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1、Module 11 Units 3-4 同步评估 英语知识运用 (共两节) 第一节 单项选择(共 15 小题) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 1. I m so anxious about my driving test tomorrow. Would you please give me some advice? . I m sure you are good enough to pass it. Be confident of yourself. A. AbsolutelyB. Take it easy C. You are rightD.

2、Not really 2. The police soon arrived at the of the crime, taking photos and hunting for evidence. A. sight B. view C. scene D. sense 3. After a while, the man suddenly stopped and looked as if whether he was going in the right direction. A. seeingB. having seen C. to have seenD. to see 4. A small n

3、umber of people are to nuts, only having a few of them may make them feel sick. A. allergic B. addicted C. attractiveD. suited 5. John began looking for a job in January and found it, but his classmates haven begun to do it. A. Practice makes perfect B. Actions speak louder than words C. The early b

4、ird catches the worm D. He laughs best who laughs last 6. his roommates up, Mr. Smith, who worked in his office until midnight, walked into the room quietly. A. Not in order to wake B. In order to not wake C. So as not to wake D. As so not to wake 7. It is generally thought that we shouldn t the dic

5、tionary every time we meet with a new word while reading. A. look through B. look up C. turn for D. turn up 8. It is a dangerous practice to sit on the motorbike , though it is convenient for ladies. A. sideways B. backwards C. upwards D. alongside 9. The young mother feared she wouldn t be able to

6、the two babies. A. go with B. cope with C. come up with D. keep up with 10. Mary, don t you believe your sister? Yes. I believe she says. A. however B. no matter how C. whatever D. no matter what 11. The chairman made a wonderful speech, it by wishing all the people present the very best of luck. A.

7、 concluded B. concluding C. included D. including 12. Many ladies enjoy buying clothes , but actually they can ctonsume so many. A. in short B. in bulk C. in total D. in need 13. He has been in low spirits since his uncle last month. Shall we do something to cheer him up? A. passed off B. passed dow

8、n C. passed over D. passed away two football teams, A. which B. what C. that D. where 14. That so-called football fan doesnt even know the main difference between the surprises all of the people at present. 15. That boy enjoys drawing very much. , I have never seen anyone else that is as enthusiasti

9、c about drawing as he is. A. As long as I have traveled B. Traveled so much as I have C. As I have traveled so much D. Much as I have traveled 第二节完形填空(共20小题) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。 I was sitting in the surgical waiting area at the hospital waiting for word of my wife operation.

10、 The small room was filled with other families and friends who were 16 wait ing to hear how their loved ones were doing. There was a young boy sitt ing quietly in the 17. He held a small box of18 in one hand and a tablet in the other. Every so often he (place the tablet on his lap and draw someth in

11、g. As the hours passed I bega n to see the room almost 19. And there was a stra nge sile nee. “ Daddy, when is Mommy going home? ” the young boy asked, breaking 20e “Tomorrow,” his father replied. The boy picked up his crayons andl something on the tablet. I _22 him as he moved his feet back and for

12、th, look ing up at the ceili ng and the n he asked. His father24 toward the sunshine-filled window. “ When s 23, Daddy? him over to sit by him. “ Come, 25 here next to me” he said with a gentle tone in his voice. corners side from the 26 his thin gs, the little boy walked slowly to his father The ma

13、n 27 out and held his son by his shoulders. “ There are three days in life. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. One is over and done, one we live in, the other we N8 We can t live in yesterday, but if we are happy eno ugh today, we will be even hpier tomorrow, ” he said in an attempt the boy. The little

14、boy looked at him for a moment and said, “IfMommy is going home tomorrow, I lBDeSo, I want it to be tomorrow already, Daddy.” Now hanging on every word of this 31, I lea ned forward to hear his resp on se. It was 32. Son, the one great thing about today is once g3t is already almost tomorrow. I thou

15、ght about how 34 it was. Even in my adult life, I still live waiting for what tomorrow may 35. Now I know that it is already“ almost tomorrow. ” 16. A. eagerly B. patie ntly C. happily D. curiously 17. A. chair B. corner C. dista nee D. shadow 18. A. gifts B. toys C. chalks D. crayons 19. A. dark B.

16、 full C. empty D. clea n 20. A. promise B. rule C. record D. sile nee 21. A. wrote B. drew C. prin ted D. carved 22. A. followed B. found C. watched D. caught 23. A. today B. yesterday C. future D. tomorrow 24. A. knocked B. ordered C. called D. pulled 25. A. sta nd B. sit C. lie D. sleep 26. A. Gat

17、heri ng B. Forgett ing C. Saving D. Choos ing 27. A. got B. took C. set D. reached 28. A.spend B. waste C. kill D. expect 29. A. frighte n B. satisfy C. persuade D. warn 30. A. happier B. calmer C. smarter D.sadder 31. A. story B. argume nt C. conv ersati on D. discussi on 32. A. humorous B. silly C

18、. positive D. perfect 33. A. ends B. starts C. passes D. lasts 34. A. meanin gful B. importa nt C. in terest ing D. fan tastic 35. A.happen B. come C. bring D. need 阅读理解(共20小题) 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最 佳选项。 A Three years ago, whe n I was at uni versity, I also worked at a restaura nt. Mr.

19、 Filio, one of the regular customers at the restaura nt, was a retired colonel (上校)of the Philippine Army and had been a professor of the University of the Philippines for more than 20 years. He is one of the most intellectual people I know. Every Sunday the Philippine Star Newspaper had a special p

20、age of word puzzles and Mr. Filio held the record for completing them in less than five minutes. But one Sunday, I completed them before anyone else. He congratulated me with a smile,“ No one has ever beaten me before. You re the first antd this is the las and for that I ll have a prize for you tomo

21、rrow.” The next day, he gave me an expensive Scrabble set and encouraged me to learn the game and love words. And the results of our later competitions were true to his words. That happened three yearsgao and I didn t see him again until yesterday when I went to a restaurant to drink coffee. He was

22、still as sharp and smart as he was before. If it werent for his physical deterioration (恶化 ), no one would have ever guessed that he had survived lung can cer, two major heart attacks and was now battli ng a kid ney 肾)disease. We exchanged updates about our lives. When I told him I got married and t

23、hat I had decided not to pursue law school anymore, I felt embarrassed, because I knew that he believed in me and in a way, I was letting him down. Somehow, he seemed to sensemy awkwardness and what he said to me is something I will never forget. “Kate, what do you think is humans final goal in life

24、? You are happy and that should be considered a success. Many people spend a lifetime searching for that. Be thankful that you have found it.” 36. From the passage, we know that Mr. Filio . A. joined the army 20 years ago B. suffered from several diseases C. graduated from the University of the Phil

25、ippines D. often came to the restaurant to help the author 37. It can be inferred from the passage that the author thinks Mr. Filio is . A. wise and easygoing B. very rich C. clever but mea n D. very old 38. What were the results of the later word puzzle competiti ons? A. The author was no Ion ger a

26、ble to beat Mr. Filio. B. Mr. Filio gradually lost interest in word puzzles. C. Some other people also beat Mr. Filio. D. The author became the quickest and won all the prizes. B Snow White cuid thDwarf* Snow White and the Seve n Dwarfs Your Price: $11.99 You save 25% ISBN: 1599390256 Pages: 24 Publ

27、ish Date: 2007 Publisher: Reader s Digest Young Families Availability: In stock. Ships with in 2 bus in ess days. Snow White flees into the forest away from her wicked (邪恶的)step-mother. She is befrie nded by seve n kind dwarfs. /w. Retail (零售)Price: $7.99 Your Price: $6.39 You save 20% ISBN: 7944040

28、81 Pages: 32 Publish Date: 2006 Publisher: Carus Publish ing Availability: In stock. Ships with in 3 bus in ess days. This poster book features top NASCAR races, and favorite drivers, such as Ryan Newman and Bobby LaBonte. Kids will feel like they re riightthe middle of the action with these excitin

29、g posters on their wall! Your Price: $6.99 ISBN:159939023X Pages: 24 Publish Date: 2008 Publisher: Wordsworth Editi ons Ltd Availability: In stock. Ships with in 3 bus in ess days. Every child should read Kipling s tale of Mowgli and his jungle friends. Spend time with Mowgli and his ani mal family:

30、 Bagheera, Shere Khan, Baloo and more! Beautiful Makeup Retail Price: $12.99 Your Price: $11.04 ISBN:1575846500 Publisher: Reader s Digest Children s Publishing Availability: In stock. Ships with in 2 bus in ess days. Using the easy-to-follow diagrams, girls can create six attractive and fun new loo

31、ks for Barbie and her friends. The girls can also use the makeup on themselves! 39. The retail price of Snow White and the Seve n Dwarfs is. A. $12.99 B. $11.99 C. $15.99 D. $14.99 40. If readers want to learn more about American famous drivers, they should refer to A. Barbie Beautiful Makeup B. The

32、 Jungle Book C. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs D. NASCAR Stars & Cars 41. According to the introduction of The Jungle Book, we can learn that A. it was Kipling who wrote it B. Bobby LaBonte has an animal family C. Baloo is likely to be a mon key D. Mowgli is a dwarf 42. Which publisher should Mary

33、who is fond of mak ing herself up con tact? A. Reader s Digest Children s Publishing. B. Reader s Digest Young Families. C. Wordsworth Editio ns Ltd. D. Carus Publishi ng. C imagi ne that same man creat ing a brand new alphabet from scratch. It sounds n ext to impossible, doesn it? Yet that is exact

34、ly what one man did a man named Sequoyah. Born around 1770 in Tennessee,Sequoyah was a Cherokee. Like other Native America ns of that time, he could n either read nor write. He could n help no tici ng, though, how white people wrote to one ano ther on sheets of paper. They ofte n used these “ talki

35、ng leaves ” , as some Native America ns called them, to commu ni cate. Back the n, the Cherokee had no way to write dow n words in their own Ian guage. Sequoyah believed it was important for the Cherokee to have a system of writing. So, in 1809, he set out to create an alphabet that the Cherokee cou

36、ld use to do just that. Sequoyah started by drawing pictures, with each one representing a different word or idea. He soon realized that writing sentencesusing pictures would be much too difficult. There were too many words. No one would ever be able to remember that many pictures. Sequoyah decided

37、to try a differe nt approach. He bega n to develop symbols to sta nd for the soun ds, or syllables, which made up words. Twelve years later, he completed a system of writing with 86 different symbols. Each one stood for a different syllable in the Cherokee Ian guage. The symbols could easily be put

38、together to form words. Soon thousa nds of Cherokee were able to read and write in their own Ian guage. Sequoyah s work did not end there, however. He helped to establish a print shop and began publishing a bilingual (双语的 ) newspaper in both Cherokee and English. The shop also printed books translat

39、ed from English into Cherokee. In later years, Sequoyah also became a political leader among the Cherokee. Sequoyah died in 1843, but many Cherokee of today still use the alphabet he invented. Thanks to him, the Cherokee now have a written history that will never be forgotten. In honor of his achiev

40、ements, Sequoyah s name was given to the giant redwood trees of California and the Sequoia National Park. The name of Sequoyah will never be forgotten either. 43. Sequoyah is best remembered for . A. not being able to read or write B. being raised as a Cherokee C. drawing pictures to represent words

41、 or ideas D. inventing a written language for the Cherokee 44. What does “ talking leaves” refer to according to the passage? A. Leaves with words on them. B. Sheets of paper with words on them. C. Leaves which can communicate ideas. D. Paper which can make sounds. 45. Which did Sequoyah do just aft

42、er he completed the set of symbols for the Cherokee language? A. He translated some books from English into Cherokee. B. He began growing giant redwood trees. C. He helped to start a printing press and a newspaper. D. He became a political leader. 46. What did the people of the United States do to h

43、onor Sequoyah? A. They built a national park for him. B. They planted a big redwood tree for him. C. They improved the system of writing he had invented. D. They named the giant redwood tree and a national park after him. How about a carpet that can guide you to your bedroom during nighttime without

44、 ever turning on the lights or protect your toes during a fast trip to the bathroom? Well, you could buy the n ext best thi ng, an electro lumin esce nt rug (场致发光地毯)which lights up while you walk on it. This would surely be one of the future floor fashi on devices found in every one s home. However,

45、 you will have to wait a bit before it will be marketed. The new rug called Footlume was developed by Leona Dea n and Zoe Robs on, two engineering students from the London South Bank University. It makes use of rechargeable batteries which power the lights of the rug. The rug produces light through

46、electroluminescence which uses electric fields to emit发出)visible light. Other means to produce light invoIve photoluminescence (光致发光) which uses substances that absorb light to experience an excited state after which light is re-emitted into the medium, and chemoluminescence(化学发光)which produces ligh

47、t duri ng chemical react ions betwee n light- -produc ing substa nces. “It could be helpful as a child s night light, to help the elderly to find their way in the dark, or eve n to light the way to bed after a ni ght in the bar without wak ing up your part ner. It is pressure-operated and runs on ve

48、ry little power from rechargeable batteries, and it can be used any where in the hom”,said co-i nven tor Leona Dean. When asked how the two inven tors got the idea for the product, they said, “We ofte n use our mobile phones to light our way in the dark. By using the same light source, electrol umin

49、 esce nt panel 显示板)and tran sferri ng it into a pressure activated rug, we have created an en ergy efficie nt alter native to turni ng on a light switch. The new rug is expected to be exhibited this month at the Daily Mail Ideal Home Show in London. 47. Accord ing to the passage, the new rug will gi

50、ve out light. A. after turning on the switch on it B. only when humans step on it C. as long as the room is dark enough D. whenever pressure is applied to it 48. Which of the following produces light by using electric fields? A. Chemoluminescence.B. Photoluminescence. C. Electroluminescence.D. Biolu

51、minescence. 49. What can we learn about Footlume from Paragraph 5? A. Its inspiration came from the mobile phone. B. It is taking the place of light switches. C. It relies on photoluminescence technology. D. It requires a lot of energy. 50. How does the author probably feel about the new rug? A. It

52、needs some improvement. B. It has a bright future. C. It can t be very popular. D. It is a waste of energy. 写作(共两节) 第一节 对话填空(共 10 小题) 请认真阅读下面对话,并根据各题所给首字母的提示,在标有题号的右边横 线上写出一个英语单词的完整、正确形式,使对话通顺。 A = Amy L = Lucy A: Hey, Lucy. I heard that Tom was elected (51) c of the student union last week. Do you

53、know anything about him? L: Yeah, my friend Mary (52) i him to me at a party in her house. A: So, tell me something about him, please. L: Well, as (53) f as I know, he is a man of great determination. You know, we used to be (54) f with piles of books and test papers every day, and too much homework

54、 (55) t up most of our spare time. Tom felt that he had to decide (56) o a plan of action. And after that we are able to (57) r our mind by taking part in various after-class (58) a, which do our health a lot of good. A: Wow, that s great!Anything else? L: Well, as a Chin ese Commu nist Party member, he is always (59) rto help others. When his classmate Mary sfather was proved guilty and put into (60) p, he helped her with her life and study. A: Oh, he is reall


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