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1、ccnu 版权所有 共同保护 eliza 词性转换练习1able adj.能够;有能力的_ n. 能力;才能_ v. 使能够2act v. 扮演;表演 n.行动 _ adj.积极的,主动的 _ _ n.活动(单复数) _ 男演员 _ 女演员3add v. 加上_ n. 增加4age n. 年龄 _ adj. 上了年纪的5agree v. 同意 _ n. 同意 _ v. 不同意6live v. 居住_ adj.(表语)活着的 _ adj. (定语)_ adj. 栩栩如生的7angry adj. 生气的 _ adv. 生气地 _ n. 生气8appear v. 出现 _ v. 消失 _ n. 外表

2、9argue v. 争吵 _ n. 争吵10art n. 艺术 _ n. 艺术家11assist v. 帮助 _ n. 助手12attract v. 吸引 _ n. 吸引力;吸引物 _ adj. 有吸引力的13australia n. 澳大利亚 _ adj. 澳大利亚的14beautiful adj. 美丽的 _ adv. 优美地15begin v. 开始;着手 _ n. 开始;开端16well-known adj. 著名的 _(最高级)17breath n. 呼吸 _ v. 呼吸18britain n. 英国 _ n. 英国人19build v. 建造;建筑 _ n. 建筑物 _ v. 重建

3、 _ n. 建造者20busy adj. 繁忙的 _ n. 生意_ n. 男商人 _ 女商人21calculate v. 计算 _ n. 计算 _ n. 计算器22canada n. 加拿大 _ n. 加拿大人23care n. 小心 _ adj. 小心的 _ adj. 不小心的 _ adv. 小心地24celebrate v. 庆祝 _ n. 庆祝25change v. 改变;更改_ adj. 易变的;可变的 _ v. 交换,交流26chemical adj. 化学的 _ n. 化学 _ n. 化学家27choose v. 选择 _ _(过去时,过去分词)_ n. 选择28city n. 城

4、市 _ n. 市民29clean adj. 干净的,清洁的 _ _(比较级,最高级)30collect v. 收集 _ n. 收集31comfort n. 舒服 _ adj. 舒服的 _ adv. 舒服地 _ adj. 不舒服的 _ adv. 不舒服地32communicate v. 交流 _ n. 交流33complain v. 抱怨;投诉 _ n. 抱怨;投诉34complete adj. 完整的,完全的 _ adv. 完整地,完全地 _ adv. 不完整地,不完全地35conclude v. 下结论 _ n. 结论36connect v. 连接 _ n. 连接37correct adj.

5、 正确的 _ adj. 不正确的 _ adv. 正确地38create v. 创造;创作_ n. 创造,创作 _ n. 创造者_ adj. 有创造力的39danger n. 危险 _ adj. 危险的40dark adj. 黑暗的_ n. 黑暗41die v. 死亡_ adj. 死了的 _ adj. 垂死的 _ n. 死亡42decide v. 决定 _ n. 决定43depart v. 离开 _ n. 部门 _ n. 离开44destroy v. 破坏 _(过去式)45develop v. 发展,开发_ n. 发展_ adj. 发展中的_ adj. 发达的46different adj. 不

6、同的 _ n. 差异47difficult adj. 困难的 _ n. 困难48cover v. 覆盖 _ v. 发现49discuss v. 讨论 _ n. 讨论50honest adj. 诚实的 _ n. 诚实 _ adj. 不诚实的51electric adj. 电的 _ n. 电 _ adj. 电子的52engine n. 引擎 _ n. 工程师53enjoy v. 欣赏;喜欢 _ adj. 使人愉快的54enter v. 进入;参加 _ n. 入口55europe n. 欧洲 _ n. 欧洲人56exam n. 考试 _ v. 检查,细查57explain v. 解释 _ n. 解释

7、58energy n. 能量 _ adj. 精力充沛的59fail v. 失败 _ n. 失败;失败者60favor n. 恩惠 _ adj. 最喜爱的61feel v. 感觉 _ n. 感觉62fish v. 钓鱼 _ n. 钓鱼的人63wood n. 木头 _ adj. 木质的64foreign adj. 外国的 _ n. 外国人65france n. 法国 _ n. 法国人66free adj. 自由的,免费的 _ adv. 自由地 _ n. 自由67freeze v. 结冰 _ adj. 冻结的,寒冷的 _ adj. 冰冻的68friend n. 朋友 _ adj. 友好的 _ n.

8、友谊69frighten v. 使害怕 _ adj. 受惊吓的 _ adj. 恐怖的70gentle adj. 温柔的 _ adv. 轻柔地 _ n. 绅士71_ n. 德国 _ n. 德国人72gold n. 黄金 _ adj. 金色的73happy adj. 快乐的 _ adv. 快乐地 _ n. 快乐 _ adj. 不幸的 _ adv. 不幸地 _ n. 不幸74harm n. 伤害_ adj. 有伤害的_ adj. 无害的 _ adv. 有害地75health n. 健康_ adj. 健康的 _ adv. 健康地 _ adj. 不健康的 _ adv. 不健康地76high adj. 高

9、的 _ n. 高度77help v. 帮助 _ adj. 有帮助的 _ adj. 无助的78history n. 历史 _ adj. 历史上的79home n. 家 _ adj. 无家可归的80hungry adj. 饥饿的 _ n. 饥饿 _ adv. 饥饿地81hurry v. 赶紧 _ adj. 急急忙忙的 _ adv. 匆忙地82ill adj. 有病的 _ n. 疾病 _(比较级) _(最高级)83important adj. 重要的 _ n. 重要性84possible adj. 可能的_ adv. 可能地_ n. 可能性_ adj. 不可能的85introduce v. 介绍 _

10、 n. 介绍86invent v. 发明,创造 _ n. 发明物 _ n. 发明家87invite v. 邀请 _ n. 邀请88italy n. 意大利 _ n. 意大利人89kind adj. 友好的,和善的 _ n. 仁慈90know v. 知道,了解 _ n. 知识91late adj. / adv. 晚,迟 _ adv. 后来92laugh v. 笑 _ n. 笑声93long adj. 长的 _ n. 长度94library n. 图书馆 _ n. 图书管理员95little adj. 少的;小的 _(比较级)_(最高级)96luck n. 幸运 _ adj. 幸运的 _ adv.

11、 幸运地 _ adj. 不幸的 _ adv. 不幸地97mean v. 意味着 _ n. 意义 _ adj. 有意义的98medicine n. 药 _ adj. 医疗的99mix v. 混合 _ n. 混合物100mouse n. 老鼠 _(复数)101nation n. 国家,民族 _ adj. 国家的 _ n. 国籍 _ adj. 国际的102nature n. 大自然 _ adj. 自然的103need v. 需要 _ adj. 必需的 _ adj. 不需要的104noise n. 噪声_ adj. 嘈杂的_(比较级) _ adv. 嘈杂地105office n. 办公室 _ n. 官

12、员 _ adj. 官方的106operate v. 开刀 _ n. 手术107organize v. 组织 _ n. 组织,团体108paint v. 绘画 _ n. 画家 _ n. 油画109pass v. 通过 _ n. 乘客110patient adj. 耐心的 _ adj. 不耐心的 _ n. 耐心111peace n. 和平 _ adj. 和平的 _ adv. 和平地112physics n. 物理 _ adj. 身体的113please v. 请_ adj. 令人愉快的 _ adj. 感到愉快的_ n. 愉快114polite adj. 有礼貌的_ adj. 没礼貌_ adv. 有

13、礼貌地_ n. 礼貌115pollute v. 污染 _ n. 污染116pop adj. 流行的 _ adj. 受欢迎的 _n. 人口117possible adj. 可能的_ adv. _ adj. 不可能的 _ n. 可能性118power n. 电源 _ adj. 强大的119produce v. 生产 _n. 产品 _ n. 生产120pride n. 自豪 _ adj. 骄傲的121rain v. 下雨 _ adj. 多雨的122real adj. 真的 _ adv. 真地_ n. 现实 _ v. 实现123report n. 报告 _ n. 记者124response n. 反应

14、_ v. 反应,回应 _ adj. 负责的 _ n. 责任;负责125wonder v. 想知道 _ adj. 精彩的126sad adj. 悲伤的 _ adv. 难过地 _ n. 悲伤127safe adj. 安全的 _ v. 保存 _ adv. 安全地 _ n. 安全 _ adj. 不安全的128sell v. 卖_(过去式) _ (过去分词) _ n. 销售_ n. 销售员129science n. 科学 _ n. 科学家 _ adj. 科学的130season n. 季节 _ adj. 季节性的131two _ n. 第二 _ adj. 中等的 _ adv. 两次132serve v.

15、 为服务 _ n. 服务 _ n. 佣人133silent adj. 沉默的 _ adv. 沉默地 _ n. 沉默134sleep v. 睡觉 _ adj. 犯困的 _ adj. 睡着的135solve v. 解决 _ n. 解决方法136sing v. 唱歌 _ (过去式) _ (过去分词) _ n. 歌137speak v. 说话 _ (过去式) _ (过去分词) _ n. 讲话者 _ n. 演讲138spell v. 拼写 _ (过去式) _ n. 拼写139succeed v. 成功 _ n. 成功 _ adj. 成功的_ adv. 成功地140suggest v. 建议 _ n. 建

16、议141wise adj. 智慧的 _ n. 智慧142surprise n. 惊奇 _ adj. 感到惊奇 _ adj. 令人惊奇143taste v. 尝 _ adj. 好吃的144swim v. 游泳 _ (过去式) _ (过去分词) _ n. 游泳145thank v. 感谢 _ adj. 感激的146think v. 认为 _ (过去式) _ n. 思想 _ n. 思考者147tidy adj. 整洁的 _ adj. 不整洁的 _ adv. 整洁地148tour n. 旅行 _ n. 游客149translate v. 翻译 _ n. 翻译 _ n. 翻译家150true adj.

17、真实的 _ adv. 真实地 _ n. 真相151turn v. 转动,转变 _ v. 回归152type v. 打字 _ n. 打字机 _ n. 打字员153use v. 使用 _ adj. 有用的 _ adj. 没用的154usual adj. 通常的 _ adv. 经常 _ adj. 不寻常的155visit v. 拜访 _ n. 参观者156wait v. 等待 _ n. 男服务员 _ n. 女服务员157weigh v. 称的重量 _ n. 重量158west n. 西方 _ adj. 西方的159wide adj. 宽的 _ adv. 宽阔地 _ v. 拓宽 _ n. 宽度160w

18、in v. 获胜 _ (过去式) _ (过去分词) _ n. 胜者专项练习01:用所给动词的正确形式填空1. li ping is good at ( draw)2. alice prefers to do some . (shop)3. mary is my sister and she is 2 years than i . (old)4. excuse me, what is the of this word? (mean)5. all the of the game will be given a nice present tomorrow. ( win)6. the video ga

19、me machine is so that all of us are in it. (interest)7. we are thankful for all your help.(true)8. our life today is much than before. (good)9. december is the month of a year. (twelve)10. computers are becoming more and more in our life.( use)11. dont play football in the street. the policeman shou

20、ted at the children _. (angry)12. did you enjoy at yesterdays party? (you)13. what is the of the parcel? (post)14. every morning my grandpa spends half an hour the flowers. (water)15. computers can work out problems far than human beings. (quick)16. mary is the of three sisters. (old)17. the little

21、girl plays piano . (wonder)18. who was the of the high jump? (win)19. when he was only 3 years old, he started hard with his father. (train)20. now more and more are coming to visit china from other countries.(visit)21. i found his pen under the table. (lose)22. have you received marys _? (invite)23

22、. alice bought 2 hula hoops instead of two of bread. (loaf)24. we must not only think .(we)25. the boy is sitting in his seat . (quiet)26. today is his birthday. (eighty)27. tom can throw than i (far)28. he started the piano at the age of four. (play)29. children should do some housework. it is also

23、 a way of .(relax)30. it is never too late to learn is a chinese .(say)31. dont believe her. i can say that she did not tell us the . (true)32. it is raining . you must drive carefully. (heavy)33. my deskmate look , for he failed in the english test. (happy)34. how he has got the first prize. (luck)

24、35. the old lady looked at me. (angry)36. many animals are so to us. (help)37. we are going to have a about this problem.(discuss)38. dont take it away. it is an test paper.( correct)39. the famous can speak 3 languages. (science)40. these artists use things or men as their models. they draw picture

25、s well. (real)41. my daughter looks much than her deskmate. (health)42. some are interested in chinese food. (germany)43. the teacher the matter just now. ( discussion)44. all of you must hand in your after class. (paper)45. the weather report says it is . (cloud)46. of all the boxes, the one in the

26、 corner is the . (heavy)47. all of them are to their new . (friend)48. i am not used to the weather here. it is . (change)49. he is a scientist. he comes from . (german)50. i know these over there quite well. (fish )51. we want to have a talk with your . (manage)52. is it to collect stamps? (use)53.

27、 the old man likes to live in a place. now he is sitting there . (quiet)54. please help to the cake. (you)55. our chinese teacher has some papers .( correct)专项练习02:用所给动词的正确形式填空1.mr. chen enjoys _(drink) tea but hates_(eat) pizza.2.lets _(talk) about jays concert.3.would you like _(have) some dumplin

28、gs?4.mom asks me _(do) my homework first.5.kim isnt good enough _(pass) the competition.6.jack keeps _(play) sports for many years.7.i found helen _(sing) under the tree.8.children often complain about _(do) too much homework.9.dale likes _(play) the guitar, but he isnt good at _(play) it.10.-dont s

29、top _(read), max. -but i want to stop _(have) a rest.11.-did you hear someone _(walk) by just now? -no, i didnt hear anything.12.we are happy _(see) each other again after ten years.13.he isnt allowed _(hang) out with his friends if he doesnt finish _(do) his homework.14.ill try _(not speak) loudly

30、in public. 15.they spent two months _(live) in south africa.16.youd better _(not cross) the road alone.17.its very kind of you _(help) me _(make) dinner.18.he seems _(argue) with his grandmother.19.im not the last one _(leave) the party.20.by the way, would you mind my _(open) the door for a while?2

31、1.why dont you _(sing) us a song?22.the little girl forgot _(send) the letter.23.she hopes _(take) a vacation in hawaii next holiday.24.larry decided _(not become) a professional soccer player.25.how long did it take you _(work) as a volunteer?26.i dont feel like _(take) a shower.27.tony went swimmi

32、ng instead of _(babysit) his little sister yesterday.28.we chose _(stay) with tina at last.29.could you please _(do) me a favor?30.she is interested in _(read) science books.31.class two had a hard time _(get) to the top of the mountain.32.that man made me _(behave) impolitely.33.you should take car

33、e _(cross) the street.34.nancy is supposed _(join) the party.35.he found it difficult for him _(sleep) in such a situation.36.he is _ (plan) _ (go) to beijing _ (have) a meeting.37.nan shan mountain is a good place _ (go) _ (hike). 38.father _(sleep)when i _(get)up yesterday morning. 39. grandma _(c

34、ook)breakfast while i _(wash)my face this morning. 40. mother _(sweep)the floor when i _(leave)home.keys:1able adj.能够;有能力的ability n. 能力;才能; enable v. 使能够2act v. 扮演;表演 n.行动 active adj.积极的,主动的; activity activities n.活动(单复数); actor 男演员; actress女演员3add v. 加上 addition n. 增加4age n. 年龄 aged adj. 上了年纪的5agre

35、e v. 同意agreement n. 同意; disagree v. 不同意;disagreement n. 不同意;6live v. 居住 alive adj.(表语)活着的; living adj.(定语); lively adj. 栩栩如生的7angry adj. 生气的 angrily adv. 生气地; anger n. 生气8appear v. 出现 disappear v. 消失 ; appearance n. 外表9argue v. 争吵 argument n. 争吵10art n. 艺术 artist n. 艺术家11assist v. 帮助 assistant n. 助手

36、; assistance n. 帮助12attract v. 吸引 attraction n. 吸引力,吸引物; attractive adj. 有吸引力的13australia n. 澳大利亚 australian adj. 澳大利亚的14beautiful adj. 美丽的 beautifully adv. 优美地; beauty n. 美丽,美貌15begin v. 开始;着手 beginning n. 开始;开端16well-known adj. 著名的 the most well-known (最高级)17breath n. 呼吸breathe v. 呼吸18britain n. 英

37、国 british n. 英国人19build v. 建造;建筑 building n. 建筑物;rebuild v. 重建 builder n. 建造者20busy adj. 繁忙的business n. 生意; businessman n. 男商人; businesswoman女商人21calculate v. 计算 calculation n. 计算; calculator n. 计算器22canada n. 加拿大 canadian n. 加拿大人23care n. 小心careful adj. 小心的; carless adj. 不小心的; carefully adv. 小心地24c

38、elebrate v. 庆祝 celebration n. 庆祝25change v. 改变;更改 changeable adj. 易变的,可变的; exchange v. 交换,交流26chemical adj. 化学的chemistry n. 化学; chemist n. 化学家27choose v. 选择 chose chosen (过去时,过去分词); choice n. 选择28city n. 城市citizen n. 市民29clean adj. 干净的,清洁的cleaner cleanest (比较级,最高级)30collect v. 收集 collection n. 收集31c

39、omfort n. 舒服comfortable adj. 舒服的; comfortably adv. 舒服地uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的; uncomfortably adv. 不舒服地32communicate v. 交流 communication n. 交流33complain v. 抱怨;投诉complaint n. 抱怨;投诉34complete adj. 完整的,完全的 completely adv. 完全地,彻底; incompletely adv.不完全地35conclude v. 下结论conclusion n. 结论36connect v. 连接 connection n. 连接37correct adj. 正确的incorrect adj. 不正确的; correctly adv. 正确地38create v. 创造;创作 creation n. 创造,创作; creator n. 创造者; creative adj. 有创造力的39danger n. 危险dangerous adj. 危险的40dark adj. 黑暗的 darkness n. 黑暗41die v. 死亡 dead adj. 死了的; dying adj. 垂死的; death n. 死亡42decide v. 决定 decision n. 决定


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