1、第一篇翻译门禁管理系统原理门禁系统是最近几年才在国内广泛应用的又一高科技安全设施 之一,现已成为现代建筑的智能化标志之一。门禁,即出入口控制系 统,是对出入口通道进行管制的系统, 门禁系统是在传统的门锁基础 上发展而来的(英文 ENTRANCE GUARD /ACCESS CONTROL ) 在现实中访问控制是,我们的日常生活中的现象。一车门上的 锁,本质上是一种形式的访问控制。在一家银行的 ATM 系统是一个 PIN 访问控制的另一种方式。 站在一家夜总会门前的安保人员是缺乏 涉及信息技术, 也许是更原始的访问控制模式。 拥有访问控制是当人 寻求安全,机密或敏感的信息和设施时非常重要的 .项
2、目控制或电子 钥匙管理的区域内(和有可能集成)。一个访问控制系统,它涉及到 管理小资产或物理(机械)键的位置。一个人可以被允许物理访问, 根据支付,授权等。有可能是单向交通的人,这些都可以执行人员,如边防卫兵,一 个看门人,检票机等,或与设备,如旋转门。有可能会有围栏,以避 免规避此访问控制。在严格意义上的访问控制(实际控制访问本身) 的另一种方法是一个系统的检查授权的存在,例如,车票控制器(运 输)。一个变种是出口控制,例如的店(结帐)或一个国家。在物理 安全方面上的访问控制是指属性,建筑,或授权人一个房间,限制入 口的做法。在这些环境中,物理密钥管理还可以进一步管理和监控机械键 区或某些小
3、资产。物理访问控制访问的一种手段,是谁,地点和时间 的问题。访问控制系统决定谁可以进入或退出, 在那里他们被允许离 开或进入,而当他们被允许进入或退出。从历史上看,这已经部分实 现通过钥匙和锁。 当门被锁定只有有人用一把钥匙可以通过门禁, 这 时取决于锁定如何配置。 机械锁和钥匙的钥匙持有人在特定的时间或 日期内允许访问。 机械锁和钥匙不提供任何特定的门上使用的密钥记 录,可以很容易地复制或转移到未经授权的人。 当机械钥匙丢失或钥 匙持有人不再授权使用受保护的区域, 锁必须重新键入。 电子访问控 制使用计算机来解决机械锁和钥匙的限制广泛的凭证可以用来取代 传统的机械按键。 电子门禁系统授予访问
4、权限是根据凭据基础上提出 的。授予访问权限时,在一个预定的时间里门被解锁,并记录交易。 当访问被拒绝,门保持锁定状态,并尝试访问记录。如果门被强行打 开或被解锁后保持打开时间过长,该系统还将监控门和报警。访问控制系统决定谁可以进入或退出, 在那里他们被允许离开或 进入,而当他们被允许进入或退出。从历史上看,这已经部分实现通 过钥匙和锁。 当门被锁定只有有人用一把钥匙可以通过门禁, 这时取 决于锁定如何配置。 机械锁和钥匙的钥匙持有人在特定的时间或日期 内允许访问。机械锁和钥匙不提供任何特定的门上使用的密钥记录, 可以很容易地复制或转移到未经授权的人。 当机械钥匙丢失或钥匙持 有人不再授权使用受
5、保护的区域, 锁必须重新键入。 电子访问控制使 用计算机来解决机械锁和钥匙的限制。 授予访问权限时, 在一个预定 的时间里门被解锁,并记录交易。当访问被拒绝,门保持锁定状态, 并尝试访问记录。如果门被强行打开或被解锁后保持打开时间过长, 该系统还将监控门和报警。当凭据提交到读取器,读取器发送的凭证的信息通常是一个数 字,一个控制面板,一个高度可靠的处理器。控制面板比较凭证的号 码,访问控制列表,允许或拒绝所提出的请求,并发送到数据库的事 务日志。当访问被拒绝的访问控制列表的基础上,门保持锁定状态。 如果有一个认证和访问控制之间的匹配列表,控制面板操作的继电 器,反过来门解锁。控制面板还忽略了一
6、个开门信号,以防止报警。 通常情况下,阅读器提供反馈,比如一个闪烁的红色 LED 的访问被 拒绝和授予访问权限的 LED 指示灯呈绿色闪烁。 凭证可以传来传去, 从而颠覆访问控制列表。例如, ALICE 拥有访问权限的服务器机房, 但鲍勃没有。爱丽丝,要么给出一个鲍勃她的凭据或 BOB 需要 ; 他 现在已经进入机房的服务器。 为了防止这种情况, 两个因素交易被使 用。在两个因素的交易,凭证和第二个因素是必要的授予访问权 限; 另一个因素可以是一个 PIN ,一个第二的凭证,操作员的干预, 或生物统计输入。有三种类型的认证信息(因素) :用户知道的东西, EGA 密码,密码短语或 PIN 用户
7、的东西,如智能卡用户的东西,如指纹识别,生物特征测量验证密码是验证用户的身份访问之前,是考虑到信息系统的常用手 段。此外,第四个因素认证是目前公认的:你认识的人,其他人谁知 道的情况下, 系统已设置为允许这样的情况下, 你可以提供一个人的 因素身份验证。例如,一个用户可能有自己的密码,但忘记了自己的 智能卡。在这样的场景中, 如果用户是已知道指定的队列,队列可以 提供他们的智能卡和密码的组合, 与现存的因素, 有问题的用户从而 为用户提供两个因素缺少凭据,和三个因素整体以允许访问。现在, 随着人们生活水平的提高和技术的进步, 越来越多的本地需求, 如小 区出入口,车库入口,和其他公共场所的门禁
8、控制系统需求越来越大。 许多不同类型的门禁控制系统, 因为它有不同的特点, 所以不使用的 地方,由于其较高的安全性, 更好的便利性和成本效益的访问控制系 统, IC 卡门禁系统成为主流。 IC 卡技术,目前被广泛应用在各个行 业,特别是公共交通, 无线通信, 识别,金融交易安全和国防等行业。 访问控制系统通过进口和出口管制,限制人员和车辆进入控制区, 以确保控制区域的安全。 CCESS 数据库软件用于实现对软件系统数 据库的服务 ;门禁控制系统软件易于使用,简单的特点,运营商并不 需要一个专业的电脑操作水平。 本研究着重于地下车库的访问控制系 统,访问控制系统的要求有着一个明确的方向,这样的设
9、计是指无 线射频技术,使用计算机控制的 IC 卡读写器的读取和写入。凭据凭据是一个物理 /有形物体,一块知识, 或一个人的身体的存在, 给定物理设备或计算机为基础的信息系统,或单个接入的一个方面。通常情况下,凭证可以是你知道的东西(如号码或 PIN ),你所拥有 的(如接入徽章),你的东西(如生物特征)或一些组合这些项目。 典型的凭据是门禁卡,钥匙链,或其他关键物品。有许多卡磁条,条 形码,韦根 125 KHZ 感应技术,包括 26 位刷卡,接触式智能卡,非 接触式智能卡技术。此外, 还包括密钥钥匙环,这是比身份证更紧凑 和重视的关键一环。 典型的生物识别技术, 包括指纹识别, 面部识别, 虹
10、膜识别,视网膜扫描,声音和手形。门禁控制系统的组成访问控制点,它可以是一门,旋转门,停车场门,电梯,或其他 物理障碍,授予访问可以通过电子控制。通常情况下,无线接入点是 一门。电子访问控制门可以包含多个元素。 在其最基本的是一个独立 的电子锁。由操作者用一个开关就锁被解锁。自动化,操作员的干预 被读者所取代。 阅读器可以是一个键盘输入代码, 它可能是一个读卡 器,或者它可能是一个生物体的读者。读者不能决定访问,但卡号发 送到门禁管理面板, 门禁管理面板拥有验证号码与一个访问列表。 若 要监视门开关的位置, 使用磁性门开关。 在概念上与冰箱开关门或汽 车门是没有什么不同的。 一般只有进入是被控制
11、的但退出是不受控制 的。在出口是受控制的情况下,第二读取器用于开关门侧位上的。退 出在没有控制的情况下,自由退出,设备称为请求退出( RTE ) 。 请求到出口装置的可以是一个按钮, 或一个运动检测器。 在门口当按 钮被按下或运动检测器检测到运动,门被打开时,暂时忽略门报警 。 而退出无需电打开门一门被称为机械的自由出口。 这是一个重要的安 全功能。电锁必须在退出解锁的情况下, 要求对出口装置也打开门。门禁管理系统的拓扑结构 访问控制决策是由门禁控制列表的凭据组成。 此表可以是由一读 者,主机或服务器,访问和控制面板来完成。门禁管理系统的发展, 已经推动了从中央主机系统的边缘查找,或读的发展。
12、大约 2009 是 占主导地位的拓扑枢纽和辐射带控制面板的辐条的轮毂和读者。 查找 和控制功能是通过控制面板上。 查找和控制功能是通过控制面板来完 成的。辐条通过串行连接,通常是 RS485 通讯。一些制造商通过在 门口放置一个控制器来推动决策。该控制器支持 IP,能连接到主机, 并使用标准的网络数据库。读者类型门禁管理读者由他们能够执行的功能来被分类: 基本(非智能)读者:简单地读取卡号或密码,并将它转发 到控制面板。在生物特征识别的情况下,这样的读者输出用户的 ID 号码。韦 根协议通常用于将数据传送到控制面板,但其他选项,如 RS- 232 , RS- 485 和时钟 /数据的情况并不少
13、见。这是最流行类型的访问控制 读者。这样的读者的例子是 RF 微型 RFLOGICS , PROX 点 HID , P300 远东足尖数据。半智能的读者:半聪明的读者:有必要控制所有输入和输出控制门的硬件(锁,门接触,退出按钮),但不作任何访问的决定。当用 户提供一个卡或输入 PIN ,读取器的信息发送到主控制器,并等待 其响应。如果访问到主控制器的链接中断, 这样的读者在这样降级模 式的情况下停止工作或功能。通常,半聪明的读者通过 RS-485 总线 连接到控制面板。这样的读者的例子是: INFOPROX 的精简版 IPL 200 的 CEM 系统和 AP- 510 。智能的读者:控制所有必
14、要的输入和输出控制门的硬件,他 们也有独立进行访问决策所需的内存和处理能力。同半聪明的读者 比,他们通过 RS-485 总线连接到控制面板。控制面板发送配置更新 和检索事件的读者。 这样的读者可以是 INFOPROX IPO200 CEM 系 统和 AP-500 。也有聪明的读者称为 “IP读者”的新一代。系统的 IP 读 者通常不具备传统的控制面板,读者直接与作为主机 PC 的沟通。这 样的读者的例子是 通过 ISONAS 安全系统的 POWERNET 的 IP 读 卡器, ID08 索卢斯,有内置的 WEB 服务,它的用户界面友 好,边 缘 ER40 读者 HID GLOBAL 的通过 A
15、SPISYS 的 LOGLOCK UNILO CK 有限公司, SUPREMA 公司的 BIOENTRY PLUS 读卡器。有些 读者可能有额外的特征,如能数据收集(即打卡事件的考勤报表)的 液晶显示屏和功能键, 摄像头/喇叭/麦克风,对讲,智能卡读 /写支持。门禁读卡器也可以通过识别技术的不同来类 型。 基于属性的访问控制 在基于属性的访问控制( ABAC) ,不是基于主体与用户身份验 证,而是根据用户的属性。 一个基于属性的访问控制策略,必须满足授予访问权限的对象。例如,要求可能是 “ 18 岁以上 ”。任何用户都 可以证明这种说法被授予访问权限。用户可以用匿名身份验证和识 别,对此并没有
16、严格要求。 例如,这可以使用匿名凭据或 XACML(可 扩展访问控制标记语言)来实现。The Access control systemAccess control system is widely used in recent years and it i s one of the high-tech and safety equipment , has become one of t he intelligent signs of modern architecture. Access control , the exp ort and the entrance control syste
17、m, is to control the export and en trance channel system. Access control system is developed on th e basis of the traditional locks (Entrance Guard/Access Control i n English).Access control is, in reality, an everyday phenomenon. A loc k on a car door is essentially a form of access control. A PIN
18、on a n ATM system at a bank is another means of access control. Bouncers standing in front of a night club is perhaps a more primiti ve mode of access control (given the evident lack of information technology involved). The possession of access control is of prim e importance when persons seek to se
19、cure important, confidentia l, or sensitive information and equipment . Item control or electroni c key management is an area within (and possibly integrated wit h) an access control system which concerns the managing of possession and location of small assets or physical (mechanical) keys.Physical
20、access by a person may be allowed depending on payment, authorization, etc. Also there may be one-way traffic of p eople. These can be enforced by personnel such as a border guar d, a doorman, a ticket checker, etc., or with a device such as a turn stile. There may be fences to avoid circumventing t
21、his access control. An alternative of access control in the strict sense (physica lly controlling access itself) is a system of checking authorized pre sence, see e.g. Ticket controller (transportation). A variant is exit c ontrol, e.g. of a shop (checkout) or a country. In physical security, the te
22、rm access control refers to the practice of restricting entranc e to a property, a building, or a room to authorized persons. Physic al access control can be achieved by a human (a guard, bounce r, or receptionist), through mechanical means such as locks and ke ys, or through technological means suc
23、h as access control system s like the Access control vestibule.Within these environments , physical key management may al so be employed as a means of further managing and monitoring a ccess to mechanically keyed areas or access to certain small asset s . Physical access control is a matter of who ,
24、 where, and whe n. An access control system determines who is allowed to enter o r exit, where they are allowed to exit or enter, and when they are al lowed to enter or exit. Historically this was partially accomplished t hrough keys and locks. When a door is locked only someone wit h a key can ente
25、r through the door depending on how the lock is c onfigured. Mechanical locks and keys do not allow restriction of th e key holder to specific times or dates. Mechanical locks and key s do not provide records of the key used on any specific door and t he keys can be easily copied or transferred to a
26、n unauthorized per son. When a mechanical key is lost or the key holder is no longer a uthorized to use the protected area, the locks must be re-keyed. El ectronic access control uses computers to solve the limitations o f mechanical locks and keys. A wide range of credentials can be us ed to replac
27、e mechanical keys. The electronic access control syste m grants access based on the credential presented. When acces s is granted, the door is unlocked for a predetermined time and th e transaction is recorded. When access is refused, the door remai ns locked and the attempted access is recorded. Th
28、e system will al so monitor the door and alarm if the door is forced open or held op en too long after being unlocked.When a credential is presented to a reader, the readerSends the credenti al isnformation, usually a number, to a contro l panel, a highly reliable processor. The control panel compar
29、es th e credentials number to an access control list, grants or denies th e presented request, and sends a transaction log to a database. W hen access is denied based on the access control list, the door re mains locked. If there is a match between the credential and the a ccess control list, the co
30、ntrol panel operates a relay that in turn unl ocks the door. The control panel also ignores a door open signal t o prevent an alarm. Often the reader provides feedback, such a s a flashing red LED for an access denied and a flashing green LE D for an access granted .The above description illustrates
31、 a singl e factor transaction. Credentials can be passed around, thus subv erting the access control list. For example, Alice has access right s to the server room but Bob does not. Alice either gives Bob her c redential or Bob takes it; he now has access to the server room. T o prevent this, two-fa
32、ctor authenticcan be used. In a two factor transaction, the presented credential and a second factor are neede d for access to be granted; another factor can be a PIN, a secon d credential, operator intervention, or a biometricinput.There are three types (factors) of authenticating information : som
33、ething the user knows, ega password, pass-phrase o r PINsomething the user has, such as smart cardsomething the user is, such as fingerprint, verified by bio metric measurement.Passwords are a common means of verifying a users identit y before access is given to information systems. In addition, a f
34、ourt h factor of authentication is now recognized: someone you know, w here another person who knows you can provide a human elemen t of authentication in situations where systems have been set up t o allow for such scenarios. For example, a user may have their pa ssword, but have forgotten their sm
35、art card. In such a scenario, if t he user is known to designated cohorts, the cohorts may provide th eir smart card and password in combination with the extant factor o f the user in question and thus provide two factors for the user wit h missing credential, and three factors overall to allow acce
36、ss. No w, as peoples living standards improve and technology advance s, more and more local needs of access control system such as re sidential entrance, garage entrance, the entrance and other publi c places. Many different types of access control system; because i t has different characteristics,
37、so do not use the place, IC card acc ess control system because of its higher security, better convenien ce and cost-effective access control system into the mainstrea m. IC card technology is currently widely used in various industrie s, particularly public transport, wireless communications, ident
38、ificati on, financial transactions and security and defense industries. Acc ess control system through the import and export control, limiting s taff and vehicles entering controlled areas, to ensure that controlle d regional security. This study focuses on the underground garag e access control sys
39、tem, which the requirements of the access con trol system with a clear direction, this design refers to radio freque ncy technology, the use of computer control of the IC card reader f or reading and writing. ACCESS database software used to imple ment software system database services; using Visual
40、 Basic6.0 t o design software with which the various common controls designe d to log basic information, equipment management, card manage ment, query management, system management a window Body. T he IC access control system software with easy to use, simple feat ures, the operator does not need a
41、professional computer operatin g level.CredentialA credential is a physical/tangible object, a piece of knowledg e, or a facet of a persons physical being, that enables an individua l access to a given physical facility or computer-based informatio n system. Typically, credentials can be something y
42、ou know (suc h as number or PIN), something you have (such as an access bad ge), something you are (such as a biometric feature) or some com bination of these items. The typical credential is an access card, ke y fob, or other key. There are many card technologies including ma gnetic stripe, bar cod
43、e, Wiegand , 125 kHz proximity, 26 bit card-s wipe, contact smart cards, and contactless smart cards. Also availa ble are key-fobs which are more compact than ID cards and attac h to a key ring. Typical biometric technologies include fingerprint, f acial recognition, iris recognition, retinal scan,
44、voice, and hand geo metry.Access control system componentsAn access control point, which can be a door, turnstile, parkin g gate, elevator, or other physical barrier where granting access ca n be electronically controlled. Typicallythe access point is a door. A n electronic access control door can c
45、ontain several elements. At it s most basic there is a stand-alone electric lock. The lock is unlock ed by an operator with a switch. To automate this, operator interve ntion is replaced by a reader. The reader could be a keypad wher e a code is entered, it could be a card reader, or it could be a b
46、iom etric reader. Readers do not usually make an access decision bu t send a card number to an access control panel that verifies the n umber against an access list. To monitor the door position a magn etic door switch is used. In concept the door switch is not unlike th ose on refrigerators or car
47、doors. Generally only entry is controlle d and exit is uncontrolled. In cases where exit is also controlled a s econd reader is used on the opposite side of the door. In cases wh ere exit is not controlled, free exit, a device called a request-to-exi t (RTE) is used. Request-to-exit devices can be a
48、 pushbutton o r a motion detector. When the button is pushed or the motion detec tor detects motion at the door, the door alarm is temporarily ignore d while the door is opened. Exiting a door without having to electric ally unlock the door is called mechanical free egress. This is an im portant saf
49、ety feature. In cases where the lock must be electricall y unlocked on exit, the request-to-exit device also unlocks the doo r.Access control topologyAccess control decisions are made by comparing the credenti al to an access control list. This lookup can be done by a host or s erver, by an access c
50、ontrol panel, or by a reader. The developmen t of access control systems has seen a steady push of the looku p out from a central host to the edge of the system, or the reade r. The predominate topology circa 2009 is hub and spoke with a co ntrol panel as the hub and the readers as the spokes. The l
51、ookup a nd control functions are by the control panel. The spokes communi cate through a serial connection; usually RS485. Some manufactur es are pushing the decision making to the edge by placing a contro ller at the door. The controllers are IP enabled and connect to a ho st and database using sta
52、ndard networks.Types of readersAccess control readers may be classified by functions they ar e able to perform:Basic (non-intelligent) readers: simply read card number or PIN and forwardit to a control panel. In case of biometric identification, such re aders output ID number of a user. Typically Wi
53、egand protocol is us ed for transmitting data to the control panel, but other options suc h as RS-232, RS-485 and Clock/Data are not uncommon. This is t he most popular type of access control readers. Examples of suc h readers are RF Tiny by RFLOGICS, Prox Point by HID, and P30 0 by Far pointe Data.
54、Semi-intelligent readers: have all inputs and outputs necessar y to control door hardware (lock, door contact, exit button), but d o not make any access decisions. When a user presents a card o r enters PIN, the reader sends information to the main controller an d waits for its response. If the conn
55、ection to the main controller is i nterrupted, such readers stop working or function in a degraded m ode. Usually semi-intelligent readers are connected to a control pa nel via an RS-485 bus. Examples of such readers are InfoProx Lit e IPL200 by CEM Systems and AP-510 by Apollo.Intelligent readers:
56、have all inputs and outputs necessary to co ntrol door hardware, they also have memory and processing powe r necessary to make access decisions independently. Same as se mi-intelligent readers they are connected to a control panel via a n RS-485 bus. The control panel sends configuration updates an
57、d retrieves events from the readers. Examples of such readers cou ld be InfoProx IPO200 by CEM Systems and AP-500 by Apollo. Th ere is also a new generation of intelligent readers referred to as I P readers. Systems with IP readers usually do not have traditiona l control panels and readers communic
58、ate directly to PC that acts a s a host. Examples of such readers are PowerNet IP Reader by Is onas Security Systems, ID08 by Solus has the built in webservice t o make it user friendly, Edge ER40 reader by HID Global, LogLoc k andUNiLOCK by ASPiSYS Ltd, and BioEntry Plus reader by Suprema Inc .Some
59、 readers may have additional features such as LCD an d function buttons for data collection purposes (i.e. clock-in/clock-o ut events for attendance reports), camera/speaker/microphone for i ntercom, and smart card read/write support.Access control reader s may also be classified by the type of identification technology.Attribute-based access controlIn attribute-based access control (ABAC), access is granted n ot based on the rights of the subject associated with
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