



1、2012PEP六年级英语下册毕业模拟试题听力部分(40分)(全卷100分60分钟完卷)听力部分(40分)图片理解(本题共5分,每小题1分,读两遍)听录音,选出与你所听到的单词、短语或句子相符的图片。)1 .A.)2. A.)3. A.)4.A.)5.A.句子理解。(本题共10分,C.(一)听录音,选出与你所听力的句子意思相同或相近的选项。)6. A. You must read in the sun.B. You must n tread in the sun.C. Please read in the sun.)7. A. What will the weather be like C. H

2、ow the weather today?B. Today is sunny.)8. A. Take care of yourself.B.Have a good time.C . Look out.)10 . A.Where are you from?B. Where are you?()9. A. My father ofte n drives his car to work. B. My mother ofte n walks to work .C. My sister ofte n goes to school by bike.C.Where do you go?)14.()15.()

3、(本题5分,每小题1分)B. She likes fall.C. She likes August.B. I didn go to school.B. She like singing and dancing.B. Im glad to see you .C.Tha nk you.B.No, he doesn .C.Yes they did.(本题10分,每小题2分)11. () 12. ()13.(三.对话理解(本题共15分,读两遍)(一)听录音,选出你所听到问句的正确答语。()16. A. She likes Friday.()17. A. I did my homework.C. I w

4、ent to the supermarket.()18.A. I like draw ing pictures.C. His hobby is play ing football.()19. A.The same to you .()20. A. Yes, she does.(二)听小对话,并结合所供问题,选择正确的选项。 听第一段对话,回答第 16小题。()21. Who is heavier?C.Tom is lighter.C. She is a farmer.C. She went to the hospital.C. The will do sports.A Tom is heavi

5、er.B. I am heavier.听第二段对话,回答第17小题。()22 What is Chen Jie s mother?A . She is a doctor.B. She is a teacher.听第三段对话,回答第18小题。()23. What is Sam doing?A . He is playing basketball. B. He likes basketball.C. He is watching TV .听第四段对话,回答第19-20小题。()24. Where did Chen Jie go last weekend ?A .She went to the su

6、permarket. B. She went to the park.()25. What wiil they do this afternoon?A . They will play basketball. B. They will get the flu.四.短文理解。(本题共10分,每小题2分,读两遍)听短文,根据你所听到的短文内容,判断下列句子正(2)误(X)。()26. Lucy calls Peter aga in and aga in.()27. The cat can t get down from the tree.()28. Peter helps Lucy get the

7、 cat dow n.()29. Lucy and her cat run away.()30. Peter doesn t know how to get down.笔试部分(60分)五、语音.(本题共5分,每小题1分)找出一个划线部分的读音与其它两个读音不同的单词(B)31 A. sizeB. milkC. library(C)32.A. sailB. waitC. sajd(B)33. A.whereB. wereC. there(A)34.A.ora nges_B. facesC. bikesC. their(C ) 35.A. thinkB. thick六选择填空(本题共12分,每小

8、题1分)根据下面句子意思,从A , B, C三个选项中,选择正确的选项,并把它前面的字母编号填在左边的括号里。( B )36. The students are working hard their studies .A onB. atC. in(C )37. Our teacher always tells uwaste water.A. notB. to notC. not to( C )38. My sisterlikesbooks in the evening.But sh booksyesterdayeve ning.A. reading,readB. reads ,readC. r

9、eading ,didn re ad(B )39. Sun day is day of a week in En glish .A. firstB. the firstC . the seve nth( B )40.They ofen play football ,but they don tplayerhu .A. the , /B. / , theC. the , the(A ) 41. She is in English.A.in terestedB. i nterestC. i nteresti ng(B )42.There is in the class,is there?.A. s

10、omebodyB. n obodyC. an ybody(C )43. Whats the Chinese Teachers Day.A toB. inC.for( B )44. She is uni versity stude nt .A . anB . aC.the(C )45 There are many in the Middle School.A. men teacherB. man teachersC. men teachers七情景交际。(本题共10分,每小题1分)(一) 根据情景,选择正确的答案。(C )46.当你想请别人照看一下你的朋友时,可以说: A. Come and h

11、elp me, please.B. Please look at my friend.C. Could you please look after my friend?(C )47.当你提醒小明不要在房间玩球时,说:A. Don t read in bed, Xiao Ming.B. Don t be late for school, Xiao Ming.C. Don t play ball in the room, Xiao Ming.(C )48.当你没听清对方的话,想对方重复一遍时,应该说:A. Great!B. Really? C. Pardo n?(C )49. If your fr

12、iend tells you that he has a cold,you may say:A.You will be fine soon. B.It doesnmatter. C.lm sorry to hear that.( A )50.May I look at your new pencil-box?A.Sure,here you are. B. No,you meedn . C.Yes, you must.(二) 根据对话内容,从方框A-G七个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的正确选项。A. Please tell Jason that I want to borrow his sto

13、ry book. B.Can I help you ? C. Can I tak e a message? D. Thanks. Goodbye. E. rm sorry hes not in.F. This is C speaking. G. OK. Ill tell him.A: Hello, this is A. Is C at home,please?B:51EA: It doesntmatter. I call later.B:52CA: Yes, please.B: What the message?A:53AB:54GA: Can you remind him to bring

14、the book to school tomorrow?B: Sure.A:56DB: Goodbye.八看图填词(本题共10分,每小题2分)57. Sarah likes58.This is a根据所给图片,在横线上写出一个形式正确的英语单词。56 Every day Mike禺3J59.Her birthday is inthe bedroom.liste ningto music and Joh n likes呻 school, it not a二;spring.60.Last weekend I went to the Great Wallclea ns1_Ti1hospitalwit

15、h my pare ntsdraw ingpictures九句型转换.(本题共10分,每小题2 分)61. Mr. Green is our English teacher .(同义句)Mr. Gree n teachesus En glish .62. Those dictionaries are ours改为单数句)This dictionary is mine.63. There are some cars on the road.(变一般疑问句)Are there any cars on the road?64 . He likes making planes.(对划线部分提问)Wha

16、t is his hobby?65. You can turn right at the hospital.改为否定祈使句)Don turn right at the hospital.十词汇填空。(本题共5分,每小题1分)根据句子意思,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。66. Summer is the hottest (hot) seas on of the year.67. Thank you for giving ( give) me the book .68. There will/is going to be ( be) a meeting tomorrow .69. Lucy wa

17、nts to be a singer (sing) in the future.70. Help yourself ( you)to some apples,boys and girls.十一.阅读理解。(本题共10分,每小题2分)Nancy likes to take a walk in the park on the weekends. Now she is taking a walk with her good friend Yang Ling. There are many differe nt public sig ns(标记)in the park. Nancyknows a lot about them. Sudde nly she sees a short man walk ing on the grass. She points to the sig n and says to him: Sir, Look at the sig n! You can t walk on the grass. ”he man smiles and says:“ You re right young men. But I m the keep park. I look after the grass. Ipick ing up the garbage on it.”(一)阅读上


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