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1、 practice 2vocabulary (20 marks)choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the bracketsprovided. (20*1=20 marks)( ) 1. put on your _. the sun is shiningbrightly.a. capb. hatc. umbrellad. helmet( ) 2. the puppy is hiding in its _.a. burrow b. kennel c. hutchd. hut( ) 3. the _ of thunder

2、frightened the children.a. rumbling b. crying c. shouting d. screaming( ) 4. dont _ your teacher as she is busy.a. disturb b. attract c. help d. assist( ) 5. donald took a _ to school.a. busb. lorryd. trainc. truck( ) 6. she was really _ to have survived the crash.a. silly b. lucky c. foolish d. sil

3、ly( ) 7. this pen is too _. i cannot afford it.a. cheap b. expensive c. tiny d. huge( ) 8. the elephant has two white _.a. trunksc. sticksb. tusksd. wands( ) 9. some people believe in the existence of flying_.a. saucersb. plates c. bowlsd. trays( ) 10. lily enjoys _.a. papersc. cardsb. beadsd. chess

4、( ) 11. it is dangerous to cycle on a _ road.a. quiet b. busy c. vacant d. big( ) 12. stop building _ in the air, shela!a. bungalows b. flats c. castles d. squatters( ) 13. father bought me a _ that speaksmandarin.a. sparrowc. parrotb. nestlingd. swallow( ) 14. pauline struts like a _.a. pigletb. le

5、opardc. monkeyd. peacock( ) 15. larry won a _ in the swimming meet.a. cupb. trophyd. bottlec. kettle( ) 16. the sky is getting _. it may rain soon.a. fair b. dark c. clear d. foggy( ) 17. the rabbits _ in the ground.a. burrow b. drift c. swim( ) 18. water becomes ice when _.a. frozen b. melted c. bo

6、iledd. pulld. hot( ) 19. the snake _ to the music of the flute.a. changed b. leaped c. ran d. swayed( ) 20. a/an _ measures the temperature of objects.a. oven b. flask c. thermometer d. tropical grammar (30 marks)underline the correct word in each of the brackets. (14*1=14 marks)21. minah has ( orde

7、r, orders, ordered ) a plate of noodles.22. the handbag was ( find, finds, found ) under the table.23. wayangs are operas ( perform, performs, performed ) on stage in openfields.24. the cat ( catch, catches, caught ) the rat which ran too slowly.25. bees ( live, lives, living ) together in colonies.

8、26. the birds ( on, at, into ) the branches are chirping merrily.27. this is kaimings first ( offend, offended, offence ).28. rodney has ( drink, drank, druck ) all the milk in the bottle.29. veloo has a large collection ( on, of, in ) stamps.30. mother was ( please, pleases, pleased ) with deliangs

9、 progress.31. i need ( any, many, some ) thread to make a doll.32. he has ( improve, improves, improved ) in his english over the pastmonths.33. it ( pained, pain, paining ) charles to see ken suffering.34. ( why, how, what ) is justin grinning?rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end e

10、ach sentencewith a full-stop. (8*2 = marks)35. enjoyed show the childrenthewatching interesting_36. have one the you can pen blue either the or red_ _37. her looks in rantlovely gownnew_38. is atkellyjokes laughingjasmines_39. are their parents gatethe boys meeting at the school_40. is birdathegrace

11、fulswan_41. the too arehands big my gloves for_42. whistles is he tomhappywhen_ _vocabulary cloze (10 marks)fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.closerferociousgrowlgetsurebeautifullyenjoyedpanicswaitinguncomfortablecatherine is standing outside a (43) _ decorated house. she is(44)

12、 _ for the owner to (45) _ the keys. she feels (46)_ with only a gate separating her from the (47) _ dog.she has (48) _ asking people for donations for the aged. she is not so(49) _ now. the dog is moving (50) _ to the unlockedgate. he gives a fierce (51) _. catherine (52) _ andtakes to her

13、mprehension mcq (10 marks)read the passage carefully. then choose the correct answer and write itsnumber (a,b,c or d) in the brackets.last sunday, lindy and her family went to the east coast park. theywent there early in the morning as mr lim wanted to have a morning jog. thefamily jogged for one ho

14、ur before they proceeded to do their favourite activity.they liked to cycle and enjoyed the breeze. while they cycled, they chattedand admired the beautiful scenery. after that, lindy pestered her parents toskate with her. eventually, mr and mrs lim agreed reluctantly. they did not likethat activity

15、 as they felt they were too old for it. they skated for an hour and felttired and hungry. as they had not eaten pizza for a long time, they had theirmeal at the nearby pizza restaurant. ( ) 53. lindy and her family went to the east coast park early in the morning as_.a. it was a sundayb. it was less

16、 crowded in the early morningc. mr lim wanted to have a jogd. lindy wanted to roller-blade( ) 54. _ is their favourite activity.a. joggingb. cyclingc. eatingd. skating( ) 55. mr and mrs lim are _.a. friendsb. neighboursd. lindys parentsc. lindys grandparents( ) 56. lindys parents did not like to ska

17、te because _.a. they did not know how to do itb. it was not func. they thought the sport was not for people their aged. it was a tiring sport( ) 57. they had lunch at the pizza resturant because _.a. they were hungryb. they were tiredc. it was lunch timed. they had not eaten pizza for a long timecom

18、prehension oe (10 marks)read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.hai raya puasa is a muslim festival. it is celebrated to mark the end oframadan, the month of fasting. during the fasting period, muslims do not eator drink from sunrise to sunset. they break their fast daily by

19、praying in theevening. the muslims will buy various kinds of goodies for the children a weekor two before the festival. on the eve of hari raya, they prepare food which is for feasting together with their muslim friends and relatives. this shows clearlytheir working spirit (gotong royong).their spec

20、ialties such as satay and ketupat are very popular amongnon-muslims too. the muslims attend mosque services in their new clothes onhari raya. visting relatives and friends is another customary practive. themuslims also invite their friends of other races to their homes where manydelicacies are serve

21、d on this special occasion.58. what is the purpose of hari raya puasa?_59. how do the muslims break their fast every day?_60. what do muslims do a week or two before the festival?_61. what is the meaning of gotong royong?_62. give another customary practice besides visitations on the day of hariraya

22、._guided writing (20 marks)write a story based on the pictures below. you may use the words andphrases in the box.mothers day pocket moneyfavourite cakepleasedmovie treat_ _answersprimary 2 englishpractice 21.a2.b3.a4.a5.a6.b7.b8.b9.a13.c14.d15.b16.b17.a18.a19.d20.c10.d11.b12.c21.ordered 22.found 23.performed 24.caught 25.live26.on27.offence28.drunk 29.of 30.pleased 31.some 32.improve 33.pained 34.why35. the children enjoyed watchi


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