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1、仁爱版七年级英语上册期末检测卷仁爱英语七年级上册期末I 单项选择。(15分)()1. Mybrotherwantsorange, notOrangejuiceA. an; /B. an; anC. a;/()2一ISthiSyOUrbOOkJ Alice?D. a;aYes, itisbookA. hisB. herC. hersD. my()3. i Svourschoolbag?It, Sgreen.A. WhatB. hatcolorC. hereD. HOW()4. yours i s t erknowLucy ?No, SheA. DO; don tB. Does;doesn tC.

2、 Does;don tD. Do;doesn, t()5 一Doyouhaveasmallmouth?No, Idon tIhdVedWideA. itB OneC. themD. OneS()6一HowoldisTom?一HeiS.A. fourteenyearsB. fourteenyea:TOIdC. fourteenold D fourteenO 7 ThegirIredismysisterA. OnB. inC. OfD. OVer()8, TOilI ISthisyourpen?NO, itisn t. Ithinkit S.A. EXCUSeme;JaCkB. Sorry;Jac

3、k, SC. EXCUSeme;JaCk SD. SOrry; JaCk ()9. doesyourfatherwork?HeWOrkSinahoSPita1A. WhatB. HowC. WhoD. Where()10. Whatyoulikebreakfast?A. do;toB. WOUld; toC. WOUld;forD. do;doing()11. PIeaSethe tree CanyOUanyapplesonit?A. IOOk;SeeB. IOOkdt;SeeC. see;IOOkD see;IOOkat()12. IWanttWOA. bottleofmilkB. bott

4、lesofmilkC. bottlesofmilksD. bottleofmilksO 13. SOrry. SheiSn tathomenow.A. AreyouJim?B. DOyOUknOWL i nda?C. MdyISPeaktoLindaD. CanlheIPyou, Jim()14. arethepants?Theyare18OyUan.A. HOWmanyB. WhOSeC. WhereD. HOWmUChO 15. It StenOt CIOCkA. What SthatinBeijingB. What SthetimeinBeijingC Whdt SitinBeijing

5、D. WhereiSBeijingA. 从H栏中选出I栏中各句的应答语。I()26 A. appleB. orangeC. banana()33. A. oldC. nice()34. A. SOnC. father()35. A. takeII()16. WhatdOeSyOUrfatherdo?A. It SniCe()17. WhatdoyOUthinkofthefish?B. He, SShOrt()1& DOyOUWanttoplaytheguitarwithme?C. HeiSadOCtOr()19. WhatdOeSyOUrbrOtherIOOklike?D. Yes, Ido(

6、)2O. WhynOtgOfOraPiCniCWithus?E. GOOdidea Let, sgo.III完形填空。(10分)MyUnCIeiSafarmer HehaSninety26treeso nhisfarm MyUnC1eandmyaun127 pick (采摘)Slltheapplesinfall (秋 天),29theyaskmyparentsandmetogOtO29theme VeryyearIt, SSUnday. MyParentSdon, tgoto 30andldon, tgotoschool Sowe, IIgOtOthe31 WegetUPearIy(早)int

7、he32 MymOtherisinher 33CIotheS MyfathergetSmanykindsoffoodfor myuncle, s34 inashop SheIikeSthemVerymUChIthinkmyUnC 1eandauntwi1135USmanyaPPleSafterthat .Ili ketOWOrkOnthefarmB. newD. goodB. daughterD. ParentSB. bringC. getD. give6. IthinkthegirI(穿黃衣服)isMaria.7. LiUMeiOften(照看)hergrandparent sathome8

8、. (随便吃)tosomefruit, girls.9. hatwouldyouliketodrink?I, dl ike(一玻璃杯水)10.I msorrylcan, t. I(不得不)cook.III.书面表达。(15分)请你以DaVid的身份给May写一封信,介 绍你自己和你家人的情况。你可以谈谈他们的 工作和他们所喜欢的食品。信的开头和末尾已 经给出。你需要用下面的提示is: family, happy, teacher, doctor, fish, ChiC ken, VegetabIeSo 要求 60-70 词。DearMay,I, mDavidI mfromEnglandD fa

9、mily()27. A. can* tB. don, tC. aren, tB. so(所以)D. andB. CarryB. ShOPB. hospitalC. mo:TningD. SUndayD. doesn, tO 28. A. OnC. but()29. A. IOOkC. helpD. take()30. A. WOrkC. SChOOID. home()31. A. OffiCeC. homeD. fa:TnlO 32. A. eveningB. afternoonYours, D avid(二)I 单项选择。(15分)()1 一Hi, TOny.ismyfriend, JaCk

10、Hello, JaCk!NiCetOmeetyOu.A. HeB. ThatC. ThiSD. It()2. WhatCIaSSyourbrotherin?HeinClassTw o.A. does: isB. is; isC. are;/D. are; isO 3. hatdoesyourbrother Iookl ike?A. Yes, heistal 1.B. Heis20yearsold.C. No, heisn, tD HeiStaI 1()4. MiSSWangteachesEngIiSh WeallIikeA. us;herB. we;herC. OUr; herD. We; S

11、heO 5 一hataboutSomethingtodrink?A. NOtdtdl 1.B. That SrightC. Allright.D. YOUareWelCOme()6. ThiSiSdesk.A. Mike SandJOhn, SB. MikeandJOhn, SC. Mike, SandJOhnD. MikeandJOhn()7.BOySandgiris, PIeaSehaVeaSeatandThankyOu.A. helpyourselves B.helpyourselfC. helpsyourself D. helpyou()8 一HOWdOyOUSPellyOUrname

12、, please?A. P一E一TE一R, PeterB ThiSiSPeterC.I IlIPeterD. YOUCanCalImePeter()9.BillIikeSPIayingguitar, buthedoesn HikesingingA. a;alotB. /;atallC. the;VerymUChD. the;atallO 10. HisfatherandmOtherteachersA. areallB. arebothC. bothareD. allareOil.SheiSanUrSeA.Whoisyourmother?B. ISyOurmotheranurse?C. Wher

13、ei SyOUrmOther?D. WhatdOeSyOUrInOtherdo?O 12. SOmeriCeJ PIeaSeA. WhatSboutsomethingtodrink?B. WOUIdyOUIiketOhaVeIUnChWit hme?C. MayItakeyourorder?D. CanIhelpyourorder?()13. WhatWOUldyOUI ikeAglaSSOfWaterJ PleaSeA. drinkB. haveC.todrinkD. to eat()14. doyougotoschool inthemorning?At 7:30.A. hatB. What

14、timeC. HowD. Where()15. Let SgOSWinimingthiSafternOon.A. GreatB. Goodidea.C. That, sOK.D. A, BandCA.从II栏中选出I栏各句的应答语。I()16. NiCetOmeetyOu.A. They, re30yuan.O 17. WrheredOeSyOUrbrOtherWork?B. IWantaSkirtfOrmydaughter()18. WrhatCanldOfOryou?C. SOmemilk, PIeaSeO 19. WOUIdyOUIikesomethingtodrink?D. NiCet

15、Omeetyou, too.O 20. Howmuchdrethepdnts?E. HeWOrkSinahOSPita1.KidSIiketOPIaygameS(游戏) DOyOUOftenPlayhide-and-seek (捉迷 )26yourfriends?AIOtOfkidSOftenPIaythisg ameandlovetoplay27 Hide-and-seekisavery28game. Maybe (可能)yourfatherandmother29thegame MaybeyOUrgrandparentsplayit,30. 31doweknowthis?OldStOrieS

16、(故 事)tellus32hi de-and-SeekInOIdPhOtos, WeCan331hegameJ too. BOySa ndgirlsplay34oldgames BigkidStellSmallki dsabout35. AndSO (因此)thegamesliveon(继续 存在)()26. A. andC. With()27. A. OneC. theyB. forD. toB. itD OneS ()28. A. oldC. big()29. A. doB. newD. SmalIB. Iike不规则变化:如:mousemice; toothteeth;footfeet;

17、 ChineSeChinese, JaPaneSeJapanese; manmen;WOmanWOmer;Child Children 等练习:写出下列名词的复数形式或选择填空。1. teacher2. CIaSS3. name4.orange5. number6. apple7. bus8. erase9. PhOtOIO. tomato11. COUntry12. friend13. knife14. foot15. boy16. mouSeD. See17. tov18. factory19. family20O 30. A. OneB. too monkev21. WiShC. toD

18、. two22. ThereiSSOmeOntheDIate.()31. A. WhyB. HOWA. CakeSB meatC POtatOD PearSC. WhatD. Where23.Thehastwo()32. A. aboutB. toC. WithA. boys;WatCheSB boy;watchC boy;WatCheSDC. PlayD. forO 33. A. SayC. talkO 34. A. alotB. SeeD.IikeB. muchC. nanyD. IOtOfO 35. A. theyB. themD. herboys;WatCh24. ThelittIeb

19、abyhaStWOalready.A. toothB. toothsC teethD teeths25. HOWmanyCanyouseeinthepicture?A. tomatosB tomatoesC tomatoD thetomato26. isthemeat Please?TenyUanakiIo.A. HOWmUChB HOWmanyC HOWOldD HOWIOng27. WOUldyOUPIeaSePaSSmeNameCOUntryFaVOriteCOIOrfoodanimaB.OfWe:WOPaPe)apersrGotobed ri 觉)LiIyEngIandpink, Ji

20、aozi, PandaS 286h tJaCkCanadablue, hamburgers, IiOnS614On9:50ecesofpaperD twopiecesike, Ann?V U dliketwoLilyiSanEngIiShgir1 SheIikeSPinkVerymuch.C. himIII书面表达。(15分)A. glassofmilkB. glassesofmilkC glassofmil ksD glassesofmilks29. TheSearemy A. boxB aboxC boxesDtheboxes30.Therearethreeandseveninthepic

21、ture A. deers,S1. Thetrainis:TimningfiftymiIeSA. anhourB OnehOUrC thehourD ahour2. WhO, SthisWangYu.A. ThiS sB. She sC. ThisisD. HeiS3. Whdt, SthatIt SeggA. sB. theC /D. an4. What SthatinEngIiShIt SCarIt SOrangeCarA. a, anB a, aC. an, aD. an, an5. MySiSteroftenafterclassA.PIaythePianOB PIaySthebaSke

22、tbalIC. PIaySthePianOD PIaybaSketbalI6. Tianan MenSqUareandGreatWalIaretOWOfthePIaCeSeveryoneshouldseeinPeople SRePUbIiCOfChinaA. thetheB. C. theD. the7. OldmaniSEngliShteaCher A.The;anB An;anC The;theD A;a8. SheiSEngIiShteaCher A. anB aC. theD./选择填空O1WhO, SthatgirImysister A. ThiSiSB She sC. It sD.

23、 Th at S()2 WelcometoBeijing!A. WelcometoBeijing, too. B. You* rewelcomeC. ThankyOu. D. NOtataI 1.O 3 areyouinClaSSFiVe A. WhatCIaSSB WhatgradeC WhatCOIOrD Whatn Umber()4. HeiSblue A. toB. fromC UnderD inO 5.WhO SthegirlOVerthere-WhiChOneUnderthetree A. ThiSB ThatC TheOneD OneS()6 ThebagiSA. BrUCeiS

24、B BrUCehaSC BrUCe sD.BrUCedOeS()7.、Whatcolo:TiStheShirt?A. SOrryB I InSo:TryC EXCUSemeD That Srig ht()8 %hatcolorisitA. It SanOrangeBIt SOrangeCIt SaOran ge. D. AnOrange()9. WhatCOIOrhispants?A. hasB doesCisD are()10. HeiSOldWhitehair.A. WithB fromC UndeID in()11. SheIOOkSIikeadOctor,SheiSanUrse.A.

25、andB orC tooD but()12. 一一IamdfraidIdor/ tknow.A. ThankyOUB ThankSC ThankyOUanrwayD Than ksverymuchB. deers,:将下列词组译成英语:1、一群孩子 果2、两箱子苹3、三篮子蔬菜4、九块面包5、十杯牛奶6、五块肉7、多种植物8、一副眼镜9、两块冰10、三张纸11、四瓶橘汁12、五杯茶13、六碗米饭14、七袋米15、八块木头16、九块金属、提建议的六种说法:1. WhynOtdO为什么不 2. Whydontyoudo你为什么不3. Whataboutdoing 怎么样? 4. HOWabOUtd

26、oing . 如何?5. Wouldyouliketodo*愿意/想.Let, SdO!让我们干!如果同意,则回答:Yes, I,dliketo/GOOdideaOKA1Iright如不同意,则回答:No, Iet, s. /No, thanks(一)、选择填空。()1ThankyOUVerymUChA. WelcomeJB YOUareWeICOmeC SUreD OfCOUrS e()2. MyfriendBilIyliVeSChina.A. WithB fromC UnderD in()3.helike theEnglishcorner?A. DoesB. DoC. IsD. Are()

27、4. DOyOUaIWaySSPeakEngliShtheEngliShcorner?A. inB OnC WithD atO 5May I knowy our f axnumb erA. YeSB SUreC Yes, IdOD No, IamnOt()6. DOeSBObb5rwanthome?A. goB goesC togoD goingO 7. PIeaSeCalIMike. A. hisB heChimDher()SBooksarehelpfulus. A. frOmB OnC inD. to()9. Ihaveapet,nameisPolly. A. it SBitCitsDmy

28、O 10. -hosetrousersaretheyA. TheyarehereB TheyaregreenC TheyaretheirD. TheyaretheirSO 11.He, SadOCtOrA. WhatiShiSnameB WhatdOeSheIOOklikeC. WhatdOeShedOD WhatdOeSheIikeO 12. MyaUntLiSaiSOffiCeWOrker A. aB. anC. /D. theO 13. MiChaelworksafarm. HiSSiSterWOrk Saf act Ory.A. in, inB Orb OnC in, OnD Orb inO 14.hestudyInamiddleSChOOIA. WhereiSB WhatdOeSC WheredOD WheredOeSO 15COmeinandmakeyOUrSeIVeSathomeA. aappleB abreadC abottleofwaterD twocup Oftea()23. WhatWOU 1 dyouIikeA. SOmethingtOeatB eatC drinkD todrink()24. IhaVeinthemorningA. breakfastB IlmChC SUPPerD dinner(


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