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1、现在进行时专项练习题及答案详解 一、单项选择现在进行时 1Justin a book about his adventures in TibetI hope he can find a good publisher when it is finished wrotehas already written Dwas writing Bis currently writing CA B【答案】 【解析】 I hope he can find a good publisher when it is finished这题考查时态,从后面的 B。我希望他好后可以找个出版商,说明是现在正在写。选 I ca

2、nt understand why he _ so selfish. He isnt usually like that.2 is beingDhad been Cis was AB D【答案】 【解析】考查动词的时态。句意为:我不理解他为什么这么自私,他通常不是这样的。进行时除了表示正在进行的动作之外,还可以表示将来时的概念,并且还可以表示说话人的情感。在 D项正确。本题中表示情感,故 I _ the neighbours cat this week while shes in hospital.3 was to feedDwould feed CAfeed am feeding B C【答

3、案】 【解析】: 句意:在我邻居住院的这一周我一直在替她喂猫。根据句意可知此处表示在某段试题分析be doing可以表示某个时间正在发生的,也可以指某段时间以来一直时间内一直在做的, C。在做的事情,选 考点:考查动词时态 Darling, the headache _ me.4 No wonder, you _ the South Korean TV soaps since last night. kills; have watchedA is killing; have been watchingB is going to kill; were watchingC was killing;

4、 had watchedD B【答案】 【解析】since last night可以断定:从昨天晚上一直到现在都一直在看韩先看第二空,根据时间状语剧,因此应当用现在完成进行时态,而第一空表示现在非常头疼,故用现在进行时,因此 B。选 Why didnt you go there with him-I heard your husband had left for Vienna by air5? But I_ a fashion design competition two days away-I_ will have attendedwas scheduled toA; will be att

5、endingBhad been scheduled to; am attendingCwas scheduled to have; am attendingDhad scheduled to; C【答案】 【解析】be scheduled to have done=have scheduled to do sth本计划做某事,排除固定搭配和时态。D“two days away”AB项可知,应该用一般将来时,;根据项使用的是将来完成时,两天后 CBA。、使用的是将来进行时,排除;故选 Dad, we _ the zoo-trip you promised us last week.6 Sorry

6、 my girls. I _ to take you there this week, but Ive been too busy. expect; intendA had expected; had intendedB are expecting; had intendedC expected; intendD C【答案】 【解析】试题分析:考查动词时态。句意:上句:爸爸,我们想去你上周承诺带我们去的动物园。下句:抱歉我的孩子,我上周打算带你们去,但是我实在太忙了。根据对句意的分析和理解可知对话中没有提及是以前的对话。所以对话就是发生在现在,而在第一个分句中表达be going to即为想要

7、做某事的意思;通过在第二个分句中表达的意思可知爸了想要去,而爸打算在过去带她们去动物园,并且对现在的结果也造成了影响,所以要用过去完成时, C。故选 考点:考查动词时态 il the new secretary arrives. 7I dont really work here; I _ unt have just helped outjust help out BA will just help outam just helping out CD C【答案】 【解析】 【详解】考查时态。句意:我不是真的在这儿工作,我只是帮帮忙,新秘书来了我就走。根据语 C。境,新秘书来之前,我是一直(或者总

8、是)在那儿工作的,用现在进行时,故选 You _ football after school. Why not go home and do your homework first?8 have always playedBAalways played have always been playingDCare always playing C【答案】 【解析】/alwaysbe always doing sth“老是考查时态。进行时和:连用表示一定的感情色彩。总是”“该句描述的是现在一,该句句意:做你老是放学就踢足球,为什么不先回家做功课? C.般的情况,故用现在时而不使用现在完成时,所以正

9、确答案为 考点:时态 I _ on a sofa because my grandparents have been here to spend the weekend.9 am sleepingDwas sleeping Chave slept BAslept D【答案】 【解析】because my 试题分析:句意:我现在在沙发上睡觉,因为我祖父母一直在这儿度周末。从grandparents have been here to spend the weekend.,用可知是现阶段正在做,或暂时做 D。现在进行时,所以选 考点:考查时态语态 what _ in your hand?Joan1

10、0, Its a birthday gift for my grandma.Look! are you holdinghad you held BA will you holddo you hold DC B【答案】 【解析】”Look“这一动作正在进行,故用现在进行时。句意:考查时态。根据答语中的拿可知, Joan看看!这是我给奶奶的生日礼物。,你手里拿的是什么? They wont buy any new clothes because they _ money to buy a new car.11 are savingDCBwere saving save Ahave saved D【

11、答案】 【解析】 用现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作。 12You have no chance of getting the position. Im afraid you _ your time if you apply for it. have wastedwaste BA will be wastinghave been wasting DC D【答案】 【解析】试题分析:句意:你没有机会得到这个职位。如果你申请它的话,你会浪费你的时间的。D.现在进行时表动作从过去开始一直延续到现在,并有可能延续下去。将来进行时表故选At 700 this evening I will be :示将来

12、某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。例如: watching the news programmes on TV。今晚七点,我将正在收看电视上的新闻节目。 What will you be doing at five tomorrow afternoon?明天下午五点你们将要干什么?When shall I be 还可以在口语中常用来表示按计划或安排即将要发生的动作。例如: expecting you this evening ?今晚我几点等你? 考点:动词时态点评:动词时态是高考必考的三大语法点之一,所以平时对动词时态要多进行练习,分清 各个时态之间的差别并掌握其用法。 Something

13、smells really good in here!13 Have one!You _ my Easter cookies smellA are smellingB were smellingC smeltD B【答案】 【解析】-你现在闻到的是我的复活节饼干。尝一个。根据语这里有东西闻起来很香啊!句意: B。境对方现在正闻到的香味,应用现在进行时。故选 14I _ for Beijing next Saturday. Do you know when the earliest plane _ on Saturday? am leaving; takes offA Leave; takes

14、offB leave; is taking offC am leaving; is taking offD A【答案】 【解析】A 答案:考查时态。第一空用现在进行时表将来;第二空飞机航班时刻表用一般现在 时。 The concert wont start till seven. Why_ so early?15- t to be at the traffic there. Its terrible during the rush hour.-You know I don t wan do you leaveBAare you leaving had you leftCwere you lea

15、ving D A【答案】 【解析】-我不想堵在路试题分析:考查时态。句意:演唱会七点才开始,为什么要走这么早?CDgo, come, leave, ;、上,高峰期的交通状况很糟糕。根据句意可知是现在的情况,排除 Amove。等表示位置移动的词,常用进行时表示将来,故选 考点:考查时态 Have you started writing your report?16 Not yet. I _ a hard time getting the information. hadam having BA will havewas having DC A【答案】 【解析】 【详解】 -还没呢。我正在艰难地找

16、资料呢。分析句考查时态。句意:你开始写你的报告了吗?子,可由后者的回答中知道,后者还没开始写报告,正在艰难地找资料。所以本句要用现 A。在进行时。故选 Due to a terrible flu that _ on, many students dont show up to school today.17 has goneDCis going BAgoes was going C【答案】 【解析】考查时态。句意:由于可怕的流感正在进行着,今天许多学生没来上学。根据语境,流感 C。正在进行着指现阶段正在进行的动作。所以用现在进行时态。选 Do you feel like going to th

17、e cinema tonight?18 I _an early nightSorry, I m so tired hadhave had CDBam having Ahave B【答案】 【解析】?.:对不起,我太累了。我想睡个早觉。某些的进行考查时态句意今晚你想去看电影吗 B。时态可以表示紧接着要发生的事情,故选 Why are the Woods selling their belongings? 19 They to another city. are movingmoved Chave moved BDhad moved A D【答案】 【解析】fly,e, go,m

18、ove“”所以选等的进行时表将来。表示位移的词如他们要去另一座城市 D. Chinese peoples spending on overseas trips _ year by year.20 risehad risen BA roseis rising DC C【答案】 【解析】“Chinese peoples spending on overseas 试题分析:考查主语一致和时态。本句的主语是trips”中国人花在出国旅游上的费用,这是一个表示金钱的名词,做主语时谓语动词用单 C正确。数,且本句表示的是最近这阶段一直以来的情况,所以使用现在进行时。故 考点:考查主谓一致和时态 Many

19、artifacts _ for the first time in the National Museum at present.21 were being exhibitedwere exhibited BA are exhibitedare being exhibited DC C【答案】【解析】考查动词时态与语态。句意:许多史前古器物目前正在国家博物馆首次展出。根“at present”artifactsexhibit与谓语可知,句子描述现在正在进行的动作,主语据时间状语 C。之间是被动关系,故用现在进行时的被动语态。故选 22Still, poverty _ people in Afr

20、ica. However, there are small victories indicating a good start towards a better future because they are taught how to fish. is killingAkills B killedChas killed D B【答案】【解析】考查时态。句意:非洲贫穷仍在夺去很多人的生命。然而,有一些小的胜利预示still判断,空着通往一个更好的未来的好的开始,因为他们被教导如何捕鱼。根据前面的 B。格处动作是正在进行,故选 23Today many physical bookstores d

21、own with financial difficulties, inflexible management strategies and competitive pressure from online bookstores. having closedBhad closed A are closingCDbeing closed D【答案】 【解析】D考查动词时态。句意为:由于死板的管理模式和网上书店竞争压力,如今很多答案: “Today”可知,此处表示实体书店因资金问题正面临着倒闭。根据语意及句中的时间状语 D”“。,因此应用现在进行时。故答案选目前正在进行和发生的动作 Do you k

22、now when your mother _ to pick you up?24 40 am.At 11: is cominghad come BA would comehas come DC B【答案】 【解析】11:40come的动作你知道你妈妈什么时候来接你吗?。在上午考查时态。句意:come,go,start等动词可以用现在进行时表将来,故选发生在将来,故用将来时。英语中 DBD项是过去将来时,不符合语境。不能选项, -I will have two final exams tomorrow.25 -Me too. So you _ any sympathy from me here.

23、 didnt getarent getting BA havent gotarent going to get DC A【答案】 【解析】 【详解】我也是,所以在我这里你得不到同考查时态。句意:明天我有两科期末考试。情。语境表明第二个人明天也有两科期末考试,所以此刻不能给与同情,应该用现在进行 A项正确。时表示正在进行中的事情,故 My washing machine _this week, so I have to wash my clothes by hand.26 is repairedAwas repaired B has been repairedCis being repaired

24、 D C【答案】 【解析】so I have to 考查时态。句意:这周我的洗衣机正在修,所以我不得不手洗衣服。根据后句 Cwash my clothes by hand.。可知,洗衣机正在修,故用现在进行时态的被动语态。故选4个选项都用了被动语态,本题考查的其实是点睛:本题考查时态。分析选项可以知道,ABC是现在进行时;选项是过去时;选项不同的时态。选项是一般现在时的被动;选项 D是现在完成时。再结合语境进行分析,最终判断出最佳答案。 27The worlds attention _ Chinas Belt and Road Initiativeas it has great influence on , the worlds economy. was fixed onis to fix on


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