1、 蒲中资源网 精品资源上海浦东新区2011年4月高三年级高考预测英 语 试 题考试时间120分钟 满分150分考生注意:1本试卷分为第卷和第卷两部分。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。2答第卷前,考生务必在答题卡和答题纸上用钢笔或圆珠笔清楚填写学校、姓名、准考证号,并用铅笔在答题卡上正确涂写准考证号。3第卷(1-16小题,25-80小题)由机器阅卷,答案必须全部涂写在答题卡上。考生应将代表正确答案的小方格用2b铅笔涂黑。注意试题题号和答题卡编号一一对应,不能错位。答案需要更改时,必须将原选项用橡皮擦去,重新选择。第卷中的第17-24小题,第81-84小题和第ii卷的试题,其答案用钢笔或水笔写在
2、答题纸上,如用铅笔答题,或写在试卷上一律不给分。第卷 (105分)ilistening comprehensionsection adirections: in section a, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakersat the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was saidthe conversations and the questions will be spoken only onceafter you hea
3、r a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard1atravel agency and customerbmanager and office workercteacher and student ddoctor and patient2ato school bto her roomcto the grocery store
4、dto her friends house3ahe is shy bhe is imaginative che is talkative dhe is quiet4aa movie ba lecture ca play da speech5athe new apartment is cheaper bshe likes to listen to the radiocshe prefers a larger apartment dshe needs a quieter place6a$160 b$150 c$120 d$507ashe is not interested in the artic
5、lebshe has given the man much troublecshe would like to have a copy of the articledshe doesnt bother to read the article8aboth the man and the woman went to the meetingbthe man didnt go, but the woman didcthe man did go, but the woman didntdneither the man nor the woman went to the meeting9ashes lea
6、rned a lot from the literature classbshes written some books about world literature.cshes met some of the worlds best writersdshes just back from a trip round the world10atony went skiing yesterday btony hadnt a lot of work to do yesterdayctony didnt like watching sports dtony liked watching sports
7、bettersection bdirections: in section b, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passagesthe passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only oncewhen you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which o
8、ne would be the best answer to the question you have heardquestions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage11aanyone who needs to find a jobbthose who have money but wonder how to invest!cpeople who want to achieve higher life goalsdpeople who lead an unhealthy life12aby e-mail bby phonecby
9、 talking face-to-face dby writing letters13athe difference between a basketball coach and a life coachbwhy hollywood stars are in great need of life coacheschow people can achieve higher career goalsdwhat a life coach usually does to help people succeedquestions 14 through 16 are based on the follow
10、ing news14aafrica basia ceurope dsouth america15aits a trade that is driven by customer appetitesbthe latest trick seems to be booting businesscyou can hardly resist the temptation when seeing the pictures of fooddwith the new technology, sales on the table have risen by about 11%16ayoung people bfo
11、reigners clocal people dold peoplesection cdirections: in section c, you will hear two longer conversationsthe conversations will be read twiceafter you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heardwrite your answers on your answer sheetb
12、lanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation final testresearch paper17 multiple-choice questions that cover both the 18 and the outside readinga 10-page long 19 about international 20 developmentcomplete the formwrite one word for each answerblanks 21 through 24 are based on the foll
13、owing conversationwhat symptoms does the man usually get?cough, fever, 21 , headache, bone ache and even chillshow does the man feel when he comes down with something?he feels miserable for a week and it ends up 22 in what case does influenza often strike people?when they are 23 , stressed out and n
14、ot eating nutritious foodwhy should the man get a lot of rest and eat well?because that way his immune system will be strengthened so that he can 24 complete the formwrite no more than three words for each answeriigrammar and vocabularysection adirections: beneath each of the following sentences the
15、re are four choices marked a, b, c and dchoose the one answer that best completes the sentence25over several thousand years of development, chinese medicine has attracted great attention_its unique and marvelous effectsato bin con dfor26to know more about the british museum, one can use the internet
16、 or go to the library, or .aneither bsome call dboth27will you attend the ceremony tomorrow?what ceremony? i _ informed of anything about itawasnt bhavent been chadnt been dwont be28no conclusion _ about whether to tear down the old buildings for a theme park until several discussions have been made
17、awill be reached bis reached cis being reached dhad been reached29talking on the phone for over 30 minutes _ be as harmful as listening to music at high volume through headphones for over an houramust bshall ccan dshould30the primary purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread, but _
18、 every mouthful sweeteramaking bmake cmade dto make31_ in extra-curricular activities gives students many priceless lifelong skills that will be valuable to them foreverabeing involved binvolving cto involve dinvolve32some 350,000 people have reportedly been left homeless and are staying in shelters
19、, anxiously_ _ news of friends and relativesaawait bawaiting cawaited dhaving awaited33 with necessary knowledge and skills, the young man went to the job market with much confidenceato be equipped bequipping cequipped dbeing equipped34dont set yourself up for failureyour chances of achieving your g
20、oals are much better theyre realisticasince bunless cif das35 not all school subjects can be applied directly to your job in the future, they may have indirect valueaalthough bas cwhen das though36as we all know, the start of a new year is the perfect time to think about _ you want to accomplishatha
21、t bwhich cwhat dhow37its reported that a new underground line has been completedyes, but it hasnt been made clear _ its to be open to trafficathat bwhen cwhat dwho38people hold the view that life is 10% what happens to us and 90%_ we respond to itawhy bhow cwhen dwhat39the most destructive element i
22、n the human mind is fearonly when we are no longer afraid to liveawe are beginning bbegin we cdo we begin dwe begin40raising children is said to be a job _ _ parents receive the least formal trainingain which bfor which cwhere dthatsection bdirections: complete the following passage by using the wor
23、ds in the boxeach word can only be used oncenote that there is one word more than you needadislike bsatisfy ccenter dfamiliar eunderstanding frole ghonoring hfrightened iimproved jstrictart museums are places where people can learn about various culturesthe increasingly popular design museums that a
24、re opening today, however, perform quite a different 41 .unlike most art museums, the design museum shows objects that are easily found by the general publicthese museums sometimes even place things like fridges and washing machines in the _42 of the hallpeople have argued that design museums are of
25、ten made use of as advertisements for new industrial technologybut their role is not simply a matter of salesit is the 43 of excellently invented productsthe difference between the window of a department store and the showcase in a design museum is that the first tries to sell you something, while t
26、he second tells you the success of a saleone advantage of design museums is that they are places where people feel 44 with the exhibitsunlike the average art museum visitors, design museum visitors seldom feel 45 or puzzledthis is partly because design museums clearly show how and why mass-produced
27、products work, and how design has 46 the quality of our livesart museum exhibits, on the other hand, would most probably fill visitors with a feeling that there is something beyond their _47_in recent years, several new design museums have opened their doorseach of these museums has tried to 48 the
28、publics growing interest in the field with new ideaslondons design museum, for example, shows a collection of mass-produced objects from zippo lighters to electric typewriters to a group of italian fish-tinsthe choices open to design museums seem far less _49 than those to art museumsiiireading comp
29、rehensionsection adirections: for each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked a, b, c and dfill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the contextif you want your child to have perfect pitch(音高) like musical masters mozart and chopin, then start them earl
30、y on mandarin(普通话) or vietnamese lessonsthe possibility of developing perfect pitch seems to be strongly 50 to the language people speak, confirming that children can 51 the ability when they are very youngestimates suggest that perfect pitch is very 52 in the us and europe, with only about 1 in 10,
31、000 people being 53 to hear a single tone and identify it as middle c, 54 but it is slightly more common in people who start musical training under fivealso, a 2008 study by psychologist diana deutsch of the university of california, san diego, showed that perfect pitch is 55 in chinese music studen
32、ts who speak mandarinmandarin, like cantonese and vietnamese, is a tonal language(声调语言) in which the pitch of a spoken word is essential to its meaning, in my experience, musicians in china dont regard perfect pitch as anything 56_ because its very common, says deutschto find out if chinese people h
33、ave a genetic 57 , deutschs team tested 203 music students for perfect pitch they had to identify all 36 notes(音调) from three octaves(八度音阶)played in 58 orderthose tested included 27 ethnic chinese and vietnamese students who had 59_ levels of fluency in the tonal language learned from their parentsi
34、t 60 that the asian students scored no better than white students 61 they werent fluent in their parents languagebut very fluent students scored highly, getting about 90 per cent of the notes correct on averagethey did incredibly wellit was overwhelming, says deutschthis suggests that 62 a tonal lan
35、guage plays a far greater role in perfect pitch than _63_ it really looks as though infants should 64 perfect pitch if they are given the opportunity to attach verbal labels to musical notes at the age when they learn speech, concludes deutsch50aexposed blinked cdevoted daccustomed51ause up btake up
36、 cpick up dbring up52anormal bdifferent cobvious drare53aready banxious cable dcurious54afor examplebby the waycas welldin addition55aimportantbcommoncimpossibledpractical56aremarkablebmysteriouscintelligentdproductive57arelationbimportancecinterestdadvantage58areversebrandomclogicaldcorrect59adiffe
37、rentbsimilarchighdaverage60afigured outbturned outcmade outdfound out61abecausebunlesscifdthough62alearningbcomparingcteachingdprocessing63aagesbnationalitiescgenesdraces64apreferbmanagecovercomedacquiresection bdirections: read the following three passageseach passage is followed by several questio
38、ns or unfinished statementsfor each of them there are four choices marked a, b, c and dchoose the one mat fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just readaheading off to college this year? here are some fashion tips from our experts you should keep in mind:dress to impr
39、ess: stylist and business consultant daniela smith says, girls should keep in mind that your college professors will often be the bridge that connects you to your future career and your classmates will become your professional networkyou dont need to dress like youre going to the office, but you sho
40、uld display an ability to properly present yourself with appropriate maturity and confidence, and look put togetherlogo mania (标志狂热): wearing the logos of brands aimed at younger customers physically identifies you as part of that age group, so consider the targeted age group of the stores you shop
41、atits tempting to load up on logos, especially well-known logos that signify high-end brandsbut consider this: college is a time of self-discovery, a chance to develop your own personal styleinstead of wearing logos head to toe, walking advertisement style, why not express who you really are?wear re
42、al pants! the combination of leggings(紧身裤) and baggy shirts is all too common on college campusessmith points out that leggings, yoga pants, and sweatpants are entirely unacceptable in public unless youre exercisingalthough leggings worn as pants are a common trend among high school and college girl
43、s, they are not an appropriate choice for daywearas a young woman, your style choice should begin to reflect your maturity levelso, get rid of leggings and wear real pants!keep the cute factor to a minimum: stay away from sweaters and t-shirts with smiling animals, cartoon characters, or hello kitty
44、 on themsure, kittens might be cute, but theyre not doing you any favors in the style departmentdressing too cutesy(故意讨人喜爱的) can take years off your look, and not necessarily in a good way!65the second paragraph indicates the importance of _ _aimpressing professors bgetting on well with classmatescc
45、reating a professional image ddressing appropriately66the author recommends wearing real pants because _ _aleggings are too commonbyoga pants and sweatpants are not comfortablecreal pants can present you with appropriate maturitydpeople like real pants better than the other pants67whats the writers
46、attitude towards sweaters with animals on them?athey make people look lovelybthey are fashionablecthey will show youre an animal loverdthey are not suitable for college-aged students68in which magazine are you most likely to find this passage?abusiness weekbparenting cin style dtravel & leisurebone
47、of the unsung benefits of our wired world is that foryears, the most famous universities have been posting completecourses on the web, tuition freewe have access to lectures,syllabuses(课程提纲), exams, charts, diagrams, whole textbooksevenall in the name of the open course ware movement thattook off in
48、 the united states when the massachusetts institute oftechnology began uploading classroom materials without chargein 2002now you practically need a full-time course adviser tohelp you with the choicesthats where we come inour writer, david hochman, spent thirty days learning all he could through on
49、-line lectureshere are a few of his favorite teachers and his picks from the courses they teachmarian cdiamond, uc berkeley, general human anatomy: the human brain and muscular systemsays hochman, i stayed up past midnight absorbed in diamonds simple yet amazing descriptions of what body parts dothi
50、s mass weighs only three pounds, she says, holding a human brain, yet it can imagine a universe a billion light-years acrossnow isnt that extraordinary? my brain certainly thought sopaul bloom, yale university, introduction to psychology: evolutionemotion, and reason emotions, part iwhat do your dre
51、ams mean? can apes learn sign language? why cant we tickle ourselves? according to open yale courses, this course tries to answer these questions and many others, providing a comprehensive description of the scientific study of thought and behaviormichael sandel, harvard university, the mordlity of
52、murder: (part 1) the moral side of murder, (part 2) the case for cannibalisma thousand students regularly pack themselves into a lecture hall at harvard to hear sandels course on justice, one of the most popular in the schools history, in this lecture, sandel looks at difficult moral dilemmas(困境) in
53、volving choices we might one day make about life and deathrichard feynman, cornell university, law of gravitationsays hochman, maybe its his cheerful new york accent, but the physicist makes the great principles of motion, energy, and indeed, quantum mechanics (量子力学) seem down-to-eartheven the artists appreciate the sunsets and the ocean waves and the march of the stars across the heavens, he says before explaining the law of gravitation69which of the following is true acco
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