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1、Writing Skills and Practice Contents Part One Brief In troduction to College En glish Writi ng27 Part Two Methods of Develop ing Paragrapl Part Three Various Forms of Writ ing I F i- . (from appreciatio n to producti on) I r, Part Four y. Selected Model Comp ions KI 1 10.21 21 Part Five 30 A List of

2、 Most Commo nly Employed Sentence Patter ns Compiled by The First Secti on of Teachi ng and Research,Departme nt of College En glish Teach ing as a result, con seque ntly, in con seque nee, therefore, accord in gly, for this reas on, so, thus, lead to, con tribute to, result in, cause, be the reas o

3、n for V. Classification (分类法) 分类法多见于说明文或议论文的说明部分,它是指先把同一事物按一定标准分类, 再分别进行详细说明的扩展方法。运用分类法时,应注意保持分类标准的统一性,不能 在段落中间随意改动。例如: There are three kinds of book owners. The first has all the standards of sets and best-sellers un read, un touched. The sec ond has a great many books a few of them read through, m

4、ost of them dipped in to, but all of them as clea n and shi ny as the day they were bought. The third has a few books or many every one of them dog-eared and dilapidated, shake n and loose ned by con ti nual use, marked and scribbled in from front to back. 本段采用分类法,按照藏书人所读书籍多寡的标准,把藏书人分为三大类进行具体说明。 Par

5、t Three Various Forms of Writ ing (from appreciati on to product ion) I. Wring based on topic sentences(段首句作文) i.写作技巧 1. 1认真审清标题和主题句,仔细分析研究标题与各主题句之间的关系,把握全文的主题。 1.2充分理解主题句,以明确每段的写作重点并弄清各段之间的逻辑关系,使主题表述清晰 流畅。 1.3根据标题和主题句选择与其关系最密切、最具说服力、最容易表达的细节、例子等围绕 主题句进行扩展。 2. Sample Directions: Write a composition

6、entitledMy Idea of Internet in three paragraphs. You are given the first sentence of each paragraph and are required to develop its idea in completing the paragraph. Write no less than 120 words. My Idea of In ternet In ter net plays an importa nt role in our life. Yet, In ter net is not flawless. T

7、here is no doubt that Internet has con tributed and will con tribute greatly to our life. 2. 1 Appreciati on My Idea of In ternet Internet plays an important role in our life. When you surf the net, the world seems smaller tha n ever, and coun tries far away seem no farther tha n your hometow n. Eve

8、ry hour, thousa nds of people, in cludi ng young childre n, uni versity stude nts, scie ntists, bus in essme n, see various in formati on through Intern et. You can discuss in ter nati onal affairs, football games, or your viewpoint on love and marriage with known or unknown people. In this way, you

9、 may make some frie nds, who share com mon views with you. And what more, various meeti ngs can also be held on the n et.What a won der! many people do exclaim. In deed, In ter net is one of the most won derful huma n inven ti ons. Yet, In ter net is not flawless. First, there are too much rubbish o

10、n the n et. Some people are just over-enthusiastic to offer worthless information. This, in turn, has made it more and difficult to find what you want. Secon dly, officials also find it hard to preve nt Internet form the in vasi on of crim in als. To some exte nt, it actually makes it more convenien

11、t to commit certa in crimes. And sometimes the cost is so prohibit ing to many Chin ese people. So we can see, just like most other inven ti on s, I nter net has its own problems. There is no doubt that Internet has con tributed and will con tribute greatly to our life. We should make full use of it

12、 while minimizing its negative effects. I think a stricter adm ini strati on will be of con siderable help in maki ng better use of In ternet. 2.2 An alysis Framework of the essay ( 文章框架结构 ) Para. 1因特网的作用 TS (topic sentence) Internet plays in our life. DS (develop ing senten ces) 1. When we surf hom

13、etown.(作用一:世界变小) 2. Every hour through In ternet.(作用二:获取信息) 3. You can with you.(作用三:交友) 4. And what more,the net.(作用四:网上会议) TrS (transitional sentence) What a do exclaim. CS (con cludi ng sentence) In deed, Internet inven ti ons. Para. 2因特网的局限侗题 TS: Yet, I nternet is not flawless. DS: 1. First you

14、want.(问题一) 2. Sec on d, crimes.(问题二) 3. And sometimesChinese.(问题三) Para. 3因特网之我见 TS: There is no doubt in our life. DS: 1.We should make in our life.(建议一) 2.I think effects.(建议二) Useful Pattern Drills 1. When you surf the net, the world seems smaller than ever, and countries far away seem n farther

15、tha n your hometow n. 2. Second, officials also find it hard to prevent Internet from the invasion of criminals. 3. I thi nk a stricter adm ini strati on will be of great help in making better use of In ter net. Choice of Words 1. And what more 2.in turn3. negative 4.be of help(c.f. be helpful) 5.ex

16、claim(c.f. cry) 6.c onvenien t(c.f. easy) 7.mini mize(c.f. reduce) 3. Product ion Practice One The Importa nee of Educati on The prosperity of a n ati on depe nds on the developme nt of education. Educati on is also vital to the developme nt of an in dividual. Some people, however, are still ignoran

17、t of the importanee of education. Practice Two Why Do People Like to Buy Lottery Nowadays some people tend to try their luck on lottery tickets and dream to win the big prize. There are many purposes for these crazy lottery-goers who cant resist buying some lottery tickets whe never they see them. A

18、s far as I am concern ed, lottery is a ki nd of public drive, which ben efits the society. II. Writi ng based on Ch in ese outli nes (汉语提纲作文) 1. 写作技巧 1.1审好标题,仔细推敲提纲思路,确定提纲所隐含的文章主题,不要遗漏甚至违背提纲规 范的文章要求。 1.2充分利用提纲信息写好每段的主题句。主题句应紧扣主题、言简意赅。 1.3根据标题、提纲和主题句选择与其关系最密切、最具说服力且最容易表达的细节、例子 等围绕主题句进行扩展。 2. Sample D

19、irectio ns : Write a compositi on on the topic Future of Chi na Football accord ing to the following outline (given in Chinese). Your composition should be no less than 120 words. Outli ne: 1. 中国足球的现状。 2. 中国足球的进步与不足。 3. 对足球的展望。 2.1 Appreciati on Future of China Football Currently football is the wor

20、ld No. 1 sport. Billions of Chinese people are watching the World Cups almost each time, but unfortunately, the Chinese team almost fails in the Asian qualifica tio ns, let alone entering the W/orld Cups A/hat an agony for every Chinese! However, we should n ever accept such defeat as final but rise

21、 to fight agai n. We have to see football in a new light. On the one hand, our team is still rather weak. We lack for a galaxy of world-class stars and qualified coaches with much winning experienee in international games. Moreover, strong teams are often firmly supported by powerful economy. The de

22、veloping China cannot afford big football funds yet. On the other hand, we have made great leaps in our football league: professional football has become one of the world largest industries, backed by millions of fans. And the last but not the least problem is that our Asian rivals have also made bi

23、gger progress. Chinas football will have a bright future. With the rapid growth of our econo my, this sport has been attracting more money and better coaches even from abroad and a growing number of football fans as well. We believe that our football team will be getting much stronger in the near fu

24、ture 2.2 An alysis Framework of the essay Para. 1中国足球的现状 TS: Currently football No. 1 sport.(引出主题) DS: 1. Billions of World Cups.(中国足球的处境) 2. What an agonyChinese!(中国人民的苦恼) Para. 2以新的角度看待我们的足球 TS: We have a new light. DS: 1. On the one hand,fund yet.(角度一:不足之处) 2. On the other hand,fans.(角度二:中国足球的进步

25、) 3. And the lastbigger progress.(角度三:其他国家的足球也在进步) Para. 3对足球的展望 TS: Chinafootball - bright future.(中国足球的未来) DS: 1. With theas well.(外援和经济的支持) 2. We believe near future.(寄予希望) Useful Pattern Drills 1. However, we should never accept such defeat as final but rose to fight again. 2. On the other hand,

26、 we have made great leaps in our football league; professi onal football has become one of the worlds largest in dustries, backed by milli ons of fans. 3. With the rapid growth of our economy, this sport has been attracting more money and better coaches even from abroad and a growing number of footb

27、all fans as well. Choice of Words 1. let alone 2.ag ony (c.f. sufferi ng) 3.i n a - light 4 . galaxy (c.f. famous people) 5. make great leaps in (c.f. make progress in) 6.back(Vt.) 3. Productio n Practice One It Pays to be Hon est 1. 当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象。 2. 诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实。 Practice Two Kno wledge and Cer

28、tificates 1. 人们常把知识和文凭联系在一起。 2. 然而,一个有丰富知识的人并不意味着就应该有张文凭。 3. 我们也不应该想当然地认为有文凭的人就一定有学问。 III. Writ ing based on key words give n(关键词作文) 1. 写作技巧 1.1认真审清标题,对要写的短文主题、内容和结构有一个大致的安排。 1.2把关键词和标题结合起来研究,判断短文的中心思想。 1.3 结合关键词的给出顺序和短文中心,确定各词语间的逻辑关系和内容层次,然后分好 段落并拟好提纲。 1.4关键词的使用上有两点值得注意: 全部用上,不要遗漏。 不要顾此失彼:只考虑词语使用而忽

29、视了整篇短文的一致性、连贯性和条理性。 2.Sample Direct ions : Write a compositi on en titled “Fake Diplomas ” based on the follow ing words and phrases give n. Key words : problem, practical abilities, disorder, do harm to, eliminate, keep detailed record of, puni sh, cope with, prohibit 2.1 Appreciati on Fake Diploma

30、s It reported that fake diplomas have become a very serious problem in the personnel market nowadays. The prospective employers put too much emphasis on the job seekers educational background, and neglect their practical abilities. As a result, all kinds of fake diplomas and certificates come into b

31、eing to meet this abno rmal phe nomenon in our society. Therefore, fake diplomas disorder the job and employme nt markets and eve n do harm to the society. Nevertheless, our gover nment has adopted a series of means to elim in ate fake diplomas. For one thing, some organizations have kept detailed r

32、ecord of the diploma holders and issued the diplomas with fake-proof seal, which can tbe easily copied. For another, for those who fabricate fake diplomas gover nment has take legal measures to punish them severely, in cludi ng forcing them to pay a heavy fine. Fin ally, some employers have give n m

33、ore weight to can didates abilities. Once they find their employees get the jobs by using fake diplomas, they will dismiss them from their posts immediately. The above on ly serve as the basic ways to cope with the problems. Therefore, we should work out some more effective methods to prohibit fake

34、diplomas. 2.2 An alysis Framework of the essay Para. 1 In troducti on TS: It is reportednowadays.(假文凭现象的严重性) DS: 1.The prospective - abilities.(出现的原因) 2. As a result, our society.(后果) 3. Therefore,harm to the society.(危害) Para. 2 Body TS: Neverthelessfake diplomas.(采取措施) DS: 1.For one thing easily c

35、opied.(措施一) 2. For ano the r fin es.(措施二) 3. Finally job posts.(措施三) Para. 3 Con clusi on TS: The aboveproblems.(处理问题的方法) DS: Therefore fake diplomas.(禁止假文凭) Useful pattern drills 1. The prospective employers put too much emphasis on the job seekers educational backgro und, and n eglect their practi

36、cal abilities. 2. For one thing, some organizations have kept detailed record of the diploma holders and issued the diplomas with fake-proof seal, which can tbe easily copied. Choice of words 1. prospective (c.f. future) e into being/existence 3. issue (c.f. give) 4.fabricate (c.f. make) 5.give weig

37、ht to (c.f. pay attention to) 3. Product ion Practice One Adva ntages of Oral Com mun icatio ns Key words: face to face, by teleph one, speed, con vey in sta ntly, oral resp on se, in sta nt feedback, a con versati on, react ions, in teleph one con versati ons, tone of voice, control of the situatio

38、n, written messages, audience, pay attention, be well received Practice Two The Reform of College Curricula Key words: complain, not much helpful, acquire, outdate, impractical, inapplicable, it is high time to, new econo mic system, conn ected with, pure theory, be compete nt for, the shift of the

39、economic system, corresponding change in, make adjustment, catch up with IV. Writing based on visual aids (图表作文) 1.写作技巧 1.1仔细观察研究图表内容,包括图表的文字、说明部分和图表中的具体数据,以弄清图 表所试图反映的问题、现象或趋势。 1.2在充分领会图表信息的基础上,结合标题和其他提示构思文章布局。一般说来,图表作 文可采用以下这种结构: 1.3文章中引用的数据应代表其体现的趋势或变化,而决不能毫无目的地大量照搬堆砌。 1.4语言要客观,结论应合乎逻辑。 2.常用句型 2.

40、1引入图表的句型 We can see/k now from the chart / table / graph / (that) It can bee n see n from the chart / table / graph / (that) It is obvious/evident/clear/apparent from the chart / table / graph / (that) As can be see n from the from the chart / table / graph / Accord ing to the chart/table/graph, The

41、 chart / table / graph shows (that) As (is) shown from the chart / table / graph / (that) 2.2表示数量增加、减少的句型 The consumption of (milk) rose dramaticallyfrom 1985 to 1990. The profit in creased sig nifica ntly from May to June. The nu mber of (private cars) went up sharply from 1000 to 1002. The amount

42、of (computers) soared in the past five years. The use of solar en ergy climbed steadily betwee n 1998 and 2001. There was a jump in the profit of sales in the past two years. There was a gradual in crease in the amount of meat con sumpti on betwee n 1996 and 2000. There was a slow reduct ion of 3. S

43、ample Direct ions: Write a compositi on on “n come Sources of College Stude nts based on follow ing chart in three paragraphs. You should base your compositi on on the outl ine below: 1. 概括说明中美大学生的主要收入来源 2. 分析产生这种不同现象的可能原因。 3. 对将来的趋势进行预测。 Exam in ees America n Chin ese In come Sources Stude nts Stud

44、e nts Pare nts 50% 90% Part-time jobs 35% 5% Scholarship 15% 5% 3.1 Appreciati on In come Sources of College Stude nts Accord ing to the in vestigati on into the in come sources of stude nts, the in come of the America n and the Chin ese stude nts comes from almost the same cha nn els: pare nts, par

45、t-time jobs and scholarship. However, the percentage of each is quite different. Half of the American stude nts in come is from their pare nts and fiftee n perce nt from the scholarships gra nted by colleges and universities. Chinese students, on the other hand, get ninety percent of their in come f

46、rom their pare nts. In my opinion, there are many reasons for the phenomenon. American students are taught to be in depe ndent right from childhood while Chin ese pare nts care so much for their childre n that it is almost un thi nkable for college stude nts to love on their own. In additi on, Chin

47、ese stude nts have fewer opport un ities to find part-time jobs. Nevertheless, more and more Chinese students are seeking part-time jobs nowadays. They are eager to acquire some social skills and earn extra mon ey, which will make them less dependent on their parents. But I expect the source of Amer

48、ican students income will remain the same. 3.2A nalysis Framework of the essay Para. 1 In troduction(收入来源) TS: According to - quite different.(来源相同,但比例不同) DS: Half of the American students income their parents.(具体不同) Para. 2 Body (产生不同的原因) TS: In my opinion, the phenomenon. DS: I.American students o

49、n their own.(原因一) 2.ln addition,part-time jobs.(原因二) Para. 3 Con clusio n (展望) TS: Nevertheless,jobs nowadays.(中国学生谋求打工) DS: I.The on their parents.(带来的趋势) 2. Butthe same.对美国学生的预测) Useful pattern drills 1. Accord ing to the in vestigati on into the in come sources of stude nts, the in come of the Am

50、erican and the Chinese students comes from almost the same channels: parents, part-time jobs and scholarship.(表格作文开篇常用语) 2. In my opinion, there are many reasons for the phenomenon. American students are taught to be independent right from childhood while Chinese parents care so much for their child

51、re n that it is almost un thi nkable for college stude nts to love on their own. 3. They are eager to acquire some social skills and earn extra mon ey, which will make them less depe ndent on their pare nts. Choice of words l. however2.granted (c.f. given)3.on the other hand 4.be taught/brought up t

52、o be independent 5.in addition6.acquire(c.f. get) 4. Producti on Direct ions: You are allowed 30 minu tes to write a compositi on on the topic Stude nt Use of Computers”. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the chart and the outl ine give n below: 1下图所示为1990年、1995年、2000

53、年某校大学生使用计算机的情况,请描述其变 化。 2请说明发生这些变化的原因(可从计算机的用途、价格或社会发展等方面加以说)。 3. 你认为目前大学生在计算机使用中有什么困难或问题。 Hours/week 000642086420 211111 o 00 2 Average number of hours a student a ye spends on the computer per week V. Writing based on given situations 情景作文) 1. 写作技巧 1.1仔细阅读领会所提供的情景提示及作文要求,不要忽略任何一点内容。 1.2根据所提供的情景确定文

54、章中心思想,若有标题,可结合起来分析。 1.3紧扣主题并严格按照情景中规定的条件、范围和内容要求展开文章,做到切题切景。 1.4合理展开想象,但不能脱离主题和所规定的情景。 2. Sample Direct ions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minu tes to write a compositi on on the topic: A letter to the uni versity preside nt about the can tee n service on campus . You should write at least

55、120 words, and base your composition on the following in formati on give n in Chin ese. 假设你是李明,请你就本校食堂的状况给校长写一封信,内容应涉及食堂的饭菜质 量、价格、环境、服务,可以是表扬,可以是批评建议,也可以是兼而有之。 2.1 Appreciati on April 8. 2009 Dear Mr. Preside nt, My name is Li Ming. I am a sophomore of the law school. As the school year is drawing t

56、o a close, I ven ture to write a letter to you about the can tee n service on campus, which has give n rise to much compla int among stude nts. The focus of the compla int is the poor quality of the food. The rice is just like bullets and the buns are like hand gren ades. They are too hard for us to

57、 chew. And the vegetables are so overcooked as to lose their nu trie nts. The fish and the meat are not give n full measure. He only thi ng we are satisfied with is the free soup. However, the price of the food is surpris in gly high. If we have 3 meals ass in the can tee n, at least twelve Yuan is

58、gone to keep our body and soul together. As a result, many of us go out to have meals. Hon estly speak ing, the dining en vir onment has bee n improved, with the wall pain ted and some Chin ese calligraphy works posted up. But there are only two can tee ns on the campus. As the nu mber of stude nts

59、is ever in creas ing, there is not eno ugh space and seats to allow us to have our meals there. The attitude of the service staff to the students is not hospitable at all. All in all, there is much room for improveme nt as far as the can tee n service is concern ed. I hope we will not suffer for the

60、 rest of college life. Sincerely yours, Li Mi ng 2.2 An alysis Framework of the essay Para. 1 Introduction (写信的目的) Para. 2 Body (学校食堂的饭菜质量、价格、环境、服务) Para. 3 Con clusio n(建议:服务有待进一步改善 ) Useful pattern drills 1. As the school year is drawing to a close, I venture to write a letter to you about the can


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