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1、工艺技术方案 process tech no logy pla n工艺流程图 process flow diagram合成氨装置ammonia plant空气过滤器air filter天然气 natural gas燃料气fuel gas天然气过滤器natural gas filter天然气压缩机 natural gas compressor天然气入口分离器 feed gas knockout drum燃气透平gas turbine水利透平 hydraulic turbine转化汽包 steam drum一段转换炉 primary reformer二段转换炉 sec on dary reform

2、er加氢器 hydrotreater力口氢反应器 hydrogenation reaction chamber低温变换炉 low temperature shift converter高温变换炉 high temperature shift converter工艺空气压缩机 process air compressor一段炉引风机 induced draft fan回路冷却器kickback cooler汽提后工艺冷凝液水冷器stripped conden sate cooler 工艺冷凝液汽提塔 process conden sate stripper工艺冷凝液泵 process conde

3、nsate pump高压蒸汽过热器 HP steam superheater高压蒸汽过热器(热端)Hot HP steam superheated热端)高压蒸汽过热器(冷端)Cold HP steam superheated冷端)废热锅炉 waste heat boiler一段炉出口输气管道 Primary reformer efflue nt tran sfer line工艺冷凝汽提塔 进/出 口换热器 process condensate stripper feed / efflue nt excha ngerHTS efflue nt steam gen erator高变出口锅炉给水预热

4、器 HTS efflue nt BFW preheater低变开工加热器LTS start-up heater低变开工风机LTS start-up blower还原反应 reduction低变还原分离器 LTS reduction kn ockout drum低变还原冷却器LTS reduction cooler甲烷化 methanation甲烷化炉methanator甲烷化炉开工加热器 metha nator start-up heater甲烷化炉出口水冷器 metha nator efflue nt cooler甲烷化炉进出口换热器 metha nator feed/efflue nt h

5、eat excha nger甲烷化炉出口分离器 metha nator efflue nt separatore6ueqoxe eeq luenijje/peej jeieAuoo sqo屮uAs eiuomujeWSfWvBe|ooo iuen|jjeeieAuoo sisequAs biuolulub 關叙W口 WSfWvW e6ueqoxe 代eq luenijje/peej uujnioo uonennsip eiuomuje關滋竭口叩率弟彎峯e|ioqej uuunioo uoReimsip biuolulub 關瞅捏:弟彎峯 ULunioo uo!;e|!;sip eiuouuij

6、ue 弟彎峯 Jeiooo lueniye uujnioo uonennsip eiuomuje 揺叙*口 叩弟彎峯 olejedes biuolulub 關凰q彎 ossejdijuoo uo!ieje6ijjej eiuouuijue 旳取彎 esuepuoo biuolulub 關辣叙彎 dujnd peej jeqqruos eiuomujeeqqnjos eiuomuje dHeBe)oed xoq p|oo Jeijund 鹽叙關刑取 jepuedxe Jeijund加期創扇刑取 joiejeue6 jepuedxe Jeijund 加甲第加期創扇刑取 ejjoej Jeijund

7、弟羁蘇扇刑取 esuepuoo jejjoej Jeijund 扇禦叙if羁蘇品刑取 e6ueM0xe 疋eq luenijje/peej Jeijund 關滋竭口 叩率關刑取 Jeup QAeise|noe|ouj 關諭土掘去耳 eeeq uoiiejeue6ej eAeiseinoeiouu 關请卫华帀虽掘去q 却!j jeup eAeis je|noe|ouj 關興耳諭土掘去耳 即!2 lueniyeo代ue屮euj 關叙曆口叩出刑瞬由氨合成塔锅炉给水预热器ammon ia syn thesis conv erter BFW preheater氨合成塔第一触媒床层内部换热器ammo ni

8、a syn thesis conv erter bed 1heat in tercha nger高温变换触媒床层 HTS bed of reformi ng catalyst低温变换触媒床层 LTS bed of reformi ng catalyst热氨产品泵 warm ammonia product pump开工加热炉start-up heater驰放气喷射器 purge gas ejector冰机第三段间冷去卩器 refrigerati on compressor third stage in tercooler组合式氨冷器 ammonia unitized chiller一段冷冻闪蒸槽

9、 first stage refrigera nt flash drum二段冷冻闪蒸槽 sec ond stage refrigera nt flash drumI闪蒸 flash evaporati on合成气压缩机 synthesis gas compressor合成气压缩机段间冷去卩器syn thesis gas compressor in terstage cooler段间分离器 in terstage separator段间 in terstage低交出口 LTS effluent高交出口 HTS effluent低压蒸汽发生器LP steam boiler高压蒸汽发生器HP ste

10、am boiler低压闪蒸槽LP flash drum高压闪蒸槽 HP flash drum低压闪蒸汽LP flash gas 高压闪蒸汽HP flash gasC02 洗涤器 CO2 scrubberC02 汽提塔 co 2 stripperCO2 吸收塔 co 2 absorberCO2吸收塔塔顶分离器CO2 absorber overhead knockout drumCO2汽提塔塔顶冷凝器CO2 stripper overhead conden serCO2汽提塔塔顶分离器CO2 stripper overhead knockout drumCO2汽提塔再沸器CO2stripper r

11、eboilerCO2汽提塔回流泵CO2stripper reflux pumpCO2 再生塔co 2 rege nerati ng colum naMDEA 输送泵 aMDEA transfer pumpaMDEA 地下槽过滤器 aMDEA sump filteraMDEA 溶液地下槽 aMDEA solution sumpaMDEA 溶液过滤器 aMDEA solution filteraMDEA 抗泡剂加药系统 aMDEA antifoam injection system 半贫液 semi-lean solution贫液 lean solution半贫液泵 semi-lean solut

12、ion pump贫液泵 lean solution pump半贫液冷去卩器 semi-lean solution cooler贫液冷去卩器 lean solution cooler半贫液循环泵 semi-lean solution circulating pump贫液循环泵 lean solution circulating pump水平透平 hydraulic turbine常温氧化铁脱硫槽 no rmal temperature ferric oxide desulfurizer 对流段 convection section 汽提段 stripping section侧减压咅B later

13、al decompression section一段转化炉对流段 in the conv ecti on secti on of the primary reformer 返回液流 recycle stream富含氢的合成气 hydroge n-rich syn thesis gas热流量heat flux热含量 heat content特技耐火材料 super duty hard refractory干基 on dry basis100% 氨计 on 100% basis自然循环废热锅炉 n atural-circulati on waste heat boiler锅炉给水 boiler f

14、eed water尿素装置 urea plant热回收 heat recovery水冷套 water jacket储存罐 storage tank力口热废气 heated reject gas合成回路 synthesis loop扩充气 expander卧式的horiz on tal四级离心式压缩机 four-stage cen trifugal compressor 车由流式压缩机 axial flow compressor燃烧室firebox热乏气 hot exhaust gas燃烧空气 combustion air燃烧反应 combustion reaction燃烧 combust吸热转

15、化反应 endothermic reforming reaction 放热转化反应 exothermic reforming reaction转化气 reforming gas reformed gas变换 shift conversion剩余的 remanent再生 regeneration脱盐水 desalination water填料层 packing layer填料段 packing section逆流接触 coun tercurre nt con tact逆流地 coun tercurre ntly洗涤段 washing section丝网除沫器 wire mesh demister

16、富液 pregnant solution不纯物 impurities纯度 purity quotient传热和传质 transfer heat and mass上升的气流 up wards flow再沸器reboiler固体颗粒 solid particles回流泵 reflux pump 回流 circumfluenee 饱和的saturated 板式翅片换热器 board-fi ns heat excha nger 透平膨胀机 turboexpander 补充气makeup gas 冷量 cold energy 过量的 superfluous 蒸发 evaporate再生气 resurge

17、 nt gasesregen erated gas氢分析仪 hydrogen analyzer 合成循环气 synthesis circulating gas 固定床层 fixed-bed卧式氨合成塔 horizontal ammonia synthesis converter 下游 downriver 净化单元 purification unit冷冻剂 cryogen 收集槽 receiving tank 电机 electric motor 脱盐水系统 water desalted system 介质medium 蒸汽总管 steam ma in 脱氧槽deaerator 盘管 pipe c

18、oil 汽包 steam manifold(透平)抽凝式 ext raction condensing背压式 back pressure(non -condensi ng)外输辅助锅炉燃料 auxiliary boiler fuel gas冷却水cool water 含油量 oil content 含尘量 dust content 预处理 pretreatment 耐火 refractory 绝缘 insulation 热反应 thermal response 热效率 thermal efficiency 废气 flue gas 空气流量 air flow rate 烟道损失stack loss 与屯化空气 passivation air 垂直浮动头 vertical floating-head 可你的 reversible 平衡转化 equilibrium conversion 排污 blow down 氨升压机 ammonia booster 润滑油泵lube oil pump 共用表面冷凝器 comb ined s


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