎。上文提到了他妻子从老虎嘴里把他就下来,故选 d。句意:他吓得站在那儿以至于一时不知道怎么办。fear 害怕; fun 有趣; attention 注意;surprise 吃惊。根据语境可知选a。句意:然后他使劲爬树来躲开老虎。 cut 砍; find 找到; catch 抓住; climb 爬。根据语境可知选 d。句

35、意:但是他被老虎拽下来。表示转折用but ,故选c。句意:他的。 forest55 岁的妻子当时正在厨房,听到声音,意识到是从他丈夫找兔子的森林里传来森林; market 市场; town 市镇; village 村庄。根据上文可知选 a。句意:他拿起最近的武器一把长柄勺。pick up捡起;dress up打扮;make up化妆;set up建起。根据句意可知选a。句意:冲出了厨房跑进森林里。hospital医院;bedroom卧室;kitchen厨房; bathroom浴室。根据上文可知选c句意:看见她的丈夫使劲挣扎阻止老虎把他撕成碎片。think 想; fight 打斗; wait 等

36、候;run 跑。根据语境可知选b。 句意:她快速跑上去,大声的喊,并用勺子打老虎的头,直到老虎逃跑。seriously 严肃地; luckily 幸运地; carefully 认真地; quickly 很快地。根据语境可知选d。【点评】完型填空考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,做完型填空首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。5完形填空what is the most beautiful flower in the world? do you know? peony, rose or violet? you mayg

37、ive me a list of the1of different flowers. i once asked my mother the same question.looking at me with a big smile, she answered, my child, as for the2, childrens smilingfaces are the most beautiful flowers in the world.our smiling faces are the most beautifulflowersin the worldfor our parents? are

38、we3to give the most beautiful flowers to them every day? in the morning we eat the food thatmother4us, impatient to respond to her words. in the evening we5the brokenbike to our father and think it is the most natural thing to find a repaired one the next morning.we pay6attention to the things of ou

39、r own. we7what our parents do for us.we8forget to do the smallest thing to satisfy them. we said too many times i willbut we forget that we are really able to do many things for our parents9.my friends, if you did not spend too much time10your parents, think about them now.you are sure to find how k

40、ind, how patient and how great they are. next time when you see them, smile from your heart. that is the most precious (珍贵的) gift for them.1.a. kindsb. sortsc. colorsd. names2.a. friendsb. teachersc. parentsd. mothers3.a. enough happyb. so pityc. sorry enoughd. generous enough4.a. cooksb. prepares f

41、orc. ready ford. ready to5.a. takeb. givec. sendd. leave6.a. too muchb. too manyc. many tood. much too7.a. are usedb. used toc. are used tod. are using to8.a. evenb. justc. neverd. always9.a. just nowb. right nowc. just thend. at once10. a. thinking aboutb. to think aboutc. to worry aboutd. worrying

42、 about【答案】(1) d;( 2) c;( 3) d;( 4) b;( 5)d;( 6)a;( 7) c;( 8)a;( 9)b;( 10)a;【解析】 【分析】大意:本文介绍世界上最美的花,在父母眼中自己孩子的微笑在父母眼中是最美的花儿,他们为我们操劳。( 1)句意:你也许会给我一张不同花的名字单。a.种类;b.种类;c.颜色;d.名字。根据peony, rose or violet可知,这些都是花的名字,故选d。( 2)句意:我的孩子, 于父母而言,孩子的笑 是世界上最美的花。a.拼音;b.老 ;c.父母;d. 。根据for our parents, 而言,孩子的笑 是最美的,故 c

43、。( 3)句意:我 每天会足 慷慨将 个最美的花 她 ?a.足 开心; b.很可惜; c.很抱歉; d.很慷慨。根据every day,可知是慷慨的 ,故 d。( 4)句意:我 早上 我 准 的食物。a.烹 ; b.准 , ; c.为 准 ,形容 短 ; d. 意,形容 短 。此 是吃 准 的食物,分析句子可知,此定 从句缺少 ,故 b。( 5)句意:我 晚上把坏的自行 留 爸爸, 第二天 一个被修好的自行 是最自然的事。 a.拿; b. ; c.寄,送; d.离开。此 表示把坏的自行 留 爸爸,leave sth tosb,把 留 ,故 d。( 6)句意:我 多的关注我 自己。a.太多,修

44、不可数名 ;b.太多,修 可数名 ;c.表达 ; d.太。 attention 注意,不可数名 ,用too much 修 ,故 a。( 7)句意:我 于我 父母 我 做的事情。a.被使用; b. 去常常; c. 于; d.正在用。根据前面可知,我 父母 我 做事是理所当然的,我 父母 我 做事, be used to 于,符合 意,故 c。( 8)句意:我 甚至忘 做一件最小的事来使他 意。a.甚至;b. ;c.从不;d.总是。此 用even,加 气,故 a。( 9)句意:我 了太多次“我将 ”,但是我 忘 我 在真地能 我 的父母做很多事情。 a. 才; b. 在; c.正在那 ; d.立刻

45、, 上。根据i will ,可知, 父母做一些小事不需要将来, 在就可以,故 b。( 10)句意:我的朋友,如果你没有花太多 考 你父母, 在考 他 。a.考 , 在分 ;b.考 , 不定式;c.担心, 不定式;d.担心, 在分 。根据thinkabout ,可知考 父母,spend+时间 +doing sth,花 做某事,故 a。【点 】考 完型填空,考 在篇章中的运用能力,答 首先跳 空格通 全文掌握其大意。然后一一作答。注意考 句型、 法、搭配、 境等因素,最后通 一遍 答案。6完形填空it is the first school that teaches us right and wr

46、ong. it is our dearest place that1usfrom danger. it is our family.in many2countries, extended families(大家庭) are common. in some big cities,families usually have three generations (一代人) living3the same house. while in mostwestern countries, many people4nuclear families(核心家庭) .5the daytime,working par

47、ents send their children to their grandparents home or a daycare centre. and afterwork, they6the children back up.in china, its normal for parents to7childrens college tuition(学 ) . after8many parents also help find a job for their children, or buy an apartment for them. in westerncountries,9, children are supposed to be quite independent after they reach the age of18. after graduation, parents usually wont cover most of their cost of living any10.although families in the east and west may be different, they are the best places to warm us,and teach us i


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