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1、做好托福阅读推断题把握作者意图是解题关键 做好托福阅读推断题把握作者意图是解题关键托福阅读推断题题型解读大家知道推断题最经典的一个定义是og上有这么一句话,“在*中强烈暗示但并没有明确说明的。”强调在文中暗示,意思是说你依然要回到原文中,也就是说他的作题步骤和信息题基本是一致的,要去把握原文给你的信息并加以判断。但是它又说文中没有明确说明,这是跟信息题最大的区别:文中没有明白地跟你说清楚。在我们日常生活中有很多这样的例子,比如,“以前我在杭州的时候还是蛮帅的。”其实这句话的隐含意思是我不如以前帅。还听过一个ted演讲,女嘉宾说“我们女人上完厕所是要洗手的,我们女人坐完公交车是要洗手的,我们女人

2、点完钞票是要洗手的总之我们女人干什么都要洗手。”听完之后大家什么感受呢?好像一直说男人不洗手一样。所以你发现这些我们日常生活中很多讲话的例子都没有把话讲明白,但是我们能听得明白他说的是什么意思。在托福阅读中,这样的推断比比皆是。我给大家的建议是,在托福阅读当中的推断,都不是基于严格的判断,如果基于严格的逻辑判断,可能有多个意图,但如果从作者写作的意图判断,其实只有一个意思。我们用题目来理解。托福阅读推断题实例讲解paragraph 5: even the kind of stability defined as simple lack of change is not always assoc

3、iated with maximum diversity. at least in temperate zones, maximum diversity is often found in mid-successional stages, not in the climax community. once a redwood forest matures, for example, the kinds of species and the number of individuals growing on the forest floor are reduced. in general, div

4、ersity, by itself, does not ensure stability. mathematical models of ecosystems likewise suggest that diversity does not guarantee ecosystem stabilityjust the opposite, in fact.which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 5 about redwood forests? they become less stable as they mature. they

5、 support many species when they reach climax. they are found in temperate zones. they have reduced diversity during mid-successional stages.这个题目是个推断题,其中有infer。题目问的是redwood forests红木森林,可以在文中轻易定位。你发现那句话所在的句子表示一个例子,说一旦红木森林成熟了,那么生长在红木森林底部的物种种类和数量反而减少了。大家要注意,不管是什么题目,如果你读到一个例子,绝对不能孤立去读这个例子。因为这样我们就不明白为什么作者



8、oots or rootlike.托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:they include roots or rootlike structures, a waxy cuticle that covers the surfaces of leaves and stems and limits the evaporation of water, and pores called stomata in leaves and stems that allow gas exchange but close when water is scarce, thus reducing water lo

9、ss.词汇讲解:waxy /w?ks?/ adj. 蜡状的cuticle /kj?t?kl/ n. 植物角皮,角质层;表皮,外皮scarce /ske?s/ adj. 不足的,稀有的结构划分:they include roots or rootlike structures, (a waxy cuticle)(that covers the surfaces of leaves and stems and limits the evaporation of water), and pores (called stomata)(in leaves and stems)(that allow ga

10、s exchange but close when water is scarce, thus reducing water loss).深度分析:这个句子的主干就是:they include roots or rootlike structures and pores修饰一:(a waxy cuticle) ,同位语中文:一种蜡状角质层修饰二:(that covers the surfaces of leaves and stems and limits the evaporation of water) ,从句,修饰a waxy cuticle中文:覆盖在叶子和茎表面并且限制水分蒸发修饰三

11、:(called stomata) ,修饰pores中文:称之为气孔修饰四:(in leaves and stems) ,介词短语中文:在叶子和茎上修饰五:(that allow gas exchange but close when water is scarce, thus reducing water loss) ,从句,修饰pores,但是注意这个从句里还有三个修饰成分。从句:but close从句:when water is scarce非谓语动词: thus reducingwater loss中文:保证气体交换但当水分不足时则会关闭,从而减少水分流失参考翻译:他们包括根部或类似根

12、部的结构(一种覆盖在叶子和茎表面并限制水分蒸发的蜡状角质层)以及在叶子和茎上的称之为气孔的毛孔(这些毛孔保证气体交换但当水分不足时则会关闭,从而减少水分流失)。托福阅读100个长难句精选汇总深度解析:abundance is notable.托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:this abundance is notable in roman settlements (especially urban sites) where the labor that archaeologists have to put into the washing and sorting of potsher

13、ds(fragments of pottery) constitutes a high proportion of the total work during the initial phases of excavation.结构划分:this abundance is notable in roman settlements (especially urban sites) (where the labor (that archaeologists have to put into the washing and sorting of potsherds (fragments of pott

14、ery) constitutes a high proportion of the total work during the initial phases ofexcavation).深度分析:这个句子主干就是:this abundance is notable in roman settlements这个句子理解的难点在于,where从句里中间有一个定语从句,把the labor和constitute隔开了,大家注意这样一个问题。这个问题只要能够理解,速读就不是问题了。修饰一:(where the labor constitutes a high proportion of the tot

15、al work during the initial phases of excavation),从句中文:在这些地方劳动占了挖掘初期总工作量的很高的比例修饰二:(that archaeologists have to put into the washing and sorting of potsherds (fragments of pottery) ,从句,修饰labor,难点就在于这个从句的理解,其实就是put the labor into the washing and storing of pots herds中文:考古学家花在清洗分类陶瓷碎片上的劳参考翻译:这种丰富性在罗马居住点

16、(尤其在城市)很明显,在这些地方考古学家花在清洗分类陶瓷碎片上的劳动占了挖掘初期总工作量的很高的比例。托福阅读100个长难句精选汇总深度解析:results from other types.托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:in addition, results from other types of preschool readiness programs indicate that those who participate and graduate are less like to repeat grades, and they are more likely to compl

17、ete school than readiness program, for every dollar spent on the program,taxpayers saved seven dollars by the time the graduates reached the age of 27.结构划分:(in addition), results (from other types of preschool readiness programs)indicate that those (who participate and graduate) are less like to rep

18、eat grades, and they are more likely to complete school than readiness program, (for every dollar spent on the program, taxpayers saved seven dollars by the time the graduates reached the age of 27.)深度分析:这个句子的主干:results indicate that后面从句是一个并列结构:those are less like to repeat grades, and they are more likely to complete schoolthan readiness program修饰一:(in addition),介词短语中文:另外修饰二:(from other types of preschool readiness programs),介词短语中文:来自其他类型的学龄前预备项目修饰三:(who participate and graduate),从句,修饰those中文:参加并且毕业修饰四:(for every dollar spent on the program, taxpayers saved seven dollars by the t


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