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1、.英语测试一、单项选择 ( 每小题1分,共 20分)()1.I mto choose my own lifestyle(生活方式 ).A. young enoughB. enough youngC. enough oldD. old enough()2. Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to drive. -.It sdangerous.A. I agreeB. I don t think soC. I don t knowD. Idisagree()3. The sun _ _ at night .A.can be seenB.cant see

2、C.cantbe seenDdoesntsee()4. I usually watch TV till 11P.M . Really? Are you?A. allowed to stay upB. allow to stay upC. allowing staying upD. allowed stay up()5. Let s play footballat home.A. instead stayB. instead of stayingC. instead stayingD.instead staying()6. It s very cold outside. You needwarm

3、 clothes if you go out.A. wearingB. to wearC. to wearingD. wears()7. Smokingin the cinema. Please stop.A. allows, to smokeB. is allowed, smokingC. isn t allowed, smokingD. isn t, to smoke()8. She ate sandwiches this morning.A. So do IB. So I didC. So did ID. So am I()9. Good books _ again and again.

4、A.shouldbe readedB.should be readC.must readD.may read()10.My grandparentsus children, but they look serious.A.arenotstrictwith B.aren tstricttoC.don tstrictwithD.are strict with()11. Do you always finish your workFriday nights?A. atB. onC. inD. of()12.I lost the way?I m new here.A. What ifB. As ifC

5、. How ifD. When if()13.worried if you fail a test.A. Don t beB. NotC. Don tD. Don tthink()14. Students should concentrate morestudies than clothes.A. toB. withC. onD. in()15. Do you everthat you ll fail a test?A. thinkB. thinksC. thoughtD.thinking()16. -What a nice toy car? Is it yours? Of course. I

6、tme 2 days tomake the car.A. costB. spentC. paidD. took()17. Will you keep the reading room?A. quietB. quietyC. quiteD. quickly()18. I have no opportunitythe matter with her .A. discussB. discussingC. to discussD.discusses()19. I find he is seriouscomputer games.A. about playingB. to playC. about pl

7、ayD. inplaying()20. Both my parents and Igoing to the movies this evening.A. amB. beC. areD. is二,完形填空 (每小题1 分,共 10分).根据短文内容,在短文后面的四个选项中选择一个可以填入相应空格内的正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的正确答案标号涂黑。I firstsaw thebaby panda when she was only 10 daysold.She lookedlikea whitemouse. We21 her Xi Wang. It means“hope” .When Xi Wa

8、ng was born, she was just 100 grams(克 ). Xi Wang drank her mother smilk for as22 as 14 hours a day. When she was six months old, she started toeat bamboo shoots(嫩芽 ). Eight months23 , she was not a small baby any more.She grew intoa 24youngpanda and weighed 35 kilos.WhenXiWang was 20 monthsold, she

9、had to look after herself because her mother had another baby. Xiao Wanghastolivebyitself.25 ,it isverydifficultforpandas tolivein thewild.Here are some problems that pandas like Xi Wang may have in the future.If hunters(猎人 ) catch a panda, they will26 it for its fur(皮毛 ). Iffarmers27trees and fores

10、ts, pandas will have no place28 .Whenmothersleave baby pandas 29 ,peoplewilloftentakethem away. Peoplethink that the baby pandas need help.Ifpandas areindanger,we shouldtryour bestto protectthem. Ifwe do30 ,soon there will be no pandas in the world.21. madeB. calledC. toldD. kept22. longerB. longC.

11、muchD. little23A. laterB. soonerC. afterD. in24A. strangeB. weakC. famousD. healthy25A. LuckilyB. ButC. HoweverD. Especially26A. killB. feedC. haveD. eat27A. cut downB. plantC. protectD. water28A. to playB. to eatC. to liveD. to live in29A. lonelyB. togetherC. aloneD. happy30A. nothingB. everythingC

12、. anythingD. something阅读理解(每小题2 分,共 30 分)AA wife and a husband had justcome back from London. Itwas a long journey.They.were bothvery tired.When theywent up tothe door of theirhouse,the husband puthis hands into his pockets and suddenly stopped.“ Alas, I lost my key!” he criedout.“ What? I knew it w

13、ell that a man like you must always be careless(粗心的 ),so I hid(藏 ) another one,” the wife said with a smile.“ That s wonderful! Dear! Hurry up to open the door!”“ Oh, I put it in a drawer,”said the wife with a red face.31 The wife and the husband were very tired because _.A. they went a short way an

14、d had little restB. they had just returned from LondonC. they both hurried up to the doorD. they walked from morning till evening32 What had happened when they got to the door of their house? _A. The husband was too tired to move.B. The husband lost all the money he had.C. The husband found the door

15、 open.D. The husband lost the key to the door.33 The husband was happy again because _.A. his wife hid another key to the doorB. his wife was so kind to him as beforeC. he found the door was not lockedD. he himself found the key to the door34 Where did the wife hide their key?A. In a box.B. In a dra

16、wer.C. In a bag.D. In a pocket.35 What do you think of the wife and the husband?A. The wife was more careless than the husband.B. The husband was more careless than the wife.C. The wife was as careless as the husband.D. The husband was as careful as the wife.BJack is in Grade Three now. He is a poli

17、te boy and studies hard. He is good at.his lesson and can answer all the questions in class. His teachers and classmateslikehimexceptHenry. They re deskmates,butHenry likesplayingand often failsin the exams. His father is a dentist and gets a lot of money. The boy thinks helivesinthe richestfamily i

18、ntown.So he looksdown upon( 瞧不起 )othersand laughsat them. Of course he has few friends.Jackis busyallthe time.Hisfatheris a shoe-maker.The man has towork hardbut he can t buy enough food for family. He tells Jack to help him after school.So the boy has to do all his homework at school. He s ready to

19、 do so.One summer afternoon, on his way home, Jack met his sister Lily.The girl carried a heavy box in her arms without wearing shoes. Jack carriedit for her. Henry saw her and said,“ Your father is a shoe-maker, but your sisterhas no shoes!”“ I don t think it s strange,” returned Jack.“Your father

20、is a dentist,but your sister has no teeth when she was born!”36The teachers and classmates like Jack because _.A. he does well in his lessonsB. he s polite to everybodyC. he s a bad boyD. A and B37Henry thinks _, so he looks down upon any other child.A. he plays wellB. his father is a dentistC. he s

21、 very cleverD. his family is therichest38Henry has few friends because _.A. he is weak in his lessonsB. he often laughs at othersC. he doesn t study hardD. he always stays at home39One day, Henry laughed at Jack because _.A. Jack s sister didn t wear shoesB. Jack s sister had to workC. Jack had to h

22、elp his father.D. Jack s father was a shoe-maker.40We can know from the passage that _.A. Jack didn t help his father do houseworkB. Jack was helpful (有帮助的 ) to his familyC. Henry did well in all his lessonsD. Jack s family was very richCNamePersonal InformationNorman Bethune Born in 1890 in Canada

23、A doctor Came to China in 1938 Died in 1939 in ChinaCeline Dion Born in Montreal, Canada A singing star In 1997, sangMy Heart Will Go Onfor the filmTitanicThomas Edison Born in1847, Kentucky, USA Made over 1000 inventions ( 发明) Died in 1931Bill Getes Born in 1955 in USA Owns Microsoft Company WroteB

24、usinessthe Speed of ThoughtMark Twain Born in 1835 in USA A writer Wrotethe Adventures of Tom Sawyer Died in 191041 _ is from Canada.A. Bill GatesB. Mark TwainC. Thomas EdisonD. Celine Dion42 The _ was born in 1835.A. inventorB. singerC. doctorD. writer43 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is the name of

25、a _.A. bookB. songC. companyD. film44 Dr Bethune worked in China for about _ years.A. 2B. 4C. 6D. 845Which of the following is true?A. Mark Twain wroteBusiness the Speed of Thought.B. Bill Gate started working for Microsoft Company in 1955.C. Thomas Edison made over 1000 inventions.D. Celine Dion st

26、opped singing in 1997.第卷(共 45 分)句型转换。 (每空 0.5 分,共 10 分)1 I have been to an aquarium.(改为否定句)I _ _been to an aquarium.2 They should talk about their problems.(改为一般疑问句)_ they _ about their problems?3 Aunt Li had to take Tom to hospital.(对划线部分提问)What _ Aunt Li _ to do?4 There was nothing interesting at

27、the party, _ _?(变为反意疑问句)5 “Who takes my watch?” She asked.(改为间接引语)She asked who _ _ watch.口语运用。 (每小题1 分,共 10 分)阅读下面对话,从方框内7 个选项中选择5 个恰当的句子完成此对话。A How long have you been in China?B What do you think of Chinese people?C Not at all.D You too.E will it?F What about Chinese people?G isn t it?A: It is goi

28、ng to rain,1B: Yes, I think so. The weather here changes so fast.A: Oh, that s right.2B: Since I got my Doctor s degree(博士学位 ).A: 3B: They areWow quitefriendlyand warm-hearted.Oh, would you mind telling.me how to get to Tiananmen Square?A: 4You can take the 2008 bus here.B: Thank you very much.A: It

29、 s my pleasure. Have a nice day.B: 51 _2 _3 _4 _5_短文填空。 ( 10 分)根据短文内容填写所缺单词,每空填一词。A young man went to a mountainvillage for his holiday. That night he1ata smallhotelnear a trainstation.2goingto bed, he went tothe owner ofthehoteland said,“ Excuse me, sir.Willyou please3meup ata quarterto five?I ll4t

30、he five o clock train tomorrow morning.”“ Oh, sorry,” the owner said in a hurry,“ I am afraid I5 . I can t getup so6 .”The young man just wanted to go7to his room when he stopped and asked,“Do you have an alarm clock(闹钟 )?8it can help me.”“ Yes, here it is, young man.”The young man got the clock happily and9the old man. But when he lookedat the clock carefully, it seemed there was something10with i


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