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1、小学英语4a期末学业水平检测听力部分(共40分)、听录音;选择你们听到的选项。(8分)()1. a. me()2. a. father()3. a. swim()4. a. four()5. a. where()6. a. cap()7. a. sure()8. a. haveb. heb. funnyb. sweetb. fourteenb. whatb. cupb. riceb. horsec. shec. familyc. skatec. footballc. whoc. canc. nicec. here、听录音;给图片进行排序;将序号写在图片下面的括号内。(12分)( ) ( ) (

2、 )( ) ( ) ( )、听录音;选择你所听到的句子。(12分)()1. a. yes; i can.b. yes; i do.( )2. a. look at our fruit salad. b. let s make a fruit salad.()3. a. what do you like? b. what would you like?()4. a. do you like this cat? b. do you like cats?( )5. a. i can play basketball. b. i can play baseball.()6. a. im fifteen.

3、b. im sixteen.四、听录音;选择正确的答句。(8分)( )1. a.i have some pears b. i like horses c.i can jump()2. a. yes; it is. b. no; thanks. c. yes; i can.( )3. a. yes; please. b. i have three. c. i d like mangoes.()4. a. yes; i do. b. no; i can t. c. i can play football.笔试部分(共60分)五、找出与所给单词同类的一项;把序号填在题前括号内(每小题1分;满分5分)

4、()1.socksa.lion()2.fiftya.three()3.basketball a.car()4.milkajuice()5.shorta.hairb.cap c.grapeb.fifteen c.thirtyb.football c.dollb.cake c.hamburgerb.big c.her六、英汉互译(每小题1分;满分10分)1. 我们的卧室 6.how many rabbits2. 十五只香蕉 7.twenty umbrellas 3. 喜欢猫和狗 8.cute and fat 4. 一个小鼻子 9.at a snack bar 5. 些牛奶 10.forty-fiv

5、e yuan七、单项选择。(每小题1分;满分10分)( )1. do you have toy animals?a some b any c a( )2.look at these.they are sweet.a tiger b apples c horses( )3. whose classroom is this? it s classroom.a. we b. us c. our ( )4.his father is very.a. big b.tall c.long( )5. can i your new dress? sure.a. have a look b. have a lo

6、ok at c. look ( )6. look at our new toys.a. it s nice! b. thank you. c. wonderful.( )7. we don t have any .a. grape b. orange c. milk()8.can you play football?yes; i.a. do b. can c. can t( )9.crayons do you have?twelve.a. how many b. how nice c. how much( )10. i eighteen toy dogs.a. has b. have c. a

7、m八、根据上下文完成对话;每空一词(每空1分;满分10分)over there?1. a: what sb: is it a toy dog?a: let s go and see.b: oh;a:a toy tiger. do youit?;i don t. i don2. a: do you have pears?b:; i do.t likea:b: i have three. would youa: yes; please.九、句子排序(每空1分;满分5分)pears do you have?a pear ?( ( (用阿拉伯数字给下列句子排序;并将序号写在括号里。)yes; i do

8、. what about you?)look at this cat!)do you like cats?)no; i don t. i like pandas.)oh; it s cute.十、从右栏中找出左栏相应的答句写在题前括号内(()1 . do you like cakes?2 .what would you like?3 .would you like a pie?4 .look at my dog.a. itb. thanks.c. id. no; i don10分)s time for bedd like a toy panda.,t() 5.how much is it?e.

9、 it s a toy monkey.() 6.what do you like? f. it s fifty yuan.() 7.it s nine o clock. g. yes; please.() 8.how many pencils do you have? h. it s cute.() 9.here you are.i. four.() 10.what is that?j. i like monkeys.十一、阅读理解( 每小题 1 分; 满分10分)(a)lily: hi; nancy. look;i have a toy cat.nancy: how cute!lily: d

10、o you like cats; nancy?nancy: yes; i do. and i like tigers; too.lily: do you have a toy cat?nancy: no; but i have some toy tigers.lily: how many toy tigers do you have?nancy: i have three.阅读对话;根据对话内容判断正误。(用“t ”或“f”表示)( ) 1. lily has( 有) a toy cat.( ) 2. nancy dont like cats.( ) 3. nancy has two toy

11、tigers.( ) 4. the toy cat is lovely.( ) 5. nancy likes toy tigers.bi have a bag. it is black and white. it looks like(看起来像 )apanda. there is one pencil case in it. the pencil case is brown and new.in the pencil case; i have three green pencils; a ruler and a nice rubber.in my bag; i have seven books

12、.阅读短文;从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出与短文内容相符的选项。( )1. what colour is my bag? it s .a. black b. white c. black and white( )2. my pencil case is .a. newb. oldc. blue( ) 3. how many pencils do i have? i have .a. oneb. twoc. three( ) 4. i have books in my bag.a. three b. seven c. thirteen( )5. my bag looks like .a.

13、a toy car b. a panda c. a tiger听力部分答案及试卷说明听力材料一、听录音; 选择你们听到的选项。 (听两遍 ;8 分)1. she 2. funny 3. swim 4.fourteen5. who 6. can 7. sure 8. here二、听录音; 给图片进行排序 ; 将序号写在图片下面的括号内。 (听两遍 12 分)1.i have a ball; let s play.2 .the boy can swim very well.3 .what do you have?i have some stickers.4 .the dog is in the k

14、ithen5 .i have two apples. you have some grapes.6.look at ours dolls.they are nice.三、听录音; 选择你所听到的句子。 (听两遍 12 分)1. yes; i can.2. let s make a fruit salad.3. what would you like?4. do you like this cat?5. i can play baseball.6. i m sixteen.四、听录音; 选择正确的答句。 (听两遍 ;8 分)1. what do you like?2. can you jump?3. would you like some grapes?4. do you like elephants; mike?编制说明:考查对象:四年级学生内容: 四年级上册 unit1 unit8目标: 面向全体学生; 激发和培养学生的学习兴趣; 考查学生掌握基础知识的情况 ; 注重学生语言综合能力的培养。难度系数: 难度小的题约占70%;难度中等的题约占20%;难度较大的题约占10%。试卷评价: 本份试卷主要考查学生的语言基础知识和基本技能 ; 包括语音、 单词、字母等方面的考查。现分述如下


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